View Full Version : Am I a biTch?

12-06-2007, 12:03 AM

You do realize that this time,

You are literally ASKING for it?

12-06-2007, 12:05 AM
in all the bad ways, girl. keep it up 8)

Night Rider
12-06-2007, 12:07 AM

12-06-2007, 12:10 AM

12-06-2007, 12:12 AM
it depends can i put it where I want to?

12-06-2007, 12:15 AM
I mean it in a GOOD way. You are you and we love you for it! be a bitch momma! enjoy it! I do!

12-06-2007, 12:18 AM
You and I have always been forum friends, Nicole. I enjoy your wit and intelligence and big brass ones. There are times when your 'inner Italian' comes out with both barrels. I wish you and your detractors could've gotten off on better footing sometimes. But...what the hell. It keeps things interesting and harms no one as far as I can tell. If it does hurt someone, then I'd think about that.

Night Rider
12-06-2007, 12:20 AM
I'm not sure whether this thread is a cry for acceptance or a cry for attention. If I had to bet, I'd say a mix of both.

gamma aries
12-06-2007, 12:22 AM
Short answer, "yes" with an "if." Long answer, "no" with a "but."

12-06-2007, 12:24 AM
well duh but we love that part of you

Night Rider
12-06-2007, 12:26 AM
coo coo

12-06-2007, 12:32 AM
which ever spot allow me to get that "fuck me" look on your face. damn i love that.

12-06-2007, 12:35 AM
I meant you're a Major Bitch

12-06-2007, 12:43 AM
NightRider my man, have you ever checked out Nicole's art?
Nicole, would you post that link?
Today's goal is to get you two to say something nice to each other. *gives everyone a noogie*

12-06-2007, 01:01 AM
yes, you're a bitch.

and please never change.

Night Rider
12-06-2007, 01:05 AM
NightRider my man, have you ever checked out Nicole's art?
Nicole, would you post that link?
Today's goal is to get you two to say something nice to each other. *gives everyone a noogie*

..there will be no happy ending between us

..shit happens


12-06-2007, 01:13 AM
I don't care I think you look so hot....

12-06-2007, 01:14 AM
I don't know. I don't know you.

If you mean solely on your posts that I personally have read on this forum only then I would say a little bit and so what.

12-06-2007, 01:15 AM
yup. You're a cool bitch.

12-06-2007, 01:28 AM
NightRider my man, have you ever checked out Nicole's art?
Nicole, would you post that link?
Today's goal is to get you two to say something nice to each other. *gives everyone a noogie*

..there will be no happy ending between us

..shit happens

I understand. but if you ever saw her art you would be impressed I'd wager.
Remember that scene in Perfect Storm where the two archenemies bond over a near drowning and a fishhook through the hand? Stranger things have happened.

12-06-2007, 01:29 AM
Jennifer English I sure wish you were here in Florida USA...

Night Rider
12-06-2007, 01:34 AM
I understand. but if you ever saw her art you would be impressed I'd wager.
Remember that scene in Perfect Storm where the two archenemies bond over a near drowning and a fishhook through the hand? Stranger things have happened.

Is it as good as this art below?

I've gave her enough chances, but she bitches on. She doesn't want peace and neither do I now.

12-06-2007, 04:59 AM
Nicole, you WHORE ASS BITCH!

I wanna slap that pale ass till the red hand prints won't go away!!!!

But, really, I really do like you. Really!



12-06-2007, 05:16 AM
Just checking...

Yeah, your a bitch, but a funny bitch :lol:

12-06-2007, 06:57 AM
I don't even know what's going on in this thread. My side of the playground was a whole lot of crazy tonight.


Night Rider
12-06-2007, 07:04 AM
Am I a BiTch? :cry :cry :cry :cry


12-06-2007, 07:09 AM
You know, suckseed, Honda is not a bad guy. I wish you two would get along as well. However, I will never get along with that douche, Night Rider. But nice try, regardless.

I don't agree that suckseed is a nice guy. I tried to be nice to him. He's a tranny chaser who got his ass hurt, he turns on a person who doesn't be "cyber buddies" with him. I don't care what anyone else thinks about him, but I don't like him at all. Phoney asshole, I'm just saying.

Night Rider
12-06-2007, 07:10 AM
Am I a BiTch? :cry :cry :cry :cry

:sleepOh, did you finally run out of coke?

I thought you were getting back to the original question? Did that hilarious joke just come into your mind, and you couldn't resist?

Night Rider
12-06-2007, 07:13 AM
This thread isn't about me, it's about your cry for help.

Carry on.

12-06-2007, 07:24 AM
This thread isn't about me, it's about your cry for help.

Carry on.:roll: Regardless of how little you understand me, thank you.

