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View Full Version : TO: The guys who insults transexuals, a QUESTION?

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-05-2007, 07:06 AM
I'm wondering, when calling transexuals he, he-she, crossdressers, dude etc. Would you feel bad and partly responsible *IF an emotionally and mentally unstable transexual/s kills herself over your comments? :?



12-05-2007, 07:09 AM
if the question was flipped and the guy killed himself bc he was a fag and i called him out on it... no i wouldnt feel bad.. obviously if he has it in him to kill himself he had deeper issues... and besides.. how would i know? is his bf gonna log on here and bitch too? if so ill call him a fag too! :P

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-05-2007, 07:12 AM
if the question was flipped and the guy killed himself bc he was a fag and i called him out on it... no i wouldnt feel bad.. obviously if he has it in him to kill himself he had deeper issues... and besides.. how would i know? is his bf gonna log on here and bitch too? if so ill call him a fag too! :P

Lmao! I know whom you are referring to Jen. :lol:



12-05-2007, 07:12 AM
Unfortunately the internet affords them a veil of anonymity, with that I assume diffusion of responsibility, and thus probably little or no remorse.

Sadly it seems sometimes 'typed' conversations aren't viewed as 'real and solid' Accountability is thrown right out the window and self justification sets in.

aaaaaaand I'll come down off my soapbox.

12-05-2007, 07:13 AM
Jen's back in fine form!

BTW I hear girls call each other dude more and more... Is DUDE really gonna drive someone over the edge?

12-05-2007, 07:13 AM
I'm wondering, when calling transexuals he, he-she, crossdressers, dude etc. Would you feel bad and partly responsible *IF an emotionally and mentally unstable transexual/s kills herself over your comments? :?



if the question was flipped and the guy killed himself bc he was a fag and i called him out on it... no i wouldnt feel bad.. obviously if he has it in him to kill himself he had deeper issues... and besides.. how would i know? is his bf gonna log on here and bitch too? if so ill call him a fag too! :P

mmm, drums please...

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-05-2007, 07:16 AM
mmm, drums please...

Please hand me and Jen your baggy fagass and we'll do a drum roll inside it for some echo effects James Cunt! LOL :lol:




12-05-2007, 07:21 AM
Please hand me and Jen your baggy fagass and we'll do a drum roll inside it for some echo effects James Cunt! LOL :lol:




A new stalker, or the return of Tweety's nemesis? Inquiring mind want to know?

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-05-2007, 07:31 AM
He's the TWIN of that other faghole I had a run in last week Oli. James Cunt aka Silvester has always been one of our (Jen and I) biggest detractors here on HA who should have been BANNED a long long time ago (*wink *wink @mods LOL). :roll:



Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-05-2007, 07:34 AM
I'm wondering, when calling transexuals he, he-she, crossdressers, dude etc. Would you feel bad and partly responsible *IF an emotionally and mentally unstable transexual/s kills herself over your comments? :?


HTGMaybe it hasn't happened here, but I'm sure it happens often somewhere. It's just that no one knows and/or talks about it if they do know. TS have a fairly high suicide rate.

Which is WHY is raised this issue Nicole. ;) Thanks for bringing back this thread to it's original topic. :P



12-05-2007, 07:50 AM
Then, to give my opinion of the original topic...the computer removes people from the consequences of their actions. They type their bile into the response box, hit send, and feel nothing. They never see the hurt they inflict on others, and on this board, they either don't care or rejoice in doing it (how many times has someone been 'owned' recently?).

To me, it is a lack of respect for others and a sign of emotional immaturity. But, as was stated in another post tonight, NYCe's playground, NYCe's rules.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-05-2007, 07:54 AM
BTW I hear girls call each other dude more and more... Is DUDE really gonna drive someone over the edge?

Calling a transexual a DUDE is offensive. Most especially when said transexual/s have had alot of augmentation which simply implies as being a FAILURE at being a girl! Which could leave a lot of girls feeling very depressed extreme_mediocre.



Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-05-2007, 08:09 AM
Sure, online fights might be funny and amusing to a lot of readers. But when attacks get a little personal feeling's are hurt. While both parties might not realize in the moment of heat what damage they have done to one another. It's just like a ticking time bomb. It could go off anytime in bouts of depression for either the transexuals or guys.



12-05-2007, 08:21 AM
Sure, online fights might be funny and amusing to a lot of readers. But when attacks get a little personal feeling's are hurt. While both parties might not realize in the moment of heat what damage they have done to one another. It's just like a ticking time bomb. It could go off anytime in bouts of depression for either the transexuals or guys.



