View Full Version : Girls????

12-30-2007, 06:55 PM
Since some of the guys are trying to start a New World Order on the board. Where it's guys against the girls. I say we start our own little club, and show them what being a "bitch" is about.

I am about fed up with their holier than thou act, and crying over spilt milk. Yet they preach to us how we get offended to easy, but they get offended off a silly word. If you know you aren't a fag, and you say you are so SECURE why do you let it bother you? :roll: :lol: :lol:

P.S. I'm just kidding about the club. It just seems that a number of the guys, since talking in the chatrooms together are all trying to revolt against the girls on the board.

12-30-2007, 06:57 PM
Oh and I also like to add I think some of the guys have been watching wrestling to much for it's plots.

12-30-2007, 07:02 PM
How do you revolt against the girls? Oh whatever.

My opinion is that the girls should have their own closed forum. I am not on here to promote my web site, video or provider service. I mainly am on here to have discussions with girls that is much different than on 99% of other TS forums. The guys are just kind of around, some good, some really annoying.

Anyway, I don't participate in drama threads. Just my $0.02.

12-30-2007, 07:02 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol: heee heee

12-30-2007, 07:03 PM
How do you revolt against the girls? Oh whatever.

My opinion is that the girls should have their own closed forum. I am not on here to promote my web site, video or provider service. I mainly am on here to have discussions with girls that is much different than on 99% of other TS forums. The guys are just kind of around, some good, some really annoying.

Anyway, I don't participate in drama threads. Just my $0.02. They've been doing it for awhile now. With NR as their ring leader.

Night Rider
12-30-2007, 07:07 PM
pathetic and delusional

12-30-2007, 07:08 PM
pathetic and delusional get out of my thread whipper snapper, unless you see yourself as a girl?

Night Rider
12-30-2007, 07:09 PM
pathetic and delusional get out of my thread whipper snapper, unless you see yourself as a girl? :cry :offtopic

Night Rider
12-30-2007, 07:11 PM
NR as their ring leader.


12-30-2007, 07:12 PM
NR as their ring leader.

WISE THE FUCK UP :lol: Will you get out of my thread you Goonie

Night Rider
12-30-2007, 07:13 PM
NR as their ring leader.

WISE THE FUCK UP :lol: Will you get out of my thread you Goonie

It's annoying, isn't it.

Now you know how I feel.

12-30-2007, 07:14 PM
NR as their ring leader.

WISE THE FUCK UP :lol: Will you get out of my thread you Goonie

It's annoying, isn't it.

Now you know how I feel. Not really I could care less. I just like playing mind games with you. :P :lol: You're so easy to get to react.

12-30-2007, 07:14 PM
Boys vs girls has been the case since the beginning of time. It's never going to change.

Night Rider
12-30-2007, 07:17 PM
NR as their ring leader.

WISE THE FUCK UP :lol: Will you get out of my thread you Goonie

It's annoying, isn't it.

Now you know how I feel. Not really I could care less. I just like playing mind games with you. :P :lol: You're so easy to get to react.

Mind games, you'd need to have a mind Kelly before you can start playing games with it. :D

12-30-2007, 07:17 PM
Boys vs girls has been the case since the beginning of time. It's never going to change. haha thats cute! :lol:

12-30-2007, 07:18 PM
NR as their ring leader.

WISE THE FUCK UP :lol: Will you get out of my thread you Goonie

It's annoying, isn't it.

Now you know how I feel. Not really I could care less. I just like playing mind games with you. :P :lol: You're so easy to get to react.

Mind games, you'd need to have a mind Kelly before you can start playing games with it. :D You again don't know me but from my personality on the board. Half the things I do on the board are to get a reaction or play mind games. :lol: It's fortunate you are the one that always falls into them. Don't pretend you know me. :roll:

Night Rider
12-30-2007, 07:20 PM
NR as their ring leader.

WISE THE FUCK UP :lol: Will you get out of my thread you Goonie

It's annoying, isn't it.

Now you know how I feel. Not really I could care less. I just like playing mind games with you. :P :lol: You're so easy to get to react.

Mind games, you'd need to have a mind Kelly before you can start playing games with it. :D You again don't know me but from my personality on the board. Half the things I do on the board are to get a reaction or play mind games. :lol: It's fortunate you are the one that always falls into them. Don't pretend you know me. :roll:

bite bite

I'm just playing Kel, I know you have a mind - you just haven't figured out how to use it

12-30-2007, 07:22 PM
NR as their ring leader.

WISE THE FUCK UP :lol: Will you get out of my thread you Goonie

It's annoying, isn't it.

Now you know how I feel. Not really I could care less. I just like playing mind games with you. :P :lol: You're so easy to get to react.

