View Full Version : Why are you in a relationship?

12-23-2007, 04:01 PM
Did you find a person you have deep feelings for,have butterflies in your stomach when you look at this person?Or can´t you be alone?Or is your partner your walking bank account?Or are you in a relationship because it´s cheaper than hiring escorts?Or ...


12-23-2007, 06:41 PM
Yes. To everything.

12-23-2007, 07:44 PM
Yes. To everything.The perfect combination. :lol:

12-23-2007, 09:41 PM
I fell deeply in love with my partner 3 years ago while we were living on a queer musicians commune. It was like being on seriously hard drugs or something, and it has worked out great.

I'm incredibly happy, even when things are difficult, and I'm excited to grow older with her.

12-23-2007, 11:06 PM
I’m in a relationship because I found a woman with a genuinely kind soul whom I trust and respect as a true equal. All that I know of grace and mercy stems from my association with her. She is my conscience and the one thing that keeps the more savage aspects of my nature in check. Before she was ever my girlfriend or wife, she was the one friend who stood by me when, as a younger man, my designs were considered far too overreaching for someone from my background.

Our relationship may be decidedly unconventional, but it makes us both exceedingly happy. If we ever do go our separate ways, we’ll both walk away better for having shared this time together.


12-23-2007, 11:12 PM
I have a fuck buddy, I love her Pussy, does that count? :lol:

12-24-2007, 12:24 AM
Don't acuse me of bein' in a relationship...that would require checkin' in with somebody. And, that ain't happenin'!!!

12-24-2007, 05:44 AM
I met my wife 32 years ago and we've been married for 26 years. She's not the only woman I've fallen in love with, but she is the only woman I've wanted to spend my life with and whom I cannot live well without.

We mostly passed the butterflies stage a couple of decades ago, but they still flutter from time to time.

12-24-2007, 05:44 AM
Cause I'm a relationship whore I can't stay single. It bothers me lol

12-24-2007, 06:16 AM
Oh my God. Just reading this last page made me laugh my ass off. I'm sure, uh, lust4ts and Quinn both have amazing relationships with imaginary women. The girls apparently don't mind their men spending all day on a TS porn site.

I'm gonna jump on this train, too. I have a harem of sex demon girls who reside in my castle on the moon.


12-24-2007, 06:21 AM
When I look at all my relationships, most of them lasted for about 2 weeks or 1 month. Because that, I can´t say I ever had a relationship. :lol:

I´m not born for such stuff and I feel trapped when I´m ina relationship.

Night Rider
12-24-2007, 06:21 AM
I'm sure, uh, lust4ts and Quinn both have amazing relationships with imaginary women.

That's funny coming from the guy who had an imaginary "lesbian" relationship with Vicki Richter.

12-24-2007, 06:27 AM
I'm sure, uh, lust4ts and Quinn both have amazing relationships with imaginary women.

That's funny coming from the guy who had an imaginary "lesbian" relationship with Vicki Richter.

Did I insult some of your boy friends? Please discuss at your next circle jerk.


Night Rider
12-24-2007, 06:29 AM
I'm sure, uh, lust4ts and Quinn both have amazing relationships with imaginary women.

That's funny coming from the guy who had an imaginary "lesbian" relationship with Vicki Richter.

Did I insult some of your boy friends? Please discuss at your next circle jerk.


You don't insult anyone around here hondarapist.....you're a harmless molester (if that makes sense)

12-24-2007, 06:29 AM
don't get me started- i was in a serious relationship with a guy for seven years.....long story short I have a resraining order against him now

(He went deep into drugs- couldn't follow him down that path)

been single just over a year now.

12-24-2007, 06:32 AM
I'm sure, uh, lust4ts and Quinn both have amazing relationships with imaginary women.

That's funny coming from the guy who had an imaginary "lesbian" relationship with Vicki Richter.

Did I insult some of your boy friends? Please discuss at your next circle jerk.


You don't insult anyone around here hondarapist.....you're a harmless molester (if that makes sense)

You guys should post more often. I'm too busy molesting girls to keep up to speed, myself. Have a great holidays. . . alone. . . posting on the internet. Over and over again.


Night Rider
12-24-2007, 06:36 AM
I'm sure, uh, lust4ts and Quinn both have amazing relationships with imaginary women.

That's funny coming from the guy who had an imaginary "lesbian" relationship with Vicki Richter.

Did I insult some of your boy friends? Please discuss at your next circle jerk.


You don't insult anyone around here hondarapist.....you're a harmless molester (if that makes sense)

You guys should post more often. I'm too busy molesting girls to keep up to speed, myself. Have a great holidays. . . alone. . . posting on the internet. Over and over again.