That's not quite what I meant. I don't believe some of the fighters here even care that they are hurting others. I think they actually revel in doing it. Maybe it makes them feel bigger, I don't know.

There was, as example, the reprehensible thread about Nicole a few days ago. Felecia asked the OP to stop, and he did...3 pages later! The thread was malicious and mean spirited, started only to hurt Nicole. Did the OP care? No.

12-05-2007, 08:22 AM
one thing I didn't mention in that other thread was how this is often a TS on TS thing.............

for example this TV was in a restaurant a few months back and this other TV (some local gay bar contest winner who thought she was all high and mighty because she earned a year's free entrance into a gay bar for winning a contest) came in with friends and tried to insult her. To make a long story the girl doing the insulting got her ass kicked, badly. And what did she do? She waited a few weeks, filed a police report, and then so the girl who beat her ass walking the stroll and got a cop to arrest her. A punk move considering she initiated the whole conflict.

Back to your OP Hara, look if I told some bum bitch she would never be feminine and she offed herself the next day I'd be sad for maybe 1 minute. I wouldn't lose sleep over it, suicide is a punk move. Man up motherfucker, this is the net!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-05-2007, 08:27 AM
I'm blowing my head off right now. You are all to blame for my agony.


Lighten up, nothings that big of a deal. Maybe cancer, I don't know, I haven't had cancer. Yet.


12-05-2007, 08:34 AM
I would hope to never be the motivation for a girl taking her life because of something I've said. I try to stay away from using terms that have negative conotations, to describe you special ladies. However, I do witness, constantly, you ladies using those very terms on eachother. I hope this is not a "do as I say, not as I do" society. Many communities seem to have that kind of standard, and I feel it's a contributor to the continued descrimination everyone continues to experience.

My personal reasons for being on HA are;
a.) To learn as much as I can about your community,
b.) To enjoy the interaction I've experienced on HA,
c.) To, hopefully meet and befriend a few or many of you, and
d.) Should the planets be aligned, enter into a meaningful relationship with one of you.

HJT, Nicole, and any other lady that lays their eyes upon this post...You have my undying admiration and support. I remain "At Your Service" and champion your dreams and goals. If for any reason, any one of you feel I have not acted in your best interests, at any time, call me out on it. I will then politely apologize and relenquish my membership.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-05-2007, 08:35 AM
Sure, online fights might be funny and amusing to a lot of readers. But when attacks get a little personal feeling's are hurt. While both parties might not realize in the moment of heat what damage they have done to one another. It's just like a ticking time bomb. It could go off anytime in bouts of depression for either the transexuals or guys.



That's not quite what I meant. I don't believe some of the fighters here even care that they are hurting others. I think they actually revel in doing it. Maybe it makes them feel bigger, I don't know.

There was, as example, the reprehensible thread about Nicole a few days ago. Felecia asked the OP to stop, and he did...3 pages later! The thread was malicious and mean spirited, started only to hurt Nicole. Did the OP care? No.

Oh no! My comments has nothing to do with yours Oli. I was just saying and discussing things in a more generalized fashion. I do agree though that some people don't care enough to even think in the slightest when starting a fight with girls. That's all.

For example, Last night alone I read someone calling TrueBeauty TS a HE because she called him out about some tv he was going gaga over with. :twisted:

Sometimes, I think some of these attackers "we" transexuals have.. we probably chatted, corresponded with way way back and we weren't so thrilled/accommodating about/to them and now they've found this forum to voice their hatred on us? :roll:

That is all what I was trying to say. LOL :P



Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-05-2007, 08:48 AM
one thing I didn't mention in that other thread was how this is often a TS on TS thing.............<SNIP>

I know exactly what you mean JWBL. It reminded me of someone (your stalker) out in B'more who flags CL Ad's of other Ts'es just because she didn't like them! LOL ;)



12-05-2007, 09:47 AM
Did Mimi commit suicide?

12-05-2007, 10:29 AM
look when you in an online fight, you want to create as much emotional damage to the other person as you can so you hit below the belt as often as you can,

the problem is that the other person ALWAYS responds thus creating 100 pages of well, nothing.

(basically what I'm trying to say is Don't respond!!!)

For me personally, you can call me whatever you want, whenever you want. Because, well, to me I don't know you at all, so you opinions dont matter at all.

thats how it should be with everyone...

as for suicide, there was a MAJOR problem there to begin with and that persons friends and family should have caught it sooner and tried to help.

