View Full Version : Boys vs. MEN

12-22-2007, 08:37 AM
Of course, age is no guarantee of maturity or wisdom. But there really is a fairly obnoxious group of guys here who are all barely over 20 it seems, and who all come across as sexually awkward and emotionally immature. Some post too much, some are living in a world of comic books and superheroes, and some are fixated on toilet humor. But, whatever their little hobby may be, they tend to stick out like sore thumbs. I'm sure they'll grow up eventually, but boys really do mature more slowly than girls. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

Comic books can be cool. Beyond that I agree with te rest of the post. There are some pretty cool comics, you know that.


12-22-2007, 08:43 AM
I can be both, sometimes I am very grown up and mature, others I'm just a big kid! I like being that way though, it keeps me looking and feeling young.

I have to admit I'm not a typical 27 year old, most people when meeting me assume I'm around 20, allot of that is because of my personality I think!

12-22-2007, 08:47 AM
All kinds of scholarly work has been done analyzing Superheroes as a modern manifestation of what was once considered classical mythology. There's a lot more to it than just comic books.

Which doesn't address your issue, but I hate seeing comic books and superheroes brushed aside as pop-cultural juvenility. There's real value there.

12-22-2007, 08:49 AM
I can be both, sometimes I am very grown up and mature, others I'm just a big kid! I like being that way though, it keeps me looking and feeling young.

I have to admit I'm not a typical 27 year old, most people when meeting me assume I'm around 20, allot of that is because of my personality I think!

You look like Richard Speck, heh.

12-22-2007, 08:52 AM
Of course, age is no guarantee of maturity or wisdom. But there really is a fairly obnoxious group of guys here who are all barely over 20 it seems, and who all come across as sexually awkward and emotionally immature. Some post too much, some are living in a world of comic books and superheroes, and some are fixated on toilet humor. But, whatever their little hobby may be, they tend to stick out like sore thumbs. I'm sure they'll grow up eventually, but boys really do mature more slowly than girls. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

Comic books can be cool. Beyond that I agree with te rest of the post. There are some pretty cool comics, you know that.

:wink:Well, beyond the age of 12 or 13, I always liked the more adult stuff like Heavy Metal Magazine and underground comics like Zap. But, sure. Comics are ok. I'm not dissing comics, but more making an observation on a mentality and maturity. I do think that Tgirls mature emotionally somewhat faster than our non- gender dysphoric peers though.

I have the original french Metal Hurlant #2. I don't know if it's worth anything, but I have it. Heavy Metal was awesome.

12-22-2007, 08:56 AM
I can be both, sometimes I am very grown up and mature, others I'm just a big kid! I like being that way though, it keeps me looking and feeling young.

I have to admit I'm not a typical 27 year old, most people when meeting me assume I'm around 20, allot of that is because of my personality I think!

You look like Richard Speck, heh.

LOL, I wasn't told that when I used to do modelling Honda, I've seen your pic and compared your bald headed ugly ass you could say I'm an oil painting :P

Yes, look at the likeness :roll:

12-22-2007, 08:58 AM
I can be both, sometimes I am very grown up and mature, others I'm just a big kid! I like being that way though, it keeps me looking and feeling young.

I have to admit I'm not a typical 27 year old, most people when meeting me assume I'm around 20, allot of that is because of my personality I think!

You look like Richard Speck, heh.

LOL, I wasn't told that when I used to do modelling Honda, I've seen your pic and compared your bald headed ugly ass you could say I'm an oil painting :P

Yes, look at the likeness :roll:

You don't look gay at all.


12-22-2007, 09:00 AM
My Girlfriend sums it up perfectly

she says that I have the mind of a man and the heart of a boy...and the body of a god :twisted:

Did I mention she needs to have her eyes checked?lol

I am all and none of the above.

12-22-2007, 09:03 AM
It's called having pride in your appearence, I have hair I can style, I guess that makes me gay!

You don't so you must be straight.

I'm proud of the way I look, how about you? Oh no, you're really a girl inside, so how could you be? :wink:

12-22-2007, 09:07 AM
All kinds of scholarly work has been done analyzing Superheroes as a modern manifestation of what was once considered classical mythology. There's a lot more to it than just comic books.

Which doesn't address your issue, but I hate seeing comic books and superheroes brushed aside as pop-cultural juvenility. There's real value there.But when comic books take the place of literature, you're leaving the mythology of a generation in the hands of potentially immature men who write comics. Not everyone is going to be Stan Lee. I mean, who here even reads books? Even science fiction, if its that genre that appeals. Dune, for instance, is a little beyond the average comic book. But again, it's like video games. They're not the cause of immaturity, but more like a possible symptom of it.

I think I get what you're saying. I've been hearing it for three years now from "you know who".

I guess I have to get to work now. I hate that, but at least I'm good at it.


