View Full Version : GUYS: How do you keep a girl INTERESTED?

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-07-2007, 09:45 AM
Like the title says.. :P



12-07-2007, 09:49 AM
i have no fuckin idea im useless with girls unless its my jess but she just likes cuddles lol

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-07-2007, 10:02 AM
LOL Well I guess that's a start help!!! :P



12-07-2007, 10:03 AM
a guy doesn't do a damn thing. if she's interested she stays if not adios, c'mon Hara you of all people should know that!

12-07-2007, 10:04 AM
i wish the damn mods would fix my other account i hate being called help!!! lol i made it to get some damn help it but i will remain a mystery person once more :P

12-07-2007, 10:10 AM
LISTEN TO HER!! they usually keep them selves interest long enough for you to learn.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-07-2007, 10:12 AM
a guy doesn't do a damn thing. if she's interested she stays if not adios, c'mon Hara you of all people should know that!

I don't totally buy that notion alpha. LOL Simply because interest could wane. It's human nature. ;)



12-07-2007, 10:15 AM
well i just stay the same happy random person she fell in love with

better answer than my first lol

12-07-2007, 10:17 AM
A wise woman (RIP) once said "Start with what you can finish." Whatever you did to get that girl's interest, you need to keep it up, basically. I'm not sure if it's that simple or not yet lol.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-07-2007, 10:20 AM
well i just stay the same happy random person she fell in love with

better answer than my first lol

Well that might be IDEAL however though a lot of men kinda dwindle too and lose sight or some very basic things and take girls for granted once he knows she loves him or thinks he's got her wrapped around his fingers. E.g. forgetting to brush his teeth or take regular showers/baths, growing a beard (when she fell for the clean cut guy she met) etc. just to name a few. LOL



12-07-2007, 10:25 AM
Well that might be IDEAL however though a lot of men kinda dwindle too and lose sight or some very basic things and take girls for granted once he knows she loves him or thinks he's got her wrapped around his fingers. E.g. forgetting to brush his teeth or take regular showers/baths, growing a beard (when she fell for the clean cut guy she met) etc. just to name a few. LOL



as far as i know i havnt done those things BUT on the other hand if i did i dont think it would change anything between us 3 years now so im doing something right

im probably gunna get flamed for this but we didnt even have sex until 2 years into the relationship ( mutual agreement BTW) so I must have something

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-07-2007, 10:27 AM
I'd say..LOL ;)

But no sex for 2 years with her is amazing. Not to be a cunt, I'm sure though both of you got your rocks off elsewhere am I right?!? Hehe J/k ;)



12-07-2007, 10:30 AM
I'd say..LOL ;)

But no sex for 2 years with her is amazing. Not to be a cunt, I'm sure though both of you got your rocks off elsewhere am I right?!? Hehe J/k ;)



well i know i didnt and thats me being honest and i trust she didnt sooo.....
i think this year im gunna do wat shes been hinting on and pop the question probably on the ice where i met her

she emailed me in work the other day with a picture of a ring with no message at all lol

12-07-2007, 10:33 AM
Talk to her about science fiction conventions! That always seems to go down a treat :?

12-07-2007, 11:15 AM
well i just stay the same happy random person she fell in love with

better answer than my first lol

Well that might be IDEAL however though a lot of men kinda dwindle too and lose sight or some very basic things and take girls for granted once he knows she loves him or thinks he's got her wrapped around his fingers. E.g. forgetting to brush his teeth or take regular showers/baths, growing a beard (when she fell for the clean cut guy she met) etc. just to name a few. LOL



Yeah cuz lord knows women don't change once they get that ring... :roll:

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-07-2007, 11:18 AM
Yeah but..Um, that wasn't the topic of this thread! LOL



12-07-2007, 12:17 PM
Hey Hara. Here's my magic formula. It's more about keeping your life interesting. If you like routine and are predictable, the countdown to doomsday will start from the outset.

Keep it fresh. When your girl comes home are you always on the couch in the same position with the remote control? Making love is sometimes making love and sometimes fucking. Sometimes it's staying in for all nighters and sometimes it's a one minute quickie where you take the clothes you just put on off as you're heading out the door because you can't resist. Get the lovemaking out of the way early and then watch TV. Waiting till after every night when you hit the bed is stressful and lazy. If you already did it and you do it again fine. If you don't she'll sleep well anyway.

Give chocolate or flowers whenever. Not on Valentine's Day. Buy blank greeting cards and write notes. Make a habit of taking walks together. Window shopping after midnite when everything's closed is a great date.