(even though that doesn't always work either. there was this fellow back in alberta who's mother was always trying to keep from killing himself, she did everything she could but one day he just walked into a fast moving river was never seen from again...)

12-05-2007, 11:24 AM
I'm a lover not a fighter! I think weather in a face to face or on line confrontation, one must take responsibility for their actions and words.

If something I said resulted in a suicide, I would feel bad that I contributed to being the straw that broke the camels back, but would also acknowledge that there was most likely something already going on with the individual that had them in such a mind set to end their life.

Insults you describe usually come from those of a weak mind, who as I have said before, are not able to accept defeat like an adult.

12-05-2007, 11:36 AM
if the question was flipped and the guy killed himself bc he was a fag and i called him out on it... no i wouldnt feel bad.. obviously if he has it in him to kill himself he had deeper issues... and besides.. how would i know? is his bf gonna log on here and bitch too? if so ill call him a fag too! :P

I kinda agree, although I wouldn't take such a "bad ass", "I don't give a shit about anyone" approach to it. If I can tell a dude is a little flamboyant in public, it'd take a lot for me to break down and call him a fag.

Say, if I were in a walmart, standing in line and some wheelchair-bound fatty with down syndrome ran over my foot, gave me a dirty look, then said "Excuuuuse me!" with attitude, damn right I would call that fuck out. I'd make sure the little shit is wheeling down the adult-diaper isle in tears.

On the other hand, if I were at a club and an obviously flamboyant dude kept bumping asses with me, I'd be polite about it. I'd make eye contact and ask him to stop. If he keeps it up, hell, I'll even be polite about asking him a second time.

I guess what I'm getting at is that I shouldn't feel responsible about the actions and lives of other people so long as I truly feel I conduct myself tolerably.

So, to answer the initial question, if they did something so despicable as to warrant low-blow insults like that, then no, you'd never catch me feeling responsible. If they didn't do anything wrong, I'm not the type of person to fly off the handle and escalate things like that.

12-05-2007, 12:12 PM
Did Mimi commit suicide?

w/ her mouth, foul attitude, and lack of self defence... someone will do the job for her

12-05-2007, 12:16 PM
if the question was flipped and the guy killed himself bc he was a fag and i called him out on it... no i wouldnt feel bad.. obviously if he has it in him to kill himself he had deeper issues... and besides.. how would i know? is his bf gonna log on here and bitch too? if so ill call him a fag too! :P

I kinda agree, although I wouldn't take such a "bad ass", "I don't give a shit about anyone" approach to it. If I can tell a dude is a little flamboyant in public, it'd take a lot for me to break down and call him a fag.

Say, if I were in a walmart, standing in line and some wheelchair-bound fatty with down syndrome ran over my foot, gave me a dirty look, then said "Excuuuuse me!" with attitude, damn right I would call that fuck out. I'd make sure the little shit is wheeling down the adult-diaper isle in tears.

On the other hand, if I were at a club and an obviously flamboyant dude kept bumping asses with me, I'd be polite about it. I'd make eye contact and ask him to stop. If he keeps it up, hell, I'll even be polite about asking him a second time.

I guess what I'm getting at is that I shouldn't feel responsible about the actions and lives of other people so long as I truly feel I conduct myself tolerably.

So, to answer the initial question, if they did something so despicable as to warrant low-blow insults like that, then no, you'd never catch me feeling responsible. If they didn't do anything wrong, I'm not the type of person to fly off the handle and escalate things like that.

its not a "i dont care about anyone" attitude.... its a "im not going to let someone try and place the actions of an obviously fucked up individual on me"

did i call them a name? sure... you think being a 26yr old trans-woman hasnt garnered a few names? im still here faggots.... get over it or kill yourself if u need to... but i dont really expect someone who doesnt have the balls to deal w/ their problems and willing to take the easy way out to sympathize or understand.

12-05-2007, 12:41 PM
its not a "i dont care about anyone" attitude.... its a "im not going to let someone try and place the actions of an obviously fucked up individual on me"

did i call them a name? sure... you think being a 26yr old trans-woman hasnt garnered a few names? im still here faggots.... get over it or kill yourself if u need to... but i dont really expect someone who doesnt have the balls to deal w/ their problems and willing to take the easy way out to sympathize or understand.

You just make it out to sound like you have some kind of personal agenda against gay dudes. I'm not saying I'm without bias. I hate all kinds of people, but I don't let my views on shit get in the way when I deal with people on a personal basis.

...I'm not accusing you of that shit. I'm just saying that the way you've presented it kinda makes it sound like that's the case.

