View Full Version : Christmas Prizes: HA Unsung Hero

12-16-2007, 09:28 PM
Hokey, let's hear if for the the GUYS (and we will be having one of these for the girls so fret not) who deserve recognition for just being good for this place and for their contribution in 2007.

You get three nominations each and no you can't nominate yourself so tough.

I go with, in no particular order

ietavait; Been here since '04, never gets in a stooshie, always just goes on posting great pics of smashing girls.

partlycloudy: For the most imaginative and creative wit around. His "swimming fish" thread is an all-time classic.

and last but not least,

JohnnyWalkerBlackLabel for some of the most insightful, acerbically humorous posts I have ever read. Always a pleasure to read one of his threads.

If somebody hasn't kicked off one for the girls by the time I get back, I'll start one.

12-16-2007, 10:25 PM
Hokey, let's hear if for the the GUYS (and we will be having one of these for the girls so fret not) who deserve recognition for just being good for this place and for their contribution in 2007.

You get three nominations each and no you can't nominate yourself so tough.

I go with, in no particular order

ietavait; Been here since '04, never gets in a stooshie, always just goes on posting great pics of smashing girls.

partlycloudy: For the most imaginative and creative wit around. His "swimming fish" thread is an all-time classic.

and last but not least,

JohnnyWalkerBlackLabel for some of the most insightful, acerbically humorous posts I have ever read. Always a pleasure to read one of his threads.

If somebody hasn't kicked off one for the girls by the time I get back, I'll start one.

12-16-2007, 11:56 PM

I actually have more than three, but if I must choose:

MacSchreach for tackling the topic of transgenderism, and looking at it
from more than just a pornographic viewpoint. I of course realize that
this is a porn oriented board, but it is very refreshing to have an
intelligent and challenging discourse on the subject, with someone who
I don't perceive objectifies women.

For the same reasons I would like to nominate Ecstatic. Rarely have I
encountered anyone, either on-line or IRL that is able to convey
information so thoroughly without comng across as pedantic or pompous.
I also nominate him for his even keeled disposition, and for staying above
the muck and mire of the negativity on the forum.

I will also go with JWBL for his humorous, but always truthful examination
of the transcommunity. He's our roving reporter who is always willing to
unabashedly point out the foibles and follies of both genders.

And finally, I would like to cast an in absentia vote for LG for his
scholarly, well thought out and articulated posts.

12-17-2007, 12:49 AM
Thank you, Peg. You've placed me in very fine company, and I'm honored.

Three votes: that's rough, I can name 10 at the drop of a hat. Hmmm....

I too would like to cast a vote for LG, whose intelligence and eloquence are matched only by his good humor. He's been MIA for awhile now, but his contributions this year have been substantial.

My second vote goes to Bearded One, who is a true friend both here in the forum and in RL. Great wit, always spinning a fascinating and often very funny story, yet with sensitivity and intelligence.

My third vote goes to the other "e" on the board, whatsupwithat, a great guy who has done tremendous things for the TG community as well as being an insightful and at times inquisitive HA member.

12-17-2007, 01:41 AM
Whatsupwithat - possibly the nicest guy using a computer today. Also walks the walk.

Yodajazz - soulfulness personified.

Finally a toss-up (snarf snarf) between Quinn/TJ347 for posting replies actually worth reading.

How about a mention in despatches for Hondarobot? :lol:

Yeah I miss LG. He was immense in the chatroom.

12-17-2007, 12:01 PM
How about a mention in despatches for Hondarobot? :lol:

Steady, there's people here might miss the irony in that.

12-18-2007, 01:23 AM
Hara posted this in the Unsung Heroines thread so I hope she doesn't mind me posting it here.

I have to say while I'm charmed by the nomination I will have to disqualify myself from this one. It wouldn't be right.

Aww, this made my night. Thanks MacShreach, Ecstatic and Quinn. I'm a big fan of all three men so guess I don't need to name my 3 top picks then! LOL ;)

SMH@JWBL's list.



12-18-2007, 01:25 AM
ill probably roll with Mr. Walker.

12-18-2007, 01:27 AM
Yeah, I'd have to go with the general consensus here and say Johnny, although Stillies is a good guy too.

12-18-2007, 01:35 AM
as is mr lev sir.

12-18-2007, 01:37 AM
You speak lies, I've already been nominated the resident Steve Guttenberg of HA... nothing can correct that mistake.

12-18-2007, 01:39 AM
hahaha well yeah but steve pulled a lot of tail in those police academy movies.

12-18-2007, 01:48 AM
Yeah, but where is he now? Probably shooting the remix for Wilford Brimleys "Beetis dance beats" with Brian Dennahe.

12-18-2007, 01:49 AM
or another straight to dvd classic.

12-18-2007, 01:57 AM
Johnny, cause he is blunt and humorous at the same time.

Ecstatic cause he is sweet and charming with intelligence.

Eric cause he is always so nice.

Macshreach cause he makes me laugh when he attacks people.

oh is just three? cause I have more. lol

12-18-2007, 02:09 AM
Considering the basis of this forum I'm always delightedly
impressed by the quality of the guys that do most of the
posting. If I could vote for them all I would but I'm limited
to 3 so I'm going to stick with voting for the underdogs.

Stillies, Steve_mbf and Danny Partridge

I hate these sort of things, what I really don't want is for
any of the guys I didn't pick to have hurt feelings. Kudos
to all of you guys.

Night Rider
12-18-2007, 03:17 AM
I'll keep it short and also go for the underdogs..


12-18-2007, 03:36 AM
Ecstatic cause he is sweet and charming with intelligence.

Thanks, Kelly.

12-18-2007, 04:08 AM
ietavait; Been here since '04, never gets in a stooshie, always just goes on posting great pics of smashing girls.
I could be wrong, but I think ietavait may be a (t-?)girl. :wink: :?: :!: :idea:

Is a "stooshie" an argument, Mac? Is it the same thing as a, "stramash"?

12-18-2007, 11:45 AM
ietavait; Been here since '04, never gets in a stooshie, always just goes on posting great pics of smashing girls.
I could be wrong, but I think ietavait may be a (t-?)girl. :wink: :?: :!: :idea:

Is a "stooshie" an argument, Mac? Is it the same thing as a, "stramash"?

To the first, I really don't know-- one of ietavait's charms is just getting on with the business in hand. Perhaps ietavait might enlighten us?

stooshie/stramash is close....stramash....more chaotic. (They possibly come from the same Gaelic root, if you are interested I can check that.) :lol:

12-19-2007, 05:35 PM
I nominate another "underdog", namely Blkhaze.

He leaves - at least to me - the impression of a down to earth, genuinly nice guy. 8)

12-19-2007, 05:49 PM
There are many good choice that remain "unsung," so to speak, but I'll go with the following three:

1) Rogers.
2) mbf.
3) lust4ts.


12-20-2007, 01:23 AM
my nominations:

sirmartinfrobisher- like ietavit just great pix
bearded one- always insightful
felicia katt- outspoken, funny, I always like her point of view

12-20-2007, 01:46 AM
bearded one- always insightful

Awr, shux! Thanx. :) I'll talk about most anything that's in sight here. :wink:

12-20-2007, 02:54 AM
yeah id pick B1 too...he is a cool dude.

12-20-2007, 02:55 AM
yeah id pick B1 too...he is a cool dude.

Is this about that beer? OK, you've cinched it. ;)