View Full Version : Respect

12-18-2007, 06:05 AM
Respect... well what can i say about respect other than this...

When i first found this place i saw the site and thought to myself cool a place where i can be myself and everyone is the same. No need to worry about prejudice and intolerance just a place to hang out and chat with other people.

I never had any intentions of trying to hook up with any TG's here since i have no need to i am very happly engaged to a very beautiful and loveing woman who her self is a TG.

I have been accused of sucking up and asskissing, well since when is haveing respect for people and being nice a bad thing.

But for some reason one person imperticular has taken exception to the fact that i am a nice guy and the fact that i have nothing but the utmost respect for the ladies on here. Maybe he feels threatened by someone that is not an intolerant, prejudice, nazi douche bag asshole... whatever his reason i really couldn't give a rats ass one way or another.

I don't hide the fact that i am a virgin infact in this day and age with desease running so rampant through the GLBT community i am proud of the fact that i am a virgin. At least when i make sweet love to my wife on our wedding night i know i don't have to worry about that fact and just have the two of us enjoy the night of pasion on our first night as husband and wife. For some reason he also seems to have a problem with that as well... i see it as just one more way that i am respecting the woman i love.

My personal sexual preferance is bottom but i am more than willing to be on top and she knows that and we are both very happy with that fact.

So bassically since when did haveing respect for someone and being nice to people become a bad thing?

Now i am sure that the person i have mentioned here is going to come on here and jump in here and start posting shit like. "oh you are such a whiner" or "You are such a kissass virgin faggot".

Well you know what MacDouche i really couldn't give flying fuck what you and your kind think. All that matters to me is that i have the love of a beautiful, sweet, kind, honest and hard working woman something you will never have.

Night Rider
12-18-2007, 02:24 PM
"oh you are such a whiner" or "You are such a kissass virgin faggot".

12-18-2007, 02:39 PM
"oh you are such a whiner" or "You are such a kissass virgin faggot".

:trolls :smh

12-18-2007, 02:51 PM
MacScreech is in penile denial. In his imagination he thinks he is some sort of gods gift , when in reality the straights of the world see him as nothing more than a shirt lifting nancy boy. That is why he comes here to act out his bigotry as he can't deal with his own self image.

He acts like he is some sort of hardman when in fact he is a stinking pasty arsed ginger headed fuckwit with a pencil neck and spagetti arms who couldn't fight his way out of a soft-serve icecream.

12-18-2007, 03:43 PM

Oh dear, oh dear another ozzie mouthpiece with an attitude problem. It's amazing how piss-poor beer and a lack of native intelligence can combine to produce the most repulsive specimens of "manhood" on the planet.

Let me make something clear to you. FGTCanada is a fool whom most people can run rings round but he's not a bad guy. Unlike real internet scum such as you and Legend, he actually has a point of view and he sticks to it. That is called integrity, though I appreciate you don't understand such long words. Look it up....

You on the other hand, are a sneaking, snivelling, two-faced, bumsucking little cunt who hides behind girls' skirts and snipes from the sidelines.

Whatever, cobber, you're a poof and a sheep-shagger with no wit, no intelligence and no hope. You have a shit job with no future because you fucked it up at school, and now you waste your life in a stinking bedroom full of your wanked-over porn mags and empty "stubbies" pretending to yourself that because you can type, anybody else gives a fuck. Knock yourself out, shit-fly. You manage to make a beer with Hondarobot look like a tolerable proposition.

Here-- this is the type of girl you like, isn't it?

12-18-2007, 05:34 PM
Well you know what MacDouche i really couldn't give flying fuck what you and your kind think. All that matters to me is that i have the love of a beautiful, sweet, kind, honest and hard working woman something you will never have.

So, let me get this straight. You went to the trouble of starting a new thread and typing that rather longish post because you don't care??? That sure is strange way of demonstrating how you "really couldn't give a flying fuck" what another poster thinks. Well done. :lol: :lol: :lol:


12-18-2007, 10:31 PM
I think we got a bleeder!!

12-19-2007, 07:18 AM
Surprise, surprise... I log in to find yet another boo-hoo thread from a poster who's quickly become the official town crier. Will wonders never cease?

And while I have nothing against you personally Wombat, I don't know how someone who uses Nazi imagery in his avatar can be viewed as having any credibility whatsoever when it comes to criticizing anyone else. Of course, since this issue was brought up in the past and you didn't see fit to correct it, perhaps it tells us the type of person we're dealing with here, hmm?

12-19-2007, 07:48 AM
Respect... well what can i say about respect other than this...

Hey mate, respect is earned, not granted.

He acts like he is some sort of hardman when in fact he is a stinking pasty arsed ginger headed fuckwit with a pencil neck and spagetti arms who couldn't fight his way out of a soft-serve icecream.

Great line, however your off base with respect to Mac. Time in the saddle gives him credibility that neither you nor the OP possess.

Oh, as you aren't a member of the Ostheer, that avatar is repugnant, more so than NR's because you actually selected it.

I think we got a bleeder!!

I think your right Chef.

