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12-30-2007, 06:10 PM
Well done Felicia :claps You're the best. :claps :claps

12-30-2007, 06:13 PM
Go Miss Katt!

12-30-2007, 06:25 PM
FK always has a way w/ words...well done.

12-30-2007, 06:34 PM
Here are my thoughts, in general,for whatever they are worth

1. I don't post as often as I used to because of the pervasive negativity here. Why bother to whisper my opinions, if they are going to be outshouted by everyone else's rants and raves and rancor. This place used to be about insight, and now its more about insults.

2. I don't engage in the heated discussions as much as I used to, because of all the personal attacks that inevitably invites. Why should I weigh in on a controversy only to get whipped about my looks, or my gender status, or my height or what have you? Maybe I am shallow, or insecure, but part of why I come here is for a little validation or even adulation, and those are in short supply. Not only from the people who are the ones throwing all the hate, but from anyone else who might have a kind word or two, but now withholds them, lest they be called a kiss ass or a brown nose or otherwise drawn into the line of fire.

3. There is a double standard here, but its because we are differently situated. Tgirls are in the minority, and live day to day with insecurity and discrimination and prejudice, which is bad enough to face in the real world but to also face it virtually here is even worse There are very few guys here who are open and uncloseted and above board. Most are anonymous. Not only do they not post pictures, they withhold all biographical or geographical information entirely. Read some of the profiles. If you are afraid to say what city you live in, or even what state, or country, you cannot claim to be level with a girl who has her pic and her myspace and her email and her messenger riight there for all to see.

You fight an honorable duel, face to face with pistols at 10 paces, not from concealment with a sniper rifle. All the catfight's here are fought claw to claw, and that's why the girls get more latitude, even if it appears the wounds are ultimately the same.

4. Calling someone a fag is not the same as calling a tgirl a man, or insulting one on her looks. None of you think of yourself as fags, you can disagree and thats that. Its an assertion of fact, not of opinion. And you can take solace that you are totally anonymous, so they don't know you and therefore cannot define you. And in the rest of your everyday life, no one will ever reinforce the idea you are anything but normal and straight.

But calling a tgirl a man cuts to the core of the key issue in her life. its very deeply hurtful, and not so easily dismissed. Put it this way, you will forget being called a fag within a few hours. Being read as a man by a man is soemthing that can haunt a girl forever. And the doubts and fear and bad memories it can invoke can turn a later innocent comment or look into an insult. Scar tissue, emotional or otherwise, isn't as resilient, or flexible. And some of those kinds of wounds never do heal.

Calling a girl ugly or old or whatever is also different because its not a fact but an opinion, and as such it can't be easily or readily dismissed as false. We can disagree with it, but we can never refute it, because every opinion, even a hateful one, has some internal validity.

5. The best defense is a good offense is a sports strategy not a way to win friends or influence people. If the only way you can defend your position is to attack the people who disagree with it, maybe you should reconsider your position. if enough people think you are an asshole, maybe the problem isn't with them, maybe its with you.

Having the last word doesn't mean you won the argument if people have stopped listening. Persistance is not persuasion. Shutting up your opponent by pushing them to anger or agression, or driving them from the discussion doesn't mean you won the argument either. It just means you turned it into a fight. A boxing match is over and all bets are off as soon as one of the fighters takes off the gloves or slips on the brass knuckles.

6. Finally, fair or not, people are judged not only on their conduct, but on the company they keep. If you align or ally yourself with someone who is a lightning rod, you shouldn't be shocked to get shocked. Your silence when your buddy or mate goes too far with a post is taken by him as aquiescence and agreement, and by the rest of us as acceptance at worst and ambivalence at best. Neither of which sits well or puts you in good stead or standing. The girls here appear more aligned because there are so few of us and so very few are ever far out of line. We may be more subtle about it but there are rules for us and they are enforced. Do a search for Moni or Jamie Michelle if you doubt this.

This was all said in general, and was not personal to or for or about anyone. Dont take it, or respond to it personally, please. It was also offered for what it was worth. If it was of no value to you, keep your 2 cents to yourself, thanks :)


A wonderful, thought provoking, insightful, timely and much needed post.

Thank you for being the beautiful woman that you are on the inside and

Your wit, intelligence, and wordcraft are surpassed by no one, as is your

I am truly honored to have made your acquaintaince, even but from afar.

I encourage and implore you to not allow the negativity and vitriol to keep
you away. You are a much needed voice of reason, and your presence
is sorely missed.