Ok, so far I see we can all agree that I am somewhat of a bitch. Anyone else want to chime in? I know more of you faceless homos have an opinion here. Lets hear 'em...

This sucks, but what are we gonna do? I'm not leaving, you can believe that.

12-06-2007, 07:43 AM
No, Nicole Dupree, I love you!

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-06-2007, 08:36 AM
Am I a biTch? Just checking...

YESSS!! LOL But I never have had any problems with it girl. If by BITCH you mean putting people back where they belong then you're following Mama's lead perfectly! LOL ;)



12-06-2007, 09:12 AM
Bitch??Naw.Very Verbally aggressive with assholes,yes
That's why we love you

12-06-2007, 09:18 AM
Your a bitch...like Glenda the Good Bitch of the East.

*what, oh Glenda was a witch not a bitch. Hey thanks*.

Never mind.

12-06-2007, 10:01 AM
Yup... :screwy


12-06-2007, 10:34 AM
You know, suckseed, Honda is not a bad guy. I wish you two would get along as well. However, I will never get along with that douche, Night Rider. But nice try, regardless.

I don't agree that suckseed is a nice guy. I tried to be nice to him. He's a tranny chaser who got his ass hurt, he turns on a person who doesn't be "cyber buddies" with him. I don't care what anyone else thinks about him, but I don't like him at all. Phoney asshole, I'm just saying.

I don't want to hijack this thread. Neither do I want to start a new one. So I'll address this here. Line by line.

"I don't agree that suckseed is a nice guy." Jeff. If you don't understand by now that my problem with you is a direct result of your refusing to let a woman alone that has made it abundantly clear that you are not welcome in her life, then I don't know what to say.

"I tried to be nice to him." I never asked you to be nice to me. I asked you to be a real man, admit your love for Vicki is unrequited, and do the mature thing and just leave her the fuck alone. That would be being nice to me. Beyond that...well, I'll address it in a moment.

"He's a tranny chaser who got his ass hurt, he turns on a person who doesn't be "cyber buddies" with him." I've never 'chased a tranny.' In fact, out of respect, I try not to use that word. Jeff, I don't know any transsexuals. I was curious. I hired an escort and tried it out. It resulted in my realizing that it's not for me. In fact it turned a forbidden mystery into something that casts no spell at all for me anymore. Or maybe I just love gg's too much. I've made that clear repeatedly. Therefore, this is inaccurate as well as irrelevant. Saying hello to you within my first few weeks on this board hardly constitutes wanting to be your 'cyber buddy', and you know it. Your behavior disgusts me and pisses me off. And not just with Vicki. You are the definition of a forum troll, hijacking threads at will and adding almost nothing of value.

"I don't care what anyone else thinks about him, but I don't like him at all. Phoney asshole, I'm just saying." No doubt you assert I am 'phoney' because a few days ago I tried to get the other people who effortlessly make you look like a fool to leave you alone. That was not out of any sense of liking you. I am utterly sick of reading about your stupid behavior and bizarre statements. My goal is to get everyone to leave you alone so that the usual complaints about you will fade into memory. I should think that you'd like that as well, so that you can go back to posting about all the other strange things that pop up in your mind. I may not understand them, but that doesn't mean they're not entertaining to read.