12-19-2007, 11:24 AM
And while I have nothing against you personally Wombat, I don't know how someone who uses Nazi imagery in his avatar can be viewed as having any credibility whatsoever when it comes to criticizing anyone else. Of course, since this issue was brought up in the past and you didn't see fit to correct it, perhaps it tells us the type of person we're dealing with here, hmm?

sorry to be such a fun-killer:

Wombat, do you think that avatar of yours is particularly cool, plasterd with Nazi-symbols and orders?

especially the skull-symbol on her cap. thats from the "SS" or SchutzStaffel


So, what`s up with the nazi-bs then?

the commander
12-19-2007, 11:30 AM
Have I mentioned how much I love pie?

The Commander

12-19-2007, 01:01 PM

Oh dear, oh dear another ozzie mouthpiece with an attitude problem. It's amazing how piss-poor beer and a lack of native intelligence can combine to produce the most repulsive specimens of "manhood" on the planet.

Let me make something clear to you. FGTCanada is a fool whom most people can run rings round but he's not a bad guy. Unlike real internet scum such as you and Legend, he actually has a point of view and he sticks to it. That is called integrity, though I appreciate you don't understand such long words. Look it up....

You on the other hand, are a sneaking, snivelling, two-faced, bumsucking little cunt who hides behind girls' skirts and snipes from the sidelines.

Whatever, cobber, you're a poof and a sheep-shagger with no wit, no intelligence and no hope. You have a shit job with no future because you fucked it up at school, and now you waste your life in a stinking bedroom full of your wanked-over porn mags and empty "stubbies" pretending to yourself that because you can type, anybody else gives a fuck. Knock yourself out, shit-fly. You manage to make a beer with Hondarobot look like a tolerable proposition.

Here-- this is the type of girl you like, isn't it?

MacShreach, I get the feeling that you don't like Wombat. Or am I reading too much into the words? But seriously, you have said that a lot of insults were just done in fun. But I did find a post somewhere, where you said that people should lighten up on women who are considering 'post op' surgeries. So this shows that you know things can go overboard here in the insults department. Still, form my casual observation you seem like a person who reserves venom for special people you think deserve it.

But this thread is a classic example of the original poster's point. He comes on here talking about respect and gets insulted. He shared something personal with this board and it is used against him like a weapon. I too thought of this board as a place where people could share common interests without being judged, but I see I was wrong. I know that I for one would be very hesitant about sharing some things on here because some people display the mentally of early teens.

That a man (BxCanada) who is engaged to a tg woman can't get respect here is a shame and it makes no difference that people are stupider somewhere else. He made his point perfectly. Thanks Night Rider for helping to ruin this board.

12-19-2007, 01:06 PM
Whiney thread, someone say's goodbye, someone comes back a few weeks later. Old news, seen it all before!

Here's a much more interesting item..................

12-19-2007, 02:30 PM
please spell it correctly, R E S P E K ! respek son! lol..

12-19-2007, 02:44 PM
MacScreech is in penile denial. In his imagination he thinks he is some sort of gods gift , when in reality the straights of the world see him as nothing more than a shirt lifting nancy boy. That is why he comes here to act out his bigotry as he can't deal with his own self image.

He acts like he is some sort of hardman when in fact he is a stinking pasty arsed ginger headed fuckwit with a pencil neck and spagetti arms who couldn't fight his way out of a soft-serve icecream.


I thought Mac was the Santa girl in his avatar. Shows what I know.

Comone kiddies, it's Christmas, can we please try to all be nice to each other for a week?

TS Jamie

12-19-2007, 05:57 PM

I thought Mac was the Santa girl in his avatar. Shows what I know.

I am! I am! :lol:

Night Rider
12-19-2007, 06:19 PM
Thanks Night Rider for helping to ruin this board

With all due respect yodajazz, I'm not sure how I've "ruined" this board. Incase you haven't noticed, it's a porn forum not a 'peace & love' hippie forum. That's not to say that I don't give people respect where it's due. I'm sure flamewars went on long before I arrived, correct? I don't know how you can single me out when there are other posters (HHA included) that are guilty of the exact same thing. I've never had a problem with you but I don't know what that comment was about.

The whole post was about someone else and then at the end you slip in "Thanks Night Rider for helping to ruin this board"


The funny thing is I've never even had much of a problem with him....yes he wasn't my cup of tea but I couldn't give a fuck whether he stays here or goes and gossips in his gay forum, that's the truth.

12-19-2007, 07:16 PM
MacShreach, I get the feeling that you don't like Wombat.

Yes, yoda, that would be soooo true.

But seriously, you have said that a lot of insults were just done in fun. But I did find a post somewhere, where you said that people should lighten up on women who are considering 'post op' surgeries. So this shows that you know things can go overboard here in the insults department. Still, form my casual observation you seem like a person who reserves venom for special people you think deserve it.

In my exchanges with Canada I could have been a very great deal more vicious, (as you have I think identified) but in fact I never misliked him, I just thought he was hopelessly misled and a little bit slow. He made the mistake of attacking me several times, possibly not realising that it would lead to a game of banter that perhaps he lacked the quickness of wit to play and the thickness of hide to endure. Canada's not a bad guy, he just needs to stay out of the firing line.