12-05-2007, 01:08 PM
If someone kills themselves, they've got more problems than being called names on the internet.
So i wouldn't be feeling too remorseful.

There was, as example, the reprehensible thread about Nicole a few days ago. Felecia asked the OP to stop, and he did...3 pages later! The thread was malicious and mean spirited, started only to hurt Nicole. Did the OP care? No.

As that thread's been dragged up again.
Lets face it, it takes two to Tango. Both parties are guilty of some pretty heinous name calling.
Easy way to stop it - Someone show some class and walk away. :roll:

I hate being the voice of reason ~ A pox on getting old!

12-05-2007, 03:07 PM
Man up motherfucker, this is the net!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

to all you overemotional drama-queens and wimps out there:

right after highschool, I worked voluntarily for one year for an organisation which helps the homeless, ex-drug-addicts, ex-alcaholics, ex-cons and other "lowlife" people to get back on track to a, at least semi-, normal life.

I have seen a pile of shit there, i got both physically and verbally attacked, we had men thee who havent bathed for two weeks etc etc.

that was probably the most valuable thing I ever did in my whole life. simply because that year put almost EVERYTHING into perspective.

after you have seen the lowest, the bottom, the trash which is to be seen for those with open eyes even in the rich western world, all that shallow drama on messege boards like this one appear so insignificant.

12-05-2007, 03:12 PM
Maybe you wouldn't be remorseful, but at least acknowledge the phenomenon as plausible and unfortunate. Words are powerful, and can trigger all kinds of things.

Ok, backtracking slightly.
I acknowledge the possibility, in which case, yeah, i'd feel dreadful.
But, i still think there's nothing plausible about it. It's farfetched in the extreme.

12-05-2007, 03:41 PM
I would kill myself for totally unrelated reasons and then blame you guys just to make you all feel bad. :)

12-05-2007, 03:55 PM
I would kill myself for totally unrelated reasons and then blame you guys just to make you all feel bad. :)

I like your style!!! :wink:

Night Rider
12-05-2007, 04:34 PM
I'm not challenging him. If he stayed out of my face, I would co-exist with him. I choose to not even address him. But he's very desperate to get my attention. Look at the threads where the fights unfolded and you'll see what I mean.

But I don't care is he calls me "Nick", I don't care what pictures he posts, and I don't care what he says about me. I'm not walking on eggshells simply because he's here.

You've certainly wrote a whole lot of shit about me, on different threads, while I was sleeping. For someone that doesn't care, you seem to be on a bit of an emotional rampage! What you wrote there is total bullshit because it's you that's always addressing me and not the other way round. I don't just come out and call TS a man for no reason, you've a big mouth and you've crossed the line a few times, as have I.

The fact that you're crying to the mods again, makes me think, "is Nick taking this internet shit too serious". If you don't like "internet abuse" then don't dish it out, but while you continue to, I'll be shooting you down.

*edit* to the OPs question, if I found out that someone was pushed over the edge to suicide then of course I would feel some guilt, that's human nature. But so far I haven't said anything that didn't deserve to be said, and if someone was to kill themselves then that's because of underlying issues that are nothing to do with me. As JWBL said, suicide is a cowardly and selfish act, and you'd need to be pretty twisted to commit it.

I think this thread is another great example of how some tgirls need serious therapy. If they'd even think about suicide because of being called a man then they'd better see a doctor fast. We're grown ups now, it's not school.

Obviously nearly all of the girls here are stable and sure of who they are, but there are a couple here that create problems for themselves.

12-05-2007, 05:42 PM
You're obviously welcome to your opinion, but I think you need to walk a mile in someone else's shoes. How much can you even relate to gender identity dysphoria in the first place?

I may not have walked a mile in someone elses shoes, but i certainly got blisters on my arse from getting dragged along.
Obviously, i'm a guy, no doubts or hesitations about it. I can never truly relate, but in this case, i don't need to.

I'll bet that every TS here has been called "he" or "him" at some early point in their transition, and played that hand with a poker face. So how would anyone know?

I won't take that bet, i know you're right.
But, we all get called names. You don't kill yourself because someone was mean to you on the internet [unless, like i've already admitted, it's an ultra extreme case].
There's always other more important reasons.


12-05-2007, 08:51 PM
its not a "i dont care about anyone" attitude.... its a "im not going to let someone try and place the actions of an obviously fucked up individual on me"

did i call them a name? sure... you think being a 26yr old trans-woman hasnt garnered a few names? im still here faggots.... get over it or kill yourself if u need to... but i dont really expect someone who doesnt have the balls to deal w/ their problems and willing to take the easy way out to sympathize or understand.