OK lurkerbot, you've convinced me that you have a life outside of HA and molesting girls :twisted:

I'll be spending xmas getting laid while you're out looking for your next sexual assault victim.

Happy holidays

12-24-2007, 06:41 AM
I'm sure, uh, lust4ts and Quinn both have amazing relationships with imaginary women.

That's funny coming from the guy who had an imaginary "lesbian" relationship with Vicki Richter.

Yeah, the girl I'm seeing actually lets me touch her, I don't have to wait until she is asleep before she lets me feel her up :D

12-24-2007, 06:42 AM
Awwww, don't let the fact that we've enjoyed your continuous humiliation so much bother you, fembot. Still, since you want to get into made up stories, let’s take a look at your groundbreaking work:

Soooo, I go out drinking yesterday with my buddy Weebo around 3pm. We hung out on the patio at the Monte Carlo with a mutual friend who is currently making a small fortune on ebay. We drank and told stories and had a great time, but after six beers it was time to move on.

We made our way to the Hilton hotel, Weebo is seeing a girl at the moment who's a waitress there. She hooked us up with food, whiskey and beer and we had fun, talking too loud and irritating the people in the bar. We left eventually, and this is where memory fails me for a brief time.

I ended up back in my apartment with a hooker. Not an escort or anything fancy, just a reasonably attractive, early 20's, kinda nervous street hooker. I don't pick up hookers at all, actually, so this was somewhat odd, but what the hell? I don't remember meeting her either, but these things happen. I got us both some drinks and we sat and talked on my couch, then there was a knock on my door.

This goofy guy with glasses walked in and did just what a person would expect him to do, and I laughed at him. He was getting tough, talking shit, and I told him "Shut the fuck up! You're not talking to Joe Lunchbox here. I know this fuckin game and you've been on at least three security cameras just coming up here. I'm going to hang out with your girl, have some drinks, and you're going to walk the fuck away or I'm going to stick a fucking sword in your eye and the cops will call it self defense."

I showed him the sword that I intended to use if things got ugly.

He didn't have anything to say in response, and he left. So I hung out with the girl, although right now I have no idea what we talked about. At the moment half of my bottle of whiskey is gone, and there is an empty can of Miller Genuine Draft next to my sink (she must of had it in her pocket), so I imagine we blabbed for quite awhile. I asked her what her rate was at some point, and she said $30 for a blowjob. I gave her $40, kissed her on the forehead, and told her to stay away from that dipshit pimp, and that I thought she was a very sweet girl. And no, there was no sex (although I did play with her tits for awhile, she had nice tits).

And then she left.

Somewhat strange evening.

I don't know why I'm posting this. It's a true story, and it happened last night. Just one of those things.

Wow, you’re pretty tough for a 5’6 guy with the build of a pre-pubescent girl. I bet any pimp would run from you. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Don’t worry, cupcake, I’m sure that someday you’ll be something other than a HA's foremost cautionary tale – a deluded little fellow, pushing forty, working the type of job even underachieving early twenty-somethings think is for losers (at a low-end gay club LOL). It just doesn't get any funnier than that.


Night Rider
12-24-2007, 06:44 AM
I'm sure, uh, lust4ts and Quinn both have amazing relationships with imaginary women.

That's funny coming from the guy who had an imaginary "lesbian" relationship with Vicki Richter.

Yeah, the girl I'm seeing actually lets me touch her, I don't have to wait until she is asleep before she lets me feel her up :D

hondarobot - "I did what any man in my situation would do when she was sleeping, I molested her"


He was only doing what any man would do :shock: :!: ^^^^

12-24-2007, 06:49 AM
Awwww, don't let the fact that we've enjoyed your continuous humiliation so much bother you, fembot. Still, since you want to get into made up stories, let’s take a look at your groundbreaking work:

Soooo, I go out drinking yesterday with my buddy Weebo around 3pm. We hung out on the patio at the Monte Carlo with a mutual friend who is currently making a small fortune on ebay. We drank and told stories and had a great time, but after six beers it was time to move on.

We made our way to the Hilton hotel, Weebo is seeing a girl at the moment who's a waitress there. She hooked us up with food, whiskey and beer and we had fun, talking too loud and irritating the people in the bar. We left eventually, and this is where memory fails me for a brief time.

I ended up back in my apartment with a hooker. Not an escort or anything fancy, just a reasonably attractive, early 20's, kinda nervous street hooker. I don't pick up hookers at all, actually, so this was somewhat odd, but what the hell? I don't remember meeting her either, but these things happen. I got us both some drinks and we sat and talked on my couch, then there was a knock on my door.

