View Full Version : Today is Election Day

12-23-2007, 08:04 AM
in fact its the first general election Thailand has had since the coup a year and a half ago.Alchoholic beverages have benn banned off and on all week country wide(lord knows nobody wants the voters to be drunk,they might elect GWB!)

Hopefully the deposed leaderships party wont blow anybody up,and the military will release power,unlike what happened next door in Myanmar.

http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20071223/ts_nm/thailand_election_dc_3;_ylt=Aok8mglZ9v39g1YBlceJ4U QE1vAI

12-23-2007, 12:28 PM
Bad News from Thailand!

The exit polls are showing that the party supporting former PM Thaksin,the guy whom the coup overthrew 15 months ago,won the elections.They want to bring him back from exile in England.

This is the same guy who gave loans to all the farmers in the north,many of whom did not understand the term "loan".So after giving out all these loans (cash gifts or so they thought) to so many people who couldnt read or write,representives from motor bike and cell phone companies rushed north and sold them their products.Guess who owns the motorbike and cell phone companies...yup...Thaksin!

This is the same guy who wiped his ass with the constitution(sound familiar America?!)and sold a multi billion dollar telecom company to a group from Singapore,even though the constitution clearly states that a foreign group or person cannot own a Thai company.Further to avoid any sales tax he may have incurred otherwise he transferred the company into his childrens names prior to the sale.

Shows that America doesnt hold a monopoly on stupid voters.

This election will surely make matters worse here and the next coup might not be so bloodless.

Enjoy your ladyboy porn while you can guys cuz things here are bound to get ugly.

12-23-2007, 12:54 PM
How soon people forget. Some years ago one of the western states impeached a crooked governor and booted him to the curb. The same voters gleefully put him back in office at the next election. :roll:

12-23-2007, 04:03 PM

Sawadee kaa DJ.

Thanks for that update.


Night Rider
12-23-2007, 04:08 PM
The exit polls are showing that the party supporting former PM Thaksin,the guy whom the coup overthrew 15 months ago,won the elections.They want to bring him back from exile in England.

I wondered where he got all that money! He bought Manchester City F.C and has already spent millions on players. Sounds like a bit of a gangster.

12-23-2007, 07:54 PM
when is this up for vote?
11/24/2007 07:30 AM ID: 66775
Thailand's Patriotic Law to Stop Traffic
A group of retired and active duty generals in the army appointed to parliament in Thailand have proposed a law where traffic will be required to come to a stand still at the playing of the national anthem. The law is deemed to boost patriotism.

Parliament deferred the flag bill in an effort to study it's chaotic affects on busy roads. It is already a requirement for all to stand still in parks, offices and stations, at the playing of the anthem on loud speakers, between 8a.m. and 6p.m.

"The national anthem lasts only one minute and eight seconds, so why can't motorists stop their cars for the sake of the country? They already spend more time in traffic jams anyway," stated retired General Pricha Rochanasena.

Source: www.reuters.com

Be Patriotic... ITS THE LAW

12-24-2007, 07:06 AM
when is this up for vote?
11/24/2007 07:30 AM ID: 66775
Thailand's Patriotic Law to Stop Traffic
A group of retired and active duty generals in the army appointed to parliament in Thailand have proposed a law where traffic will be required to come to a stand still at the playing of the national anthem. The law is deemed to boost patriotism.

Parliament deferred the flag bill in an effort to study it's chaotic affects on busy roads. It is already a requirement for all to stand still in parks, offices and stations, at the playing of the anthem on loud speakers, between 8a.m. and 6p.m.

"The national anthem lasts only one minute and eight seconds, so why can't motorists stop their cars for the sake of the country? They already spend more time in traffic jams anyway," stated retired General Pricha Rochanasena.

Source: www.reuters.com

Be Patriotic... ITS THE LAW

I also heard about this proposed law,not sure if it was up for vote or what,but after living here for as along as I have and as many things about Thailand that I like,if theres one thing I've learned is count on the Thais to create laws that make absolutely ZERO sense.

Felicia Katt
12-24-2007, 07:45 AM
sorry DJ, but on here people care more about erections than elections :(


12-24-2007, 09:12 AM
There once was a man with an erection,
Who went to vote in an election.

[fill in the rest of the limerick and end it with the word "ejection"]
