View Full Version : how many of you ts girls get tested regularly?

06-04-2005, 10:06 PM
i wonder how many of yall take time out yall busy schedule to go get tested. i dont care of you had sex with condoms on. Do you still get tested regular for stds and HIV/AIDS?


06-04-2005, 10:12 PM

06-04-2005, 10:46 PM

06-04-2005, 10:47 PM

whom are you replying for?

06-04-2005, 10:52 PM
I'm rolling my eyes in disbelief at magic9inch's rude, tacky, presumtious question.

How the hell do you actually spell "presumptious"? I should look that up.

06-04-2005, 10:56 PM
Why would anybody fuck without a condom? It's downright nasty if you're a dude or a tranny and you ain't usin protection.

06-04-2005, 11:07 PM
The correct spelling is: presumptuous. That still looks kinda weird.

As far as condomless fucking goes, I haven't done it in 14 years (seriously), but I just haven't been with the right girls.

06-04-2005, 11:08 PM

SexyJade, I would LOVE to meet you!@!!!!

06-05-2005, 01:13 AM
this thread should be directed at us boys who see escorts, not just toward the girls.

Ask any girl who admits to being positive, and she'll say she got it from a trick.

06-05-2005, 01:33 AM
this thread should be directed at us boys who see escorts, not just toward the girls.

Ask any girl who admits to being positive, and she'll say she got it from a trick. Your right Flabby..I made a post about how many guys have been tested 2 months ago and there was very little response :?:

06-05-2005, 02:51 AM
If you're an escort who knows you've got it, and you're still working- YOU SUCK

If you're a john and you know you've got it, and you're still seeing escorts, YOU SUCK WORSE

for everyone else (the great majority of our trangendered community), play safe and get tested regularly. Use those fucking condoms, always. And lay off the late nite White Castle cheesburgerrs.. That will kill you too.

06-05-2005, 02:51 AM
I know that girls like me, Vicki, Joanna, Gia, Allanah, Danielle are tested on a very regular basis. I get tested every 30 days due to you never know when a producer will call and you need a current test on file. ANYTIME Im in LA I get tested.

In January I did 2 videos and I was tested two days before each.

However DONT let that fool you there are quite a few working escorts who are positive so the question shouldnt be Who gets tested but are you being safe??


06-05-2005, 03:02 AM
Wendy, if you know that there are HIV positive escorts still working then you should post their names right here. Dont you care if they spread the virus? Dont you have a conscience? :?

Overlord Abomination
06-05-2005, 03:20 AM
Wendy, if you know that there are HIV positive escorts still working then you should post their names right here. Dont you care if they spread the virus? Dont you have a conscience? :?

Maybe she does know who has it but shes got a point. Theres definently gonna a few escorts out there with some sort of disease, So youve always gotta be cautious, especially when your having sex with strangers

06-05-2005, 03:22 AM
First of all that is ILLEGAL and I will NOT and refuse too mingle in that pot. Its wrong YES but its NOT my resposibility to call them out NOR will I. As long as the guy is safe and practices SAFE sex than he will leave with a clear conscious. SIMPLE.

SOrry its a fact a bad reality but its NOT my place and or am I willing to do such a thing.

Sorry sweetie

06-05-2005, 03:34 AM
Yes i get tested on a regular basis :D

06-05-2005, 03:38 AM
kramer, don't call Wendy out on this, or anyone else for that matter. We've been through this already. This site will not name names and it won't become a witch hunt. Just assume every person you have sex with could be positive. (tranny, gay, or gg)

If you practice safe sex and make sure you're healthy, there's no need to start speculating on who's got it and who doesn't. The tgirl escorts I see always insist on using condoms for all oral and anal activities, and if I met someone who didn't insist on this, I'd be out the door.

06-05-2005, 03:47 AM
Are of any of us sleeping with magic that we should answer this question
directly to him?

I am truly over his arrogant post and cheap contributions-

Magic's post consists of the following:



Then you hve questions like this one-

Which I will answer generally- anyone doing films tests, especially condomless shoots.