You just make it out to sound like you have some kind of personal agenda against gay dudes. I'm not saying I'm without bias. I hate all kinds of people, but I don't let my views on shit get in the way when I deal with people on a personal basis.

...I'm not accusing you of that shit. I'm just saying that the way you've presented it kinda makes it sound like that's the case.

has nothing to do w/ me liking or disliking gay guys... i was reversing the OP to fit from a girls POV... the equivilant to a guy calling a ts a man is a ts calling a guy a fag ...


tall, dark &amp; Handsome
12-05-2007, 08:55 PM
I just don't like people from Texas.
esp. Dallas

12-06-2007, 05:45 AM

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-14-2007, 09:51 AM
I'll bet that every TS here has been called "he" or "him" at some early point in their transition, and played that hand with a poker face. So how would anyone know?

I won't take that bet, i know you're right.
But, we all get called names. You don't kill yourself because someone was mean to you on the internet [unless, like i've already admitted, it's an ultra extreme case].
There's always other more important reasons.


That's true Jericho. But these days most especially one can never be sure IMO. Being as it is..Most TG folks are heavily medicated and on hormones. Moodswings and depressions are common. I mean, Look at the guy who shot people inside a campus just recently. Suicide rate is higher in TG's than GG's than most people know.



12-14-2007, 11:39 AM
I'm wondering, when calling transexuals he, he-she, crossdressers, dude etc. Would you feel bad and partly responsible *IF an emotionally and mentally unstable transexual/s kills herself over your comments? :?



I think it is quite difficult sometimes, when on-line, to differentiate between a TS who has lost the plot and has temporarily reverted to male behaviour and a CD/TV who IS just a man and comes on like a flouncing high-fem gay boy.

I think in a place like this the TS women really have to measure their words-- as you, and a few others always do-- because the men they may be attacking, if called a "fag" and whatever other thoroughly inventive (not) sex/gender insults, is highly likely to think, "Look I'm dealing with another guy pretending to be a woman here," and respond in kind, IF they want to avoid being insulted in the way you suggest.

In other words there's no point in getting all upset about being called a guy if you've just called the man a homo because of his interest in TS women, and then coming over all hurt because he unloads on you the way he would on any other man who said that.

In real life it's a bit different; there are so many other indicators, body language, simple visual appearance, voice, etc, but here in cyberspace all you have to go on is the way someone comports themselves, and if TS women comport themselves like gay men, well, sooner or later they're going to get the insult. This is compounded by the fact that in this place you could easily be talking to a genuine TS woman, a known CD/TV, a gay man and a male troll hiding behind a fictional female persona all at the same time.

There are many men here pretending to be women, gay men actively seeking to blur the distinctions in a self-serving attempt to deny their own homosexuality, and CD/TVs who resent what they see as discrimination against themselves because, like gay men, they see TS women as other men.

Obviously this presents problems for the real (TS)women. As to what to do about it, I think TS women should at least consider your approach, which is always to be measured and think before hitting the "submit" key. I mean if a girl wouldn't go out in public without makeup, why would she carry on in a metaphorically un-made-up fashion on-line?

01-03-2008, 12:13 AM
Hello peeps! Happy new year 2008! It has been a while since I last posted anything in here. Sorry guys, been a bit busy. But now am back, just wanted to express some thoughts pertaining this matter, in my humblest opinion.

To me, every human being has the right to say, ask, quote, call-names and etc to anyone and everybody; its their choice. But what's most important is that the person who seems like the victim here - how he/she takes it and how he/she reacts to it. To me, sticks and stones may break bones but words can never hurt me; its purely words. Ignore 'em and continue on with your life. Easier said than done? Well, yeah, most of the time. But if u stay focus, know your goals in life... once you get these a**holes (mind my French - OPS!) calling names or cursing and stuffs like that, I would have to say that if it happens to me, I think,what life has thought me all these years, I would probably look back at him, give him or her that stare, sharp look in the eyes, probably lift up ur eyebrows a bit and stuff, give that serious look back, and say...
I'm sorry... what was it that you were trying to say? Something about YOUR MOTHER!? Awww that poor ol' drag - she must be feeling really sad to have u speak such nasty remarks to her... tsk tsk tsk... And then I would just go on do my nasty catwalk away from the scene. OPS!

Hara_Juku Tgirl
01-11-2008, 04:41 AM
Welcome back girlie. And Happy New Year to you too!

Where have you been hiding?!? ;)