Mind games, you'd need to have a mind Kelly before you can start playing games with it. :D You again don't know me but from my personality on the board. Half the things I do on the board are to get a reaction or play mind games. :lol: It's fortunate you are the one that always falls into them. Don't pretend you know me. :roll:

bite bite

I'm just playing Kel, I know you have a mind - you just haven't figured out how to use it yawn

12-30-2007, 07:39 PM
We have one of these organizations here too.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWlD6DzOJpc haha how cute

Night Rider
12-30-2007, 07:56 PM
Since some of the guys are trying to start a New World Order on the board. Where it's guys against the girls. I say we start our own little club, and show them what being a "bitch" is about.

I am about fed up with their holier than thou act, and crying over spilt milk. Yet they preach to us how we get offended to easy, but they get offended off a silly word. If you know you aren't a fag, and you say you are so SECURE why do you let it bother you? :roll: :lol: :lol:

P.S. I'm just kidding about the club. It just seems that a number of the guys, since talking in the chatrooms together are all trying to revolt against the girls on the board.

I've been in the chatroom once, and you try and say I'm the ringleader....you're full of shit girl.

Here's my response taken from another thread which Kelly respond to with "mmmhhmmm"...it will have to do because I'm not writing another post.

You don't listen, do you? And you say I'm immature!

While you're hanging around then, I have a question. When I asked you why it was OK for Jen to call Mimi a man, you said it's OK when they act like a man. Well you've just put both feet in your mouth because there's no TS acts more like a man than Jennifer Justice, maybe on a par with Mimi. Why is there an execption to the rule for Jen?

I'll give you a while to think of a lie. Jen doesn't act like a man? She calls guys fags. Lots of people use the the word "fag" to describe uncool, stupid, and/or lame in America.

However Jen is usually always a lady. Unless she feels attacked or belittled. She's a strong minded woman, there is no crime in that.

NOW ANSWER MINE: Why are you, Lust, MBF, and other men trying to start a New World Order against the girls? You keep picking whose next on the list? Mimi, Vanessa, Nicole, and Now Jen?

I don't know why I even bothered asking :roll:

Jen acts more like a man that 90% of the forum!!!!!

She doesn't look like one, but she certainly does act like one. I'm sure the majority agree whether they have a set to speak up or not. Don't be so deluded by thinking Jen is calling us fags in any other sense than gay. She had a signature saying God hates gays or some shit. I don't want to hear any more of your predictable excuses for her, it's bullshit.

On to your question - LMFAOOOOOO you really do believe that, don't you? That's the funny part.

We're not plotting any attacks on tgirls, in fact whether you believe it or not, I've more respect for tgirls than GG's. However that respect should work BOTH ways and when I'm called a fatherless bastard, gay, fag bla, bla, bla then I'm not going to sit back and let you get away with it. Nicole and I both went way overboard, but at least we had the decency to put it behind us and move on. I respect her for that.

I can only speak for myself but the other guys shouln't be placed in the same bracket as me. They've kept in somewhat civil, whereas, when I was on coke sometimes I said things I didn't mean. Now I'm clean, but this feud with Jen is an eye for an eye, so see it how you like. I don't really give a fuck.

So calm yourself, there are no hit-lists :lol:

12-30-2007, 09:30 PM
This will be my last post for a while, I'm bored of this place, you get called a women hater for having a separate opinion.

This isn't a whining leaving thing, otherwise I would a made a thread to get attention, I will be back I am sure.

I have lot's of commitments and a publisher who is losing patients with me, I need assess my priorities, get my book finished and stop trying to fight a losing battle against hypocritical people with unfair powers that are supplied by their status here and nothing else.

I have met a nice girl that I like, she is sweet and funny, and this place is also getting in the way of that, I spend way too much time here.

For the people that might assume that I am running away, cool, people like Steve and NR know that I having been saying I need to take a break for some time, way before all this shit started…..

Can I add, I respect everyone here, except Jen, in fact I think she is worse than despicable, and if most people can't see that then this place is not even worth my time. She causes trouble, walks around acting like an arrogant negative bitch and when she gets some of that back she cries to the mods. The fact is she knows the mods and has connections to them, so anything she doesn't like she gets removed, including posters.

She has this new crap sig, where some big thing is going to happen in the new year, and frankly if the mods give her more power because she knows them, then that is the biggest load of shit I have ever heard. And I can't be fucked to stick around to see some hateful bitch given powers she certainly does not deserve. JW I know you are real, so that's not you included.

I have always been happy to leave things in threads and have never made polls or whined to the mods about anyone. This place is full of ass-kisses with no integrity. You get called out in threads and when you defend yourself you are seen as a trouble maker.