All in all spruce up your life. Stay in at least the kind of shape you were when she met you. Eat different stuff. Wear different stuff. Diverse wardrobes are fun and she'll think she's with a different guy.....kind of.

Make time to sit and talk. Talk about things that aren't always so personal. let the personal stuff unfold naturally over time.

Don't call her all day. Stop it. Give her space. Buy her tickets to take a friend out. She'll fuck you silly.

And most of all. Don't play games. It seems okay but gets old. Be independent and have your own life.

Manners. Stand up when she leaves and returns to the table. Opens doors. especially the car. Yeah, even after five years.

Make plans and decisions. Don't be wishy washy. Know what she would want to do and always tell her the plans are an hour earlier so and let her be late.

Be fucking cool. And don't think you're a stud by checking out the other chicks. Your girl will get turned on because the girls notice you and you're polite about it. After all, you're used to it.

How are we doing so far Hara?

tall, dark & Handsome
12-07-2007, 12:20 PM
I am trying to work on making them loose interest.

12-07-2007, 12:35 PM
Be honest and real from the get go so you don't have to try and recall "which you" she fell for, avoid routine, be friends, pick you battles carefully, and Communicate..often!

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-07-2007, 12:42 PM
I loved everything you wrote except this sentence. LOL

Window shopping after midnite when everything's closed is a great date.

Why go window shopping when stores are all closed tho? :lol: You can still window shop even when stores are open..just a bit tempting tho if she makes you go inside fredericks or victoria's secret and make you buy her a few pairs of sexy lingeries. ;)



12-07-2007, 01:38 PM
Like the title says.. :P



I give her the opportunity to see how wonderful I am. If she gets it.........I let her stay around. LOL.

But seriously. I think it is more about chemistry, being real, making her laugh, making her feel beautiful, listening to her..............and also doing things unplanned all the time. I am working on extending my cock to 12" if all else fails.

12-07-2007, 02:55 PM
i wish the damn mods would fix my other account i hate being called help!!! lol i made it to get some damn help it but i will remain a mystery person once more :P

ehhhhhhhhh you have 51 posts under your belt, you'll live
besides you just got nominated as HA's official
http://www.tsspdx.com/images/Img17.jpg tech support
let that be a lesson to you choosing a name like that


JWBL's method:

Listen to everything she has to say.
If she's hot turn down the television or pause the game on your Tivo when she calls. Hot chicks need to know all your attention is focused on them.
Ignore every other chick that even glances at you if you are out with her.
Call her in the middle of the day or send her a text message just to say hello and that you had her on your mind.
Most importantly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tell her what she needs to know, not what she wants to know.
I'll explain. Too many of you simps volunteer every tidbit of information about yourself and your life on the first date or after the 1st fuck. If you are truly trying to establish a friendship that might lead to a relationship learn to shut the fuck up. If I hear one more fucking sob story from one of you HA bastards at a party or elsewhere about how you did this for a chick and that for a chick and she dumped you because she got bored I'm going to taser you, duct tape you to a chair, tape your eyelids so they cant close and make you watch Gloria Wholesome's video "Play with my pussy" repeatedly.


12-07-2007, 06:17 PM
bezane said:
Hey Hara. Here's my magic formula. It's more about keeping your life interesting. If you like routine and are predictable, the countdown to doomsday will start from the outset.
Keep it fresh. When your girl comes home are you always on the couch in the same position with the remote control? Making love is sometimes making love and sometimes fucking. Sometimes it's staying in for all nighters and sometimes it's a one minute quickie where you take the clothes you just put on off as you're heading out the door because you can't resist. Get the lovemaking out of the way early and then watch TV. Waiting till after every night when you hit the bed is stressful and lazy. If you already did it and you do it again fine. If you don't she'll sleep well anyway.
Give chocolate or flowers whenever. Not on Valentine's Day. Buy blank greeting cards and write notes. Make a habit of taking walks together. Window shopping after midnite when everything's closed is a great date.
All in all spruce up your life. Stay in at least the kind of shape you were when she met you. Eat different stuff. Wear different stuff. Diverse wardrobes are fun and she'll think she's with a different guy.....kind of.
Make time to sit and talk. Talk about things that aren't always so personal. let the personal stuff unfold naturally over time.
Don't call her all day. Stop it. Give her space. Buy her tickets to take a friend out. She'll fuck you silly.
And most of all. Don't play games. It seems okay but gets old. Be independent and have your own life.
Manners. Stand up when she leaves and returns to the table. Opens doors. especially the car. Yeah, even after five years.
Make plans and decisions. Don't be wishy washy. Know what she would want to do and always tell her the plans are an hour earlier so and let her be late.
Be fucking cool. And don't think you're a stud by checking out the other chicks. Your girl will get turned on because the girls notice you and you're polite about it. After all, you're used to it.
How are we doing so far Hara?