People like wombat and Legend, however....nah, that's a serious dislike.

That a man (BxCanada) who is engaged to a tg woman can't get respect here is a shame and it makes no difference that people are stupider somewhere else.

Just for the record it would have been very easy to drag Canada's girl into our exchanges, but I didn't.

EDIT: Sorry, in a moment of thinking-about-something-else-and-trying-to-talk-to-youse-lot-at-the-same-time I confused two wombats and accidentally cast aspersions on the nice one. So for the record, wombat33 seems like a fine chap and I've never had any issues with him, wombat, (no 33) on the other hand, is a cunt.

Thanks for pointing this out.

12-19-2007, 09:20 PM
Mac: For the record Wombat and Wombat33 are two different people. I was confused at one time myself.

I was not talking about your treatment of BxCanada in this thread but just a lot of meaness in general which also is done by some of our ts women here too. I noticed that you did not attack BxCanada directly in this thread. He was coming in serious. Whereas Night Right displayed the exact behavior he was complaining about. There's a difference.

Thanks Night Rider for helping to ruin this board

With all due respect yodajazz, I'm not sure how I've "ruined" this board. Incase you haven't noticed, it's a porn forum not a 'peace & love' hippie forum. That's not to say that I don't give people respect where it's due. I'm sure flamewars went on long before I arrived, correct? I don't know how you can single me out when there are other posters (HHA included) that are guilty of the exact same thing. I've never had a problem with you but I don't know what that comment was about.

The whole post was about someone else and then at the end you slip in "Thanks Night Rider for helping to ruin this board"


The funny thing is I've never even had much of a problem with him....yes he wasn't my cup of tea but I couldn't give a fuck whether he stays here or goes and gossips in his gay forum, that's the truth.

Two things: Attitude and avatar. You have gotten a lot of complaints about the avatar. It was funny for a couple of days but its too much. You lost a bet and we have to suffer for it. I would even be interested in what you have to say, but it's too much work trying to scroll past your pics. I accept gay people, but I don't like looking at it all the time. So as a consequnce I need to spend less time on this forum.

There are some good things I like about this forum. Some people feel free to talk about their sexual experiences and life circumstances, including you. But other people use those relevations to try to hurt or discredit them. I single you out becuase you have posted here in record numbers so you are the face of this board.

This forum is like a wine tasters forum, where the finest wines in the world are displayed for tasting, sampling and discussing. Instead of enjoying the wine people are sitting around insulting one another and the wine is going to waste. Night Rider, I believe that you can appreciate a nice wine occaisionally.

Night Rider
12-19-2007, 09:33 PM
What I like about you is you're never rude or insulting when you're putting your point across. Honestly, I'd love to have those qualities but it's clear to all that I don't. That's just the way I am at this stage of my life and if I'm going to change, it's not going to be because some guy on a transsexual forum told me to.

As for the avatars, I'd be more embarrassed if I took them down and didn't honour a bet that was agreed between 3 people. I hate them as much as you but they're not that bad that it would affect how long I came here. The whole point in the bet was that the loser would be punished in a severe way and unluckily for me, I lost. There are plenty of other offensive avatars i.e Wombats SS Nazi skull but I haven't heard you say one word to him.

Anyway, the avatar and sig will not be taken down unless I'm asked by a moderator or whoever was involved in the bet.

Sorry yodajazz but that's just the way it is, I'm as repulsed as you are.

12-19-2007, 09:35 PM
Mac: For the record Wombat and Wombat33 are two different people. I was confused at one time myself.

Yes, it was my mistake and I edited it. Guilty as charged.

FWIW as I think you know, I have sympathy with your POV yoda, but I know that if I was the owner of this board I would be quite happy with the level of flame. I have moderated boards in the past and I was always impressed by how the active flame exchanges got the most hits. There are other TS forums where things are much more relaxed and I was intending to suggest to the lately departed that one of those might be more his style.....The trouble is they're pretty dull and the most interesting posters always seem to end up on forums like this.

Also, this is not unique. I frequent TS forums in other languages, and I note that one in particular has a good deal of "slapping around"...and it's very popular too. Maybe it's the theme..... :shrug

12-20-2007, 08:09 AM
But this thread is a classic example of the original poster's point. He comes on here talking about respect and gets insulted. He shared something personal with this board and it is used against him like a weapon. I too thought of this board as a place where people could share common interests without being judged, but I see I was wrong. I know that I for one would be very hesitant about sharing some things on here because some people display the mentally of early teens.

That a man (BxCanada) who is engaged to a tg woman can't get respect here is a shame and it makes no difference that people are stupider somewhere else. He made his point perfectly. Thanks Night Rider for helping to ruin this board.

BXCanada starts this thread talking about respect, but can't even finish his first post without attacking Mac... And you're surprised he doesn't get the "respect" he so clearly thinks he deserves? While you always come off as level-headed, try reading some of his posts and see if you can claim he was innocent. I trust you'll find he got what anyone would expect him to get, namely disrespected. And whether he's engaged to a TS or not doesn't entitle him to any special consideration in that regard.