12-22-2007, 09:09 AM
Seriously,,, I dont know or care or judge anybody,, but it is certainly coincidently that,, YESTERDAY!

a friend of mine who use to work at Marvel comics told me. that when he worked there.. 10 guys came out.. and a good handful began "dressing as woman" in the office.. A good group more, were just bananas for dressing up like superheros and engaged in other types of "fantasy" behaviour..

very interesting .......

12-22-2007, 09:13 AM
But when comic books take the place of literature, you're leaving the mythology of a generation in the hands of potentially immature men who write comics. Not everyone is going to be Stan Lee. I mean, who here even reads books? Even science fiction, if its that genre that appeals. Dune, for instance, is a little beyond the average comic book. But again, it's like video games. They're not the cause of immaturity, but more like a possible symptom of it.

I think that assumes a lot about the overall quality of myth, to be honest. :-). In my opinion, plenty of it is pop-culty crap for the masses, only filtered through millenia of study. And the modern conception of higher culture literature, even genre fiction, doesn't penetrate the public consciousness as myth once did; there is a much greater awareness of Professor Xavier and consideration of him in the public awareness than Gurney Hallek, or for that matter, whatever characters from more respected literature Patrick Stewart has portrayed.

I can agree it can be symptomatic. I just don't want it (comic books and superheroes) to be perceived as emblematic. Sorry to derail.

12-22-2007, 09:30 AM
Well that's not fair. George Bush is defective.

12-22-2007, 09:33 AM
I love comic books- and the last novel I read was by Warren Ellis 'Crooked Little Vein'....

but your point is valid Nicole, it's no big deal though if the guys here behave like adolescents- it just gives you something more to do. when you think about it, is it really that awful.........?

12-22-2007, 09:39 AM
My Girlfriend sums it up perfectly

she says that I have the mind of a man and the heart of a boy...and the body of a god :twisted:

Did I mention she needs to have her eyes checked?lol

I am all and none of the above.That's a pretty nice compliment; especially having the mind of a man, and the heart of a boy. But I'm not saying that being young at heart is bad. I'm talking more about how guys spend their time. My observation growing up was that it was always the guys who lived at home with their parents who grew up the slowest. I first moved out of parents' house at sixteen. And when I went back to my home town, it was obvious that many of those guys were not growing up.

I hear you loud and clear on that one Nichole..no good answer really I know a friend of mine that is pretty responsible and such...sometimes makes me look bad yet he still to this day lives in his parents basement....I guess if you really break it apart you will find it really makes no difference.

12-22-2007, 10:20 AM
Well you know what they say... a good hard 18 year old boy is nice to have on occasion.

If they are respectful and properly financed.

So bend me over boys and let's have some fun! Please pay the cashier at the door.

TS Jamie :-)

12-22-2007, 12:46 PM
I thought i was off the hook until you mentioned toilet humour...but that might be a British thing. :wink:

So bend me over boys and let's have some fun! Please pay the cashier at the door.

Ever practical! :lol:

the commander
12-22-2007, 01:32 PM
Maybe I am nitpicking...but perhaps as a different generalization, we can divide up the Comic Books crowd to be a little more accurate in describing peoples personalities on the site.

You have people who read comics like Sandman and Constantine...by writers like Neil Gaiman, Frank Miller and Warren Ellis...and then you have those who read crap. :)

The Commander




Night Rider
12-22-2007, 01:48 PM
I see this thread is working out nice Nicole, this should be fun :lol:

see you soon

12-22-2007, 03:02 PM
Hey! I'm 21. I've only made two fart jokes since I've been here, and comics bore me to tears.

What demographic do I fit in then?

12-22-2007, 03:35 PM
go for smart guys

12-22-2007, 04:16 PM
I think were trying to define the root cause of a symptom. I don't think it's comics and superhero. It's a shift in our culture towards meaness. Many tv and reality shows pit one over the other via betrayal. Most comericials and cartoon show the adults (mostly men)as the morons and the kids as the perfect, insightfull smart-ass clever ones.
Springer shows scripted fights. Jackass shows bad behaviour. Ghetto culture shows disrepect. All of the above have dumbed-down the culture. We are all sponges and we are going to soak up the culture around us. Even our porn has gone from oral sex to lets make her....I mean let's make the bitch gag and puke. NOW THAT"S FUN!!
There has always been a % that is the bad element. We just have more around us now because mainstream youth has embraced bad behavior.
Exp; 30 years of camping and over the last 5 years I suddenly must guard my campsite. I've seen a shift from everyone looking out for their fellow camper, to let's wait till they leave and take their beer,food,etc. fuck'm. Why bring ours when we can take theirs? That NEVER EVER happened before. To rip off your friends is not only OK....it's funny!

12-22-2007, 06:15 PM
Hey! I'm 21. I've only made two fart jokes since I've been here, and comics bore me to tears.