I swear this guy is my hero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've seen some of his other posts and either he reads Cosmo for his answers or he's simply a great guy & I would suspect, married to (or dating) the girl of his dreams. He sounds like he is TRULY in love!!! :claps :claps :claps :claps :claps :claps :claps

12-07-2007, 06:21 PM
Oh, and Hara...
You go window shopping a midnight because it is simply more romantic. Your not going into Fredrick's of VS because that would have more of a sexual overtone to it and that is not the intent. It's simplty to spend quality time with "her" and her alone. IMO

Night Rider
12-07-2007, 06:23 PM
GUYS: How do you keep a girl INTERESTED?

one word - LIES

12-07-2007, 06:47 PM
Hey Hara. Here's my magic formula. It's more about keeping your life interesting. If you like routine and are predictable, the countdown to doomsday will start from the outset.

Keep it fresh. When your girl comes home are you always on the couch in the same position with the remote control? Making love is sometimes making love and sometimes fucking. Sometimes it's staying in for all nighters and sometimes it's a one minute quickie where you take the clothes you just put on off as you're heading out the door because you can't resist. Get the lovemaking out of the way early and then watch TV. Waiting till after every night when you hit the bed is stressful and lazy. If you already did it and you do it again fine. If you don't she'll sleep well anyway.

Give chocolate or flowers whenever. Not on Valentine's Day. Buy blank greeting cards and write notes. Make a habit of taking walks together. Window shopping after midnite when everything's closed is a great date.

All in all spruce up your life. Stay in at least the kind of shape you were when she met you. Eat different stuff. Wear different stuff. Diverse wardrobes are fun and she'll think she's with a different guy.....kind of.

Make time to sit and talk. Talk about things that aren't always so personal. let the personal stuff unfold naturally over time.

Don't call her all day. Stop it. Give her space. Buy her tickets to take a friend out. She'll fuck you silly.

And most of all. Don't play games. It seems okay but gets old. Be independent and have your own life.

Manners. Stand up when she leaves and returns to the table. Opens doors. especially the car. Yeah, even after five years.

Make plans and decisions. Don't be wishy washy. Know what she would want to do and always tell her the plans are an hour earlier so and let her be late.

Be fucking cool. And don't think you're a stud by checking out the other chicks. Your girl will get turned on because the girls notice you and you're polite about it. After all, you're used to it.

I've seen some of his other posts and either he reads Cosmo for his answers or he's simply a great guy & I would suspect, married to (or dating) the girl of his dreams. He sounds like he is TRULY in love!!! :claps :claps :claps :claps :claps :claps :claps

I've read a few of his posts as well, and I too believe he either:

A. Subscribes to Cosmo or Essence, and reads it cover to cover.

B. Was raised in a predominantly female household - lots of Sisters, Aunties, etc.

C. Is married or in a relationship, and is very domesticated or 'trained'. :lol:

But yeah, he talks the talk, wonder if he walks the walk.

12-07-2007, 07:19 PM
Hara, I met my gf my second year of college, and we've been together ever since. To me it's very simple, treat her better then anyone else, including your mother and Grandmother. Tell her you love her and mean it everytime you say it. Be the man she thinks you are everyday. JWBL has one of the real keys, listen to everything she says, and make sure you hear what she's saying.(Women, at times, talk around what they want to say) Give each other all the space you need, you don't own her, nor she you. Your both there by choice.

Do the little thing like clean the kitchen after a meal, leave the seat down on the head, keep the dirty clothes in the hamper, and don't bitch about it. Compromise on things that aren't vital to you, but may be to her. Be consistent, be flexible, allow each other to grow, laugh at yourself, and each other.

When you fight, don't be cruel, don't get physical, stay on topic, leave the past in the past, try to have empathy, and let it go when it ends. Sometimes a dustup is all thats needed to refresh things.

Be interested in each others lives outside of the relationship. Be nice to her friends. Engage in her activities and invite her to be part of yours. Ask how the day went and listen when she speaks.

Bezane covered manners...they are important.

Buy her a gift or flowers anytime, because she's worth it.