On another note, I haven't been here too long, but I know better than to think this is a place where people can share anything without being judged. This is an internet forum, and that's what happens in internet forums... People read what you say and latch onto it when it's convenient to beat you upside the head with it in the hope of making you look foolish. You'll note posters such as trevis have done this unsuccessfully...

Anyway, perhaps this forum is on a downward slide... I don't really know as I haven't been here long enough to compare today with this same time last year. What I do know is that things change, be it for good or bad, and I think the tone of the board may be changing of late. Whether or not that's a bad thing depends on who you ask, but I personally think we have a lot more straight shooters now than we had even two months ago, and that, IMO, is certainly not a bad thing at all.

12-20-2007, 11:47 AM
I'm seeing a recurring trend on this forum.

We have a few members who think that they posess some kind of superior intellect over others. They simply don't know how to argue. They also lack the common courtesy of clearly thinking about what they're going to say and how others might perceive it.

A little TACT can make the most difficult topic civil.

Most of the flame wars here are based on one poster's OPINION and their
insistence on convincing everyone else that what they FEEL is FACT. If
anyone should counter that opinon, the know-it-all-tactless-poster then
goes on a rampage to smash any opposing viewpoint into the ground,
often resorting to personal attacks. We then see a long, self
aggrandising retort of self-justification and "what? me?" excuses as if any misunderstanding of the original attempted point is the fault of the reader.

My suggestion is learn how to articulate your point. You will more
easily earn the respect of others if you know how to successfully argue it.

But I thought this is a place where admirers of trans-women could learn about their favorite stars and maybe make new friends. Why the fuck do we need to argue here at all? Aren't there already enough forums on the web to whinge and yack about useless crap?

I've also noticed a few formerly caustic members fall in line and start
to join in actual discussions and actually contribute something.
Perhaps there's hope that the Hung Angles can straighten out the worst
of us!
OK, I'm going to sleep now. Goodnight.

12-20-2007, 12:17 PM
That one person, who's clearly of the opinion he possesses superior skills with respect to conveying his thoughts, can't follow the thoughts of someone else to his liking, doesn't mean that individual needs to better learn how to articulate himself, but that the person who is so troubled needs to develop better reading skills.

You don't like the way other people's thoughts are conveyed, exceptional mediocrity? Tough. No one seems to have a problem comprehending but you, but you want to take the bullshit started in the tgirl escort thread and keep it going, trying to be some sort of Captain Save-A-Ho slash fucking wordsmith or something...

This is a porn board, stupid, not a classroom. Nobody's impressed but Kelly, and even she ain't giving you a free BJ for your troubles, you self-congratulatory, passive-aggressive prick.

12-20-2007, 12:23 PM
That one person, who's clearly of the opinion he possesses superior skills with respect to conveying his thoughts, can't follow the thoughts of someone else to his liking, doesn't mean that individual needs to better learn how to articulate himself, but that the person who is so troubled needs to develop better reading skills.

You don't like the way other people's thoughts are conveyed, exceptional mediocrity? Tough. No one seems to have a problem comprehending but you, but you want to take the bullshit started in the tgirl escort thread and keep it going, trying to be some sort of Captain Save-A-Ho slash fucking wordsmith or something...

This is a porn board, stupid, not a classroom. Nobody's impressed but Kelly, and even she ain't giving you a free BJ for your troubles, you self-congratulatory, passive-aggressive prick. Of course since it's against you it's "Captain SAVE A HO" maybe he just sees the way you are! YOU ARE ATTACKING, DEMEANING, and JUDGEMENTAL. Three things I despise. I am not the only person that sees it on this BOARD!

12-20-2007, 12:38 PM
Of course since it's against you it's "Captain SAVE A HO" maybe he just sees the way you are! YOU ARE ATTACKING, DEMEANING, and JUDGEMENTAL. Three things I despise. I am not the only person that sees it on this BOARD!

Was exceptional mediocrity's post about me, Kelly? Because he certainly didn't mention me specifically. Then again, he does lack testicular fortitude, and thus in a passive-aggressive manner sought to deal me a crushing blow, thus ingratiating himself with you for his trouble. You've given him hope, and made his Christmas I'm sure. Bless you, Kelly Shore.

On another note, you are not the only person who sees me as attacking, demeaning and judgemental you say, but why do these others you speak of not speak for themselves? Not that I'd give a shit either way, but who needs Kelly Shore to do their talking? I mean, if any of them are men, then... they ain't too manly is all I've got to say. Bring 'em out!

12-20-2007, 07:30 PM
Passive agressive? Just because my thoughts MAY have included your actions here, I was not talking about you specifically, you self absorbed cunt. Are you as combative in real life or is it your fantasy to berate others because you are some lowly, runtish circus geek?

Am I supposed to just read your posts and agree with you? If someone has a different point of view, is that your cue to unload your bile and take all of your frustrations on them?