Much love,


12-30-2007, 07:45 PM
I searched among the card displays,
To see if I could find,
A little something that would say
Just what was on my mind.

However there was not a one,
That captured it just right,
For no one else can understand
Just what I'd like to write.

I even find it difficult
To try to write it down,
For how do I portray to you,
The love that I have known?

I close my eyes and what I see,
Is someone I adore;
A person who is beautiful,
Right down into their soul.

Mere words cannot describe
The many qualities you show,
The love and caring nature that
You share with those who know.

Your kind and gentle temperament,
Your sweet angelic smile,
Your softly spoken sentiments,
That reach across the miles.

The loving gestures through the years,
That quickly come to mind,
For always you've a gentle word
To calm and soothe I find.

I struggle and I search to try
To find some words anew ...
And yet I cannot capture
All the things that make you you.

I shall therefore, be satisfied
That you must simply know,
Just how I feel about you,
For with words I cannot show.

12-30-2007, 08:11 PM
Well Said FK.

12-30-2007, 08:15 PM
Thanks Felicia!

12-30-2007, 08:19 PM
FK, I like your style!!! Quite the lady, you are!

TrueBeauty TS
12-30-2007, 09:13 PM
Everything she knows, she knowed from me. :wink:

Start posting again, Bitch!



12-30-2007, 09:19 PM
Everything she knows, she knowed from me. Wink

:) :D :lol:

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-30-2007, 09:49 PM
Kudos to you girlie for speaking the truth! ;)



Felicia Katt
12-30-2007, 09:54 PM
Wow, , thanks to Nicole for the cut and paste bump, and to everyone else for the nice props. I just posted that to get some things off my chest, (first time I ever wanted less chest, by the way) and truly had no idea it would have any resonance with anyone else. :)



12-30-2007, 10:19 PM
Here are my thoughts, in general,for whatever they are worth

1. I don't post as often as I used to because of the pervasive negativity here. Why bother to whisper my opinions, if they are going to be outshouted by everyone else's rants and raves and rancor. This place used to be about insight, and now its more about insults.

2. I don't engage in the heated discussions as much as I used to, because of all the personal attacks that inevitably invites. Why should I weigh in on a controversy only to get whipped about my looks, or my gender status, or my height or what have you? Maybe I am shallow, or insecure, but part of why I come here is for a little validation or even adulation, and those are in short supply. Not only from the people who are the ones throwing all the hate, but from anyone else who might have a kind word or two, but now withholds them, lest they be called a kiss ass or a brown nose or otherwise drawn into the line of fire.

3. There is a double standard here, but its because we are differently situated. Tgirls are in the minority, and live day to day with insecurity and discrimination and prejudice, which is bad enough to face in the real world but to also face it virtually here is even worse There are very few guys here who are open and uncloseted and above board. Most are anonymous. Not only do they not post pictures, they withhold all biographical or geographical information entirely. Read some of the profiles. If you are afraid to say what city you live in, or even what state, or country, you cannot claim to be level with a girl who has her pic and her myspace and her email and her messenger riight there for all to see.

You fight an honorable duel, face to face with pistols at 10 paces, not from concealment with a sniper rifle. All the catfight's here are fought claw to claw, and that's why the girls get more latitude, even if it appears the wounds are ultimately the same.

4. Calling someone a fag is not the same as calling a tgirl a man, or insulting one on her looks. None of you think of yourself as fags, you can disagree and thats that. Its an assertion of fact, not of opinion. And you can take solace that you are totally anonymous, so they don't know you and therefore cannot define you. And in the rest of your everyday life, no one will ever reinforce the idea you are anything but normal and straight.

But calling a tgirl a man cuts to the core of the key issue in her life. its very deeply hurtful, and not so easily dismissed. Put it this way, you will forget being called a fag within a few hours. Being read as a man by a man is soemthing that can haunt a girl forever. And the doubts and fear and bad memories it can invoke can turn a later innocent comment or look into an insult. Scar tissue, emotional or otherwise, isn't as resilient, or flexible. And some of those kinds of wounds never do heal.

Calling a girl ugly or old or whatever is also different because its not a fact but an opinion, and as such it can't be easily or readily dismissed as false. We can disagree with it, but we can never refute it, because every opinion, even a hateful one, has some internal validity.

5. The best defense is a good offense is a sports strategy not a way to win friends or influence people. If the only way you can defend your position is to attack the people who disagree with it, maybe you should reconsider your position. if enough people think you are an asshole, maybe the problem isn't with them, maybe its with you.