So for the real people, Steve, NR, Vegas Boy, TJ, Quinn, Ezed, Haze and some more I have not mentioned, keep, keeping it real, so to speak. Sorry to bail on you but this is bullshit man, the field is not fair so I feel some of us, the ones who try, are wasting our time trying to have our opinion.

A few of you I will keep in contact with through PM's still, and when and if I do come back in a few months when my book is done, I hope you still be here.

Kel I know this is in your thread but this is not aimed at you, you know out of all the girls here you are my favourite, for more than one reason and even if we don't agree on everything the respect is always there. I think you are a great person who is fun, oh and damn sexy too BTW. :wink:

Also Peggy thanks for making me a better person and proving to me that a Transsexual can not only be a women, but a true lady too.

To the scores and scores of ass-kissing pussy’s, have your opinion and call this post whatever you like, this is not for you, this is for the people I respect and understand, so say what the fuck you will, you are not even worth my time or responding to.

Lets hope if and when I do come back, I have made my fortune and people like Jen don't have this whole place controlled to the point when you can't have an opinion simply because of who she knows.

Finally to Steve, good luck in trying to escape too man, don't waste your time on this crap. NR, I hope you get well soon and fuck these people, I know you don't start shit, the only thing you are guilty of is reacting and having an opinion but like I said because of the way bitches like Jen have this place wrapped up because she knows the right people, you will constantly be up against it. You're a bright person put that sharpness and whit into something more productive than this place man. As I said Kelly I will miss you the most, you are a sweetie who I have lots of time for, so good luck and I hope to see you looking as good as ever in a few months maybe.

So anyway friends, peace out, hopefully I will see you again when I am much richer and the weather is warmer. :)

Night Rider
12-30-2007, 09:45 PM
Lust, if you need a break from this place then that's cool but make sure it's not for too long. The board needs strong minded people like you to keep it somewhat interesting. I'll be going back to work in the in just over a week and I can assure you, things will settle here. Whether I'm to blame or not, a big part of all this shit that's going on is in reference to me.

Seriously man, take a break and see how everything settles in a couple of weeks.

Anyway, whatever your decision is, good luck.

Hopefully we'll see you back soon.

Night Rider
12-30-2007, 09:47 PM
Sorry man, missed the part were you've a book to finish.

Good luck with that.

12-30-2007, 09:52 PM
Take it easy, lust. We'll here when you're ready to return. Until then, be well.


12-30-2007, 11:22 PM
i thought writing required a deep and sympathetic insight into the human soul. something a level or two above the selfish views of an egoistic innocent. am i wrong?

just kidding, lust.

good luck with your book. i'll be looking for your avatar on the dustcover.

12-30-2007, 11:41 PM
This will be my last post for a while, I'm bored of this place, you get called a women hater for having a separate opinion.

This isn't a whining leaving thing, otherwise I would a made a thread to get attention, I will be back I am sure.

I have lot's of commitments and a publisher who is losing patients with me, I need assess my priorities, get my book finished and stop trying to fight a losing battle against hypocritical people with unfair powers that are supplied by their status here and nothing else.

I have met a nice girl that I like, she is sweet and funny, and this place is also getting in the way of that, I spend way too much time here.

For the people that might assume that I am running away, cool, people like Steve and NR know that I having been saying I need to take a break for some time, way before all this shit started…..

Can I add, I respect everyone here, except Jen, in fact I think she is worse than despicable, and if most people can't see that then this place is not even worth my time. She causes trouble, walks around acting like an arrogant negative bitch and when she gets some of that back she cries to the mods. The fact is she knows the mods and has connections to them, so anything she doesn't like she gets removed, including posters.

She has this new crap sig, where some big thing is going to happen in the new year, and frankly if the mods give her more power because she knows them, then that is the biggest load of shit I have ever heard. And I can't be fucked to stick around to see some hateful bitch given powers she certainly does not deserve. JW I know you are real, so that's not you included.

I have always been happy to leave things in threads and have never made polls or whined to the mods about anyone. This place is full of ass-kisses with no integrity. You get called out in threads and when you defend yourself you are seen as a trouble maker.

So for the real people, Steve, NR, Vegas Boy, TJ, Quinn, Ezed, Haze and some more I have not mentioned, keep, keeping it real, so to speak. Sorry to bail on you but this is bullshit man, the field is not fair so I feel some of us, the ones who try, are wasting our time trying to have our opinion.

A few of you I will keep in contact with through PM's still, and when and if I do come back in a few months when my book is done, I hope you still be here.