I tests for personal reasons regardless-

AND ANYONE who is sexually active is at risk for ANY std-
everyone forgets there are other things you can much more easily contract than HIV

-Genital Warts
-and who can forget the gift that keeps on giving, Herpes

Just to name a few.

Darling if you are going have sex use a condom-
If you don't- then don't bother at all

06-05-2005, 03:57 AM
flabbybody - you mean you NEVER go for the old BBBJ?
I don't have a lot of experience with cocks - other than my own (know that fella like the back, er, palm of my hand) - but I hope to get down on one attached to a perty girl real soon. I do worry about STD's - I hear hepatitus and herpes are pretty easily transmitted orally. As far as gg's go, headin' south is in my Top 5 list of activities, and that's a rascal ya can't wrap - (and NO THANK YOU to friggin dental dams) - and life ain't worth living if I can't eat pussy.
It seems every other review on SER says the guy got a BBBJ. I know, that makes it more dangerous for you and me, but in a way I guess I figure if it was that dangerous the girls wouldn't do it.
Come to think of it, between the danger, the threat of violence, and having to fuck the occasional Jaba the Hutt or Erkel, I don't know how these girls do it at all. GG's can fake it I suppose, but how in the hell do they get it up with a gross John? I guess they don't a lot of the time.
"hey, how bout a dildo for your $250? how's that sound?" "D'oh!"

06-05-2005, 04:07 AM
I know this is off topic and I dont want Allanah to think Im sucking up to her LOL but I just seen her new avator and WOW, simply STUNNING. I was almost lost for words.

Ok Back to Topic

06-05-2005, 04:23 AM
this thread should be directed at us boys who see escorts, not just toward the girls.

Ask any girl who admits to being positive, and she'll say she got it from a trick. Your right Flabby..I made a post about how many guys have been tested 2 months ago and there was very little response :?:

was that 2 months ago?
damn I've been on this board that long?

06-05-2005, 05:34 AM
Wow, I cant believe all you people believe in secrecy on outing someone!
Damn, that isnt right! And this is just my opinion so dont and get your panties in a bunch over it. :? :(

06-05-2005, 05:45 AM
Kramer, do a search on "Susan Shah" or "HIV". We've had this discussion before and there are some very deep and thought out posts on the subject of revealing an escorts HIV status.

06-05-2005, 05:54 AM
Hey look, im dropping this now. I aint even the person that started this thread anyway. I just think its immoral, thats my opinion.

Felicia Katt
06-05-2005, 06:45 AM
Are of any of us sleeping with magic that we should answer this question
directly to him?

I am truly over his arrogant post and cheap contributions-

Magic's post consists of the following:


I did a quick and dirty analysis of Magic's posts. He has posted 350 times. 64 times he did so just to ask for more pics. Thats more than one out of every 6 posts. Most of those messages were just one word. MORE. I don't beleive he ever posted any pics himself.

29 of his posts were about cock size, most complaining that cocks were not as big as advertised. 30 posts were insults of girls in the scene or on the board. 25 or so posts were where he either bragged he didn't pay for sex, wasn't like the other guys on here or asked for some favor besides posting more pics.

Many of the rest of his posts were as Allanah said are him saying he wants to be with someone. Construing them as compliments, those can at least be taken as a positive contribution. But overall, Allanah is right in how she characterizes his posts.

And since he has professed NEVER to pay for sex, how would a girl's policy on getting tested be any of his business?


06-05-2005, 09:20 AM
Thanks on the compliment.

But it's really-

-my hairline and forhead surgery
-make up
-proffesional photographer
-and some retouching-which i sit and tell what i want and surprisingly this pic needed very little- just filtering the skin and smoothing lines-
but my face is so tight now from being lifted all over the place there isn't much to retouch lol

here is the actual pic

06-05-2005, 11:50 AM
First of all that is ILLEGAL and I will NOT and refuse too mingle in that pot. Its wrong YES but its NOT my resposibility to call them out NOR will I. As long as the guy is safe and practices SAFE sex than he will leave with a clear conscious. SIMPLE.

