View Full Version : PENIS ISSUES

06-06-2005, 05:25 PM
My advice to any straight man who finds himself continually harrassed by friends (and ex-girlfriends!) who insist that his fascination with tgirls and their beautiful dicks makes him gay:

Ignore them. If you don't feel this makes you gay, then you are not gay. I am a straight man who has loved women all my life, and that has not changed since I discovered how sexy a gorgeous, feminine woman with a huge penis can be. I have zero attraction to the male physique. The same huge, curved dick I love to see on a voluptuous girl would make me go limp and cold if it was attached to some buff dude.

I am not a homophobe, but I reject the gay label and the way people try to use it to imply some kind of warped behavior.

Body chemistry has a lot to do with what we are, not just physical attributes. Do you mean to tell me Condoleeza Rice is more of a woman than, say, Victoria/Miriam?

I know I'm preaching to the converted here for the most part, but I had to get that off my chest.

Overlord Abomination
06-06-2005, 09:20 PM
Do you mean to tell me Condoleeza Rice is more of a woman than, say, Victoria/Miriam?

Dont you mean Condor?I thought that bitch evolved from birds, So technically a human and a pidgeon arnt even in the same book.

06-07-2005, 01:39 AM
Very well put Alfred, I agree with you totally

06-07-2005, 01:41 AM
Do you mean to tell me Condoleeza Rice is more of a woman than, say, Victoria/Miriam?

Dont you mean Condor?I thought that bitch evolved from birds, So technically a human and a pidgeon arnt even in the same book.

Overlord you are a Cotdamn fool for that

06-07-2005, 02:17 AM
Attraction To Trannssexual Lady = Repressed Gay = M.Y.T.H. !!!!!

I don't see What business it is of anyone to criticize or tell anyone else what to do . So long as all are ADULT consenting in everything , and no one is hurt , what the hell has it to do with any fascist or busybody !!!

If anyone is lucky enough to be with one of the Beautiful Transsexual Ladies whether as paid companion or lover then it's fine by me and it's between those two agreeing parties only , and nothing to do with any interfering no - life fascist busybodies .

But I think , people get more and more relaxed about these things today . ( The only vociferous critics are those O think wishing to be more adventurous themsleves but without the guts and are therefore jealous pure and simple !!!! This has been proved by scientific tests ! )

This stupid myth that an attraction to Beautiful Transsexuas Ladies is somehow repressed homosexuality is NONSENSE and incredibly DUMB and indeed needs to be put to rest once an for all !!

I pass a gay area everyday on way home from work. On a Summes Day teh Gay pub is full with Gays spilling out onto the pavements drinking and socializing . What do I see pumped up steroid physiques tatoos shaved head everything masculine . I feel no animosity towards teh gays nor any attraction . They cloudl all be standing ther stark naked faor all I care and I woudl only be thinking about getting home !! Anyone who knew anything about anything , which idiots who cite repressed homosexualtiy don't would know that in the gay world , masculinitiy and masculinity only is sought after and worshipped , not femininity of any sort , which is why gays are alwsy in teh gym oiling pumping up theri pecs and swallowing seroids !!!. Very rarely will you see a ( phsically ) effeminate type man in gay crowd , although some may of course be theatrical or " camp " in mannerisms and speech !!! It is just not seen as cool !!

Personally I don;t have sexual attraction to any other males . But I have nothing against anyone who does . My neighbours are a gay couple and my friends . And good luck to them !!!

But I'm not sexually attracted to any other males.

If were ever to offer to me FREE a gay male escort free I'm sure would not want it ! If instead of me paying , they said I would be paid to go with said escort , I still wouldn't want it !! ( unless maybe it was for a million pounds or two ! )

So why can't people just realax and let people do what they want subject to what I've said .

The Beautiful Tarnssexual Lady Jade puts much effort thought and indeed hard work into becoming what she has become , so we should just respect her adn her sisters and allow them to be themselves and also allow us that feel love for them to love them and just live in peace !