Kel I know this is in your thread but this is not aimed at you, you know out of all the girls here you are my favourite, for more than one reason and even if we don't agree on everything the respect is always there. I think you are a great person who is fun, oh and damn sexy too BTW. :wink:

Also Peggy thanks for making me a better person and proving to me that a Transsexual can not only be a women, but a true lady too.

To the scores and scores of ass-kissing pussy’s, have your opinion and call this post whatever you like, this is not for you, this is for the people I respect and understand, so say what the fuck you will, you are not even worth my time or responding to.

Lets hope if and when I do come back, I have made my fortune and people like Jen don't have this whole place controlled to the point when you can't have an opinion simply because of who she knows.

Finally to Steve, good luck in trying to escape too man, don't waste your time on this crap. NR, I hope you get well soon and fuck these people, I know you don't start shit, the only thing you are guilty of is reacting and having an opinion but like I said because of the way bitches like Jen have this place wrapped up because she knows the right people, you will constantly be up against it. You're a bright person put that sharpness and whit into something more productive than this place man. As I said Kelly I will miss you the most, you are a sweetie who I have lots of time for, so good luck and I hope to see you looking as good as ever in a few months maybe.

So anyway friends, peace out, hopefully I will see you again when I am much richer and the weather is warmer. :)

Goodlad lust...thats the correct attitude.

I told you first off when i spoke to you in the chatroom, forget about this silly board, its only good to see the reactions of people, mimi and hondabot because they are hillarious. They are the funniest thing on the board and get the biggest audience.

Like i say mate, in the real world, if youve got the goods, just go out and fuk all the tgirls you want...you saw my pics, who i am...its piss easy to go out and fuk them like any other girl...infact its easier because the bitches are suckers for buff bodybuilders. They are originally guys, so their taste in men is ussually simmilar to v feminine gay guys...who all want big sexy ripped men to fuk them. Forget the whole 'top only' bollox haha, what tgirls are top only in real life pmsl? Ts love to be banged shitless by a big ripped sexy guy with a big cock...end of story. Thats the real world (unless they are 'lesbian ts' in which case 90% of the time they are men in disguise and not ts at all)...the rest is the crap made in porn movies and on this board to fuel the fantasies of the deluded cock hungry admirers who are really gay and also want to be fukd by the alpha male but are too scared to admit it. Welcome to the real world and not a transexual internet fetish world.

Like i said mate, you wanna come out, anytime, i dont mind going out to london and finding some ts to bang her arse...you can be wingman, its all cool...plenty off duty escorts and pornchicks in london, can both walk away with one of the brazillian pornchicks that hang out on the london scene.

Night Rider
12-30-2007, 11:45 PM
i dont mind going out to london and finding some ts to bang her arse...you can be wingman, its all cool

that sounds like some cheesey line out of top gun :lol:

12-30-2007, 11:48 PM
I don't like the word because it promotes violence and hatred towards homosexuals. I don't like the word because it says that being gay is something worth insulting.

I do like Quentin Tarantino movies though.

12-31-2007, 12:55 AM
Im in Kelly... I hate men :evil: Unless its Batista :)

12-31-2007, 01:02 AM
Im in Kelly... I hate men :evil: Unless its Batista :)
even me?

12-31-2007, 01:10 AM
Im in Kelly... I hate men :evil: Unless its Batista :)
even me?
I cant tell. You all look the same without a avatar

12-31-2007, 01:14 AM
Im in Kelly... I hate men :evil: Unless its Batista :)
even me?
I cant tell. You all look the same without a avatar

12-31-2007, 01:19 AM
I didn't know Jen controlled the board. I'm really missing the good stuff here.

But if your publisher is really losing "patients" then it really is time to split. No reason for loss of life.

All the best.

Night Rider
12-31-2007, 02:17 AM
I didn't know Jen controlled the board. Mwah ha ha!

Just kidding. ;)

She's friendly with a mod.

Pitty people can't deal with the consequences of their childish actions without crying like a 15yo gay queen to get people banned.

Jen needs to grow a set of....(never mind)

Anyway, Jen needs to stop running her mouth around here and start treating people the way she'd like to be treated. Maybe she's bitter at her gay marine boyfriend leaving her for another man. Is that why you hate fags so much Jen?

12-31-2007, 02:31 AM
Im in Kelly... I hate men :evil: Unless its Batista :)

Ah ha! So you killed those flowers on purpose. I knew it .... Mahalo


12-31-2007, 02:34 AM
Since some of the guys are trying to start a New World Order on the board. Where it's guys against the girls.

Yeah, it'll be called G.R.O.S.S.



12-31-2007, 02:37 AM

This is nuts. Let the assholes be the assholes and walk away from this nonsense.