What demographic do I fit in then?Hmmmm. Chronic masturbator?

I can live with that

Night Rider
12-22-2007, 08:35 PM
This is an absolute classic. "Nicole Dupree" (the 30/40yo that's plastered in tats that a couple of them she DID HERSELF)

Also if I could be fucked going through our constant flamewars I'd be able to quote 5 pages of "potato/Irish/leprechaun" jokes What sort of person has flamewars and then has the nerve to call other posters immature.....oh yeah, a delusional one :lol:

Then on top of that there's your constant sarcastic/annoying personality that is so desperate for attention (like a 5yo) that you fight your brain to 'try' and be funny in every post, which in my opinion you fail miseribly.

I'm not sure what your motive is in this thread but as usual you come off as a whiney hypocrite.

Night Rider
12-22-2007, 08:53 PM
So now what's the problem, Mr Paranoid? I didn't discuss you AT ALL here. But if the shoe fits, wear it. Wtf do you want from me? How much more proof do we need of what an unproductive degenerate you are? EVERYTHING ANYONE SAYS strikes a nerve in you. GROWN THE FUCK UP.

The typical level headed response I'd expect from a mature adult like you :!:

When did I say it was about me? I just pointed out the irony of you calling other people immature.

It's one thing calling someone immature but to make a thread about it makes you look like a complete tool. Just another day at HA though :wink:

12-22-2007, 09:40 PM
Some post too much, some are living in a world of comic books and superheroes,...

Please stop talking about me like that! :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Though, in my feeble defense, I was once described by one of my lovers as being "...pleasantly childlike without being childish."

Dune, for instance, is a little beyond the average comic book.

An excellent read, and an even better doorstop. I am still kicking myself for not having taken advantage of the opportunity to meet both Herbert and Heinlein back in '83. :x

she says that I have the mind of a man and the heart of a boy...and the body of a god

Buddah? :lol:

a friend of mine who use to work at Marvel comics told me. that when he worked there.. 10 guys came out.. and a good handful began "dressing as woman" in the office.. A good group more, were just bananas for dressing up like superheros and engaged in other types of "fantasy" behaviour..

:shock: Zoiks! :shock:

I wonder if one of them was my old roommate, or one of my drinking buddies. :shock:

...there is a much greater awareness of Professor Xavier and consideration of him in the public awareness than Gurney Hallek, or for that matter, whatever characters from more respected literature Patrick Stewart has portrayed.

When Stewart appeared to speak at the World Science Fiction Convention in San Jose in <Thinking> 2004 :?: he was delightfully surprised that what he had expected to be a room full of Trekkies (The arena, packed with about 1500 SF fans) asked more questions about his appearances as Hallek and in Geofrey (One fan stood and shouted "Thank you for Geofrey!") and his stage experience than his milestone character Jean Luc Picard. Sometimes, even spacey SF fans can surprise you.

Well that's not fair. George Bush is defective.

Well, at some things, like the historic/hysteric quote: "There are people in this world that want to harm Americans and so do we!", he's overtly effective. :lol:

This thread is going to be shot to shit in no time. It has none of the markings of boner material.

Hey, wasn't that a comic strip? Boner's Ark? :lol:

To the matter of maturity/immaturity here in the HA "Locker Room"...

Sometimes, we have fun and some level-headed conversations (Sometimes we have fun having conversations about some gurl's 'head' :wink: ) and sometimes we have pie fights, he-said-she-said duels, and the omnipresent "I know you are, but what am I" fonts of wisdom (Which have been frightfully and disturbingly plentiful of late).

Personally, I think it's in the water. :shrug

12-22-2007, 09:48 PM
I think I hold my sexual ackwardness very well.

12-22-2007, 09:49 PM
Oh yeah, and I hate reading any fiction at all. If I want to be entertained I got my own imagination for that. I read only to improve my skillset or knowledge. So textbooks for me!!!

Night Rider
12-22-2007, 10:33 PM
You obviously had nothing to contribute to this thread, and it was not about you.

I knew the thread wasn't about me but that's not going to stop me from posting in it. My contribution was pointing out that you're as immature as the posters you're bitching about, hence the nerve I've struck.

You've had conflicts with the majority of longtime posters here; Allanah, Hara, Jenn, Seanchai, B1, Vanessa, Stillies, and the list goes on.

That would depend on what you'd class as a conflict but I've had no problem with Allanah ot B1. It's not like you haven't had disagreements with people, but I forgot you're a Hung Angel (or at least making up the numbers) Keep up the campaign to get me banned, I see you're doing well!

you're treading on thin ice here.

Do I give a fuck -------> :smh

You didn't believe me when I said that the mods weren't happy with your avatar, right? You don't believe that I spoke to JWBL on the phone, and that he found both your av and sig to be offensive?