SOrry its a fact a bad reality but its NOT my place and or am I willing to do such a thing.

Sorry sweetie

your so wrong. condoms are not 100%. Them HIV positive chicks need to be expose. I dont care if you mess with escorts or not, cus at one point of the t-girl you with right now, she use to be a escort.

06-05-2005, 11:52 AM
Are of any of us sleeping with magic that we should answer this question
directly to him?

I am truly over his arrogant post and cheap contributions-

Magic's post consists of the following:



Then you hve questions like this one-

Which I will answer generally- anyone doing films tests, especially condomless shoots.

I tests for personal reasons regardless-

AND ANYONE who is sexually active is at risk for ANY std-
everyone forgets there are other things you can much more easily contract than HIV

-Genital Warts
-and who can forget the gift that keeps on giving, Herpes

Just to name a few.

Darling if you are going have sex use a condom-
If you don't- then don't bother at all

lol@her getting mad and still not answering the blunt question

06-05-2005, 11:57 AM
Are of any of us sleeping with magic that we should answer this question
directly to him?

I am truly over his arrogant post and cheap contributions-

Magic's post consists of the following:


I did a quick and dirty analysis of Magic's posts. He has posted 350 times. 64 times he did so just to ask for more pics. Thats more than one out of every 6 posts. Most of those messages were just one word. MORE. I don't beleive he ever posted any pics himself.

29 of his posts were about cock size, most complaining that cocks were not as big as advertised. 30 posts were insults of girls in the scene or on the board. 25 or so posts were where he either bragged he didn't pay for sex, wasn't like the other guys on here or asked for some favor besides posting more pics.

Many of the rest of his posts were as Allanah said are him saying he wants to be with someone. Construing them as compliments, those can at least be taken as a positive contribution. But overall, Allanah is right in how she characterizes his posts.

And since he has professed NEVER to pay for sex, how would a girl's policy on getting tested be any of his business?


hey, is the principal of it. some guys have girls that are escorts and use to be one. felicia your wack for taking time to track down my every post.lol

06-05-2005, 04:18 PM
I imagine the real "prinipal" involved here is that everyone has a right to state their opinions.

To be honest, magic9inch, I personally find your strange ramblings mostly amusing, but I have an odd sense of humor.

Felicia Katt
06-05-2005, 08:39 PM
hey, is the prinipal of it. some guys have girls that are escorts and use to be one. felicia your wack for taking time to track down my every post.lol

If you have a girl who is an escort, or used to be one, ask HER about HER HIV status. Privately. Asking a bunch of girls you don't know and will never be with, on a public discussion board and expecting them to answer you, especially when you contribute so little to that board is what's really "whack"


06-05-2005, 08:39 PM
First of all that is ILLEGAL and I will NOT and refuse too mingle in that pot. Its wrong YES but its NOT my resposibility to call them out NOR will I. As long as the guy is safe and practices SAFE sex than he will leave with a clear conscious. SIMPLE.

SOrry its a fact a bad reality but its NOT my place and or am I willing to do such a thing.

Sorry sweetie

your so wrong. condoms are not 100%. Them HIV positive chicks need to be expose. I dont care if you mess with escorts or not, cus at one point of the t-girl you with right now, she use to be a escort.

yeah, i never saw the logic of not "exposing" anybody with HIV. whether they be male, female, or parts of both, if you know and don't tell, you are just harboring them....

06-05-2005, 08:43 PM
hey, is the prinipal of it. some guys have girls that are escorts and use to be one. felicia your wack for taking time to track down my every post.lol

If you have a girl who is an escort, or used to be one, ask HER about HER HIV status. Privately. Asking a bunch of girls you don't know and will never be with, on a public discussion board and expecting them to answer you, especially when you contribute so little to that board is what's really "whack"


what's the actual percentage that they will actually tell you the truth? :roll: :roll: :roll:

06-05-2005, 09:04 PM
man, only sexy azz jada and aniyah had the heart to answer the question. Oh yeah, wendy answer it to. gotta give her credit.lol

Felicia Katt
06-05-2005, 09:10 PM
what's the actual percentage that they will actually tell you the truth?