12-31-2007, 02:40 AM
Im in Kelly... I hate men :evil: Unless its Batista :)

Ah ha! So you killed those flowers on purpose. I knew it .... Mahalo

Matt I loved them to death :cry:

Night Rider
12-31-2007, 02:42 AM

This is nuts. Let the assholes be the assholes and walk away from this nonsense.

Are you serious? She doesn't even know what she's talking about, she tried to accuse us of all planning attacks on tgirls in chatrooms and labelled me as the ring leader!! I've only been in the chatroom ONCE and it was to find out if this place was shutting down.

She gets these ideas in her head and then posts them on the off chance that they MIGHT be true. Does that sound crazy to you, because to me it's either crazy or attention seeking?

12-31-2007, 02:42 AM
Since some of the guys are trying to start a New World Order on the board. Where it's guys against the girls. I say we start our own little club, and show them what being a "bitch" is about.

I am about fed up with their holier than thou act, and crying over spilt milk. Yet they preach to us how we get offended to easy, but they get offended off a silly word. If you know you aren't a fag, and you say you are so SECURE why do you let it bother you? :roll: :lol: :lol:

P.S. I'm just kidding about the club. It just seems that a number of the guys, since talking in the chatrooms together are all trying to revolt against the girls on the board.
Marcy Darcy from Married with Children had a group... We should open a own HA F.A.N.G

Hung Angel Feminists Against Neanderthal Guys

12-31-2007, 02:51 AM
Since some of the guys are trying to start a New World Order on the board. Where it's guys against the girls. I say we start our own little club, and show them what being a "bitch" is about.

I am about fed up with their holier than thou act, and crying over spilt milk. Yet they preach to us how we get offended to easy, but they get offended off a silly word. If you know you aren't a fag, and you say you are so SECURE why do you let it bother you? :roll: :lol: :lol:

P.S. I'm just kidding about the club. It just seems that a number of the guys, since talking in the chatrooms together are all trying to revolt against the girls on the board.
Marcy Darcy from Married with Children had a group... We should open a own HA F.A.N.G

Hung Angel Feminists Against Neanderthal Guys

I prefer Get Rid Of Slimy girlS GROSS :twisted:



12-31-2007, 02:55 AM
Since some of the guys are trying to start a New World Order on the board. Where it's guys against the girls. I say we start our own little club, and show them what being a "bitch" is about.

I am about fed up with their holier than thou act, and crying over spilt milk. Yet they preach to us how we get offended to easy, but they get offended off a silly word. If you know you aren't a fag, and you say you are so SECURE why do you let it bother you? :roll: :lol: :lol:

P.S. I'm just kidding about the club. It just seems that a number of the guys, since talking in the chatrooms together are all trying to revolt against the girls on the board.
Marcy Darcy from Married with Children had a group... We should open a own HA F.A.N.G

Hung Angel Feminists Against Neanderthal Guys

I prefer Get Rid Of Slimy girlS :evil:



12-31-2007, 03:01 AM
Can't we all just get along? :(

Rod la Rod
12-31-2007, 03:20 AM
What a bunch of sad whining fags on this thread for girls.

Here is a thought: NR. LUST4NR, Queer"Quinn"for NR, get a fucking room. You guys have no interest in girls. You can't come to terms with your own homosexuality. What a bunch of boring pathetic pussies.

Yes, I know. Here we go; Propecia, Rod la Bald, Bald la Bald, I have lots of pretty hair, I am prettier than you, I have a 6 pack, Bald, Bald, Bald, Blah,Blah, Blah.
I am a male model .........Nobody gives a shit queers. Get thee to a fag bar, queers!

And "Quinn" you are old enough to know better. Just work on your big Real Estate deals and leave the "chicken" alone.

Excuse me I am going to be sick.

Night Rider
12-31-2007, 03:25 AM
What a bunch of sad whining fags on this thread for girls.

Here is a thought: NR. LUST4NR, Queer"Quinn"for NR, get a fucking room. You guys have no interest in girls. You can't come to terms with your own homosexuality. What a bunch of boring pathetic pussies.

Yes, I know. Here we go; Propecia, Rod la Bald, Bald la Bald, I have lots of pretty hair, I am prettier than you, I have a 6 pack, Bald, Bald, Bald, Blah,Blah, Blah.
I am a male model .........Nobody gives a shit queers. Get thee to a fag bar, queers!

And "Quinn" you are old enough to know better. Just work on your big Real Estate deals and leave the "chicken" alone.

Excuse me I am going to be sick.

I see you've changed your avatar, it still doesn't make you any less gay though. It's funny that a self confessed fag has the nerve to call anyone else gay!!! I take it you were the reciever in your gay encounters?