This goofy guy with glasses walked in and did just what a person would expect him to do, and I laughed at him. He was getting tough, talking shit, and I told him "Shut the fuck up! You're not talking to Joe Lunchbox here. I know this fuckin game and you've been on at least three security cameras just coming up here. I'm going to hang out with your girl, have some drinks, and you're going to walk the fuck away or I'm going to stick a fucking sword in your eye and the cops will call it self defense."

I showed him the sword that I intended to use if things got ugly.

He didn't have anything to say in response, and he left. So I hung out with the girl, although right now I have no idea what we talked about. At the moment half of my bottle of whiskey is gone, and there is an empty can of Miller Genuine Draft next to my sink (she must of had it in her pocket), so I imagine we blabbed for quite awhile. I asked her what her rate was at some point, and she said $30 for a blowjob. I gave her $40, kissed her on the forehead, and told her to stay away from that dipshit pimp, and that I thought she was a very sweet girl. And no, there was no sex (although I did play with her tits for awhile, she had nice tits).

And then she left.

Somewhat strange evening.

I don't know why I'm posting this. It's a true story, and it happened last night. Just one of those things.

Wow, you’re pretty tough for a 5’6 guy with the build of a pre-pubescent girl. I bet any pimp would run from you. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Don’t worry, cupcake, I’m sure that someday you’ll be something other than a HA's foremost cautionary tale – a deluded little fellow, pushing forty, working the type of job even underachieving early twenty-somethings think is for losers (at a low-end gay club LOL). It just doesn't get any funnier than that.


Quinn's really getting upset, it seems. I did want to ask him about the stroke he posted he had. If you had to learn to walk again (I remember you mentioning that), what was that like? Pretty bad, I imagine. Humiliating and resulting in pent up anger. That would explain digging up my old posts all the time.

Quinn needs to lash out.

Night Rider
12-24-2007, 06:56 AM
How is it humiliating to have a stroke?

You really are one deluded cunt. There's nothing you can do about having a stroke whereas all your problems are created by your dysfunctional brain.

12-24-2007, 06:56 AM
Honda you stupid twat, if Quinn did have a stroke it is nothing to laugh about, and it is certainly more honorable than grabbing girls cocks when they are asleep :roll:

12-24-2007, 07:24 AM
Speaking of humiliation, how's that plan of yours to become "lecherously wealthy" working out?

I will now proceed to attempt to become lecherously wealthy (it's not entirely impossible, actually) and then my past tirades will be forgotten because when you're rich and powerful you're never crazy. You're just eccentric.

Oh, that's right, you're pushing forty – working a job that even early twenty-something's consider a loser job (at a gay club). Boy, you sure showed me. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Still, if it’s humiliation you’re interested in, boys and girls, we can always look at stuff like this:

Hondarobot/Jeff is a creep who molested you, right? Yes or no?

Yes. And stop hijacking all my threads.

Oh, that reminds me, do you still have that towel from the hotel you sexually assaulted Vicki in that you use to jerk off to?

Now go watch a Vicki video, you kook! I know I will. I even have a towel that still kinda smells like her that I may use as a jack rag. . .

Nyah nyah nyah!

Today’s word, boys and girls, is “failure.” Can you say “failure,” boys and girls? We already know that Honda can. :lol: :lol:


12-24-2007, 07:34 AM
I usually get tricked into relationships. Then it's hard to get out of them

12-24-2007, 06:23 PM
When I look at all my relationships, most of them lasted for about 2 weeks or 1 month. Because that, I can´t say I ever had a relationship. :lol:

I´m not born for such stuff and I feel trapped when I´m ina relationship.Same here.
I´m not made for the classical relationship.In such one the partners treat each other like their property.You can´t do this and that.You can´t look at this and that.You can´t meet this person and that person...

I don´t wanna be the property of someone nor do i want to treat a girl like that.

lust4ts wrote

I have a fuck buddy, I love her Pussy, does that count?Yes,that counts.

12-24-2007, 09:22 PM
I am not in a relationship because no GG or TS wants to be with me. I am not a handsome man and I only have a loving and caring heart to give and unfortunately in todays world everyone just views the superficial.

12-24-2007, 09:26 PM
A brotha goes to NJ for 2 days, and i come back and see nothing has changes. Ahhhhh....
anyhow back on subject, My GF is cool beans. She keeps my perversion and random crazy thoughts in check, and can hold an intellectual conversation for more than 5 minutes.