I think eventually this will not even be an issue as things change , Back In the sicteenth century homosecuality in the army was an offence carrying the DEATH penalty ! Today there are openly gay soldiers , and gay law enforecement officers so humanity does move on , in time !!

So all respect to Beautiful Jade and sisters ( inc. beautiful ANIYAH ALL CAPS ) for blazing a mighty trail for us and resepct and sincere thanks for all the beauty and femininity ( so lacking in today's world ) that She brings to our lives !!!!

:P :roll: :P :roll: :P

06-07-2005, 03:40 AM

06-07-2005, 05:04 AM
to be honest - my wife can spot a t-girl dead on balls accurate....She gets 10/10 on those quizzes. I love t-girls too, but you gotta admit that your love for them isn't 'straight'

just my $.10

06-07-2005, 05:10 AM
know what amazes me about this thread? the amount of new or barely ever posted users that have tons of shit to say
gimme a fuckin break
you are what you are and thats YOU.........period
no one on this board or offline in "the real world" has any power on your "CHOICE" in life, for whatever you do

Overlord Abomination
06-07-2005, 05:27 AM
know what amazes me about this thread? the amount of new or barely ever posted users that have tons of shit to say
gimme a fuckin break
you are what you are and thats YOU.........period
no one on this board or offline in "the real world" has any power on your "CHOICE" in life, for whatever you do

Unless theyve got a gun to your head and they're saying "Blow her Blow her"

06-07-2005, 03:51 PM
Well .. this a "Forum " and anyone can say what they want to say !
In case anyone doesn't know , it's what's called DEMOCRACY
If anyone doesn't like it or happens to prefer dictatorships ... just TOO bad ! ( So sorry ....... COMERADE ! )


06-28-2005, 02:41 PM
My advice to any straight man who finds himself continually harrassed by friends (and ex-girlfriends!) who insist that his fascination with tgirls and their beautiful dicks makes him gay:

Ignore them. If you don't feel this makes you gay, then you are not gay. I am a straight man who has loved women all my life, and that has not changed since I discovered how sexy a gorgeous, feminine woman with a huge penis can be. I have zero attraction to the male physique. The same huge, curved dick I love to see on a voluptuous girl would make me go limp and cold if it was attached to some buff dude.

I am not a homophobe, but I reject the gay label and the way people try to use it to imply some kind of warped behavior.

Body chemistry has a lot to do with what we are, not just physical attributes. Do you mean to tell me Condoleeza Rice is more of a woman than, say, Victoria/Miriam?

I know I'm preaching to the converted here for the most part, but I had to get that off my chest.

I don't see how you could rationalize not being gay. Even though there are post-op's around the majority of the pictures I see on this forum the woman has a penis. Even you are a lot more descriptive of the woman's penis than the woman herself. Let's say that huge, beautiful, curved dick is attached to either a 70 year old woman, a 450 pound woman, a dude, or Vicky Richter. I know who I would pick. I really do not wish to offend anyone, but technically, Transsexual MtoF's are men, so what you are really saying is that you prefer men with a certain body type. That sounds gay to me.

06-28-2005, 03:25 PM
Round and round and round we spin,
To weave a wall to hem us in,
It won't be long, it won't be long
How slow and slow and slow it goes,
To mend the tear that always shows.
It won't be long, it won't be long.

It's hard enough losin' the paper illusion you've hidden inside,
Without the confusion of findin' you're usin' the crutch of the lie
To shelter your pride when you cry.

Round and round and round we spin,
To weave a wall to hem us in,
It won't be long, it won't be long
How slow and slow and slow it goes,
To mend the tear that always shows.
It won't be long, it won't be long.

One . . . more . . . time . . . .

(Thanks, Neil)

06-28-2005, 03:52 PM
In the words of lesbian comic Lea Delaria:

"I like penises. I just don't like them on men".