12-31-2007, 04:00 AM
What a bunch of sad whining fags on this thread for girls.

Here is a thought: NR. LUST4NR, Queer"Quinn"for NR, get a fucking room. You guys have no interest in girls. You can't come to terms with your own homosexuality. What a bunch of boring pathetic pussies.

Yes, I know. Here we go; Propecia, Rod la Bald, Bald la Bald, I have lots of pretty hair, I am prettier than you, I have a 6 pack, Bald, Bald, Bald, Blah,Blah, Blah.
I am a male model .........Nobody gives a shit queers. Get thee to a fag bar, queers!

And "Quinn" you are old enough to know better. Just work on your big Real Estate deals and leave the "chicken" alone.

Excuse me I am going to be sick.

I see you've changed your avatar, it still doesn't make you any less gay though. It's funny that a self confessed fag has the nerve to call anyone else gay!!! I take it you were the reciever in your gay encounters?
quit it. Both of you. I'm tired of drama. A man should never even have to use that word. Only girls in middle school should have to use that word.

Rod la Rod
12-31-2007, 04:04 AM
quit it. Both of you. I'm tired of drama. A man should never even have to use that word. Only girls in middle school should have to use that word.

Right sorry.

12-31-2007, 04:14 AM
i'm rapidly becoming fed up with this place and it's not due to anyone hating on me, but all the hating on each other.

i think this place could be great if people respected each other enough to just allow someone to post their point of view and that is it. Opposing points of view can and should be expressed, but not in a hateful and evil way

and i'm sure the moderators can adjust the "allowable words" to make the word "fag" show up as something else like "mega-stud" or something funny like that.

besides if you are on this site you are far from straight, so get over it all you mega-studs!!!

Night Rider
12-31-2007, 04:18 AM
What a bunch of sad whining fags on this thread for girls.

Here is a thought: NR. LUST4NR, Queer"Quinn"for NR, get a fucking room. You guys have no interest in girls. You can't come to terms with your own homosexuality. What a bunch of boring pathetic pussies.

Yes, I know. Here we go; Propecia, Rod la Bald, Bald la Bald, I have lots of pretty hair, I am prettier than you, I have a 6 pack, Bald, Bald, Bald, Blah,Blah, Blah.
I am a male model .........Nobody gives a shit queers. Get thee to a fag bar, queers!

And "Quinn" you are old enough to know better. Just work on your big Real Estate deals and leave the "chicken" alone.

Excuse me I am going to be sick.

I see you've changed your avatar, it still doesn't make you any less gay though. It's funny that a self confessed fag has the nerve to call anyone else gay!!! I take it you were the reciever in your gay encounters?
quit it. Both of you. I'm tired of drama. A man should never even have to use that word. Only girls in middle school should have to use that word.

come back to me when your voice breaks kid

Night Rider
12-31-2007, 04:20 AM
i'm rapidly becoming fed up with this place and it's not due to anyone hating on me, but all the hating on each other.

i think this place could be great if people respected each other enough to just allow someone to post their point of view and that is it. Opposing points of view can and should be expressed, but not in a hateful and evil way

and i'm sure the moderators can adjust the "allowable words" to make the word "fag" show up as something else like "mega-stud" or something funny like that.

besides if you are on this site you are far from straight, so get over it all you mega-studs!!!

don't worry, I'll not be around this shit hole much longer

...im just having some fun before the new year

12-31-2007, 04:30 AM
i'm rapidly becoming fed up with this place and it's not due to anyone hating on me, but all the hating on each other

Well you know the door you fat fag you been banned a hundred times,i guess you haven't been acting up so i guess you know place.

12-31-2007, 04:42 AM
and i'm sure the moderators can adjust the "allowable words" to make the word "fag" show up as something else like "mega-stud" or something funny like that.How would they accomplish such a thing? ^^Black Magic^^?

no sweetheart, with forums like this admins can adjust words- it's possible, depending on the interface
(black magic indeed)

12-31-2007, 04:44 AM
i'm rapidly becoming fed up with this place and it's not due to anyone hating on me, but all the hating on each other

Well you know the door you fat fag you been banned a hundred times,i guess you haven't been acting up so i guess you know place.

i've never been a member on here before- what's up ?

12-31-2007, 04:45 AM
i'm rapidly becoming fed up with this place and it's not due to anyone hating on me, but all the hating on each other

Well you know the door you fat fag you been banned a hundred times,i guess you haven't been acting up so i guess you know place.
What did loSTdoLLbaBY ever do to deserve that kind of talk :evil: !

