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View Full Version : Your thoughts on christmas

12-24-2007, 10:18 PM
Do you like it?Do you donīt like it?Or do you donīt care about it?
Is it a very special day or a day like every day?


12-24-2007, 10:52 PM
It's Christmas? Oh shit, I better get to the mall...

12-24-2007, 11:13 PM
In an age where we have to tread lightly and wish everyone a "Happy HannaKwanzaaMas" (And Festivus, for the rest of us) so as not to offend, I see it as just another day when I am not working. :?

Growing up, it used to be a big family deal, parents, grandparents, siblings, neighbors, all ending up in a big gathering of food and noise and 'Some assembly required' (Which is where I became the most popular uncle :) ).

I remember a couple of 'Lost Boys' holidays that were nice, about fifteen years or so back. A couple I knew locally had a nice dinner and viddie night for a friend or three who were otherwise uncommitted for the horrordaze. I've reconnected with half of said couple (The other half married an old GG friend of mine...Don't ask), but have not heard from her in a few daze.

The last truly comfortable $-mas I had was eleven years ago, spent with my last 'lover'. Just a year later, I was hoping to spend another nice holiday with her, but she chose to ditch me and give me a virtual kick in the teeth for good measure. :x Happy fucking holidaze to you too, BITCH! :evil:

*Ahem!* That said...

Since then, it has been a chore, a pariah on my life. Displays appear in August, stamps are issued in September, and the 'special' sales run from October through to January. I watch as people stand on line in the wee hours, in bitter cold, so that they can be the first to be trampled underfoot in the quest for the latest gadget which will only show up a dozen days later at half the price in twenty more locations.

I'm generally not a religious person, but the level of stoopidity, selfishness, buffoonery, rudeness, and cold-hearted commercialism that has poisoned this time of year is far more than a death of "The reason for the season".

Families are scattered, friends are distant, lovers are deceitful, morals are non-existent, stress and commercialism abound, and both Jimmy Stewart and Edmund Gwenn are very, very, very dead.

Lastly, because tight-ass political correctness dictates, I can't wish you a Merry Christmas, a Happy Chanukah, a blessed Eid al-Adha, a joyous Kwanzaa, a delightful Winter Solstice, or even a pleasant Festivus. I just wish that 2008 is less of a kidney-stone-of-a-year than 2007 (Or, as Dubyah might say "Two-oh-seven").

At the very least, I hope fewer of the cats that I know will die. :(

Dino Velvet
12-24-2007, 11:21 PM
Jesus' B-Day + Sports On TV + Lots Of Food & Booze = Good Times

If I can dodge the invitation for X-Mas dinner at my Aunt's house for the phoney lovefest it's even better.

12-24-2007, 11:24 PM
I LOVE CHRISTMAS........ :P :roll: :twisted:

12-24-2007, 11:29 PM
Although I’m not religious I still think it is important that we all spend at least one day of the year thinking of others and trying to spread a little joy through prezzies or just general good will.
If you don’t like the thought commercialism or unfair trade in Christmas, I recommend sending donations on others behalves, I did that this Christmas through national geographical, I also made sure that the materials used in the ring I bought my gf was sourced from conflict free countries :)

TrueBeauty TS
12-24-2007, 11:38 PM
I have a slightly different view of Christmas. I'm not scared of political correctness. I'll wish people Merry Christmas, and I don't get offended if anyone wishes me a Happy Holiday, Happy Chanukkah, Happy Kwanza, Good Solstice, Festive Festivus, etc. I'll take any bit of good will people will offer me.

To me, Christmas is several things:

Christmas is about people. People I love.
A time to tell friends & family how much I love them. To have another year with my Grandma, to try to memorize those special family recipies, to laugh at how crazy and goofy my family is, and to be SO thankful that I have a family, as I know many people do not.

Christmas is also a little bittersweet.
While I have many friends and family that I love, this time of year also spotlights the fact that I have no love in my life to share it with, to go shopping with, to hold hands with and just to be with. For the most part, I deal with it OK, try to accept it, but I often look on in envy at loving couples walking hand in hand. Ever notice how many Christmas songs are sad and in a minor key? They were written by single people. lol

Christmas is also a time to see how life could be. If we really tried to be nice, wish people good will and so on. It's a romantic idea, I know, but I'm sappy like that.

As I get older, the materialism means less & less, although I do appriciate beautiful trees and wonderful lights to look at. I don't care too much about getting presents, I just want everyone to be happy and in good health.

Sure, you could look at all the stupid materialism, corporation, bottom line profit stuff, but I try to close my eyes to all that and make Christmas about what I want it to be.

Oh, I almost forgot....

Merry Christmas!


the commander
12-24-2007, 11:47 PM
I am an atheist, so there is no religious meaning for me. However, I do like having at least one day each year dedicated to being with family and/or friends, eating good food and being thankful for the good fortune I have. I guess for me it is pretty similar to Thanksgiving only more expensive.

Instead of giving gifts to people this year, my wife and I decided to donate to the Heifer Project in other peoples names, and sent them a card indicating as such.

The Commander

12-24-2007, 11:47 PM
I always think about where does it all come from.

Uncovering the Pagan roots of Christmas part 1 &2 :arrow:



TrueBeauty TS
12-25-2007, 06:32 AM
Do you like it?Do you donīt like it?Or do you donīt care about it?
Is it a very special day or a day like every day?


How do YOU feel about it?