If its someone you plan to have unprotected sex with, it better be 100 per cent.

There is an old Russian proverb. Trust, but verify. If you have any doubts as to your partner, you should err on the side of only playing safe.


06-05-2005, 09:14 PM
what's the actual percentage that they will actually tell you the truth?

If its someone you plan to have unprotected sex with, it better be 100 per cent.

There is an old Russian proverb. Trust, but verify. If you have any doubts as to your partner, you should err on the side of only playing safe.


dont worry about your sex life. i dont think anybody planing to sex you anytime soon Felicia. :lol:

06-05-2005, 09:17 PM
what's the actual percentage that they will actually tell you the truth?

If its someone you plan to have unprotected sex with, it better be 100 per cent.

There is an old Russian proverb. Trust, but verify. If you have any doubts as to your partner, you should err on the side of only playing safe.


but isn't that the whole purpose of having a way to tell others that someone is HIV positive? like i said, i doubt if many escorts would say that they actually were positive.

06-05-2005, 09:33 PM
Someone should film a pilot episode for a new show featuring magic9inch and tubgirl as a pair of detectives out to expose all the TS girls who don't get HIV testing regularily. Oh, and those who "harbor" them.

It could be called The New Inquisition or Return Of The Witch Hunt. I bet Fox news would be interested in it.

06-05-2005, 10:47 PM
Someone should film a pilot episode for a new show featuring magic9inch and tubgirl as a pair of detectives out to expose all the TS girls who don't get HIV testing regularily. Oh, and those who "harbor" them.

It could be called The New Inquisition or Return Of The Witch Hunt. I bet Fox news would be interested in it.

so, let's see.... oh yeah, i get it; it's sarcasm. ok, here's some right back at you:

you just got done having sex with someone (he, she, it) and your rubber broke. now, beforehand, you asked said escort/prostitute/hooker if they had the AIDS. they said no. later on, guess what: you do. wouldn't it be nice if you didn't have to take someone's word for it?

(although, i do realize that if said escort/prostitute/hooker would have said "no, i don't have it" then you would have to believe he/she/it. being the pillars of society that they are... :roll: :lol:

06-05-2005, 11:35 PM
"Right back at me"? I'm failing to see how what you posted could be taken as sarcasm :?

But yes, my post was sarcastic, you truely are a great detective after all.

Look, obviously escorts should have themselves tested, everyone who has sex should. My point was that this board isn't the place to start demanding to know who has or hasn't. If you read the other posts here, that observation was already made several times.

The End

Felicia Katt
06-06-2005, 12:25 AM
but isn't that the whole purpose of having a way to tell others that someone is HIV positive? like i said, i doubt if many escorts would say that they actually were positive.

What would you suggest? A pink triangle? Or maybe a tatooed ID number on the wrist?


06-06-2005, 12:58 AM
but isn't that the whole purpose of having a way to tell others that someone is HIV positive? like i said, i doubt if many escorts would say that they actually were positive.

What would you suggest? A pink triangle? Or maybe a tatooed ID number on the wrist?


how about a website like they use for child molesters? i know it isn't much, but it's a start. oh, and none of this "i'm not gonna rat out so and so" bullshit. if someone has it, and they are in the "business", then everyone deserves to know....

06-06-2005, 01:19 AM
Poor tubgirl. . .

I'm not sure if that sound I'm hearing is all the lionesses circling this poor rube hungrily, or the sound of everyone walking away shaking their heads.

TrueBeauty TS
06-06-2005, 01:22 AM
how about a website like they use for child molesters? i know it isn't much, but it's a start. oh, and none of this "i'm not gonna rat out so and so" bullshit. if someone has it, and they are in the "business", then everyone deserves to know....

I'm sure your website will have the names and status of all the HIV+ "Johns" as well, correct? So just how would you go about getting the information for this web site? I'm sure you'd have some sort of verification process? And how would you do that? The Honor System??? I don't think you've thought things out very far.

Bottom line is, if the rewards are not worth the risk to you, then don't play the game. If all those escorts are lying, dirty, HIV+ girls, then don't go see escorts.