Night Rider
12-31-2007, 04:45 AM
and i'm sure the moderators can adjust the "allowable words" to make the word "fag" show up as something else like "mega-stud" or something funny like that.How would they accomplish such a thing? ^^Black Magic^^?

no sweetheart, with forums like this admins can adjust words- it's possible, depending on the interface
(black magic indeed);)

never mind these two fags lostdoll, they've more issues than Britney

Night Rider
12-31-2007, 04:48 AM
make your own mind up (or excuse for a mind)

12-31-2007, 04:49 AM
and i'm sure the moderators can adjust the "allowable words" to make the word "fag" show up as something else like "mega-stud" or something funny like that.How would they accomplish such a thing? ^^Black Magic^^?

no sweetheart, with forums like this admins can adjust words- it's possible, depending on the interface
(black magic indeed);)

never mind these two fags lostdoll, they've more issues than Britney
You've got me wrong Nicole. I was defending her against attack by Legend. Totally uncalled for.

Night Rider
12-31-2007, 05:03 AM
make your own mind up (or excuse for a mind)I bet you fell off the wagon too. What a shame.

Fell of the wagon?

You just talk more and more shit, don't you.

Get a life Nick, or even better....get those vile tats removed...I suppose you just got them for attention? Why else would anybody wanna cover their body in ink, especially a "girl"


By the way I didn't break the truce :wink:

Rod la Rod
12-31-2007, 05:14 AM
make your own mind up (or excuse for a mind)I bet you fell off the wagon too. What a shame.

Fell of the wagon?

You just talk more and more shit, don't you.

Get a life Nick, or even better....get those vile tats removed...I suppose you just got them for attention? Why else would anybody wanna cover their body in ink, especially a "girl"


By the way I didn't break the truce :wink:

Ma, fetch my shotgun. What a fucking prick.

Night Rider
12-31-2007, 05:16 AM
make your own mind up (or excuse for a mind)I bet you fell off the wagon too. What a shame.

Fell of the wagon?

You just talk more and more shit, don't you.

Get a life Nick, or even better....get those vile tats removed...I suppose you just got them for attention? Why else would anybody wanna cover their body in ink, especially a "girl"


By the way I didn't break the truce :wink:

Ma, fetch my shotgun. What a fucking prick.

Who are you kidding? A man of your age couldn't possibbly have a living mother. Pathetic attempt at a joke.


Rod la Rod
12-31-2007, 05:18 AM
Yeah, I got 2 barrels for your asshole.

Night Rider
12-31-2007, 05:21 AM
Oh well, I told you that you were on your way out, and that you didn't belong here. That ice finally gave. And when you have to stoop to conspiring with an aborted attempt at transsexualism, like Black Tragic, I guess your life has sunk as low as it can.

Take care, Night Rider.

stfu Nicolas, I've decided I'm on my way out, not Jen....When and IF I come back will depend on the new plans here. If it's kumbaya style then, fuck that.

Anyway, you'll be glad to have some breathing space when I go, it means you can go back to you self-obsessed arrogant self again, and be under a delusion that you're running the forum.

Good luck Nick, you've made my time here more enjoyable :twisted:

Night Rider
12-31-2007, 05:31 AM
stfu Nicolas, I've decided I'm on my way out, not Jen....When and IF I come back will depend on the new plans here. If it's kumbaya style then, fuck that.

Anyway, you'll be glad to have some breathing space when I go, it means you can go back to you self-obsessed arrogant self again, and be under a delusion that you're running the forum.

Good luck Nick, you've made my time here more enjoyable :twisted:You wish my name was ever Nicolas. Ah well. Just remember; you don't belong...

How sad it is for you that you're cyber-homeless. You have nowhere to go, so you ride threads like a bag lady rides the subway; muttering paranoid nonsense to anyone within listening distance, pathetically seeking out human interaction with whoever happens to enter a page. Well, I'm due back on the planet earth now, "NightRider", so I'll just ley you get back to your imaginary bitchslapping.

Wow. Latent homosexuality really does ruin peoples' lives. They find themselves floating aimlessly in cyberspace, looking for any ear to chew off about nothing. ;) :lol:

Bringing up old quotes, Adrian? Classy!

Well, have fun being your normal self on 1st Jan because tomorrow will be my last day of fun, and then I'm bailing. You'll have to be on your best behaviour for just one more day :wink:

Night Rider
12-31-2007, 05:41 AM
Adrian?Wrong again. :lol:

How sad it is for you that you're cyber-homeless. You have nowhere to go, so you ride threads like a bag lady rides the subway; muttering paranoid nonsense to anyone within listening distance, pathetically seeking out human interaction with whoever happens to enter a page. Well, I'm due back on the planet earth now, "NightRider", so I'll just ley you get back to your imaginary bitchslapping.