I've decided to stop trying to label myself. But I think that if you don't like if you're an guy and you're not sexually attracted to other men then you can't possibly be considered gay or even bisexual. Technically a beautiful, sexy curvy girl like Miriam, Vaniity or Vicky is genetically male. But such a girl is phenotypically feminine in almost all respects. Condoleeza Rice and Margaret Thatcher are genetically female, but given the choice between one of them and Vicky Richter, I think even a non-tg admirer would opt for Vicky.

It's pretty strange how so many men are fascinated by those lesbian strap-on videos and yet don't get the attraction of a gorgeous, shapely girl with a real penis dangling between her legs.

I think your argument EvilTwin, is kind of self defeating. I too would opt for a beautifu tgirl like Vicky over an old hag or an obese woman, dick or no dick. The fact that a girl like Vicki has a penis is a very lovely bonus. (Oh! Extra bits! Cool? Can you use them? You can? Let's try it out!).

The difference between, say, Brad Pitt, and Danielle Foxx is more than just body type. Put the two together (and I'm sure that Danielle would love that) and there is no comparison. Brad is a handsome guy, even I'll admit that, but if he ever came up to me wearing only his boxers and a grin, I'd make like Carl Lewis with wings and get the hell out of there. Now if Danielle wants to come up and see me some time, the doors open.

So am I straight? Maybe not as straight as I thought I was? Am I gay? Not really, the thought of being with another guy is such a turn-off. I'll just call myself a confused dreamer with an interesting hobby.

I've got nothing against gay men. But I'm not interested in hanging out with them either. In any case, I'm sure they wouldn't understand my fascination with tgs either.

Vicki Richter
06-28-2005, 04:13 PM
I don't see how you could rationalize not being gay. Even though there are post-op's around the majority of the pictures I see on this forum the woman has a penis. Even you are a lot more descriptive of the woman's penis than the woman herself. Let's say that huge, beautiful, curved dick is attached to either a 70 year old woman, a 450 pound woman, a dude, or Vicky Richter. I know who I would pick. I really do not wish to offend anyone, but technically, Transsexual MtoF's are men, so what you are really saying is that you prefer men with a certain body type. That sounds gay to me.

I am not sure if I should be offended here or not. You would pick me over a 70 year old woman, a 450 pound woman, or a man? Sheesh. Actually, you didn't even say you'd pick me. hehe.

I would probably disagree with the "technically they are men" comment. I mean we have male genitalia, and I for one apparently write like a man (hehe), but it's definitely not the same thing.

Hanging out with Danielle, Meghan, Joanna, Vo, Allenina, etc... you just don't get the feeling that you're hanging out with a guy. The mental imagry isn't there, the way they act or look isn't there. Despite not ever having been in the community, I've had gay male acquaintences, and it's nothing like the TS girls I know. Where I live, all my friends I hang out with are GG, and I can't say that I feel any differently around them than I do my TS friends.

Men with a certain body type would still look like men. I think you have to add face, skin, hair, fingernails, smell, toenails, body, behavior... I mean come on... I can't totally explain the attraction because I am on the wrong side of it, but it's silly that we define sexuallity just based upon .2% of body mass.

Disclaimer: By the way I just echo'd everything LG just said, but we both wrote our messages at the same time.

06-28-2005, 06:28 PM
It amazes me the number of people who come onto this forum and with their first post - EvilTwin - promptly label the people here that like TSs as Gay. This is a Transgender forum after all, so why are they here in the first place???
I think I've posted the following comments before on here, but what the hell. I've seen a number of TS girls in the past year and there is one particular girl that I have seen a lot. Now whenever I am with her, it always feels 100% natural to be there making love to her. Maybe I'm lucky, but I don't have any doubts about who I am. I don't fancy guys at all so I know I'm not gay. Am I totally straight. Probably not but then I didn't come up with the definitions.
I suppose my point is that if you are confident with yourself, why should you worry about labels that someone else has come up with. Btw, all my close friends and the people I work with know my sexual preferences and no one is bothered about it and I have never had any problems with them.