Felicia Katt
06-06-2005, 01:33 AM
how about a website like they use for child molesters? i know it isn't much, but it's a start. oh, and none of this "i'm not gonna rat out so and so" bullshit. if someone has it, and they are in the "business", then everyone deserves to know....

I see sarcasm and even a basic concept of civil rights are lost on you, as well as even a cursory understanding of the business of escorting. You do realize its illegal don't you? But if you want a website of useful information to prevent the spread of disease, how about listing all the guys who frequent escorts without being safe so girls who want to stay clean can stay clear of those high risk customers??

Can we sign you up for the database? How about if we give you a free toaster? Or frequent flier miles?


I was writing this when Truebeauty posted her response. She said everything I wanted to say better than I could myself.

06-06-2005, 02:02 AM
Hello Felicia...I agree we all need to practice safe sex..btw..Great Leggs Girl..

06-06-2005, 02:11 AM
"Right back at me"? I'm failing to see how what you posted could be taken as sarcasm :?

But yes, my post was sarcastic, you truely are a great detective after all.

Look, obviously escorts should have themselves tested, everyone who has sex should. My point was that this board isn't the place to start demanding to know who has or hasn't. If you read the other posts here, that observation was already made several times.

The End

i demand what the fuck i want.stfu

06-06-2005, 02:55 AM
And at last, this thread has come full circle.


06-06-2005, 03:44 AM
Poor tubgirl. . .

I'm not sure if that sound I'm hearing is all the lionesses circling this poor rube hungrily, or the sound of everyone walking away shaking their heads.

the sound is actually made from me shaking my head in disbelief. am i reading all this wrong, or does no one seem to give a flying fuck about this?

06-06-2005, 03:47 AM
how about a website like they use for child molesters? i know it isn't much, but it's a start. oh, and none of this "i'm not gonna rat out so and so" bullshit. if someone has it, and they are in the "business", then everyone deserves to know....

I'm sure your website will have the names and status of all the HIV+ "Johns" as well, correct? So just how would you go about getting the information for this web site? I'm sure you'd have some sort of verification process? And how would you do that? The Honor System??? I don't think you've thought things out very far.

Bottom line is, if the rewards are not worth the risk to you, then don't play the game. If all those escorts are lying, dirty, HIV+ girls, then don't go see escorts.

i don't have to think things out very far on this issue. i was just offering a suggestion. as far as i'm concerned, put everyone's name on the list that has HIV/AIDS. it makes no nevermind to me. i've never seen an escort, but i've also never judged anyone who has.

06-06-2005, 03:51 AM
how about a website like they use for child molesters? i know it isn't much, but it's a start. oh, and none of this "i'm not gonna rat out so and so" bullshit. if someone has it, and they are in the "business", then everyone deserves to know....

I see sarcasm and even a basic concept of civil rights are lost on you, as well as even a cursory understanding of the business of escorting. You do realize its illegal don't you? But if you want a website of useful information to prevent the spread of disease, how about listing all the guys who frequent escorts without being safe so girls who want to stay clean can stay clear of those high risk customers??

Can we sign you up for the database? How about if we give you a free toaster? Or frequent flier miles?


I was writing this when Truebeauty posted her response. She said everything I wanted to say better than I could myself.

fuckit, lost my thought

Felicia Katt
06-06-2005, 05:48 AM
Hello Felicia...I agree we all need to practice safe sex..btw..Great Leggs Girl..

thank you :)

06-06-2005, 05:53 AM
Thanks on the compliment.

But it's really-

-my hairline and forhead surgery
-make up
-proffesional photographer
-and some retouching-which i sit and tell what i want and surprisingly this pic needed very little- just filtering the skin and smoothing lines-
but my face is so tight now from being lifted all over the place there isn't much to retouch lol

here is the actual pic
Wow!!! I've been away for two days (so there's about 400 posts to catch up on, lol), but Allanah, you look absolutely gorgeous. That is one very fine photo. Took my breath away. Really.