12-25-2007, 06:47 AM
i dont really know how i feel about it,to be honest.
every year it can be different.
at this time in my life,its just like another day,
but i do enjoy my mum being happy and getting things bought for her.
and i always give a little to some charity.

12-25-2007, 07:26 AM
It's Christmas? Oh shit, I better get to the mall...

BINGO !! Thats what Christmas had become

12-25-2007, 12:11 PM
I have written something about that in another thread dealing with a similar question,

As a kid I loved x-mas of course, all the glamour, the great gifts, holydays!

Of course, as time marched on, and as a rebellious teen I used to hate it with the same amount I used to love it as a kid lol. And you know, as a teenager you JUST KNOW IT ALL, I tended to loathe x-mas due to commercialisation, the smugness of hypocrites and sycophants whoi all of a sudden get all friendly but the rest of the year are asses etc.

Now, aged 30, I see x-mas as a valuable time where you can show people you care for THAT you do, and for me personally it`s usually really the quiet time of the year when I have some time to recap and do things I usually dont have the time for.

Of course there is the over-commercialisation, but you can decide to ignore that as much as possible.

As for my family, hmmm, x-mas was always a somewhat difficult experience bc I have family members who still dont talk to one another due to fights in the past. No one ever really acknowledged that fact, but everybody knew it bothered those involved, but they are too stubborn or ridden by ill-fated self-pride to take the first steps.

As for the religious aspects: I have a catholic upbringing, I even was an altar boy so I believed in ALL of the story, until my already mentioned teenage years, where I turned totally atheist lol.

But now I still can`t believe in all the biblical storytelling word by word, and I am definitly no follower of organized religion. But I do hope that there is something after death.

12-25-2007, 05:14 PM
Do you like it?Do you donīt like it?Or do you donīt care about it?
Is it a very special day or a day like every day?


How do YOU feel about it?

.Christmas has no religious meaning to me.It even hasnīt as i was a religious kid.It used to be all about presents and having a good quite time.
At a certain time i used to really dislike it.My parents were making a lot of stress,especially my father.Everything had to be perfect.
Now itīs three quite days with the close family and a lot television and internet.

I used to like to decorate the Christmas tree as a kid.Nowadays we wouldnīt even have one if my mother wouldnīt want one.

I donīt like the idea of giving presents on a certain date.You are more or less forced to buy presents.You donīt even know often what the person likes.I prefer to be spontanious.Although i like as a student to be giving money at Christmas. :oops:

I donīt need a certain day to meet with people that mean something to me.Any day is as good as Christmas day.

12-25-2007, 05:20 PM
As far as i'm concerned, it's a chore, that's now out of the way for another year.

12-25-2007, 08:28 PM
It is December 25th and I am alone again this year. No family...no companion. I could easily be bitter and angry, but that is the easy thing to do. Instead, I give back. I served dinner to some homeless veterans last night and sat and broke bread with the men who fought for the right to let us enjoy boards such as this. Instead of taking.....give back...it makes a difference especially when you are alone.

12-25-2007, 08:42 PM
It is December 25th and I am alone again this year. No family...no companion. I could easily be bitter and angry, but that is the easy thing to do. Instead, I give back. I served dinner to some homeless veterans last night and sat and broke bread with the men who fought for the right to let us enjoy boards such as this. Instead of taking.....give back...it makes a difference especially when you are alone.

Very nice...regardless of religious outlook. As a retired veteran, I thank you for your patriotic deed. :rock2

Christmas is supposed to be White, therefore....it's snowing in Denver!!! Merry Christmas to everyone!!!

Night Rider
12-26-2007, 12:01 AM
Christmas day is not worth all the hassle and bullshit leading up to it IMO.

But who could ever stop celebrating it?

12-26-2007, 02:48 AM
christmas starts too early soon they will be displaying trees n stuff in spring.

12-26-2007, 03:25 AM
well, i dont worship jeebus or anything and im usually a grinch around now, but i love my peeps all over the globe. and thats real

11-30-2009, 09:11 PM
Time for a BUMP

12-01-2009, 01:51 AM
Christmas? Some years i loved it...but honestly... this year- same as last year - I just wish it was over already.

12-01-2009, 01:54 AM
It can be depressing sometimes.
As a kid i loved it but now .... meh.

12-01-2009, 02:22 AM
Mandy hates xmas. This year I'll be at a cabin on the Russian River getting obliterated trying to forget how much I hate it.

12-01-2009, 02:28 AM
1. I get a month off from work: time to think, read, play and get my brains fucked out.

1. I have to drive for hours through inclimate weather only to then spend days with family members reminiscing about the same things we reminisced about last year while playing board games and watching big guys on TV in helmets play keepaway on an expensive giant field with some kind of goofy ill-shaped ball.

2. Then I have to drive back.

The cons have it.

Nicole Dupre
12-01-2009, 02:32 AM
I like presents. I like smoking Xmas buds. I like the lights and decor. I think Jesus was actually a very cool guy, although his fan club royally sucks. Xmas is ok as long you don't take it too much to heart, as in the religious dogma aspect of it. Happy Holidays, fuckers!


12-01-2009, 02:43 AM
Happy Holidays, fuckers! Damn, you're one mean bitch, Nicole Dupre :!:

Nicole Dupre
12-01-2009, 03:10 AM
Happy Holidays, fuckers! Damn, you're one mean bitch, Nicole Dupre :!:

Look, Trish. Talk like that will be only official when Phobun tells me so, and adds that I should seek professional help.

Also, referring to me "Dupre" is always a nice touch.