All in all, she wants you to be a man, so be her man, and hers alone.

12-07-2007, 07:31 PM
Hara, I met my gf my second year of college, and we've been together ever since. To me it's very simple, treat her better then anyone else, including your mother and Grandmother. Tell her you love her and mean it everytime you say it. Be the man she thinks you are everyday. JWBL has one of the real keys, listen to everything she says, and make sure you hear what she's saying.(Women, at times, talk around what they want to say) Give each other all the space you need, you don't own her, nor she you. Your both there by choice.

Do the little thing like clean the kitchen after a meal, leave the seat down on the head, keep the dirty clothes in the hamper, and don't bitch about it. Compromise on things that aren't vital to you, but may be to her. Be consistent, be flexible, allow each other to grow, laugh at yourself, and each other.

When you fight, don't be cruel, don't get physical, stay on topic, leave the past in the past, try to have empathy, and let it go when it ends. Sometimes a dustup is all thats needed to refresh things.

Be interested in each others lives outside of the relationship. Be nice to her friends. Engage in her activities and invite her to be part of yours. Ask how the day went and listen when she speaks.

Bezane covered manners...they are important.

Buy her a gift or flowers anytime, because she's worth it.

All in all, she wants you to be a man, so be her man, and hers alone.

I'm with just about everything you said, except you don't have to treat her
better than you treat your Nother, and Grandmother. I believe those
warrant different types of love and respect.

But I'm with you on the argueing, fight fair, keep it on the topic. Don't say
something that you will forever regret.

12-07-2007, 08:43 PM
Damn Oli, your good too!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
I startin' to think that guys really do get!!! :claps :claps :claps

I've been with my woman since '77 and married since '81, not bad for a 46 yr old. And yeah, we still do alot of laughing.

12-07-2007, 08:44 PM
Wow......sorry let's try that again. :oops:

Damn Oli, your good too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I startin' to think that guys really do get!!!

I've been with my woman since '77 and married since '81, not bad for a 46 yr old. And yeah, we still do alot of laughing.

12-07-2007, 08:45 PM
Damn........1 more time, this time using the brain....... :oops:

Wow......sorry let's try that again.

Damn Oli, your good too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm startin' to think that guys really do get it!!!

I've been with my woman since '77 and married since '81, not bad for a 46 yr old. And yeah, we still do alot of laughing.

OK done.

12-07-2007, 08:48 PM
Ahhhh.....peggygee. WOW. You got me. Seriously. Don't read Cosmo. Well that's not true. I read the covers in the supermarket lines. And that pretty much covers it anyway. But was raised by only women. Mom and much older sister with a few Aunts thrown in as babysitters. They put me in every sport and art school as well. Grew up in NYC and got the open mind athen the sad part. Had the woman-of-my-dreams twice. But now they're gone.

I'll take the joking as a compliment. I do keep life interesting. Even through all the heartbreak and problems and I got a ton of them. But I'm a monogamous male and currently "hunting" for a TS girl preferably but a GG will do. And the beauties just aren't into settling in.

But I never give up. Even here in Vegas.

You guys are funny.

12-07-2007, 08:59 PM
I loved everything you wrote except this sentence. LOL

Window shopping after midnite when everything's closed is a great date.

Why go window shopping when stores are all closed tho? :lol: You can still window shop even when stores are open..just a bit tempting tho if she makes you go inside fredericks or victoria's secret and make you buy her a few pairs of sexy lingeries. ;)



Hara. C'mon give me a break. We can always shop when the stores are open. But strolling a desolate area after midnite is great. Just an idea rather than staying home or going to a bar. It doesn't have to consume the entire evening. And it leads to sex outside jammed in the doorway of Agent Provocateur. But at those prices I'm actually glad the damn place is closed. Victoria's......anytime. Sexy, inexpensive.....perfect.

So I defend midnite shopping.LOL.

12-07-2007, 09:00 PM
Ahhhh.....peggygee. WOW. You got me. Seriously. Don't read Cosmo. Well that's not true. I read the covers in the supermarket lines. And that pretty much covers it anyway. But was raised by only women. Mom and much older sister with a few Aunts thrown in as babysitters. They put me in every sport and art school as well. Grew up in NYC and got the open mind athen the sad part. Had the woman-of-my-dreams twice. But now they're gone.

I'll take the joking as a compliment. I do keep life interesting. Even through all the heartbreak and problems and I got a ton of them. But I'm a monogamous male and currently "hunting" for a TS girl preferably but a GG will do. And the beauties just aren't into settling in.