A bet's a bet. The mods didn't like it and they took it down, I've done nothing wrong. I don't give a fuck what you or JWBL thought of it.

You don't believe that the mods actually laugh at you and think you're a tool, huh?

Well one mod in particular also laughed at you in a PM and it would be very hypocritical if it was he who was bitching/gossiping about me, especially after some of the PMs he sent. He also sent me messages saying "I refuse to let you get banned" and "keep up the good work"

That's life eh Nick :twisted:

Night Rider
12-22-2007, 10:40 PM
Lost for words?

Carry on making a cunt out of yourself.


Night Rider
12-22-2007, 11:21 PM
Lost for words?

Carry on making a cunt out of yourself.

8) :claps

Please continue to tell the mods how little you respect them, and see how long their charity lasts. :wink

I love it how your original message was just clapping and then you slip in ^^^

You always pull that sort of sneaky shit, you're the most vile, disgusting, piece of shit on the forum. When did I disrespect the mods? That's right, I didn't so STFU. If I'm banned it won't be because of some shit-stiring, slimey cunt like you.

You define ugly inside and out.

12-22-2007, 11:35 PM
someone is suffering from the "Last Word Disease" here

Night Rider
12-22-2007, 11:41 PM
Oooooh, and I'm sooooooooo sneaky. :P

I knew you were going to do something like that, that's why I came back into the thread and seen your pathetic attempt to cry to the mods [edited to your post]

Night Rider
12-22-2007, 11:45 PM
Incase you haven't noticed...I worked you out

stupid bitch :lol:

Night Rider
12-22-2007, 11:54 PM
Incase you haven't noticed...I worked you out

stupid bitch :lol:I don't even know what your cock looks like.

And you never will unless I become a gigolo and you cough up $1000 (your "special" rates)

Night Rider
12-23-2007, 12:03 AM
And you never will unless I become a gigolo and you cough up $1000 (your "special" rates)How big is it?

are you paying by cheque or cash?

Night Rider
12-23-2007, 12:08 AM
nahhhh 1G or nothing :D ^^^^

This is the OP's mature behaviour....let's all stride to be more like her

quote me saying that. if it's true I promise I'll leave, I never have and never will be topped.I'm only repeating what Jenny said. She said that you wore a Little Mermaid mask and she shagged you. Untrue?

Night Rider
12-23-2007, 12:13 AM
Adults are allowed to kid. Children should be seen and not heard. And Irish children shout eat all of their potatoes.

Do me a favour and STFU. I don't even want to argue with you because you repulse me that much.


Night Rider
12-23-2007, 12:21 AM
[last word]

12-23-2007, 01:04 AM
It's not immature to have some of the same interests as an adult that you have as a kid. I was never into comic books as a kid, but I was always into sports and I find toilet humor funny, but only if it's vulgar enough.

Men never outgrow that stuff. It's not maturity that makes you outgrow it, but refinement, and I'm not interested in being more refined or nuanced or anything else. You see seventy year old men who still watch every football game and who aren't exactly interested in either high culture or great literature. Would you say they haven't grown up, or they haven't outgrown their innate tendencies?

12-23-2007, 01:34 AM
Nicole, I totally agree with you. There are many guys here that post a lot of immature things. I am sure that one day they will grow up and figure out their sexuality. I suppose that when I was a lot younger I was the same way. I had no idea what it was that was attracting me to Transexual Women, and it took me a long time to get over the whole "Shemale" thing that pornography pushes on us and realize that women like you are Transgenderd and not just Shemales.

Most of the guys here seem to be decent guys, and all of the girls here are pretty nice. I think once tou younger guys figure that out they will come to be pretty mature guys.

12-23-2007, 01:39 AM
Hey Dan,
Who's immature? Yes, the younger guys. Is there an age range? Anyone in particular you'd like to say is immature? If so, what have they done that you think is immature oh beacon of maturity?

I think the only thing a guy can do that's immature is whine, and blame others for their problems. Beyond that, crass behavior is not immature.

12-23-2007, 01:49 AM
Hey vegasboy,
I am not in the market of accusing anyone of being immature. But if you read the posts in this forum I am sure you can figure it out for yourself.

with that said, there are few yonger guys here that seem very mature for their age. But in general, you can kind of tell how old someone is by the posts that they make. I am sure there are some exeptions to the rule, but you get my point.

12-23-2007, 01:59 AM
Alright, I guess since I've only been posting two days I didn't know what the agenda of this thread was. If there are immature people, there should be a better litmus test for it than comic books. The first post sounded like it was meant for specific people and quite frankly so did yours. Just wanted to know who. You won't name names because you think it will end in an argument and you don't want that. Not because you think it's immature to label someone immature. That's almost a paradox isn't it?

I found it kind of irritating that you seem to be claiming people are immature cause of insecurity for their attraction to ts women. What makes you think that?