Having the last word doesn't mean you won the argument if people have stopped listening. Persistance is not persuasion. Shutting up your opponent by pushing them to anger or agression, or driving them from the discussion doesn't mean you won the argument either. It just means you turned it into a fight. A boxing match is over and all bets are off as soon as one of the fighters takes off the gloves or slips on the brass knuckles.

6. Finally, fair or not, people are judged not only on their conduct, but on the company they keep. If you align or ally yourself with someone who is a lightning rod, you shouldn't be shocked to get shocked. Your silence when your buddy or mate goes too far with a post is taken by him as aquiescence and agreement, and by the rest of us as acceptance at worst and ambivalence at best. Neither of which sits well or puts you in good stead or standing. The girls here appear more aligned because there are so few of us and so very few are ever far out of line. We may be more subtle about it but there are rules for us and they are enforced. Do a search for Moni or Jamie Michelle if you doubt this.

This was all said in general, and was not personal to or for or about anyone. Dont take it, or respond to it personally, please. It was also offered for what it was worth. If it was of no value to you, keep your 2 cents to yourself, thanks :)


:claps :claps

Would anyone expect anything less from a woman of FK's dignity and class?

Rod la Rod
12-30-2007, 10:28 PM
You fight an honorable duel, face to face with pistols at 10 paces, not from concealment with a sniper rifle. All the catfight's here are fought claw to claw, and that's why the girls get more latitude, even if it appears the wounds are ultimately the same.


:claps :claps :claps


Night Rider
12-30-2007, 10:37 PM
crock of shite

FK this is not an attack, just an opinion

12-30-2007, 10:45 PM
crock of shite

FK this is not an attack, just an opinion

NR, Felicia has bravely made a heartfelt and poignant
post about the negativity that is running rampant in HA.

These sentiments have been seconded by many others, of
both genders.

Would you be so kind as to share with me, what parts of her post
were a 'crock of shite'.

12-30-2007, 10:47 PM
Wow, , thanks to Nicole for the cut and paste bump, and to everyone else for the nice props. I just posted that to get some things off my chest, (first time I ever wanted less chest, by the way) and truly had no idea it would have any resonance with anyone else. :)



It does, It's annoying the way certain individuals act.

Night Rider
12-30-2007, 10:56 PM
To be honest Peggygee, I like FK, but in my opinion that is all a lot of that is bullshit. If I didn't think a large chunk of it was directed at me (despite the disclaimer) I would have kept my short but sweet opinion to myself. I didn't want to waste my time on this subject, but since you're a well respected member of the board, I picked out a few quotes that I don't fully believe are correct.

You fight an honorable duel, face to face with pistols at 10 paces, not from concealment with a sniper rifle. All the catfight's here are fought claw to claw, and that's why the girls get more latitude, even if it appears the wounds are ultimately the same.

I don't engage in the heated discussions as much as I used to, because of all the personal attacks that inevitably invites. Why should I weigh in on a controversy only to get whipped about my looks, or my gender status, or my height or what have you? Maybe I am shallow, or insecure, but part of why I come here is for a little validation or even adulation, and those are in short supply. Not only from the people who are the ones throwing all the hate, but from anyone else who might have a kind word or two, but now withholds them, lest they be called a kiss ass or a brown nose or otherwise drawn into the line of fire.

Calling someone a fag is not the same as calling a tgirl a man, or insulting one on her looks. None of you think of yourself as fags, you can disagree and thats that. Its an assertion of fact, not of opinion. And you can take solace that you are totally anonymous, so they don't know you and therefore cannot define you. And in the rest of your everyday life, no one will ever reinforce the idea you are anything but normal and straight.

12-31-2007, 05:08 AM
From I am legend, this quote trully touched me and I had to post it...

"Bob Marley almost had a viruolist way of thinking" he believed that you can cure-acutually cure hate and racsim, but injecting it with love and music." "two days before bob marley was supposed to perform he was shot. "two days later he walked on stage and performed" and they asked him in a interview why didnt he rest, and he said"the people that are trying to make the world worse never take a day off , why should i. light up the darkness"

In addition to that it is trully horrific for those who see through the clouded eyes of hate always read into positive and pure actions as if it was meant for them, and therefore speak to defend themselves. This is a true indication to anyone with 1/2 a brain that indeed this letter that was meant to reach and touch trully worked. The after actions by those who listened, being positive or negative is trully a calling and should serve a lesson to us on character and how we chose to see the world.