But I never give up. Even here in Vegas.

You guys are funny.

Yeah, you can usually tell the guys who were raised mostly by women.

They tend to be better mannered, more empathetic, and will generally
have more of the positive attributes of a good mate right out of 'the box'.

I've read your advice and posts a few times in the personals keep up the
good work. :wink:

12-07-2007, 09:01 PM
Have a few credit cards, not just one. :lol:

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-07-2007, 09:02 PM
Oh, and Hara...
You go window shopping a midnight because it is simply more romantic. Your not going into Fredrick's of VS because that would have more of a sexual overtone to it and that is not the intent. It's simplty to spend quality time with "her" and her alone. IMO

PghTGlLvr, I understood the trying to be romantic part. I also know that not a lot of guys have the patience to go with their girl shopping. But personally for me I've done that before with my ex'es a few times (different guys) and just didn't find the whole thing special. Unless of course it was say Christmas and your both by Rockefeller Center. ;)

Hara, I met my gf my second year of college, and we've been together ever since. To me it's very simple, treat her better then anyone else, including your mother and Grandmother. Tell her you love her and mean it everytime you say it. Be the man she thinks you are everyday. JWBL has one of the real keys, listen to everything she says, and make sure you hear what she's saying.(Women, at times, talk around what they want to say) Give each other all the space you need, you don't own her, nor she you. Your both there by choice.

Do the little thing like clean the kitchen after a meal, leave the seat down on the head, keep the dirty clothes in the hamper, and don't bitch about it. Compromise on things that aren't vital to you, but may be to her. Be consistent, be flexible, allow each other to grow, laugh at yourself, and each other.

When you fight, don't be cruel, don't get physical, stay on topic, leave the past in the past, try to have empathy, and let it go when it ends. Sometimes a dustup is all thats needed to refresh things.

Be interested in each others lives outside of the relationship. Be nice to her friends. Engage in her activities and invite her to be part of yours. Ask how the day went and listen when she speaks.

Bezane covered manners...they are important.

Buy her a gift or flowers anytime, because she's worth it.

All in all, she wants you to be a man, so be her man, and hers alone.

Great advice Oli. I can't believe that there are great guys here on HA that are boyfriend materials. :P




12-07-2007, 10:47 PM
as a guy who has had about 10 relationships both short and long term(ending on MY terms),, let me give you my short list of things that I have learned to KEEP a woman (a real one) .. some people will tell me I am full of shit on here.. I dont care.. this is the realistic list of things to do and not do...this has even worked with a Miss (some city in California) while I dated her.. worked like a charm until I got bored and booted her.

1. dont act needy--there is nothing worse to a girl than a guy who NEEDS her,, they want a man to be his own act,, to have confidence to tackle the world on his own. women want what they cant have.. if they feel like they just GOT you, youre done.. you have to keep a little independence about you.. women have to think that there is still a 5% chance that you may leave at anytime

2. never never talk about your own bad news--you have to act like your life is going GREAT,, I dont care if you just got fired from your job.. or your ex wife is selling off all your investments or whatever.. women want to suspend reality while they are with you.. you should be her get away fantasy -- she should want to come to you for happiness and excitement-- if you bitch and complain and moan and whine,, she may as well go talk to her best friend.

3. Be busy- stop always penciling her in FIRST... live your own life .. its ok to here and there go out with YOUR friends.. or take a drive alone somewhere

4. dont go overboard with buying her things and compliments .. as a matter of fact,, dont be scared to tell her something she is wearing sucks if it really does ect (that doesnt mean being a dick about it though) and its ok once in a blue moon to buy her something out of context, but that does nothing to keep her LIKING YOU.. all it will do is keep her USING YOU.. and all gifts do is tell her that "I am not a real man.. I am a scared little boy.. here is a gift to buy me more time"

5. always prop yourself better than you really are.... just little white lies.. like if you work at a grocery store. your not a checker.. youre an assistant manager.. or if you live in a crappy apt,, tell her that your company is providing it while you are living in the area to work .. stuff like that

ill add more to the list as I think of things ..

what women say and what they want are two different things.. what their brains tell them.. and their subconscious tells them (which the later is what my list is based off of) are two different things

12-08-2007, 12:01 AM
How do I keep a girl interested? Well, interested is interesting, so half the time I put my interests aside and focus on something she wants to do, despite how much I may dislike it... and I don't complain about it afterward.

