View Full Version : Serious Question

12-10-2007, 11:54 AM
For the guys or genetic females:

Say you have a sibling or family member that came home with a transsexual for like a family event? Then openly admitted to his/her attraction to transsexuals and that the person he/she was with was in fact a transsexual. Would you support it and come out also with your attraction, Just support it, or refuse to support it in front of your family and friends in case it "outs" you?

12-10-2007, 12:05 PM
o would support it openly and admit to liking TS and then propbably find out if his ts girlfriend had any friends...

12-10-2007, 12:05 PM
I would be cool with it completely, although my dad would go crazy I think. He would get stuck on the cock thing and not be able look past it.

Two of my family members know that I am attracted to TS's, at least I’m pretty sure they do.

My brother and I were watching "Something about Miriam" and I was like "she's hot" and he just said "Yeah, I know what you mean" so I guess it must have figured it out what I meant.

It also came up in a conversation with my Mum, and I just said if she's hot why not. She didn't really say much, just smiled and said really!

I guess it comes down to the reason I show my face here. I don't feel I have anything to be ashamed of!

As for telling my dad, as I said he would get caught up on the cock thing and not understand.

12-10-2007, 12:15 PM
thats really awesome both of you..........my generic response back tiger lol

12-10-2007, 12:18 PM
thats really awesome both of you..........my generic response back tiger lol

grrrr :P lol

Willie Escalade
12-10-2007, 12:24 PM
I'd support him, and also come clean about myself...even though some in my family have stated that they are against the transgendered community. Whatever makes a person happy...

the commander
12-10-2007, 12:28 PM
It's pretty easy to say I'd support and come out when posting on this board...but in all truth it would depend on which family we are talking about. My grandparents? No. My Mom and Dad? Sure. Actually, I think my Mom and Dad already know...as well as one of my aunts. I would definately show support...but not neccessarily admit my own attraction.

The Commander

12-10-2007, 12:51 PM
No offense Kelly, but I think the question is phrased a little on the simple side. On a message forum everyone is righteous but the point is missed. I've walked into my house on Christmas Eve with a flaming Queen. My I grew up in Little Italy NYC. Yes . Social conservatives. But old world people of class. They welcomed him. I worked in a restaurant with Marcio from Brazil. He was alone for Christmas. While he was flamboyant in his actions and speech, he was genuine with something to say to Grandmother and Mother. He had manners. He dressed for the occasion. He oozed of respect.

So to simplify it as a litmus test to let these people to try to let the TS girls know they are out of the closet, I wouldn't be accepting if the TS girl tried to dress scantily and cheap without regard for other's feelings. Are they vulgar? Are they drugged out? I've been involved with high profile TS girls that couldn't make functions because they took too many Lortabs. Or my favorite was the knock dead gorgeous one shooting up in my Mother's bathroom.

Seen it all.

Point is. Get beyond the 'WOW this TS thing is in the closet and I'm the hero that's going to set it free' and start judging people on their own character. The TS community is starting to lean on the misguided notion that they should all be supported. Well that's a given. They are humans. But I couldn't get away with bringing a screwed up GG Tart home. Why a TS. Contrary to the discussion here......they all ain't Kelly Shore.

Bring Mega in on this and he'll tell you TS tales of bringing girls around friends and family. Time for change. So yes. Me too. I'd jump up and say SWELL, let's party.

12-13-2007, 07:44 AM
My SO was a transwoman. Took her to meet my sister and her husband.
Result: I've not spoken to my sister, my only relative in years.
Her problem: not mine

12-13-2007, 08:06 AM
I would be cool with it completely, although my dad would go crazy I think. He would get stuck on the cock thing and not be able look past it.

Two of my family members know that I am attracted to TS's, at least I’m pretty sure they do.

My brother and I were watching "Something about Miriam" and I was like "she's hot" and he just said "Yeah, I know what you mean" so I guess it must have figured it out what I meant.

It also came up in a conversation with my Mum, and I just said if she's hot why not. She didn't really say much, just smiled and said really!