Felisha's letter was intended twoards hate, if there was any offense taken, given no names were mentioned, then ask yourself " Why is it I feel this way?" and if you are 1/2 as human as she is then let the answer " Light up your darkness ".

TrueBeauty TS
12-31-2007, 08:37 AM
To be honest Peggygee, I like FK, but in my opinion that is all a lot of that is bullshit. If I didn't think a large chunk of it was directed at me (despite the disclaimer) I would have kept my short but sweet opinion to myself.

I don't know how to say this without you believing this is a personal attack on you, because it's not. It's just an observation. Take it or leave it as you will.

If you didn't think you were guilty of some of what was said, you wouldn't have thought it was about you. Obviously you feel that some of those actions apply to you.

Now that you are aware of it, perhaps this might be a good time to pause in reflection about how you are projecting yourself on these boards?

We are literally hours away from a new year. Never too late to start fresh.


Felicia Katt
12-31-2007, 10:01 AM
thanks, again, all or almost all, anyhow. I'm honored and humbled and heartened all at once by all you said. or almost all, anyhow :)



12-31-2007, 12:21 PM
Wow, , thanks to Nicole for the cut and paste bump, and to everyone else for the nice props. I just posted that to get some things off my chest, (first time I ever wanted less chest, by the way) and truly had no idea it would have any resonance with anyone else. :)


FKYou're very welcome, Felecia. You deserve the props, and so does that post. "Poignant' is the word that comes to mind. Thank you for making it.

Yes I think "poignant" is the word that comes t my mind also. So many well taken points. Why would someone want to hand out where they are insulted? This forum is for the T community and those that love them. So why should people be criticized for complimenting someone? Of course Felicia put it a lot better.

Why is being an 'ass kisser' here such a big deal, when there are plenty of cocks on display, as well as plenty of asses for viewer enjoyment?

Thanks Nichole Dupree for reposting this. And to Felicia you are greatly appreciated by many here, beside myself.

12-31-2007, 02:23 PM
Thanks Felicia. Excellent comments.

As everyone knows, and regardless of how you feel about it several girls have left the site or greatly reduced their participation.

I'm in the business of bringing pleasure and enjoyment into people's lives and the negativity has worn on me too. Like many of the other girls, I've tried to honestly open myself up and give people a glimpse into my life and who I am as a person. But lately it's resulted in negativity. I'm here to have fun, not to leave sad or angry. I can get enough of that in real life.

I decided a couple of weeks ago that at least for awhile, I would be more selective in my commentary as I'm not here to alienate people, nor is it my job to change peoples minds about how they see transsexuals or escorts or porn entertainers.

So have a Happy New Year and hopefully the new year will bring us all back together in a respectful and fun way. You know what they say... "The family that plays together, stays together..."

TS Jamie :-)

12-31-2007, 04:06 PM
I'm in a quandary. Part of me wants to agree wholeheartedly with Felicia's comments. The other part of me fears I'll be branded as a tranny ass kissing faggot! What to do? Help!

12-31-2007, 04:09 PM
Felicia's brain is better than her legs...and that's saying something

12-31-2007, 04:38 PM
I for one relish any opportunity to kiss Felicias' ass as well as any other girl on this site. Well spoken FK.

12-31-2007, 06:05 PM
1. I don't post as often as I used to because of the pervasive negativity here. Why bother to whisper my opinions, if they are going to be outshouted by everyone else's rants and raves and rancor.


THEN SPEAK UP, DON'T WHISPER! opinions are two a penny. RANTS AND RAVES AND RANCOUR ARE GOOD AND INTERESTING AND ENTERTAINING, THEY BRING PEOPLE IN TO TOPICS MORE THAN BLAND OPINIONS!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. I don't engage in the heated discussions as much as I used to, because of all the personal attacks that inevitably invites. Why should I weigh in on a controversy only to get whipped about my looks, or my gender status, or my height or what have you? Maybe I am shallow, or insecure, but part of why I come here is for a little validation or even adulation, and those are in short supply. Not only from the people who are the ones throwing all the hate, but from anyone else who might have a kind word or two, but now withholds them, lest they be called a kiss ass or a brown nose or otherwise drawn into the line of fire.

It's like this, you CAN'T EXPECT ADULATION. You may get it if people adore you but why should they do that? And why would you want it from people who don't know you? You ARE SHALLOW AND INSECURE. Sort yourself out for christ's sake, you seem to have let your EGO totally govern your sense of worth. What about your SELF?
Your validation must come from the knowledge that you are good and worthy, not from the OPINIONS of others.