I take care of the little day-to-day shit without being asked. Sure, half the time she won't act like she notices, and sometimes she flat out doesn't, but if I get home early and there are dishes or the floor is a mess, I'll clean up before she gets home and I don't point it out or ask for "thank you"s.

Newness. After the first couple of months, it's pretty global that you and your girl get to talking less. There just isn't anything new or exciting happening day to day, so when things get a little long in the nail, I usually try to replace new conversation with new activities. On the weekend, I'll take her out for a scenic drive. We might go check out a new restaurant, or if I'm feeling adventurous, we'll head for the mountains, the beach, a spa... whatever, so long as it helps to break up the monotony.

Humor is probably my biggest weapon of choice, though. No corny, scripted one-liners, jokes you heard from your buddies, or jokes of the knock-knock variety. I find that situational humor is the best. She'll love the hell out of you if you can take her from a bad mood right into laughing hysterically. Obviously, there are just some things you can't joke about... like a dead grandmother, but most everything else is fair game.

That's how I keep 'em interested.

12-08-2007, 12:07 AM
as a guy who has had about 10 relationships both short and long term(ending on MY terms),, let me give you my short list of things that I have learned to KEEP a woman (a real one) .. some people will tell me I am full of shit on here.. I dont care.. this is the realistic list of things to do and not do...this has even worked with a Miss (some city in California) while I dated her.. worked like a charm until I got bored and booted her.

1. dont act needy--there is nothing worse to a girl than a guy who NEEDS her,, they want a man to be his own act,, to have confidence to tackle the world on his own. women want what they cant have.. if they feel like they just GOT you, youre done.. you have to keep a little independence about you.. women have to think that there is still a 5% chance that you may leave at anytime

2. never never talk about your own bad news--you have to act like your life is going GREAT,, I dont care if you just got fired from your job.. or your ex wife is selling off all your investments or whatever.. women want to suspend reality while they are with you.. you should be her get away fantasy -- she should want to come to you for happiness and excitement-- if you bitch and complain and moan and whine,, she may as well go talk to her best friend.

3. Be busy- stop always penciling her in FIRST... live your own life .. its ok to here and there go out with YOUR friends.. or take a drive alone somewhere

4. dont go overboard with buying her things and compliments .. as a matter of fact,, dont be scared to tell her something she is wearing sucks if it really does ect (that doesnt mean being a dick about it though) and its ok once in a blue moon to buy her something out of context, but that does nothing to keep her LIKING YOU.. all it will do is keep her USING YOU.. and all gifts do is tell her that "I am not a real man.. I am a scared little boy.. here is a gift to buy me more time"

5. always prop yourself better than you really are.... just little white lies.. like if you work at a grocery store. your not a checker.. youre an assistant manager.. or if you live in a crappy apt,, tell her that your company is providing it while you are living in the area to work .. stuff like that

ill add more to the list as I think of things ..

what women say and what they want are two different things.. what their brains tell them.. and their subconscious tells them (which the later is what my list is based off of) are two different things

I agree with your first point (Don't be needy), but everything else is pretty much crap. That's shit some "player" dude would pull, and while I agree that a lot of women run the same type of game shiesty player dudes do, you can't expect a relationship to go anywhere if it's all based on little white lies.

I think you've done nothing but make it abundantly clear that you really like steady sex, and that's pretty much the only thing you're interested in out of a relationship.

12-08-2007, 02:06 AM
I'm fat, ugly, and bald....so i don;t have to worry about keeping them interested. I can't even attract them..lol.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-08-2007, 02:22 AM
Hara. C'mon give me a break. We can always shop when the stores are open. But strolling a desolate area after midnite is great. Just an idea rather than staying home or going to a bar. It doesn't have to consume the entire evening. And it leads to sex outside jammed in the doorway of Agent Provocateur. But at those prices I'm actually glad the damn place is closed. Victoria's......anytime. Sexy, inexpensive.....perfect.

So I defend midnite shopping.LOL.

LOL Be glad you don't live in ASIA cos over there they got midnight shopping hours! :lol:



12-08-2007, 03:00 AM
as a guy who has had about 10 relationships both short and long term(ending on MY terms),, let me give you my short list of things that I have learned to KEEP a woman (a real one) .. some people will tell me I am full of shit on here.. I dont care.. this is the realistic list of things to do and not do...this has even worked with a Miss (some city in California) while I dated her.. worked like a charm until I got bored and booted her.