06-29-2005, 06:51 AM
I don't check in with this board often, but I was surprised to see some folks respond to what I figured might be an old subject around here.

Vicky, you write so well, and have such a strong, intelligent voice, that I wonder if you ever considered writing professionally? Not that I want you to quit your day job.

Anyhow, I'm with Vicky: If she and similarly feminine transsexuals can't be called women, the word itself has no meaning. I'm not homophobic; I have plenty of gay friends. But I can't accept the gay label simply because I think a penis complements a pretty woman's looks. I know more than a few sexy natural-born women who are downright heartbroken that they don't have a dick of their own to play with.

06-29-2005, 07:42 AM
just go by the phrase:


06-29-2005, 07:49 AM
I agree with you entirely, Chica

06-29-2005, 08:02 AM
I thought liking shemales pretty much took you away from straight into bisexual, i mean thats what i consider myself, im not attracted to actual men at all but part of the attraction and mistique to a shemale is that its a beautiful woman with a dick and i mean as straight as some might consider themselves if your sucking a dick, shemale or male, your still sucking a dick.

06-29-2005, 01:55 PM
Like all labels, bisexual has its stigma as well. We can describe what our attractions and orientation are, but why should we be then pigeonholed accordingly? I like "omnisexual" because I enjoy a wide range of sexual activities: female, male, transsexual. My orientation? female/transsexual; I am powerfully attracted to beautiful women whatever they have between their legs. The sight of a beautiful woman or transsexual evokes an immediate positive reaction (translation: I get hard). This never happens with a man; only once--30 years ago--did I "fall" for a guy (a three-month relationship which ended as soon as I met the woman who would become my wife). Yet I love cock.

I distinguish between orientation and attraction: my sexual orientation is female/transsexual; my sexual attraction (that is, purely sexual, physical, without regard for the romantic, emotional, or intellectual) is to both male and female. Thus, my strongest attraction is to a beautiful transsexual because she embraces both: the beauty, allure, charm, scent of a woman with the extra sexual benefits of a hard cock. And of course I favor a TS who loves being feminine but also enjoys her cock; not all TS despise their dicks.

It always seems way more complicated than it should be. All of the above is beautifully summarized by Chica's very simple comment:

just go by the phrase:


06-29-2005, 03:15 PM
I think it's kinda interesting that this whole "specific anatomical part=gender identity" issue always centers on a persons cock.

You just don't hear "I'd never be into a girl with a flat chest, because a Real Girl has tits! If a guy digs a girl without boobs, you can just call him Liberache!" or "That girl has a flat butt! Stay away from that Man Ass, ya old fruit!"

And beyond that, I'm willing to bet in the not too distant future, all these silly labels will soon dissapear for the most part.

Gay, Straight, Bi will all just become People, doing whatever the hell they feel like doing.

06-29-2005, 03:25 PM
I really can't see any male that gets sexually excited by a penis as being totally straight.

The society that we live in views any intimacy between men as taboo.


Remember this photo? It circulated widely among some of the blogs I frequent. Holding hands in Saudi Arabia is a sign of trust and friendship, and has nothing to do with homosexually. Saudi Arabia is a country that still beheads gay people. But this photo caused such a stir that the White House felt the need to release a statement.
So this is what we have been fed all of our lives. Any intimacy between men is taboo. So maybe this is where the attraction for Transsexual MtoF's stems. While I know of no genetic or biological reason that some people are attracted to the opposite sex, I do know that it is not a choice. It occurs natrually in a small percent of the population. Maybe people who are attracted to MtoF's have homosexual tendencies but because of social taboos refuse to admit it even to themselves.

By the way, I didn't join this forum just to rag on you guys. To quote a famous saying, " I just buy Playboy for the articles, Yeah, right." :D

06-29-2005, 03:58 PM
I've said this before on a couple other forums/blogs, but I actually do read Playboy for the articles. This is the age of the internet, and porn is everywhere. Does anybody actually pick up that magazine, in this day and age, for the purpose of jacking off?