06-06-2005, 06:00 PM
Wow, people on this board are really retarded. Based on the "System" these 2 are talking about, any disgruntled trick can claim a girl has aids and basically ruin her career. It should be the girls decision, not yours. If you are smart enough to think of a scenario that if your condom breaks and you find out months later that you are positive, then obviously you realize there are risk beyond just putting on the condom and think about that before you sleep with ANYONE, TS or GG or M. Im sure there are some housewives and disgruntled girlfriends who want a website or list publicly available of Tranny Chasers as well *cough magic9inch* *cough tubgirl*. Privacy, its what makes the world go roudn. Deal with it

06-06-2005, 07:00 PM
it happens sooo often, sure....(besides beeing the fucker and experiencing a rboken condom aint too worrysome anyways)

all this blah blah about broken condoms is like the one-in-thousand-accidents-case (car gets from the road and falls into a lake) where a guy survives because he didnt put the safety belt on and could get out of the car qucikly enogh before he drowned. geeeeesh

06-07-2005, 01:02 AM
It's too bad a real serious topic becomes personal and name calling. I think the last topic about hiv and escorts ended the same way. To put a girl's name on a website cause you "heard" she had it would make you a total fucking lowlife.

Fact is, I consider myself pretty health conscoius. I choose to see tgirl escorts and understand I take a calculated risk with my health by doing so. Just like having a martini every evening may give me liver problems when I get old. I enjoy them too much to give it up. Just accept what you do, and don't blame anyone else.

06-07-2005, 01:33 AM
It's too bad a real serious topic becomes personal and name calling. I think the last topic about hiv and escorts ended the same way. To put a girl's name on a website cause you "heard" she had it would make you a total fucking lowlife.

No, I believe Wendy stated that she "knew of" some people that have HIV and are still working. Not hearsay. If she knows 100%, well thats her call.

06-07-2005, 02:01 AM
It's too bad a real serious topic becomes personal and name calling. I think the last topic about hiv and escorts ended the same way. To put a girl's name on a website cause you "heard" she had it would make you a total fucking lowlife.

No, I believe Wendy stated that she "knew of" some people that have HIV and are still working. Not hearsay. If she knows 100%, well thats her call.

i think i was misunderstood or i just couldn't get out what i wanted to say. i didn't mean just put up a site and let anyone post and say so and so has AIDS/HIV. make it like a paternity test. if a girl says a guy fathered her child or got her pregnant, he has to submit to a test.
if someone says an escort has HIV, make her/him take a test. if the test shows positive, put that name on the site. don't make it just random speculation or name calling....

06-07-2005, 02:06 AM
Civil liberties aside, just how would such a test be enforced? If you tried to use the courts and LE (as with registered child molesters), then the girls would be busted and not providing their services any longer.

All you can do is to take responsibility for your own actions. If you mistrust a partner, don't have sex with that person.

06-07-2005, 05:20 AM
Are of any of us sleeping with magic that we should answer this question
directly to him?

I am truly over his arrogant post and cheap contributions-

Magic's post consists of the following:



Then you hve questions like this one-

Which I will answer generally- anyone doing films tests, especially condomless shoots.

I tests for personal reasons regardless-

AND ANYONE who is sexually active is at risk for ANY std-
everyone forgets there are other things you can much more easily contract than HIV

-Genital Warts
-and who can forget the gift that keeps on giving, Herpes

Just to name a few.

Darling if you are going have sex use a condom-
If you don't- then don't bother at all

But the truth remains that you become extremely defensive at the mere mention of HIV or the like. Yes, the other diseases you mention are more prevalent and more transmitable than HIV - but he posts something serious and you reference his previous less meaninful posts in order to discount the severity of the question which he poses. Maybe the rest of these sycophants cave in when you post, but I'm calling you out. Why bring up matters that are truly secondary rather than responding to the original post? It would have sufficed to mention your own HIV testing habits, yet you bring in other information which is incidental.

For the record, I am HIV negative and was tested fewer than 3 weeks ago. I'll no longer take part in any risky behavior because my wife is expecting a child and I won't risk my health for a short lived cheap thrill. Masturbation is 100% safe.