Wow. Latent homosexuality really does ruin peoples' lives. They find themselves floating aimlessly in cyberspace, looking for any ear to chew off about nothing.

Adrian Nicolas Dupree, lovely name :D

It's just a pitty about the beast that's using it.

That quote's getting boring, come up with some new shit. ^^^

I'm going to bed, hopefully you'll hang around for my last day tomorrow :twisted:

12-31-2007, 05:41 AM
I bet you wished you were like me and raised by your mum after daddy used your ass as a cum bucket...

NightRider got raped by daddy lately?

Night Rider
12-31-2007, 05:45 AM
I bet you wished you were like me and raised by your mum after daddy used your ass as a cum bucket...

NightRider got raped by daddy lately?

I've said before that quote that I wasn't raised by my dad or had anything to do with him. I was analysing your fucked up childhood and why a grown man still plays childs games and collects batman comics. At least you've an excuse, just blame it on daddy.

12-31-2007, 06:02 AM
I bet you wished you were like me and raised by your mum after daddy used your ass as a cum bucket...

Did daddy make you dress up like a leprechaun when he made you squeal like a pig.

12-31-2007, 06:47 AM
This will be my last post for a while, I'm bored of this place, you get called a women hater for having a separate opinion.

This isn't a whining leaving thing, otherwise I would a made a thread to get attention, I will be back I am sure.

I have lot's of commitments and a publisher who is losing patients with me, I need assess my priorities, get my book finished and stop trying to fight a losing battle against hypocritical people with unfair powers that are supplied by their status here and nothing else.

I have met a nice girl that I like, she is sweet and funny, and this place is also getting in the way of that, I spend way too much time here.

For the people that might assume that I am running away, cool, people like Steve and NR know that I having been saying I need to take a break for some time, way before all this shit started…..

Can I add, I respect everyone here, except Jen, in fact I think she is worse than despicable, and if most people can't see that then this place is not even worth my time. She causes trouble, walks around acting like an arrogant negative bitch and when she gets some of that back she cries to the mods. The fact is she knows the mods and has connections to them, so anything she doesn't like she gets removed, including posters.

She has this new crap sig, where some big thing is going to happen in the new year, and frankly if the mods give her more power because she knows them, then that is the biggest load of shit I have ever heard. And I can't be fucked to stick around to see some hateful bitch given powers she certainly does not deserve. JW I know you are real, so that's not you included.

I have always been happy to leave things in threads and have never made polls or whined to the mods about anyone. This place is full of ass-kisses with no integrity. You get called out in threads and when you defend yourself you are seen as a trouble maker.

So for the real people, Steve, NR, Vegas Boy, TJ, Quinn, Ezed, Haze and some more I have not mentioned, keep, keeping it real, so to speak. Sorry to bail on you but this is bullshit man, the field is not fair so I feel some of us, the ones who try, are wasting our time trying to have our opinion.

A few of you I will keep in contact with through PM's still, and when and if I do come back in a few months when my book is done, I hope you still be here.

Kel I know this is in your thread but this is not aimed at you, you know out of all the girls here you are my favourite, for more than one reason and even if we don't agree on everything the respect is always there. I think you are a great person who is fun, oh and damn sexy too BTW. :wink:

Also Peggy thanks for making me a better person and proving to me that a Transsexual can not only be a women, but a true lady too.

To the scores and scores of ass-kissing pussy’s, have your opinion and call this post whatever you like, this is not for you, this is for the people I respect and understand, so say what the fuck you will, you are not even worth my time or responding to.

Lets hope if and when I do come back, I have made my fortune and people like Jen don't have this whole place controlled to the point when you can't have an opinion simply because of who she knows.

Finally to Steve, good luck in trying to escape too man, don't waste your time on this crap. NR, I hope you get well soon and fuck these people, I know you don't start shit, the only thing you are guilty of is reacting and having an opinion but like I said because of the way bitches like Jen have this place wrapped up because she knows the right people, you will constantly be up against it. You're a bright person put that sharpness and whit into something more productive than this place man. As I said Kelly I will miss you the most, you are a sweetie who I have lots of time for, so good luck and I hope to see you looking as good as ever in a few months maybe.

So anyway friends, peace out, hopefully I will see you again when I am much richer and the weather is warmer. :) bye sweetheart :)

12-31-2007, 06:48 AM
Im in Kelly... I hate men :evil: Unless its Batista :) :lol: :lol:

12-31-2007, 07:37 AM

01-01-2008, 01:11 AM
Also Peggy thanks for making me a better person and proving to me that a Transsexual can not only be a women, but a true lady too.

I'm going to miss you kiddo. :wink:

Work on your relationship, your book, and things in the
real world.

And above all, be good to yourself.
