View Full Version : Nelly Snores is desperately in need of cock ------->

Night Rider
12-20-2007, 12:34 AM
200 and counting.....I've never known such a bitch....quite clearly insane :smh

"hey lady laura

are you still blowing your boyfriend or you ran out of silly things to say?

its good to have you here one more day in gay paradise. you can pretend you are hetero but still get to see all the cock you crave

kisses cinderella"


Night Rider
12-20-2007, 12:40 AM
16 and counting :roll:

"ooh yes
go crying to mummy

yeah go on baby

you are such a little pussy"

Why are you such a faggot? I said I'd make this public if you kept acting like a bitch.

Maybe you're just starved of dick......save your energy for your boyfriend you fucking cunt

Night Rider
12-20-2007, 12:42 AM
PM #17, 18, 19

This guy is the desperately in need of a shag...

Night Rider
12-20-2007, 12:48 AM
Why have you just sent me the same message 8 times in a row?

"please somebody help me. i cant deal with this myself!

mummy mummy!

you are pathetic"

^^^ At least have the balls to say what you feel on the forum....what's wrong, are you too much of a bitch to talk shit in public?


Night Rider
12-20-2007, 12:51 AM
Another 7 times :?

What sort of a fag are you? You just need to check out your avatar for the answer.....cockwhore

Night Rider
12-20-2007, 12:54 AM
about 12 more times, you really are a fucking bitch.....

Night Rider
12-20-2007, 01:02 AM
That's about 30 of the same PM you've sent in 20mins

...grow up you prick

12-20-2007, 01:12 AM

What's he saying now?

Night Rider
12-20-2007, 01:16 AM
He hasn't sent any in the last 5 mins....he's probably reloading for another 1/2 hour of acting a cunt....

Night Rider
12-20-2007, 01:26 AM
That's a page and a half of the same PM Nelly Snores.....I've never wanted anyone banned but you really are a wanker

Night Rider
12-20-2007, 01:35 AM
That's a page and a half of the same PM Nelly Snores.....I've never wanted anyone banned but you really are a wanker

NR: repost all his/her PMs on here. Sooner or later he/she'll be found out.

Today they've all been the same PM. Yesterday he sent me a PM saying "m shut up" and continued to write more and more bullshit. Complete tool. Below is just the first page LOL

Flag Subject From Date Mark
Re: m Nelly Snores Wed Dec 19, 2007 11:30 pm
Re: m Nelly Snores Wed Dec 19, 2007 11:23 pm
Re: m Nelly Snores Wed Dec 19, 2007 11:22 pm
Re: m Nelly Snores Wed Dec 19, 2007 11:21 pm
Re: m Nelly Snores Wed Dec 19, 2007 11:20 pm
Re: m Nelly Snores Wed Dec 19, 2007 11:19 pm
Re: m Nelly Snores Wed Dec 19, 2007 11:18 pm
Re: m Nelly Snores Wed Dec 19, 2007 11:17 pm
Re: m Nelly Snores Wed Dec 19, 2007 11:16 pm
Re: m Nelly Snores Wed Dec 19, 2007 11:16 pm
Re: m Nelly Snores Wed Dec 19, 2007 10:58 pm
Re: m Nelly Snores Wed Dec 19, 2007 10:58 pm
Re: m Nelly Snores Wed Dec 19, 2007 10:55 pm
Re: m Nelly Snores Wed Dec 19, 2007 10:54 pm
Re: m Nelly Snores Wed Dec 19, 2007 10:53 pm
Re: m Nelly Snores Wed Dec 19, 2007 10:52 pm
Re: m Nelly Snores Wed Dec 19, 2007 10:50 pm
Re: m Nelly Snores Wed Dec 19, 2007 10:49 pm
Re: m Nelly Snores Wed Dec 19, 2007 10:47 pm
Re: m Nelly Snores Wed Dec 19, 2007 10:47 pm
Re: m Nelly Snores Wed Dec 19, 2007 10:46 pm
Re: m Nelly Snores Wed Dec 19, 2007 10:45 pm
Re: m Nelly Snores Wed Dec 19, 2007 10:45 pm
Re: m Nelly Snores Wed Dec 19, 2007 10:44 pm
Re: m Nelly Snores Wed Dec 19, 2007 10:41 pm
Re: m Nelly Snores Wed Dec 19, 2007 10:40 pm
Re: m Nelly Snores Wed Dec 19, 2007 10:39 pm
Re: m Nelly Snores Wed Dec 19, 2007 10:37 pm
Re: m Nelly Snores Wed Dec 19, 2007 10:26 pm

12-20-2007, 01:47 AM
Bad, Nelly. Bad, bad, bad, Nelly. There, that should help, nightrider.