12-23-2007, 02:27 AM
The first post sounded like it was meant for specific people and quite frankly so did yours. Just wanted to know who.Well, we already saw someone hijack the thread who's on here 24/7. I guess he would qualify with an average of 50+ posts here a day. Does that sound like a grown man?

it takes TWO for such a highjack to go on page over page.

Night Rider
12-23-2007, 02:29 AM
I truly believe that girls mature faster than boys

Looks like somebody's fucked then :twisted:

Now it makes sense...

12-23-2007, 02:38 AM
The first post sounded like it was meant for specific people and quite frankly so did yours. Just wanted to know who.Well, we already saw someone hijack the thread who's on here 24/7. I guess he would qualify with an average of 50+ posts here a day. Does that sound like a grown man?

And I disagree that comics + fart jokes = immaturity, but they may indicate it if there's little else going on in an adult male's life.

And there are different kinds of immaturity; sexual, emotional, intellectual, social, etc. If a guy is in a state of arrested development in more than one area, I think you safely say that he has some growing up to do.

But I truly believe that girls mature faster than boys, and that there are reasons why. One is obviously menstruation, and internalizing the concept that physical pain is an inevitable part of life. Potential pregnancies also raise the bar on when a person needs to take responsibility for their actions. I also think that someone who is gender dysphoric is going to face a certain amount of emotional pain growing up that the other kids will never share as a character-building experience.
Haha, this is a good post. I knew that your original post was directed at nightrider, even if there's some conversation you want to draw out of it peripherally. I just wanted that in the open for disclosure sake. I'm not taking sides, but I took issue with dan's post because he was sucking up. My guess is that he was trying to form an alliance with you because he's been spurned over the whole top-bottom issue. I have been reading.

Personal spats aside, your views on maturity are interesting. I think there is something to be said for emotional pain building character, if as you say one can internalize it. I also think women tend to be better verbally than men, which cognitive tests have demonstrated, and thus are better at understanding themselves and acting in moderation. Men tend to be risk-takers, flighty, exuberant. Or maybe I'm just thinking of people with bipolar.

But it seems to me, if the women here are looking for the real masculine types, maybe they shouldn't be expecting too many hidden depths :D . Civility is one thing, I take your point, but as they say boys will be boys.

Night Rider
12-23-2007, 02:46 AM
You obviously had nothing to contribute to this thread, and it was not about you.


Well, we already saw someone hijack the thread who's on here 24/7. I guess he would qualify with an average of 50+ posts here a day. Does that sound like a grown man?

the more you talk the more sense you make

ps. not once did I claim to be mature for my age

Night Rider
12-23-2007, 02:50 AM
He has a very fragile ego.

this is classic :lol:

the girl that made a thread about whether the board thought she was a bitch or not is calling me fragile :!:

also the girl that leaves the forum until I get banned in an attempt to get attention now claims that she doesn't dislike me

this thread just gets better and better

12-23-2007, 02:52 AM
Come on Nicole, you couldn't possibly think I'm jumping on the bandwagon. Your first post was directed at nightrider. That's why he came on your thread. It's kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy isn't it? I'm just being honest.

That said, I still think you're confusing immaturity with crassness. Men are mature as long as they can hold a job, and not blame other people for their problems. That's it. Social maturity? Being able to get along with people. Not psychopaths like hondarobot, but normal people. Do they have to talk about the things you want them to talk about or be nice to you?

Coming of age story? It just happened. Puberty came and I answered the call. There's no event to speak of.

Night Rider
12-23-2007, 02:55 AM
He really should move to a major city like London. It might be trial by fire for him, but ultimately it might be what he needs.

Now I'm getting property tips

..you couldn't write this shit :lol:

12-23-2007, 03:01 AM
But I'm not here in search of my type of guy, because its doubtful that I would find him here. However, there is such a thing as civility. If someone is experiencing paranoia, is immature, and is uncivil; they're going to experience and/or create friction among more well-adjusted people. To most people , NR is a clown. But he might fool them and get past all of that. I actually think he;s fairly intelligent, but he's saddled himself with other issues that are going to hold him back indefinitely. He really should move to a major city like London. It might be trial by fire for him, but ultimately it might be what he needs.
Yeah that's true. I swear I'm new here. I don't want anyone to think I'm a pseudonym because I know the cast. But of all the people on the forum, there are some really poorly adjusted people who get along with lots of people. There are cliques of well-adjusted people and cliques of dysfunctional people. I just think nightrider is bored cause of his accident and likes stirring things up. Yeah he apparently likes a good argument, but you have to admit legend and hondarobot are some funny targets. :D

I've read your posts as a lurker, and I've known for some time that you're a smart girl. You've come across someone who pushes your buttons, that's all. There is no substitute to living in a big city. I went to college in New York. I also think he'd find more ts women in London :lol:

Night Rider
12-23-2007, 03:06 AM
He really should move to a major city like London. It might be trial by fire for him, but ultimately it might be what he needs.