I think the reason people may respond badly to you is that your posts are often very SMUG, like YOU are the main act on the stage and everyone else is a mere heckler

But i think it's the ass kissers who draw fire to you, so many bandwagon jumpers and sycophants here


the rest of your rant was good stuff tho

12-31-2007, 06:22 PM

c'mon kriss, with all your conspiracy rants, i thought you'd be suspicious of establishment capitalism :) HA might want to bring the crowds here with entertaining rancour, but what's in it for us?

now i know you guys never go around praising each other. at least not the way girls do. your style of praise is razzing and poking fun. but girls do not always have those sorts of barriers and obstacles to navigate. often we just come right out tell somebody what we think of them...even if what we're thinking is

"Felicia you're just fucking awesome. When I read your posts (on "disgusted") two nights ago it was like someone was very carefully explaining my own thoughts to me...putting them into place and expressing them like i never could. thank you, girl."

if that sounds like adulation.....well, it is; and it is also the truth.

12-31-2007, 08:51 PM

12-31-2007, 09:08 PM
I think the reason people may respond badly to you is that your posts are often very SMUG, like YOU are the main act on the stage and everyone else is a mere heckler

the rest of your rant was good stuff tho

Kriss, long time no see. :)

Gotta say that I can't agree with you about Felicea's posts being smug.

I have always found her posts to be written with great humility. They are
well thought out, are often very witty.

I have never known of her inciting or contributing to flaming or
disharmony on the forum.

I've said it once, but it bears repeating, my take on her is that she is a
highly valued member and contributor to our forum.

12-31-2007, 09:15 PM
Cool post, Felicia. I for one am also tired of the negativity here.

crock of shite

FK this is not an attack, just an opinion

Night Rider, shut up.

12-31-2007, 09:45 PM
Again here is some more hate LOL

Someone posts with love and it's seen as SMUG lol

I trully do not follow the mentality sometime.

I think that this secrete lifestyle can weigh on someone's conscience after a while, with the preasures of the world's hate twoards transgender women I can understand why someone would internalize that hate after which they allow that hate to transcend onto those who are the supposed root of it.

Society's hate for transsexual women causes most men insecurity. Most people are "trained" to live by the invisible boundaries that divide us all and unfortunally that can be a huge weight to carry around.

I cannot imagine lying to anyone I love, friends, family, anyone for that matter. After I came out to those who gave me birth it was such a weight off my chest and I trully felt I would never have to lie - ever again.

I can see why hate can consume someone and cloud judgement, but asking for world peace and for world love and acceptance brings just as much hate as it does good.

Truth being... The world needs hate and inbalance to make sure those who trully care and are aware can value life and to pursue happiness. For one to know what love is and it's value, one must experience hate. For heros to be heros there will always have to be evil. yin yang!

Evil is not a force!!!

If opposites are always merging into and becoming each other, then there is no absolute good or evil. However, in I John 1:5, it states, "This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all." Evil is not a force; it is a rejection of or rebellion against the good. Evil is the work of Satan, who has no truth in him and those who choose to deny or reject God. Evil and good are not equal because God is sovereign and "The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work". God allows Satan to operate for now; but Satan was defeated when Jesus died for us on the cross, allowing deliverance from Satan’s power through trusting Christ, for he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. Satan will be thrown into the lake of fire.

There some good lessons to be taken from the bibble, which is really a very primitive way of opposing boundaries onto others, but some messages from the bibble trully speak to the heart, and those are the true messages we all should internalize.

I am not a religious freak BTW. I just love the philosophy of being spiritually connected to your inner self and the forces that rule your person, making you who you are. If one is " aware " and educated of those forces then he shall know how to see the world and messages, especially Felicia's, as they are trully meant to be seen.

12-31-2007, 09:48 PM
Rack xxxsexyd!!! :)

Felicia Katt
01-01-2008, 01:43 AM
I think the reason people may respond badly to you is that your posts are often very SMUG, like YOU are the main act on the stage and everyone else is a mere heckler

Kriss, you are the one who thinks that everyone is watching your every move, not me. :) Thats a smile, btw, not a smirk LOL

Thanks for at least giving part of my rant raves, anyhow.

Thanks, again to everyone else who gave me way more props than I deserved :) I especially appreciate the ideas that Bible is more of a self help manual and that its good to follow some of its examples, rather than just ritualizing its words.



01-01-2008, 07:22 AM


Obviously what we have here is someone in desterate need of "Mistress Jamie" to provide some retraining and teach Kriss how to properly serve the transsexual goddesses of HA.

TS Jamie :-)