Night Rider
12-20-2007, 01:53 AM
Bad, Nelly. Bad, bad, bad, Nelly. There, that should help, nightrider.



The fag is continually sending me these PMs....I wish I could grab him by the neck at repeatidly beat his head off a brick wall...

Night Rider
12-20-2007, 02:19 AM
That's a page and a half of the same PM Nelly Snores.....I've never wanted anyone banned but you really are a wanker

NR: repost all his/her PMs on here. Sooner or later he/she'll be found out.

12-20-2007, 02:27 AM
lol nelly snores...that shit still cracks me up...that picture is hilarious.

Night Rider
12-20-2007, 02:31 AM
lol nelly snores...that shit still cracks me up...that picture is hilarious.

Don't encourage this asshole....how the fuck can it be funny to send someone 150 PMs and counting

Talk about sexual frustration

12-20-2007, 02:32 AM
no no not this i mean his name and his avatar still makes me laugh.

12-20-2007, 06:49 AM
Must one read a PM in order to delete it? If not, then what's the issue, really? Just saying... I've gotten unsolicited PMs that I've deleted without a second thought. Not too much trouble to do that, IMO.

Night Rider
12-20-2007, 12:38 PM
Must one read a PM in order to delete it? If not, then what's the issue, really? Just saying... I've gotten unsolicited PMs that I've deleted without a second thought. Not too much trouble to do that, IMO.

It's the principle, he sent me them throught the night and he's still sending me them as we speak....I'd a couple of PMs that I hadn't replied to and now I've to scroll through 6 or 7 pages because of this madman...

@ Nicole you've the nerve to talk about anyone being obsessive...you only need to look at your body to realise that fact

less is more

12-20-2007, 12:47 PM
how the fuck can it be funny to send someone 150 PMs and counting

Talk about sexual frustrationLet me get this straight - you're complaining about someone being excessive? lol

Not to trynna (or trying, for the politically and grammar police correct) start sumthin again between u and NR.. But Nicole, have you ever had a fan or hater or whatever send you that amount of pm's... in like a 24 hour period.? if so what did they say, was it sexy or disturbed. ( i get off on evil.... and callin ladies, dirty words...minus the c-word, unless you r a freak...lol) (freaks r fun!!)...tooo

(BTW, I was a former member of Shemaleyum, earlier this year ,enjoyed your pix and vidz. Where can I see new material w/ da nu boobies?)

I hate how I stray, ( fuckin liquor caught me again..this is why I rarely post here actually 2 be honest never posted here until earlier this week. But F' it. (that was fuck it, I try to censor my posts and speak in slang, but since I'm new 2 postin' here imma explain most thangs I say....I don't make sense in these "()"....just let it go...I'm drunk and don't care that you people out in internet world know it, but I am letting you people out in internet world know, Jayevil stands by whateva I say whether Drunk or Sober. Liquor brings out the truth, whether we wish to face it or not. Much like my evilness. which I haven't expressed much here, but It could happen...damn liquor.)


NR, this sounds a bit troubling, to me, but what did you.....I mean didn't do or possibly fueled this fire? (i know u could have forced this person to do this, you are to much of an honoarable person.....I know if I was you, I woulda said the most offensive shit possible goin in dat round just b4 Hatton went down, on this site. I know a bet is a bet but shit, I woulda been like nah...my friend or something logged into the site under me and agreed to the bet. lol Seriously though that avatar and signature and the questions from absent minded members must frustrate you by now.....)

it's funny...and u more of a man then me, after the 10th person asked me 4 the reason I had dat ....reason in sig and avatar..... i might have left here. or at least signed back in as some new person.....lol...don't mind me imma fool...i say what i feel or want. it's the internet. i don't know you and you don't know me........wait..... do you?

(if y'all wish you can ignore this post, I'm drunk while I type it. Thank goodness for Google spell check in my browser task bar....Imagine how bad it would have been if I just sent this without spell check....or the fact I only edited message once whle drunk...)

Good nite all!!!!!

BTW, I'm going to send a letter or PM to Google about allowing spell checks to allow phonetically spellin' words and slang should be included in spell check.