Your persistence defies any reasonable explanation. Like a six year old who is pissed because he's been told not to draw on the walls with crayons - and pulls out the magic markers, you start a fight for no reason with Quinn, a long time member who has never done anything to you; make outlandish claims to have successfully beaten forum opponents who by any measure have easily bested you, simply by cutting and pasting your own remarks; and worst of all, gone back on your word to stay the fuck out of Vicki's threads. What the fuck? Are you really that immature? Do you remember saying to me that I couldn't prove what I was saying about how she felt?
Do you remember saying "but yes, if Vicki were to post "I never want to hear from Honda again, then that's what would happen?" She specifically said you molested her, and to stay out of her threads. You lasted, what, a week? Why? I can only conclude that for you, negative attention is better than none at all. But it doesn't have to be that way. You can simply stop. I repeat my offer to do what I can to make everyone else leave you alone - not that I'm King Shit around here. I'm not. But several members have told me they'd be willing to not only leave you alone, but to try to persuade the others to as well. Before you know it, you can contribute to the forum, you and I can give each other a wide berth, and this will fade away into a distant memory. I fucking hate fighting with people. But what I really hate is that someone I respect, on a really active forum, is constantly hampered by her posts getting your two cents, with one of your detractors promptly insulting you, then the usual bullshit starts. And you think I'm a phoney. I don't get it. But here's the thing: I'm nice, but I'm not that fucking nice; I'm no Ecstatic. You wanna play your games? The rest of us will continue playing ours. You want to stop? We'll stop. I know it's a strange thrill to log on and see what the latest arrows fired at you contain. But I like bringing up legitimate questions and coming back and seeing what others think more. This feud is fucking repetitive to me. It brings out my less attractive personality traits. In person I'm a big friendly guy who loves to make my friends laugh with stupid jokes. But if someone fucks with me or one of my friends, I will change in a heartbeat to someone who will fuck someone up. And someone who intimidates a woman I care about will remain directly in my sights. When I said I don't think you are that bad a guy last week, what I meant was I don't rate you like an actual sexual predator. I'm willing to believe that you honestly felt like she was digging you, and that since then you've been so thrilled by your moment with her that you'll try anything to make her like you. But that's as far as it goes, Jeff. It's over. It's not funny. She could probably get you banned if she wanted to, but doesn't because she's not a vindictive person.
From what I can tell, you strike me as someone who is loathe to admit it when he fucks up, especially to yourself. You'll confess to countless personal shortcomings, but stop short of admitting personal responsibility when you offend someone. If you've ever apologized to Vicki for any of this, I missed it. Instead you said she "flipped out for no reason" and "lied about the situation." That's your opinion, and it doesn't wash. She flat out told you not to come, you came anyway, basically guilt tripped her into meeting you, she had many cocktails, and when she sobered up, she obviously declined to move things any further. I get it: it meant a lot to you. But the time to move the fuck on was about a year ago. Out of all the guys who rag on you here, I'm the only one who has attempted to talk to you man to man without simply insulting you. But I'm the phoney. Frankly, it's a mystery to me how Nicole can say you're "not that bad a guy." I'd love to hear from her why she thinks your behavior is okay. Maybe she's been privy to conversations I have not; anything is possible. So, against all evidence that this will mean a damn thing, I will again say to you: if you maintain any respect at all for Vicki, or yourself, please let this go. In return I will do what I can to get the others to leave you alone. That will not be easy. Some people are pissed at you for completely different reasons. But I will try. Or this childish flame war can continue, for the amusement and irritation of dozens or hundreds of anonymous people across the country who know no one's name - but yours.
So what's it going to be?

12-06-2007, 10:37 AM
You know, suckseed, Honda is not a bad guy. I wish you two would get along as well. However, I will never get along with that douche, Night Rider. But nice try, regardless.

I don't agree that suckseed is a nice guy. I tried to be nice to him. He's a tranny chaser who got his ass hurt, he turns on a person who doesn't be "cyber buddies" with him. I don't care what anyone else thinks about him, but I don't like him at all. Phoney asshole, I'm just saying.

I don't want to hijack this thread. Neither do I want to start a new one. So I'll address this here. Line by line.

"I don't agree that suckseed is a nice guy." Jeff. If you don't understand by now that my problem with you is a direct result of your refusing to let a woman alone that has made it abundantly clear that you are not welcome in her life, then I don't know what to say.

"I tried to be nice to him." I never asked you to be nice to me. I asked you to be a real man, admit your love for Vicki is unrequited, and do the mature thing and just leave her the fuck alone. That would be being nice to me. Beyond that...well, I'll address it in a moment.

"He's a tranny chaser who got his ass hurt, he turns on a person who doesn't be "cyber buddies" with him." I've never 'chased a tranny.' In fact, out of respect, I try not to use that word. Jeff, I don't know any transsexuals. I was curious. I hired an escort and tried it out. It resulted in my realizing that it's not for me. In fact it turned a forbidden mystery into something that casts no spell at all for me anymore. Or maybe I just love gg's too much. I've made that clear repeatedly. Therefore, this is inaccurate as well as irrelevant. Saying hello to you within my first few weeks on this board hardly constitutes wanting to be your 'cyber buddy', and you know it. Your behavior disgusts me and pisses me off. And not just with Vicki. You are the definition of a forum troll, hijacking threads at will and adding almost nothing of value.

"I don't care what anyone else thinks about him, but I don't like him at all. Phoney asshole, I'm just saying." No doubt you assert I am 'phoney' because a few days ago I tried to get the other people who effortlessly make you look like a fool to leave you alone. That was not out of any sense of liking you. I am utterly sick of reading about your stupid behavior and bizarre statements. My goal is to get everyone to leave you alone so that the usual complaints about you will fade into memory. I should think that you'd like that as well, so that you can go back to posting about all the other strange things that pop up in your mind. I may not understand them, but that doesn't mean they're not entertaining to read.