Now I'm getting property tips

..you couldn't write this shit :lol:I think it would do you some good. Sue me. Lust has access to all the Tgirls he would want in London, but he's too shy or uptight to go there. Now that's sad. He's a good guy, but 'he who hesitates is lost'.

I just find it highly amusing that this has went in a full circle. From wanting me banned to looking out for my well-being.

Lust is a good guy but he's in a casual relationship like me, so he'd have no reason to be going looking for tgirls.

Night Rider
12-23-2007, 03:08 AM
..you couldn't write this shit :lol:One thing you are never gonna do is figure me out. I can see that. But you need to learn how to socialize with other people and show them common courtesy. You've had to apologize more than once here, have you not? Most recently to Hara. Early on, privately to me.

Bullshit. That has been discussed on another thread and I did NOT apologise to you....I'd no reason to anyway.

Yes, I did to Hara because I misread her post with a hangover and attacked her.

Sue me.

Night Rider
12-23-2007, 03:15 AM
That's very honest Nicole, not hypocritical at all. ^^^

Too funny

Night Rider
12-23-2007, 03:16 AM
..you couldn't write this shit :lol:One thing you are never gonna do is figure me out. I can see that. But you need to learn how to socialize with other people and show them common courtesy. You've had to apologize more than once here, have you not? Most recently to Hara. Early on, privately to me.

Bullshit. That has been discussed on another thread and I did NOT apologise to you....I'd no reason to anyway.

Yes, I did to Hara because I misread her post with a hangover and attacked her.

Sue me.Yes you did. It was in your second or third PM. Please. :roll:

Lies. You would have posted it because we were fighting so much.....you're so fake it's unreal.

12-23-2007, 03:18 AM
The first post sounded like it was meant for specific people and quite frankly so did yours. Just wanted to know who.Well, we already saw someone hijack the thread who's on here 24/7. I guess he would qualify with an average of 50+ posts here a day. Does that sound like a grown man?

And I disagree that comics + fart jokes = immaturity, but they may indicate it if there's little else going on in an adult male's life.

And there are different kinds of immaturity; sexual, emotional, intellectual, social, etc. If a guy is in a state of arrested development in more than one area, I think you safely say that he has some growing up to do.

But I truly believe that girls mature faster than boys, and that there are reasons why. One is obviously menstruation, and internalizing the concept that physical pain is an inevitable part of life. Potential pregnancies also raise the bar on when a person needs to take responsibility for their actions. I also think that someone who is gender dysphoric is going to face a certain amount of emotional pain growing up that the other kids will never share as a character-building experience.
Nicole, the answer to your assertion that females mature faster sexually than males (and I think that IS a fact) may well be because guys have a greater ability to reproduce. A man can have more offspring with more partners faster than a female can, simply because there's a far greater parental investment for a woman. Females may mature faster sexually for this reason, to help make up for this short-coming.

Guys most likely mess around (e.g. play sport) because it sharpens their social hunter-gathering skills. Guys are almost certainly far more visual for this reason also, hence their love of porn and comics. But I have to say that women can appear highly immature as well, unless you think spending hours watching soap-operas, reality shows, and reading about celebrity gossip is a sign of maturity? These latter experiences may however help a woman to find out if a mate is fooling around behind her back. In short, almost everything humans do is about sex and reproduction!

"Analyse any human emotion, no matter how far it may be removed from the sphere of sex, and you are sure to discover somewhere the primal impulse, to which life owes its perpetuation." - Sigmund Freud.

Night Rider
12-23-2007, 03:20 AM
I just find it highly amusing that this has went in a full circle. From wanting me banned to looking out for my well-being.

Lust is a good guy but he's in a casual relationship like me, so he'd have no reason to be going looking for tgirls.I'm not looking out for your well-being. I'm telling you what I think would be good for a guy like you. It's no skin off my nose. But this "GF" of yours is certainly not around you enough to be anything more than an occasional fuck, IF that. Let's be real.

That IS looking out for my well-being.

Call her what you want gf/fuck buddy/sex-slave (as long as she's quenching my thirst for sex, I don't give a fuck)

It's more of a casual relationship than a fuck buddy but that's our business.

Night Rider
12-23-2007, 03:25 AM
Whatever. :roll: You said that you were on all kinds of meds healing, and i told you that I just back from Mexico on all kinds of meds healing? We BOTH apologized to each other? You don't remember? Please. It wasn't a big asskiss fest, so don't worry about that. But we both admitted that we over-reacted. Tap into that last brain cell. The truth might be in there. lol

Bingo...we said we the "previous" fighting was bullshit but neither of us said 'sorry' (what a weak word :lol: )

Let's not bullshit...take it from me, I have a memory whereas your head could well have turned to mush

Night Rider
12-23-2007, 03:30 AM
maybe on your part ;)

Night Rider
12-23-2007, 03:40 AM
maybe on your part ;)Don't worry. Your 4000 posts have insured your status as an unapologetic douchebag. So your chosen reputation here is intact.