I'm not trying to Save-a-Ho or impress anyone here. I don't have time to visit Kelly or Nicole for a BJ. I'm just giving my opinion, just like you so freely give yours.

12-20-2007, 08:35 PM
I'm seeing a recurring trend on this forum.

We have a few members who think that they posess some kind of superior intellect over others. They simply don't know how to argue. They also lack the common courtesy of clearly thinking about what they're going to say and how others might perceive it.

A little TACT can make the most difficult topic civil.

First, this is of course in almost any imaginable way the opinion of you and by no means facts. Simply, because this is an open forum, where nobody has ever CLEARLY STATED that they possess superior intellect over others. You could only say it is your impression some posters MIGHT HAVE those qualities for the following reasons.

Besides, as the openess of the forum suggests, intellectual superiority CAN and WILL be tackled, if those few posters you suspect falling into those made-up-cathegories of yours fail to be - in fact intellectually superior by choosing better examples, be more precise, getting their point across more sound than other posters.

Most of the flame wars here are based on one poster's OPINION and their
insistence on convincing everyone else that what they FEEL is FACT. If
anyone should counter that opinon, the know-it-all-tactless-poster then
goes on a rampage to smash any opposing viewpoint into the ground,
often resorting to personal attacks. We then see a long, self
aggrandising retort of self-justification and "what? me?" excuses as if any misunderstanding of the original attempted point is the fault of the reader.

In my OPINION (note: this is my opinion, not a FACT...) most of the flame wars are based on the most active flamers personality traits, and the FUN they generate, like it or not, and you enjoy them at least as much, why else would you read them. Which you clearly stated in the above paragraph.

My suggestion is learn how to articulate your point. You will more
easily earn the respect of others if you know how to successfully argue it.

And what exactly is your point in this post? That you make assumptions, posting them as YOUR facts?

But I thought this is a place where admirers of trans-women could learn about their favorite stars and maybe make new friends. Why the fuck do we need to argue here at all? Aren't there already enough forums on the web to whinge and yack about useless crap?

I have to remind you, this section of the board is called "General Discussion", so one persons "useless crap" is another ones "reason to live".

You dont need to argue anything, you are not beeing forced to read anything or to look at anything on this board. Do you get the main idea, that self-reliance works very well on this board too.

But, of course, your post I am replying here to is in fact part 2 of your clearly ass-kissing attempt in the beforementioned "tgirl escort" thread, and your method of NOT NAMING the main target, TJ, instead using indefinite expressions like "few members",can be decoded by everyone with at least half his/her brain working - do you act in RL as subtle?

12-20-2007, 09:18 PM
Your points are well said and reasonably worded.
I understand what you are saying and you didn't resort to name calling or insults.
The topic of this thread is respect and you've explained your counter point respectfully.
Sure, my impression of some posters seems to be the issue at hand. I'll be sure to be more clear that these are my opinions next time.
I've got nothing against flame wars, they can be pretty funny sometimes, but so many topics get derailed into pages and pages of petty insults. Sure, this is life on any forum.
Yeah, yeah, so accuse me of ass-kissing in another thread. I just see alot of hatred flowing so freely here and felt the need to call attention to it. As far as "not naming" a particular target, TJ, in my opinion, is not the only member who has gone down this path of vile, rude and disrespectful behavior.
If I were to simply say "let's just be nice to each other and hug", that wouldn't have encouraged anyone to even "give a rat's ass" about this topic: respect.

So, my overall point is "let's just be nice to each other and hug"

12-21-2007, 01:32 AM
Setting aside all the name calling and whatnot for a moment, I say again, for the umpteenth time, that no one here can impose their way of thinking on this board and have it continue to be as enjoyable as it is, despite any warts it may have.

And that's what this comes down to, ultimately. People who want to log into some neo-sixties forum where everyone praises everyone else for anything they might do simply to avoid any semblance of conflict, versus people who acknowledge the board has its issues but don't believe suppressing the expression of certain ideas or opinions will help fix them.
Nothing more, nothing less.

12-21-2007, 04:30 PM
Setting aside all the name calling and whatnot for a moment, I say again, for the umpteenth time, that no one here can impose their way of thinking on this board and have it continue to be as enjoyable as it is, despite any warts it may have.

And that's what this comes down to, ultimately. People who want to log into some neo-sixties forum where everyone praises everyone else for anything they might do simply to avoid any semblance of conflict, versus people who acknowledge the board has its issues but don't believe suppressing the expression of certain ideas or opinions will help fix them.
Nothing more, nothing less.

Yup, that's right and at the end of the day you can thank NYCe and the other mods for their relaxed approach.

12-21-2007, 05:36 PM
Setting aside all the name calling and whatnot for a moment, I say again, for the umpteenth time, that no one here can impose their way of thinking on this board and have it continue to be as enjoyable as it is, despite any warts it may have.

it wasn't very enjoyable for SexyMagdi. it wasn't very enjoyable for BXCanada (who was making interesting contributions to the several threads i regularly enjoy....so thanks for driving 'em permanently off the board). i guess it all depends on who's having the fun. are we in so much danger from queers and frauds we need to put up with a vigilante gang of cyber-ruffians?! i rather ban assholes than lose friends. there is a better cure though, and it's easy. instead of repeating yourself for the umpteenth plus one time, straighten up and don't be an asshole.