1. dont act needy--there is nothing worse to a girl than a guy who NEEDS her,, they want a man to be his own act,, to have confidence to tackle the world on his own. women want what they cant have.. if they feel like they just GOT you, youre done.. you have to keep a little independence about you.. women have to think that there is still a 5% chance that you may leave at anytime

2. never never talk about your own bad news--you have to act like your life is going GREAT,, I dont care if you just got fired from your job.. or your ex wife is selling off all your investments or whatever.. women want to suspend reality while they are with you.. you should be her get away fantasy -- she should want to come to you for happiness and excitement-- if you bitch and complain and moan and whine,, she may as well go talk to her best friend.

3. Be busy- stop always penciling her in FIRST... live your own life .. its ok to here and there go out with YOUR friends.. or take a drive alone somewhere

4. dont go overboard with buying her things and compliments .. as a matter of fact,, dont be scared to tell her something she is wearing sucks if it really does ect (that doesnt mean being a dick about it though) and its ok once in a blue moon to buy her something out of context, but that does nothing to keep her LIKING YOU.. all it will do is keep her USING YOU.. and all gifts do is tell her that "I am not a real man.. I am a scared little boy.. here is a gift to buy me more time"

5. always prop yourself better than you really are.... just little white lies.. like if you work at a grocery store. your not a checker.. youre an assistant manager.. or if you live in a crappy apt,, tell her that your company is providing it while you are living in the area to work .. stuff like that

ill add more to the list as I think of things ..

what women say and what they want are two different things.. what their brains tell them.. and their subconscious tells them (which the later is what my list is based off of) are two different things

I agree with your first point (Don't be needy), but everything else is pretty much crap. That's shit some "player" dude would pull, and while I agree that a lot of women run the same type of game shiesty player dudes do, you can't expect a relationship to go anywhere if it's all based on little white lies.

I think you've done nothing but make it abundantly clear that you really like steady sex, and that's pretty much the only thing you're interested in out of a relationship.

its not about running a game.. its about protecting your position .. remember obtaining and keeping a mate is not about what YOUR world is made up of.. its about being flexible and understanding HER world as well... and most girls want the same thing a "fantasy lover and mate" its all about keeping that apple in her eye over the period of time till she finds the "better" you or you find the "better" her if both are still wanting to taste life (no pun intended) and not wanting to settle down

sorry for being honest :)

12-08-2007, 03:03 AM
I'm fat, ugly, and bald....so i don;t have to worry about keeping them interested. I can't even attract them..lol.

and I've been told that I'm very good looking with a fit body, (im a cyclist and work out regular) but I find it hard to attract or keep em too! Most are suprised when I tell them how long its been between relationships. That was one reason I went with escorts, but that has its downside, as Istated in other threads.

12-08-2007, 05:39 AM
Thanks for the kind words Hara, and Peggy, affirmation from you is like being blessed by the Pope, I'm flattered.
I've been thinking about this all day, and talked to A about it on our way out tonight. Her answer was surprising. I'll paraphrase "You've never broken the trust I put in you. I know you love me with all your heart." She said some other very nice things that made my heart explode. We came home instead of going to the party, she's sleeping now, and I'm going to make some eggs and toast for us.

Thanks for helping to make this a great day Hara! :wink:

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-08-2007, 05:47 AM
You're welcome Oli! :P



12-08-2007, 06:25 AM
Show her my Tatoos and my gun collection. Oh, that's not it...it's the Corvettes!!! :shrug

12-08-2007, 07:38 AM
Yes, but the real question here is how to keep Corvettedude interested.

Oooh tattoos too... now I really have to stalk you... :-)

TS Jamie :-)

12-08-2007, 07:56 AM
Yes, but the real question here is how to keep Corvettedude interested.

Oooh tattoos too... now I really have to stalk you... :-)

TS Jamie :-)

Jamie...I love it when you talk dirty to me!!!

12-12-2007, 12:19 PM
Like the title says.. :P
How do you keep a girl INTERESTED?


This is pretty simple actually, be the man that she expects you to be. Respect her, appreciate her, protect her and fuck her, really, really well and last long. If you can't last 30 mins to an hour with a chick then she is not likely to be happy in that department. Just make her feel like a woman should and she should return the mutual feelings in kind.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-13-2007, 07:20 AM
Like the title says.. :P
How do you keep a girl INTERESTED?


This is pretty simple actually, be the man that she expects you to be. Respect her, appreciate her, protect her and fuck her, really, really well and last long. If you can't last 30 mins to an hour with a chick then she is not likely to be happy in that department. Just make her feel like a woman should and she should return the mutual feelings in kind.