That's your interpretation of me, not the forums.

I asked for peace twice with you and you laughed and said that I was a "loser" for wanting to keep this shit off the forum. Don't try and play Ms. Innocent now, it doesn't suit you.

12-23-2007, 03:53 AM
The problem in society is that a lot of people makes a direct relationship between having a hobby and being inmature. This allegory is easily done by some women who are unable to enjoy their life and are unable to find any fun beyond the stereotype.

The other side of the coin are the people who are obsessed with some hobbies until the point that they lose the social relationship but this type of people needs psychological help because the majority of them are teenagers who have a social phobia, something that has a solution thanks to psychiatry.

The only thing that lacks of any solution is the brain of some females who believe that they are more inteligent, mature (without any scientific base) and insult some men only because they (men) havenīt choosen the stereotype of male, but of course, if you want the social stereotype of female then you are a sexist.

Let my say something, If I want to play a shitty kiddy game with my friends only to selfgive pleasure of the good moment isnīt your problem, your problem is that you canīt escape from the woman stereotype, you are trapped and this is why you insult all the people that escape from the social stereotype. If I have to be a man in some situations I will be man in these situations, but I prefer to be a happy boy with some adventures as a man than a sad and dominated man.

Nelly Snores
12-23-2007, 04:03 AM
Hi Nicole,
I just want to confirm it is true. Night rider and I are involved in a relationship. He might be hard on me sometimes. he even insults as you will see under this post but the thruth is we love each other.

He is a very mature kid for his age. he is 12 years old. Sometimes he wears a tie and suspenders. He also uses words like "futile" and "proliferate" which are very grown up words.

i love him madly

kisses, my knight rider

Night Rider
12-23-2007, 04:15 AM
maybe on your part ;)Don't worry. Your 4000 posts have insured your status as an unapologetic douchebag. So your chosen reputation here is intact.

That's your interpretation of me, not the forums.

I asked for peace twice with you and you laughed and said that I was a "loser" for wanting to keep this shit off the forum. Don't try and play Ms. Innocent now, it doesn't suit you.Even when I ignore you or try to be civil with you, you initiate some kind of friction. So wait a minute. Are you officially asking for a truce? FINE! Because that's a new one on me. You obviously can't bear to be ignored, so I will simply forget everything you've said to me and start anew. There you have it. Merry Xmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy Quanza. :roll:

You haven't ignored me...that's the problem. Read my sig, they were YOUR words. You seem to be under some sort of delusion that I'm the one that can't bear to be ignored.

You are civil one minute and then insulting the next, so how do you expect me to know when you're being serious and when you're taking the piss?

To me I never see you as being civil but maybe I'm wrong.

Night Rider
12-23-2007, 04:18 AM
Hi Nicole,
I just want to confirm it is true. Night rider and I are involved in a relationship. He might be hard on me sometimes. he even insults as you will see under this post but the thruth is we love each other.

He is a very mature kid for his age. he is 12 years old. Sometimes he wears a tie and suspenders. He also uses words like "futile" and "proliferate" which are very grown up words.

i love him madly

kisses, my knight rider

Nelly I know you're under alot of pressure mentally and that's why you made up this parody account of Kelly Shore, but it's not funny to any of the members over 14.

You could do alot better for yourself if you seen a doctor and erased that split personality.

Nelly Snores
12-23-2007, 04:26 AM
Nelly I know you're under alot of pressure mentally and that's why you made up this parody account of Kelly Shore, but it's not funny to any of the members over 14.

You could do alot better for yourself if you seen a doctor and erased that split personality.[/quote]

ooooh baby. i love it when you are mean to me mmmmmmmmmmhhhhh!!

see nicole, i told you he is very mature!

i dont really know the size of his cock because he is upset with it. he wouldnt let me have a look. he insults it all the time. he calls it names like asshole and shithead. he is really angry. All i can tell you is it smells like camembert. but it is okay i love him for his brains.

Night Rider
12-23-2007, 04:30 AM
ooooh baby. i love it when you are mean to me mmmmmmmmmmhhhhh!!


You're a fucking nutcase.