Night Rider
12-21-2007, 05:55 PM
Hey guys,

You have won. BXCanada has decided to leave the HA board. He just PMed me about his decision. I never had much in common with the guy, but we did correspond from time to time,and I thought he was an o.k. guy.

You've won. Congrats.

In all fairness he wasn't chased away from the board, he's a grown man and it was his own decision to leave. As I've said I didn't mind him apart from his constant moaning about gay rights. That aside he was a harmless guy and he had alot to contribute.

If it's MacShreach you're referring to as winning the battle for him to leave then I think that's unfair. BXCanada called out MacShreach a few times and he's not as innocent as his post here suggests.

I think a few people in this thread need to take a few deep breaths and stop acting like it was ruthless bullying that drove him away. I'm sorry but that's bullshit.

This isn't getting at you braveman.

12-21-2007, 06:00 PM
they were fucking chased from the board, don't rationalize. you guys made it sufficiently unpleasant for them that they decided to leave. in my book, that's chasing them away.

Night Rider
12-21-2007, 06:04 PM
they were fucking chased from the board, don't rationalize. you guys made it sufficiently unpleasant for them that they decided to leave. in my book, that's chasing them away.

All i quoted was something that BXCanada said himself...as a joke.

That's the only thing "negative" I've ever said about him so I don't know why I'm taking blame for it.

If I'd known he was under that much pressure emotionally I wouldn't have said anything. But I stand by my statement saying that MacSreach and BXCanada's feud has been going on since I came here and he's as guilty as him. If MacShreach left would you be grilling BXCanada?

12-21-2007, 06:13 PM
you're taking the blame, i suppose, because somewhere inside you feel guilty. did i say NR is driving people away in droves? no, i said it was a vigilante gang. you included yourself in that description. perhaps because each fiber lends its strength to the entire rope.

look i don't want to fight with anyone here. i'm here to exchange cartoons for christ sake...and poke a little fun at fundamentalists and republicans in the politics and religion forum. i just want to keep this place semi-pleasant and especially to keep my friends. so don't take all this personally. i like you NR, especially since the mods took away your avatar.

Night Rider
12-21-2007, 06:21 PM
I thought I was included in "you guys made it sufficiently unpleasant for them that they decided to leave." I apologise for the misunderstanding. I don't want anyone to be banned or chased away and I've said that a few times before this.

LMAO @ "vigilante gang" we're not a cyber-gang, we just happen to share similar points of view

I like you too Trish and I wasn't fighting, just disagreeing.

12-21-2007, 06:24 PM
we're not a cyber-gang, we just happen to share similar points of view

yeah, like who you're going to gang up on next :)

(sorry...you fed me the straight line, i had to deliver the laugh.)

12-21-2007, 06:26 PM
Respect... well what can i say about respect other than this...

Respect would be telling the truth..... read on

I don't hide the fact that i am a virgin

says he a virgin ..... but then he.....

My personal sexual preference is bottom but i am more than willing to be on top and she knows that and we are both very happy with that fact.

how would a virgin know this??? He must come from the Bill Clinton book of sexual definitions

Night Rider
12-21-2007, 06:26 PM
LOL trish, then we're a misunderstood cyber-gang


12-21-2007, 06:33 PM
look freak. where'd you get that definition of respect? and since when are virgins totally ignorant of their sexual preferences. you didn't know your preferences by the time you entered puberty?

12-21-2007, 06:35 PM
I'm outta here for now NR. if i don't see again before the day's out, have a good holiday vacation. i don't expect to be back to the boards until a few days after christmas.

happy holidays all.

12-21-2007, 06:46 PM
they were fucking chased from the board, don't rationalize. you guys made it sufficiently unpleasant for them that they decided to leave. in my book, that's chasing them away.

Oh let us be quite clear, I didn't chase BXCanada from the board. He walked out all by himself. After our initial exchange some time ago I laid off him after I had been asked to by several other posters. I've done the same to a number of other people here, simply walked away as a courtesy to someone else.

BXCanada must have misread my actions, however, because he repeatedly and aggressively called me out until I responded. He provoked trouncing after trouncing and still came at me, and then he quit and flounced off the board. Big deal.

I will not modify my point of view in the face of aggression, and if people wish to be aggressive to me then fine, believe me I will enjoy the fray.

If I had been the one attacking BXCanada, that would have counted as chasing him off the board. Since he provoked every exchange by coming after me, even on that very first occasion, he made his own bed.

And when he comes back, after his huff, if he comes at me again, I'll happily serve him more of the same.

Just so's we know.

12-21-2007, 06:49 PM
Respect... well what can i say about respect other than this...

Respect would be telling the truth..... read on

I don't hide the fact that i am a virgin

says he a virgin ..... but then he.....