By the way Allanah, have you ever considered a career in law? The masterful way in which you deflect criticism and shift the conversation into tangential subjects is really exceptional.

Felicia Katt
06-07-2005, 05:46 AM
make it like a paternity test. if a girl says a guy fathered her child or got her pregnant, he has to submit to a test.
if someone says an escort has HIV, make her/him take a test. if the test shows positive, put that name on the site. don't make it just random speculation or name calling....

Ok,lets say someone says Tubgirl has HIV. Will you report for testing, or should we send a nurse to your house? Or your place of work? Or if it would be more convenient, we could show up Sunday at your church. Or on bowling night? Or maybe softball practice?

Paternity tests are not administered willy nilly. A girl has to make a legal claim that someone is the father, and if her claim appears to be plausibly credible, a court will order the person to submit to a paternity test. But the policy behind that is to make sure that the child is being provided for, and that the father lives up to at least his financial responsibility. Your interest in being able to have unsafe sex for money with an escort isn't really quite the same, is it?.

And there is no publically searchable database for person's who have been successfully sued for paternity. Except the one at NBA.com (lol)


06-07-2005, 06:12 AM

Thank you so much for being psychic and defining the tone of my post- perhaps you were communicating telephatically with me, without my knowing, while I was responding to the post, so you knew my mood exactly! DId you used to work for the psychic friends network or Miss Cleo?

Let me clear up one little fact for you darling-

I chose to answer this ridiculous topic posted by one ridiculous poster-when it is really none of his business since him and I have never had sexual contact. Now if he and I were to engage in sexual contact than he has every right to ask.

It takes a dumb ass not to know that if you work in the industry you get tested regulary.

The funny thing is, hoe these post are always directed to US the ladies.
How many people go out and have random drunk unsafe sex on the weekends? Is anyone asking them- better yet is anyone asking you.

SO before your wife was preagnant u were practicing risky sexual behaviour? HMMM, that is what is sounds like from your post. I am not a judgemental person, but if u were cheating on your wife love and doing all sorts of things you should have not been- then don't you dare judge me or anyone else.

I believe in personal privacy and medical privacy. If I am having sex with someone and they show me a test I will gladly show them mine. But it goes both ways.

Alot of you fantasizers on here have all these assumptions that all escorts are dirty, and disease ridden. Let me tell you love, all escorts I know use condoms.

Maybe in the day and goverment that rules us the day will come that people with HIV are quarantined as some demented individuals would have it.

If you don't take responsibility for your own sexual behaviour DON"T BLAME ANYONE ELSE. I know alot of you love to lay the vicitim, but if you get fucked raw in the ass, hunny you knew what you were doing and what the risks might be.

BTW TSLVR, thanks for the scarcastic compliment at the end of your post.
But really, do you think I give a rats ass?

06-07-2005, 06:16 AM
Oh and for the record TSLVR, it is none of your business what anyones HIV status on this board is. Just like it is none of our business what your real name is, who your wife is, and if or does she know you like transsexuals?

Got it, good.

Overlord Abomination
06-07-2005, 09:20 AM

el hermano
06-07-2005, 03:53 PM
post a picture of tubgirl. or do an google image search on tubgirl

Vicki Richter
07-15-2005, 08:44 PM
How did I miss this thread? HIV testing is critical for all sex workers. They should have to show their papers to clients and vice versa.

07-16-2005, 05:04 PM
How did I miss this thread? HIV testing is critical for all sex workers. They should have to show their papers to clients and vice versa.
I believe people should show their papers before dating too. :wink: I practice "No glove, no love". I wrap it before I smack it. :lol:

07-17-2005, 12:48 AM

You gave the smartest post on this subject... thank you. I have even more respect for ya.

07-17-2005, 01:03 AM
:idea: There is an old Russian proverb. Trust, but verify.

Ummmm ... its not a Russian proverb ... but it is a quote from Ronald Reagan ... and he was paraphrasing an older english writer.

Just my niggling two cents...

P.S. - It is quite apropos to this discussion. :idea: