View Full Version : Staying away from HA

12-06-2007, 04:09 AM
As much as I love this place, admittingly for much different reasons than when I first joined, I've been spending way too much time here lately. I have books and scripts to write but I just seem to take the easy option and log in here instead. And then I get annoyed with myself because the time just goes and I have done either nothing or little of what I first planned to do with that time.

Especially since going in the chat room, it is addictive and I'm on a different time scale to most people (UK), so I end up staying up until stupid hours incase I miss any drama lol.

There are some very cool people here, a few I like very much and I guess that's the problem. As much as I want to sit down and concentrate on my writing this just seems the easier and less stressful option, so I find myself coming here instead of doing something that is so important to me, my writing.

So anyway how do you feel, am I only the only one who feels a bit guilty at them selves for the amount of time they spend here, like I said it's a great place, maybe just a little addictive! I'm going to try and limit my time here to either making the odd post, or logging in and going into chat once or twice a week at the most, whether I do it, or not, who knows :?

Anyway I thought I would open it up to a poll.

Night Rider
12-06-2007, 04:12 AM
refer to my post count for answer

12-06-2007, 04:16 AM
refer to my post count for answer

LOL NR, it is a bit addictive, but you are recovering man so it's kind of cool for you. It took me over a year to get to CTE, but in the last month alone I've made over 200 posts and have spent quite a few nights in the chatroom too!

Night Rider
12-06-2007, 04:21 AM
refer to my post count for answer

LOL NR, it is a bit addictive, but you are recovering man so it's kind of cool for you. It took me over a year to get to CTE, but in the last month alone I've made over 200 posts and have spent quite a few nights in the chatroom too!

That's why I don't want to go near the chat room. If I go there, I may as well kiss life goodbye lol. I've an addictive personality and I know I'd get hooked.

I know what you mean about the time flying, if it wasn't for this place I would've had fuck all to do for the last few weeks.

But as John Lennon said "time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted"

12-06-2007, 04:33 AM
I have addictive personality too, my book that I am writing is about sixty thousand words and I am less than half way through, in the last month I have written less than three thousand. I have a draft and a great idea for a Lock Stock like movie too, I just need to move my ass and create the full script. Allot of my time is taken up by sport and the rest HA lol, something has got to change man!

Night Rider
12-06-2007, 04:43 AM
I have addictive personality too, my book that I am writing is about sixty thousand words and I am less than half way through


It's not a choice for me to come here now, I have to!

12-06-2007, 04:52 AM
There is no escape now NR, unless you get yourself banned of course lol :wink:

Night Rider
12-06-2007, 04:56 AM
You're right there's no escape....if I get banned look out for Night Slider lol

12-06-2007, 04:59 AM

you will overcome your addiction. I have seen that pattern with several heavy-duty-posters, myself included. after a phase of beeing a lurker, one starts to post, then gets to know ones way around, gets involved, is on a posting-spree, but after a while its the good old same-old same-old.

and from that moment on you will post only occaisonally, and get back in lurker mode again.

but, all that fucking drama keeps one beeing pulled in again, I have to admit that!

12-06-2007, 05:01 AM
You're right there's no escape....if I get banned look out for Night Slider lol

Lol, I'm not too sure about that name on this board, some people might get the wrong idea about the slider bit, and your PM could be filled with all manor of propositions!

BTW that signature is funny as fuck :lol:

12-06-2007, 05:03 AM
It's cool, I just come here when I have nothing better to do...
But I DO have better things to do.
I start by reading a thread or two and then BOOM! 2 and a half hours went by!!
This is some entertaining stuff!

DAMN YOU HUNGANGELS! (shakes fist in the air)

Night Rider
12-06-2007, 05:07 AM
You're right there's no escape....if I get banned look out for Night Slider lol

Lol, I'm not too sure about that name on this board, some people might get the wrong idea about the slider bit, and your PM could be filled with all manor of propositions!

BTW that signature is funny as fuck :lol:

That's true! You'll definetily not see me as Night Slider then! I'll be the one posting 50 times a day :lol:

12-06-2007, 05:08 AM

you will overcome your addiction. I have seen that pattern with several heavy-duty-posters, myself included. after a phase of beeing a lurker, one starts to post, then gets to know ones way around, gets involved, is on a posting-spree, but after a while its the good old same-old same-old.

and from that moment on you will post only occaisonally, and get back in lurker mode again.

but, all that fucking drama keeps one beeing pulled in again, I have to admit that!

I know what you are saying, my year or so here as been at quite a normal rate, an average of just about 70 posts a month, just this last month has been a bit over 200. And because of the time difference, a couple of times in the chat room I haven't gone to bed until past ten in the morning, and then slept for like two hours, it all started to feel a bit surreal. I took a break yesterday and done some writing, and guess what I'm back again now :evil:

12-06-2007, 05:12 AM
You're right there's no escape....if I get banned look out for Night Slider lol

Lol, I'm not too sure about that name on this board, some people might get the wrong idea about the slider bit, and your PM could be filled with all manor of propositions!

BTW that signature is funny as fuck :lol:

That's true! You'll definetily not see me as Night Slider then! I'll be the one posting 50 times a day :lol:

Lol, I'll just look for the guy fighting with Nicole or making Honda look like a Cunt :)