Sounds like a very good advice macfan! :P




12-13-2007, 07:50 AM
You learn to listen. You care for them and treat them like the beautiful people they are.

12-13-2007, 09:24 AM
i'm kind, considerate, loveing and atentive, and understanding... and most important i respect her. :)

Quiet Reflections
12-13-2007, 09:27 AM
I just pay attention to her needs and act accordingly

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-14-2007, 08:46 PM
i'm kind, considerate, loveing and atentive, and understanding... and most important i respect her. :)

Looks like your pinay tg gf is lucky BXCanada! ;)



12-14-2007, 08:50 PM
I can't believe nobody said suck "her" dick. What the fuck are you guys? Pussies?

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-14-2007, 09:03 PM



12-15-2007, 01:45 AM
who are you kidding....


12-15-2007, 01:48 AM
well in my case being as nice as possible doesnt work...so maybe try the other way...

12-15-2007, 10:30 PM
Keep spending and I will still be interested, lol.

12-15-2007, 10:36 PM
Keep spending and I will still be interested, lol.So true.For many girls.

12-15-2007, 10:46 PM
Well, I proposed to my girfriend last night with a beautiful sparkling one carat solitaire. Got down on my knee and told her how much she's meant to me for the past years and she said yes.

After a couple of bottles of wine, I felt loose enough to give her one of her Christmas presents, tickets to see Bon Jovi, her favorite band. She said yesterday was the best day of her life.

I think I did well to keep her interested. Aside from the tangible items, she's told me on numerous occasions over the years that I am the love of her life and that she could never live without me (feeling is mutual). She's grateful for all the spontaneity and love that I've brought to the relationship (which she gives back). We are one another's lover and best friend.

12-15-2007, 11:21 PM
Well, I proposed to my girfriend last night with a beautiful sparkling one carat solitaire. Got down on my knee and told her how much she's meant to me for the past years and she said yes.

After a couple of bottles of wine, I felt loose enough to give her one of her Christmas presents, tickets to see Bon Jovi, her favorite band. She said yesterday was the best day of her life.

I think I did well to keep her interested. Aside from the tangible items, she's told me on numerous occasions over the years that I am the love of her life and that she could never live without me (feeling is mutual). She's grateful for all the spontaneity and love that I've brought to the relationship (which she gives back). We are one another's lover and best friend.


12-16-2007, 08:22 AM


12-16-2007, 08:31 AM
Well, I proposed to my girfriend last night with a beautiful sparkling one carat solitaire. Got down on my knee and told her how much she's meant to me for the past years and she said yes.

After a couple of bottles of wine, I felt loose enough to give her one of her Christmas presents, tickets to see Bon Jovi, her favorite band. She said yesterday was the best day of her life.

I think I did well to keep her interested. Aside from the tangible items, she's told me on numerous occasions over the years that I am the love of her life and that she could never live without me (feeling is mutual). She's grateful for all the spontaneity and love that I've brought to the relationship (which she gives back). We are one another's lover and best friend.

Congrats, bassman.


12-16-2007, 04:51 PM
Well, I proposed to my girfriend last night with a beautiful sparkling one carat solitaire. Got down on my knee and told her how much she's meant to me for the past years and she said yes.

After a couple of bottles of wine, I felt loose enough to give her one of her Christmas presents, tickets to see Bon Jovi, her favorite band. She said yesterday was the best day of her life.

I think I did well to keep her interested. Aside from the tangible items, she's told me on numerous occasions over the years that I am the love of her life and that she could never live without me (feeling is mutual). She's grateful for all the spontaneity and love that I've brought to the relationship (which she gives back). We are one another's lover and best friend.


Thank you very much. We are both very happy.

12-16-2007, 04:51 PM
Well, I proposed to my girfriend last night with a beautiful sparkling one carat solitaire. Got down on my knee and told her how much she's meant to me for the past years and she said yes.

After a couple of bottles of wine, I felt loose enough to give her one of her Christmas presents, tickets to see Bon Jovi, her favorite band. She said yesterday was the best day of her life.

I think I did well to keep her interested. Aside from the tangible items, she's told me on numerous occasions over the years that I am the love of her life and that she could never live without me (feeling is mutual). She's grateful for all the spontaneity and love that I've brought to the relationship (which she gives back). We are one another's lover and best friend.

Congrats, bassman.


And Thank you very much as well, Quinn.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-16-2007, 10:12 PM
Might be a little too late but congrats
bassman2546! :P