I guess I can imagine some uptight, sexually repressed middle aged guy in the suburbs doing that. Stashing the old issues away from his wife in a corner of the garage. Strange. And I'm not saying the girls aren't hot, but come on, it's more like art then porn.

And it does have pretty good articles.

Well, to each their own.

06-30-2005, 02:07 AM

I think it's kinda interesting that this whole "specific anatomical part=gender identity" issue always centers on a persons cock.

It's all about the phallus, whether in its literal form, the cocks we all get so excited about here, or in the symbolic form, i.e. the crisis about identity that same getting hot about cocks crerates in some of us. The phallus is the symbolic center and arbiter of power in our society. Getting, maintaining and declaring that power is at the heart of every ritual of masculinity from didgeball to the presidency. So i guess it's no wonder that the threat of surrendering the phallic control to people who otherwise glorify their femininity will always be threatening to some men.

I think the heart of the conflict is between the purely sexual pleasure principle and the gender identity issue in its rerlationship to power within our society.

Personally I have always believed in the orientation fluidity idea.

06-30-2005, 04:02 AM
"orientation fluidity idea" - isn't that a flux capacitor?!

06-30-2005, 02:44 PM

I think it's kinda interesting that this whole "specific anatomical part=gender identity" issue always centers on a persons cock.

It's all about the phallus, whether in its literal form, the cocks we all get so excited about here, or in the symbolic form, i.e. the crisis about identity that same getting hot about cocks crerates in some of us. The phallus is the symbolic center and arbiter of power in our society. Getting, maintaining and declaring that power is at the heart of every ritual of masculinity from didgeball to the presidency. So i guess it's no wonder that the threat of surrendering the phallic control to people who otherwise glorify their femininity will always be threatening to some men.

I think the heart of the conflict is between the purely sexual pleasure principle and the gender identity issue in its rerlationship to power within our society.

Personally I have always believed in the orientation fluidity idea.

I would have to agree with you on that last line, as my orientation has been anything but static during my lifetime. I grew up in a conservative Christian home in the deep south and didn't, surprisingly, start flexing my sexual wings until I entered the navy. During my time in the navy I developed a sexual appetite for just about anything on two legs. After my tour of duty I returned home, and returned to my conservative Christian lifestyle. I did the "marriage, have kids" thing for a while. Now I am divorced, an atheist, and I haven't quite figured out who or what I am.

07-01-2005, 11:05 AM
"orientation fluidity idea" - isn't that a flux capacitor?!

Which is why, ecstatic, one should never drive above 88 unless one has properly defined one's sexuality.

12-14-2005, 01:58 AM
The difference between, say, Brad Pitt, and Danielle Foxx is more than just body type. Put the two together (and I'm sure that Danielle would love that) and there is no comparison. Brad is a handsome guy, even I'll admit that, but if he ever came up to me wearing only his boxers and a grin, I'd make like Carl Lewis with wings and get the hell out of there. Now if Danielle wants to come up and see me some time, the doors open.

Here! Here!

12-14-2005, 03:19 AM
well from spending just a short time reading up on these posts here is the absolute final answer to the TS/Gay question.

If you Bottom, then you are Gay
If you give a BJ to a TS, then you are Bi
If you Top, then you are Straight
- Unless you do a reach-around, then you are Bi-Curious.

If you give a BJ to a TS and her dick is bigger then yours, then you are Gay.

If a TS blows you, you are Straight
- Unless you are blowing her at the same time (i.e.69), then the 2 BJ's cancel each other out. Go back and hire another escort.
- As in the case of a 69 - Unless again she cums first, then you are gay.

Rimming a TS while you can see her dick, then you are gay
Rimming a TS and her dick is not in plain view, i.e. she covers it with her hand, then you are straight.

i think that just about covers it.