I guess it comes down to the reason I show my face here. I don't feel I have anything to be ashamed of!

As for telling my dad, as I said he would get caught up on the cock thing and not understand.

The bolded parts is my same situation. My mom would likely be cool with it, my father is a homophobe and has threatening to kill me and/or my siblings were gay (thank God I'm not, but he said it multiple times over the years).

That said, they would have my full support. One life to live, live it with no regrets.

Quiet Reflections
12-13-2007, 08:08 AM
id support it. people should always support their loved ones

12-13-2007, 08:10 AM
For the guys or genetic females:

Say you have a sibling or family member that came home with a transsexual for like a family event? Then openly admitted to his/her attraction to transsexuals and that the person he/she was with was in fact a transsexual. Would you support it and come out also with your attraction, Just support it, or refuse to support it in front of your family and friends in case it "outs" you?

I'd quietly support it, but even if I wanted to admit it, THAT would not be the time.

Two children admitting that at once could send some parents to the hospital.

12-21-2007, 07:20 AM
I did and she was accepted easily and I had a loving relationship until she passed on and I discovered she robbed me blind and cheated on me, but that's another story. Her own family wouldn't accept her. That's the shame of it.

12-21-2007, 07:38 AM
For the guys or genetic females:

Say you have a sibling or family member that came home with a transsexual for like a family event? Then openly admitted to his/her attraction to transsexuals and that the person he/she was with was in fact a transsexual. Would you support it and come out also with your attraction, Just support it, or refuse to support it in front of your family and friends in case it "outs" you?

I would say that anyone who makes a public point that he is attracted to "transsexuals" is probably a knob goblin, because transsexual is a medical condition and a sensitive guy would not make a point of the medical history of the woman he cares about. Further, if that sibling said they liked transsexuals, when it is obvious he is a cock-bandit who is hand-in-hand with Madam-Adame-Apple-the-TV-in-denial, I would tell him to stop fooling himself.

Not all transsexuals are the same. On the one hand you have women like Harisu, who happen to be transsexual. On the other hand you have the rough looking gay men in skirts (unfortunately the majority of transgendered on this site), and who revel in and live by their cocks. If it is the latter the sibling is interested in, then transsexual is not even the right descriptor.

12-21-2007, 08:28 AM
I would support because who are we to judge? If your family member is happy, so what? Live life and enjoy. Just my two cents.

12-21-2007, 08:53 AM
Honestly, I think my dad would have a heart attack, my mom might be shocked for a little while, but I would have no qualms with supporting my brother. I definately wouldn't tell my Grandma (shes like 90 and she would definately die from surprise) or my Grandpa (tea-totaling ex-marine, been married 3 times, he would probably disown us all and kill us) but my family is generally pretty understanding and accepting, especially since half of my family are ex-cons and deviants.

12-21-2007, 09:22 AM
Nicole, was that comment about me? If so, what in God's name did I do to you? Jeeze....

12-21-2007, 04:12 PM
Not all transsexuals are the same. On the one hand you have women like Harisu, who happen to be transsexual. On the other hand you have the rough looking gay men in skirts (unfortunately the majority of transgendered on this site), and who revel in and live by their cocks. If it is the latter the sibling is interested in, then transsexual is not even the right descriptor.

I think your points are fair but I don't think that's at all what Kelly meant.

On the assumption that she meant a transsexual woman, and not a CD/TV, cock-in-frock or any other species of male horror, then the answer to her questions are yes I would certainly support him (not least since not to do so would be grossly offensive to our guest) and yes I would probably make a statement to the effect that I had always thought some transsexual women were particularly attractive. This is no more than a well-known truth.

HOWEVER I have to say that it is IMO unbelievably bad form to reveal someone as transsexual in that situation, so if one of my family did that I would take him aside later, ask him WTF happened to his manners and deliver a quick slap on the back of the head for good measure. Politeness dictates that conversation should be delicately kept away from this issue, to avoid embarrassing anyone.