:evil: 8) :twisted: :D :evil: 8) :lol: :P :evil: :twisted: :shock: :oops: :D :?: :rock2 :whoa

12-20-2007, 01:06 PM
haha I love Nelly Snores

Night Rider
12-20-2007, 01:10 PM
haha I love Nelly Snores

12-20-2007, 01:11 PM
haha I love Nelly Snores a guy did that pic for me I thought that was neat lol

Night Rider
12-20-2007, 01:13 PM
lol it is funny :)

12-20-2007, 01:16 PM
If it isn't NR whining to the mods,if i didn't know better you are being quite an emotional whiny bitch here.Isn't that your main objective around here proving to overs that your a man's man by referring to others as faggots and telling them not to be so damn emotional in that case so you follow your own nonsense and stopped whining to the mods like a little bitch.

Your too stupid to even realize that nelly shores is a joke account and by you posting this thread he is making you look even more foolish then you already are,seriously do you think he cares if that account gets banned,you probably would have done more damage to him by simply ignoring him completely but being the emotional attention whore that you are,you had to make a thread about it.


Night Rider
12-20-2007, 01:24 PM
more emotional outbursts

HAHA Legend calling someone else and emotional, attention whore


"Your too stupid to even realize that nelly shores is a joke account"

^^ You're too stupid to be able to apply basic grammar skills. Stupid cunt. And it's Nelly Snores you dick.


Night Rider
12-20-2007, 01:31 PM
Isn't that your main objective around here proving to overs that your a man's man by referring to others as faggots and telling them not to be so damn emotional

No, I think that's more of an assessment I've made on you, you fucking bitch. You're well known here for being hyper-sensitive and even mods have pointed it out. It's about time you grew up and started to act like the gender you were born you little bitch.

12-20-2007, 01:40 PM
more emotional outbursts

HAHA Legend calling someone else and emotional, attention whore


"Your too stupid to even realize that nelly shores is a joke account"

^^ You're too stupid to be able to apply basic grammar skills. Stupid cunt. And it's Nelly Snores you dick.

Is that the best you got a generic grammar insult i mean aren't you the same idiot who has mispelled topics and simple words like shit lol really funny.But a man of your intelligence couldn't figure out that nelly snores,shores whatever is a joke account seriously what is the official drink of ireland gasoline.The best part about this whole thread is i'm sure a mod probably glance at it and couldn't care less because you and your nearly 4,000 posts are nothing but a joke.I apologize for interrupting your thread now please proceed with your crying.


n., pl. -bies.

A person who cries or complains frequently with little cause.

Night Rider
12-20-2007, 01:55 PM
The best I could come up with? Wise the fuck up mummy's boy, I own the rights for you, bitch. I've explained my thoughts to you many times recently, do I need to give you an update? It doesn't take a genius to figure out that it's a "joke" account, just the way outsiders looking in might think yours is a joke account for your usual choice of avatars and the emotional, whiney content in your posts. You write like a 5yo and punctuation is like a foreign language to you, therefore all your posts make little sense. I thought maybe because you're still attending school that your mind would be fresh but I'm obviously off the mark.

The fact that it took you 16 minutes from the point of opening up your post to the point of completing it highlights how much of a retard you are. How I know this is I inserted another image straight after my post which you've failed to quote, so my guess is you've been googling every word in an attempt to not look like an idiot....you failed.

Now take your gayness into a thread that you're actually welcome in, like "most suckable cock" or whatever....

12-20-2007, 02:02 PM
EDIT: I see good old NR has edited his title so he wouldn't seem more of a whining bitch,i think im looking for a word oh yeah pwned.


12-20-2007, 02:04 PM
This stuff cracks me up

Night Rider
12-20-2007, 02:05 PM
Actually if you look, I've edited it 4 times you sad cunt. It started off asking Nelly to be a man and discuss it public..

..I guess he's a bitch like you

12-20-2007, 02:05 PM
And I can spell obsessed

Night Rider
12-20-2007, 02:10 PM
And I can spell obsessed

...to an unhealthy level

Nelly Snores
12-20-2007, 03:17 PM
Actually if you look, I've edited it 4 times you sad cunt. It started off asking Nelly to be a man and discuss it public..

..I guess he's a bitch like you

hey what is this guy talking about?
i don't understand
i'm just a puppet!

Nelly Snores
12-20-2007, 03:23 PM
i have to admit it! i need a cock. whatsupwiththat used to give it to me. god i miss him

i'm a nasty puppet!

Night Rider
12-20-2007, 03:24 PM

12-20-2007, 03:29 PM
i have to admit it! i need a cock. whatsupwiththat used to give it to me. god i miss him

i'm a nasty puppet! :lol: :lol:

Night Rider
12-20-2007, 03:31 PM


Night Rider
12-20-2007, 04:02 PM
We're up to 300 PMs...alot of them are titled links like below and there's a shitload of pics. CRAZY GUY. LOL


12-20-2007, 04:23 PM
whine (hwn, wn)
v. whined, whin·ing, whines
1. To utter a plaintive, high-pitched, protracted sound, as in pain, fear, supplication, or complaint.
2. To complain or protest in a childish fashion.
3. To produce a sustained noise of relatively high pitch: jet engines whining.
To utter with a whine.
1. The act of whining.
2. A whining sound.
3. A complaint uttered in a plaintive tone.

Night Rider
12-20-2007, 07:06 PM
You ingored my last reply so I'm not wasting my time writing another post. A choir boy like you is definitely not worth the effort...

The best I could come up with? Wise the fuck up mummy's boy, I own the rights for you, bitch. I've explained my thoughts to you many times recently, do I need to give you an update? It doesn't take a genius to figure out that it's a "joke" account, just the way outsiders looking in might think yours is a joke account for your usual choice of avatars and the emotional, whiney content in your posts. You write like a 5yo and punctuation is like a foreign language to you, therefore all your posts make little sense. I thought maybe because you're still attending school that your mind would be fresh but I'm obviously off the mark.

The fact that it took you 16 minutes from the point of opening up your post to the point of completing it highlights how much of a retard you are. How I know this is I inserted another image straight after my post which you've failed to quote, so my guess is you've been googling every word in an attempt to not look like an idiot....you failed.

Now take your gayness into a thread that you're actually welcome in, like "most suckable cock" or whatever....

12-20-2007, 09:33 PM
nelly snores loves you,why else the messages.... :peanutbutter :love1

12-20-2007, 10:34 PM
blah blah "welcome to loserville" blah

so if youre the welcome wagon... does that make u the mayor or did faggotville loan you out?

12-20-2007, 10:48 PM
blah blah "welcome to loserville" blah

so if youre the welcome wagon... does that make u the mayor or did faggotville loan you out?

There's no reason to drag San Francisco into this.


Night Rider
12-20-2007, 10:55 PM
blah blah "welcome to loserville" blah

so if youre the welcome wagon... does that make u the mayor or did faggotville loan you out?

If you were able to read it says "population you", therefore that excludes me.

..maybe you should spend less time whoring and more time educating yourself

12-20-2007, 10:57 PM
You ingored my last reply so I'm not wasting my time writing another post. A choir boy like you is definitely not worth the effort...

The best I could come up with? Wise the fuck up mummy's boy, I own the rights for you, bitch. I've explained my thoughts to you many times recently, do I need to give you an update? It doesn't take a genius to figure out that it's a "joke" account, just the way outsiders looking in might think yours is a joke account for your usual choice of avatars and the emotional, whiney content in your posts. You write like a 5yo and punctuation is like a foreign language to you, therefore all your posts make little sense. I thought maybe because you're still attending school that your mind would be fresh but I'm obviously off the mark.

The fact that it took you 16 minutes from the point of opening up your post to the point of completing it highlights how much of a retard you are. How I know this is I inserted another image straight after my post which you've failed to quote, so my guess is you've been googling every word in an attempt to not look like an idiot....you failed.

Now take your gayness into a thread that you're actually welcome in, like "most suckable cock" or whatever....


Night Rider
12-20-2007, 11:00 PM
tsntx's love-child right on queue

I thought that would be your answer..

12-20-2007, 11:09 PM
i have to admit it! i need a cock. whatsupwiththat used to give it to me. god i miss him

i'm a nasty puppet!

girl where you been at? :roll:

12-20-2007, 11:14 PM
i have to admit it! i need a cock. whatsupwiththat used to give it to me. god i miss him

i'm a nasty puppet!

girl where you been at? :roll:

This is getting worse, a guy who pretends to be a female, referring to another guy who is pretending to be a female as "girl" like some sister bullshit. Oh the irony!

Where else in the world huh :roll:

felix volkbein
12-21-2007, 07:02 AM
Nelly Snores is desperately in need of cock

Aren't we all, honey ...

12-22-2007, 11:14 AM
i have to admit it! i need a cock. whatsupwiththat used to give it to me. god i miss him

i'm a nasty puppet!

girl where you been at? :roll:

This is getting worse, a guy who pretends to be a female, referring to another guy who is pretending to be a female as "girl" like some sister bullshit. Oh the irony!

Where else in the world huh :roll:


I'm serious, it's truly fucked!