12-23-2007, 04:40 AM
Of course, age is no guarantee of maturity or wisdom. But there really is a fairly obnoxious group of guys here who are all barely over 20 it seems, and who all come across as sexually awkward and emotionally immature. Some post too much, some are living in a world of comic books and superheroes, and some are fixated on toilet humor. But, whatever their little hobby may be, they tend to stick out like sore thumbs. I'm sure they'll grow up eventually, but boys really do mature more slowly than girls. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

u already know the answer to this, ms nicole! The only good guys are the ugly ones, or the guys w small pee pee's. :lol: A guy is only a non ass if he has low self esteem. i think its cuz guys dont get as much play as women, so women are able to develop an appreciation for things besides sex. And thats all boys can think about. Some men also. But as they grow and their looks fade and they realize "hey im getting old" they cant rely on a pretty face or a big dick anymore. Hence the maturity finally kicks in, at like 40 lol

12-23-2007, 05:36 AM
its true boys do mature later than girls.my advice is to pay no mind to the ones that piss you off.Paying attention to them will only welcome more shit from them and others.

ps i think your hot nicole!

12-23-2007, 05:49 AM
Alright, since it's so tough. Let's just say that a third party has issued the demand of a truce. Neither party has initiated the truce and neither party will break it unless they mention the other in a derogatory fashion in this or any other thread. Also this truce doesn't require the agreement of either party, let alone both parties to be entered into...it commences now.

haha, yeah like I'm that third party.

12-23-2007, 06:02 AM
Alright, since it's so tough. Let's just say that a third party has issued the demand of a truce. Neither party has initiated the truce and neither party will break it unless they mention the other in a derogatory fashion in this or any other thread. Also this truce doesn't require the agreement of either party, let alone both parties to be entered into...it commences now.

haha, yeah like I'm that third party.Well, at least you're not wearing a Jenny Landis mask. ;)
Wait a second. I like those things. Copyright infringement bad, but rubber masks that make you look like a serial killer...I think they're kind of cute...just not on Mark Goldberg.

BTW I love your avatar :lol:

12-23-2007, 06:12 AM
tats why do you hate us men?
are you a closet lesbian? :wink:

12-23-2007, 06:22 AM
its true boys do mature later than girls.my advice is to pay no mind to the ones that piss you off.Paying attention to them will only welcome more shit from them and others.

ps i think your hot nicole!

Fortunately there are "men" such as yourself around, gunn, who I guess are more mature than us boys, what with having more fully developed kissass glands. Kudos to you on that.

Still, in keeping with the kissass credo, you tried hard to separate yourself from the other guys here, before finally getting to your point, pretending it was an afterthought. Classic, and sad. Well done, sir. You are a prince among "men".

12-23-2007, 06:24 AM
tats why do you hate us men?
are you a closet lesbian? :wink:I get more dick than you dream about. ;)

I just wonder why you think you got such a great boob job, when your nipples face in different directions? :shock:

12-23-2007, 06:39 AM
tats why do you hate us men?
are you a closet lesbian? :wink:I get more dick than you dream about. ;)

good girl. 8)
pity you hate us guys mind.

12-23-2007, 06:46 AM
Nicole and all:

Age doesn't seem to matter in today's society. My boss is younger than me, that's the way goes. What the real question is, well, this is what I have come up with. Are you mature enough and sure enough of yourself to have a loving relationship with a t-girl, who, like everyone else, are people and not objects. You'll find there are very few enlightened people. What a shame. A real fucking shame.

Sour Diesel
12-23-2007, 07:04 AM
you need to lighten the F up and open your eyes and mind your own business....try say maybe...having FUN

12-23-2007, 08:08 AM
It certainly wasn't me I hope. Those are the kind of people to stay away from

12-23-2007, 09:07 AM
Being I'm kinda new here, well i mean in the posing sense. I try not 2 say much here cuz normally I have hit a bar or 2 by the time i say something on here. So much of what I say is drunk talk. What a way to introduce people to myself. oh well I guess it could be worse. So don't take much of what I say for much.......maybe one day i'll correct my errors. Can't now trynna finish this bottle of Remy Martin.

Happy holidays everyone!!!!!!!!!

:twisted: :D :shock: :evil: :roll: 8) :wink: :peanutbutter :rock2

Night Rider
12-23-2007, 03:00 PM
So Nicole, this isn't the real me? I'm just putting a show on for mbf, jwbl and partlycloudy?

That's laughable.

A few days into arriving here I clashed with a lot of people so you can rule that idea out.

Come on now, do you really think I give a fuck what anyone thinks? There was a period when I was hated by 90% of the board and I didn't backtrack and start ass kissing.

12-23-2007, 03:08 PM
can we all just get along?

12-23-2007, 09:29 PM
can we all just get along?

of course not, that would entitle that 99 % of the people on here actually had lives aside from HA. thats asking a lot

12-23-2007, 09:50 PM
Just thought I'd ask.

12-23-2007, 11:51 PM
If you need to put on a show for mbf, JWBL, and Partly Cloudy; well, that's your business, but I'm not impressed.

lol :? :roll:

12-24-2007, 07:57 AM
Boy is this getting out of hand. I think we got off the main topic long ago.

12-24-2007, 07:57 AM
And me, I'm too old and perverted to try and impress anyone. That's for the um, younger generation.