If you need to find out what your parents think of an interest in transsexuals, you do it some other time.

edward almond
12-21-2007, 11:37 PM
kELLY I LIKE YOU . You ask important questions and not bullshit. Both my parents would have a fit but I would act like nothing is wrong and they would get over it.Something else bothers me What is wrong with liking Transexuals just like they are. I am not a cock bandit or anything you come up with to make me feel bad. It ain't working. Transexuals say love me for who I am and then get a sex change. I don't get it. The cock is part o fthe person love it or find someone else. ok

12-22-2007, 05:25 AM
Edward I totally agree with that last assessment. The problem is when many girls go post op - they get a ego - that says I'm MORE WOMAN THAN YOU..sort of like when girls get jelous of a transsexual thats attractive. They always say "at least I can have kids" and all that jazz. I just tend to ignore those girls.

The reason I ask this is cause two of my exes wouldn't allow me to meet their parents till they told them. A) They had a very close relationship with their parents, and didn't want to lie to them. Then later have that lie backfire on him and me. Usually once people are lied to they lose their respect. B) He didn't want them to get the ammo he was ashamed of me, and his feeling for me weren't real. C) They wanted me to know they loved me no matter what. Pre-op or Post-op I was a woman in their eyes.

And to close on that. Ladies thats what a real man is. Someone that will love you for you no matter. If they live their days every day with you and you are the lady and he is the man. That to me is a good man, no matter what goes on inside the bedroom or what you have downstairs. It just disgusts me how some ladies on here act towards the men.

12-22-2007, 05:31 AM
For the guys or genetic females:

Say you have a sibling or family member that came home with a transsexual for like a family event? Then openly admitted to his/her attraction to transsexuals and that the person he/she was with was in fact a transsexual. Would you support it and come out also with your attraction, Just support it, or refuse to support it in front of your family and friends in case it "outs" you?

I would say that anyone who makes a public point that he is attracted to "transsexuals" is probably a knob goblin, because transsexual is a medical condition and a sensitive guy would not make a point of the medical history of the woman he cares about. Further, if that sibling said they liked transsexuals, when it is obvious he is a cock-bandit who is hand-in-hand with Madam-Adame-Apple-the-TV-in-denial, I would tell him to stop fooling himself.

Not all transsexuals are the same. On the one hand you have women like Harisu, who happen to be transsexual. On the other hand you have the rough looking gay men in skirts (unfortunately the majority of transgendered on this site), and who revel in and live by their cocks. If it is the latter the sibling is interested in, then transsexual is not even the right descriptor. First off a transsexual has nothing to do with looks. Rather they look like woman or not, they are women if they feel that way. A psychologist has legally treated them and said this person suffers from gender dysphoria. There are plenty of ugly woman that look like men out there that are still woman, would you say they arent' woman cause they are butch? Your reasoning are STUPID, JUDGEMENTAL, AND YOU NEED TO GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE. Because you aren't any better than anyone else darling. Here's YOUR SIGN! :lol:

Furthermore why is it always the ones that look like Fred Flinstone in a Wig that have this issue. Least in my experience. I am friends with many post op girls and many I have helped and counseled myself. With self esteem issues, teaching make up etc. So many girls skip a big part of their transition and rush out and get the surgery. Just because you have a vagina doesn't mean jack. If you still look like a man, people are still going to clock you in public. They don't know what you have downstairs, they only see you at FACE VALUE, lets face it the world shallow rather people admit it or not. I would much rather look like a woman and still have a penis, than look like man and have a vagina downstairs. At least I can function properly and walk down the street with out being in fear.

I am not saying all post op transexuals have this trait or personality, just mainly the butch ones. They cling dear to that womanhood, because the rest of their body isn't feminine. So I think you should first focuse on your top half live as woman for a few years! Then get your post op surgery. So you know you are making the right decision, and we wouldn't have such a high post count on suicide.

That is all.

12-22-2007, 12:36 PM
Good logic to live by sweety