View Full Version : Any one experience this weapon of mass destruction?

12-28-2007, 11:00 PM
She looks sweet!

12-28-2007, 11:43 PM
Id say that's a weapon of ASS destruction :)

12-28-2007, 11:54 PM
know her personally, sweet girl, as far as experiencing that shit, hell to the no, but I'll gladly laugh at the dude from here walking funny for a week afterwards
best of luck, the pic isn't photoshopped

12-29-2007, 12:01 AM
know her personally, sweet girl, as far as experiencing that shit, hell to the no, but I'll gladly laugh at the dude from here walking funny for a week afterwards
best of luck, the pic isn't photoshopped

LOL @ walking funny for a week.

Rather him than me, I would run from thing. :shock:

I'd take her down to the gonads!


What a fucking thing to say!

12-29-2007, 12:32 AM
know her personally, sweet girl, as far as experiencing that shit, hell to the no, but I'll gladly laugh at the dude from here walking funny for a week afterwards
best of luck, the pic isn't photoshopped


12-29-2007, 12:36 AM
know her personally, sweet girl, as far as experiencing that shit, hell to the no, but I'll gladly laugh at the dude from here walking funny for a week afterwards
best of luck, the pic isn't photoshoppedWho is she JW. Got a name and location?

12-29-2007, 12:40 AM
she has the typical million # of tranny names, the one I know is Melania, she was in texas for awhile with some guy and then she came back up north.......... when she's not dressed as a boy she's really really cute in drag, and hormones will only add to her beauty..........

she dated another well known woodside tranny (hey flabby, hehehe) before she went to texas, that chick always walked with a limp when I saw them together but I ran into the ex recently at a laundromat here in NYC and she was walking just fine as she loaded up the dryer

12-29-2007, 09:01 AM
This is some scary shit.

12-29-2007, 09:04 AM
LOL @ walking with a limp
Some just cant take it.
As my fave line of the month goes
"Damn shame. Wouldn't let that shit happen to me, though!"

12-29-2007, 09:15 AM
That thing she's totin' around needs a license plate on it!!! :peanutbutter

12-29-2007, 07:08 PM