Your persistence defies any reasonable explanation. Like a six year old who is pissed because he's been told not to draw on the walls with crayons - and pulls out the magic markers, you start a fight for no reason with Quinn, a long time member who has never done anything to you; make outlandish claims to have successfully beaten forum opponents who by any measure have easily bested you, simply by cutting and pasting your own remarks; and worst of all, gone back on your word to stay the fuck out of Vicki's threads. What the fuck? Are you really that immature? Do you remember saying to me that I couldn't prove what I was saying about how she felt?
Do you remember saying "but yes, if Vicki were to post "I never want to hear from Honda again, then that's what would happen?" She specifically said you molested her, and to stay out of her threads. You lasted, what, a week? Why? I can only conclude that for you, negative attention is better than none at all. But it doesn't have to be that way. You can simply stop. I repeat my offer to do what I can to make everyone else leave you alone - not that I'm King Shit around here. I'm not. But several members have told me they'd be willing to not only leave you alone, but to try to persuade the others to as well. Before you know it, you can contribute to the forum, you and I can give each other a wide berth, and this will fade away into a distant memory. I fucking hate fighting with people. But what I really hate is that someone I respect, on a really active forum, is constantly hampered by her posts getting your two cents, with one of your detractors promptly insulting you, then the usual bullshit starts. And you think I'm a phoney. I don't get it. But here's the thing: I'm nice, but I'm not that fucking nice; I'm no Ecstatic. You wanna play your games? The rest of us will continue playing ours. You want to stop? We'll stop. I know it's a strange thrill to log on and see what the latest arrows fired at you contain. But I like bringing up legitimate questions and coming back and seeing what others think more. This feud is fucking repetitive to me. It brings out my less attractive personality traits. In person I'm a big friendly guy who loves to make my friends laugh with stupid jokes. But if someone fucks with me or one of my friends, I will change in a heartbeat to someone who will fuck someone up. And someone who intimidates a woman I case about will remain directly in my sights. When I said I don't think you are that bad a guy last week, what I meant was I don't rate you like an actual sexual predator. I'm willing to believe that you honestly felt like she was digging you, and that since then you've been so thrilled by your moment with her that you'll try anything to make her like you. But that's as far as it goes, Jeff. It's over. It's not funny. She could probably get you banned if she wanted to, but doesn't because she's not a vindictive person.
From what I can tell, you strike me as someone who is loathe to admit it when he fucks up, especially to yourself. You'll confess to countless personal shortcomings, but stop short of admitting personal responsibility when you offend someone. If you've ever apologized to Vicki for any of this, I missed it. Instead you said she "flipped out for no reason" and "lied about the situation." That's your opinion, and it doesn't wash. She flat out told you not to come, you came anyway, basically guilt tripped her into meeting you, she had many cocktails, and when she sobered up, she obviously declined to move things any further. I get it: it meant a lot to you. But the time to move the fuck on was about a year ago. Out of all the guys who rag on you here, I'm the only one who has attempted to talk to you man to man without simply insulting you. But I'm the phoney. Frankly, it's a mystery to me how Nicole can say you're "not that bad a guy." I'd love to hear from her why she thinks your behavior is okay. Maybe she's been privy to conversations I have not; anything is possible. So, against all evidence that this will mean a damn thing, I will again say to you: if you maintain any respect at all for Vicki, or yourself, please let this go. In return I will do what I can to get the others to leave you alone. That will not be easy. Some people are pissed at you for completely different reasons. But I will try. Or this childish flame war can continue, for the amusement and irritation of dozens or hundreds of anonymous people across the country who know no one's name - but yours.
So what's it going to be?

You should be a professional writer... :popcorn

12-06-2007, 10:43 AM
You've always been a bitch in kind of a good way, Ari...but your boy honda is a punk bitch in the worst way...he probably should have been aborted...I'm just sayin...

12-06-2007, 10:52 AM
Since you asked, yes. Even though I may not understand what the word really means, I think you are. Now that you have taken down that avatar showing your ass, my mind is clear again.

I looked at your art page and you have talent as an artist. I personally like the more 'positive' images, but that's my preference. I think you should continue for your own pleasure of expression. Who knows where you'll go? I see that you are a multi talented person that doesnt often display your skills. If you could just get rid of your worst critic; and I don't mean JWBL. It's a part of you that is more important than it needs to be. But it's the same critic that we all have to deal with. (Even though you say I don't understand.)

Think about it. Now that you have Nightrider, and the rest of us, you can assign less duties to 'your worst critic'.

12-06-2007, 07:32 PM
Yessss...you are a Bitch!!! I think you revel in being good at it. It is what makes you who you are.....Please, don't change!!!

In fact, you may very well be ..."THE QUEEN BITCH"!!!

12-07-2007, 02:40 AM
Yes, you are a total Bitch. That's why we love you...keep up the good work!

12-07-2007, 03:00 AM
I'm a cockbandit (Yes, I admit it!), but not a faceless one! :P

Did you say "Bitch" or "Beyotch"? :wink:

Biiiiigggg difference. :lol:

12-07-2007, 03:37 AM
rhetorical question - doesnt need an answer per definition