My personal sexual preference is bottom but i am more than willing to be on top and she knows that and we are both very happy with that fact.

how would a virgin know this??? He must come from the Bill Clinton book of sexual definitions

All so, so true.

12-21-2007, 06:54 PM
look freak. where'd you get that definition of respect? and since when are virgins totally ignorant of their sexual preferences. you didn't know your preferences by the time you entered puberty?

So someone is respecting the board by posting lies? I think that is disrespectful of everyone on it.

Don't just read it understand it, I now understand why someone would want to leave, people don't understand what they read.

And no, no one knows there sexual preference as soon as they enter puberty, no one know what they will like until they experience it, someone may feel like there gay, which may make them feel like they have to bottom, then once someone sticks them in the ass, they find out there not into it, have you ever heard of confusion? Then a guy might think he is gay but the first time he is with a man he is turned off, he just thought he was gay, but he really wanted was a dominate women.

So learn to understand what you read before commenting on it.

12-21-2007, 06:54 PM
If it's MacShreach you're referring to as winning the battle for him to leave then I think that's unfair..

Winning the battle for him to leave......WTF? WHERE DO I GET MY FUN NOW? I didn't want him to leave-- sometimes I was crying with laughter....... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

But thanks for the support, NR.

12-21-2007, 07:08 PM
And no, no one knows there sexual preference as soon as they enter puberty, no one know what they will like until they experience it,

I couldn't agree more and since trish is usually one of the more perspicacious posters here I'm surprised at her response to that.

I think she's in the huff with me just now but WTF, there are always women in the huff with me...:shrug ...It must be a girl thing.

Night Rider
12-21-2007, 08:27 PM
I'm outta here for now NR. if i don't see again before the day's out, have a good holiday vacation. i don't expect to be back to the boards until a few days after christmas.

happy holidays all.

You too. Have a good one and see you soon.

But thanks for the support, NR.

No problem :)

12-21-2007, 09:38 PM
in a huff?! IN A HUFF?!! A GIRL THING?!!!
if i was i am no longer. i just got out of the last meeting i’ve got to go to for the rest of the year. I’M FREE!!!! have a great solstice, MacShreach

BTW, NR, i hate when santa does that.

Night Rider
12-21-2007, 09:42 PM
BTW, NR, i hate when santa does that.

Yeah, he's a dirty old man. He is always in a rush to empty his sack.


12-21-2007, 09:46 PM
in a huff?! IN A HUFF?!! A GIRL THING?!!!
if i was i am no longer. i just got out of the last meeting i’ve got to go to for the rest of the year. I’M FREE!!!! have a great solstice, MacShreach


Phew, that's a relief-- you know I loves ya babe. You have a great Yule too.....Let the festivities commence!

12-21-2007, 09:57 PM
you two are off the hook. but here's a holiday cheer for freak.

So someone is respecting the board by posting lies? I think that is disrespectful of everyone on it.

It depends on the lies and why they’re proffered (e.g. self-protection, or to scam). But I think the evidence you present is rather paltry. Most the kids I knew growing up were ogling girly magazines and beating off long before they lost their virginity. I’d say they had a pretty good idea of their sexual preferences. I’m not saying those preferences wouldn’t evolve later on in unpredictable ways, but they had sexual preferences early on. Some had fantasies of dominance, some of submissiveness.

…no one know what they will like until they experience it, someone may feel like there gay, which may make them feel like they have to bottom, then once someone sticks them in the ass, they find out there not into it, have you ever heard of confusion?

So how do you know BXCanada isn’t confused instead of lying. Or instead of confused, perhaps he is just wrong about himself, owing to his inexperience. By your own account both are possible. Isn’t it presumptuous and disrespectful to accuse him of lying?

BXC felt that he was disrespected. He made a thread to air his grievances. People perceived it as an attack. Maybe it was. You know just because people think they’re being attacked, they don’t always have to strike back. You can try to understand the situation and endeavor to make it better. Sometime you can even swallow your pride.

So how do i end this. i don't know...how about some mistletoe?

12-22-2007, 12:13 PM
The fact is, you really don't know what many people "do". You just like to think you do. So drop the macho posturing, with this talk of a fictitious "neo-sixties forum" that you're supposedly so worried about; all because you hope it absolves you from making stupid generalizations.

Sorry if my opinion isn't to your liking, but it's really a case of too bad, so sad. I'm not at all worried about this board becoming a "neo-sixties" forum, but I see more than enough evidence that there are people who would like it to become one, which is why I said that. Further, you're the last person who should talk about someone making generalizations, if we're going to be honest. I'll leave it at that.

Anyway, it's clear you don't agree with me, and I certainly don't often agree with you. That said, why can't you just acknowledge that and move on? I'm not going to be converted to your way of thinking regardless how many smart ass comments you make, nor do I expect you to be converted to my way of thinking. So, go your own way, and I'll go mine. It's that simple. Nothing you can say will make me stop saying what I want to say, but if you are so offended by what I say, then ask for me to be banned. Hell, if three women here asked me not to post anymore, I wouldn't, that's how important being here is to me, honestly, I'm so tired of bullshit such as that you put out there on the regular. So, there it is; run with it.

