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12-29-2007, 03:59 AM
Soooo this is pretty random, but I found it super re-affirming, but I'm curious if this is just some old line that I've missed out on.

Anyways - I met this guy in the Misc Romance section of Craigslist - sketch I know - who was pretty cool. We had a fun date, then I went back to his place. When we got all nekkid he was like super shocked at my anatomy - he had assumed based on my photos that I was like, a hermaphrodite or intersexed, rather then just a tranny. He was like confused - "So on your birth certificate you were a boy?".

Anyways, i found this to be really re-affirming, I mean like, "passing" in the tranny section of craigslist? LOL.


Oh and here's the pic I posted, I'm in the white.

12-29-2007, 04:11 AM
maybe some guys just don't get it.

i had a post when i was just starting out, looking for some male attention and a bit of cash for school. I had plenty of responses and one guy who asked me what "tgirl" meant because he kept running into that phrase. I wondered how he missed the other clues, you know like girls who post their COCK SIZE! LOL

One of my friends told one of her partners I was trans, even before I met him. He messaged me and was trying to convince me to hook up with him. For some reason, he thought I had "both". I've had a gay guy ask me that too (not entirely randomly, we were talking about sex and such). I also found out that someone else had told my friends that he thought I had both and eventually I kinda had to come out to them. Apparently, people believe that transsexuals are walking around with two sets of genitalias.

Anyway don't meet guys online. I got in a bad situation last year that way, remember?

12-29-2007, 04:26 AM
the wings are real though, right? on your birth certificate, it does...like say you were a boy angel?

12-29-2007, 04:29 AM
the wings are real though, right? on your birth certificate, it does...like say you were a boy angel? :lol:

12-29-2007, 04:47 AM
Oh and BTW, you're hot as ever! There's no reason you should be dredging Craigslist, girl!

12-29-2007, 05:08 AM
I think the poll options are great. It's possible he's an idiot, not because he found you passable. You are, but because he found you in the transsexual section of craigslist, and had apparently found every ad believable enough that he didn't know. How do you not know what section you're navigating into?

Other options as well. He wanted to act surprised because he wasn't able to admit he was attracted to a transsexual. Pretending to be duped was a convenient smokescreen. Just my two cents. But nice pictures.

12-29-2007, 05:44 AM
I think he was being genuine, but maybe not in the way you arre presuming.

Meaning, he went looking in the adds for a tgirl, saw you IRL and thought "she can't be an actual tgirl, she must be intersexed or something like that", (because you're too passable) and just went along with that, until later on he was surprised to find out that you are what you are.

Still, that's testament to you being pretty passable.

You're right. :wink:

12-29-2007, 05:58 AM
mental note, hang out on craigs list more often!

12-29-2007, 06:06 AM
Sheesh - after seeing your photo honey - can you blame the guy for being confused?

You're gorgeous dear. Don't waste your time looking for love on CL. You are going to find a great guy. I promise it. :-)

TS Jamie :-)

12-29-2007, 06:14 AM
I think he was probably blowing smoke. It's odd that he would know all about intersexuals, etc., but not enough about transsexuals to know that many are quite passable.

The truth is, I didn't know all that much about intersexuals/hermaphrodites but I read an interesting fictional account of one recently in the novel Middlesex. The author goes into some serious detail of what adolescence and early adulthood is like. And I definitely know he got one thing right. The character was born the same year as I, in 1960, so when she/he is hitchhiking in her teens out West and getting hit on by various gay men on their way to SF... I can attest to the fact that shit like that happened. And I think it happened a lot. I got propositioned on a couple of rides, and once in a very redneck area of the country. I guess I looked a bit too much of a twink back then. ;)

12-29-2007, 06:25 AM
Sheesh - after seeing your photo honey - can you blame the guy for being confused?

You're gorgeous dear. Don't waste your time looking for love on CL. You are going to find a great guy. I promise it. :-)

TS Jamie :-)

i second that! :)

12-29-2007, 07:59 AM
Forget all that nonsense, tell me you're in PA...

12-29-2007, 09:47 AM
Did he say it eye to eye or, was he looking away from you?

Eye-to-Eye = Genuine

Looking Away = Bullshit

12-29-2007, 09:56 AM
beautiful looking