12-22-2007, 12:48 PM
Setting aside all the name calling and whatnot for a moment, I say again, for the umpteenth time, that no one here can impose their way of thinking on this board and have it continue to be as enjoyable as it is, despite any warts it may have.

it wasn't very enjoyable for SexyMagdi. it wasn't very enjoyable for BXCanada (who was making interesting contributions to the several threads i regularly enjoy....so thanks for driving 'em permanently off the board). i guess it all depends on who's having the fun. are we in so much danger from queers and frauds we need to put up with a vigilante gang of cyber-ruffians?! i rather ban assholes than lose friends. there is a better cure though, and it's easy. instead of repeating yourself for the umpteenth plus one time, straighten up and don't be an asshole.

It wasn't enjoyable for "Sexy Magdi" because "she" claimed to be a TS, and was exposed as a fraud. It wasn't enjoyable for BXCanada, because he could dish it out, but couldn't take it. Now, if you miss their presence here, then certainly your feelings are as valid as anyones. That said, if you feel I'm an asshole because I have my own opinion versus parroting yours, then I regret to inform you that I'm not going to change.

I fail to see how one can say they would rather ban "assholes" than lose "friends", when we're talking about a TS who isn't and never was a TS, and who further created elaborate lies in efforts to maintain that facade. And so, if you honestly think it'd be better to have 100 "Sexy Magdis" here than to have one person such as myself, let me know Trish. You, Nicole Dupree, maybe Kelly Shore... That'd be three, and that's all that's necessary. Then maybe the board would become the kumbaya forum you want it to be, huh?

12-22-2007, 01:22 PM
Don't leave just for having an opinion TJ, whether that opinion is always right or wrong? Is not for me to decide, but you've got more integrity than 98% of the people at this site!

12-22-2007, 08:00 PM
I don't know much about the Magdi thing, but BSCanada acted like a passive-aggressive jackass in the two or three threads that I know him from...don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out, sport...

Night Rider
12-22-2007, 08:15 PM
Trish. You, Nicole Dupree, maybe Kelly Shore... That'd be three, and that's all that's necessary. Then maybe the board would become the kumbaya forum you want it to be, huh?

Out of those three people there's one I dislike and the other two are cool and even though Kelly can be a bit of a dumb blonde/brunette/red head she wouldn't be the sort of person asks for a ban because of a disagreement. I don't think Trish wants you to get banned either but Nicole on the otherhand is notorious for crying for people to be banned. See my sig for details.

So truly there's only one person that wants you banned and she no doubt holds the record for "most banned nominations - 2007"

I've been told several times that I should be banned but I've never heard a valid reason. I suppose this forum is kiss-ass central and it will never change but I wouldn't leave because of a few people that can't handle anything other than other than, "you're hot" "nice cock" "nice tats" or whatever..

12-23-2007, 06:05 AM
Out of those three people there's one I dislike and the other two are cool and even though Kelly can be a bit of a dumb blonde/brunette/red head she wouldn't be the sort of person asks for a ban because of a disagreement. I don't think Trish wants you to get banned either but Nicole on the otherhand is notorious for crying for people to be banned. See my sig for details.

So truly there's only one person that wants you banned and she no doubt holds the record for "most banned nominations - 2007"

I've been told several times that I should be banned but I've never heard a valid reason. I suppose this forum is kiss-ass central and it will never change but I wouldn't leave because of a few people that can't handle anything other than other than, "you're hot" "nice cock" "nice tats" or whatever..

Actually, I wasn't implying that anyone necessarily wanted me banned, but rather that if any of them objected so much to anyone who wasn't a rampant asskisser, then they may as well request I be banned, as that's not my bag. In any event, as far as any consideration to leaving this board, the reasons so many other people have given suffice, though the sources of displeasure may be different.

The board is different than it was a little while ago, but I'm sure it goes in cycles. That said, it doesn't much make a difference, because at the end of the day the novelty pretty much wears off and it inevitably becomes less enjoyable than it initially was. Then, you suck it up and take it for what it is, whine incessitantly in the vain hope it'll change something, or move the hell on. Option #3 is the best one, mind you.

Lastly, you were right about Nicole, IMO. I didn't agree with some of your assessments at the time NR, but now I see that you were right all along, with every single thing that you said. Still, insulting/questioning the femininity of a woman as macho as Mr. T is an exercise in futility, which I'm sure you'll pick up on sooner or later. Clearly, Ms. Dupree can hold her own with you on whatever level you want to take it to, even showing that she wasn't above insulting the Irish as a whole to even the score, a decidedly unfeminine thing to do in an argument, so unsurprising to say the least.

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, good night and good luck. Later.

Night Rider
12-23-2007, 05:01 PM
Still, insulting/questioning the femininity of a woman as macho as Mr. T is an exercise in futility, which I'm sure you'll pick up on sooner or later.

Yeah, it wasn't the smartest thing I've said since I've been here but maybe in time I'll change my stance on that.

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, good night and good luck. Later.

Same to you..
