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11-28-2007, 08:28 PM
Anyone know who is up next for the Goodfellas "Up Close And Virtual"?

Teabagger Vance
11-28-2007, 08:44 PM
Anyone know who is up next for the Goodfellas "Up Close And Virtual"?

There hasn't been one announced, as fas as I can see.

You can check out the producer's website here: http://virtualtranny.com/main.html

Six girls have been featured in the series to date:


Vicki is slated to be the first performer to have a sequel in the series. I don't know if it has shot or what stage of production it is in.

11-28-2007, 08:51 PM
Thanks for the reply mate. Yeah I've tried that site, but it's not that great really, no info. I have all those releases, and while I enjoyed Vicki's movie, I doubt I'd buy her sequel. She's gone down in my estimation, since the Khloe Hart/"American Shemales" thing.
Thanks again man, and if you hear any news, please let me know.

11-28-2007, 09:54 PM
No fake pop shots please.

Yasmine Lee Virtual would be nice. :D

11-28-2007, 09:57 PM
Danny Devito.

Teabagger Vance
01-05-2008, 05:41 AM
The next star to be featured in the "Up Close & Virtual" series is Holy Sweet.

Release date has not yet been set, but it is available for pre-release. Here is the front box cover:

01-05-2008, 07:39 AM
I like virtual titles across both g-girl and t-girl porn. But it's funny how it runs in cycles. Currently t-girl virtual titles are very popular with at least 2 different lines issuing titles rapidly... the Up Close With being the better produced series.

Over on the g-girl side, the trends seemed to peak about a year or 2 ago. There was probably an oversaturation with many different studios pushing series. Nowadays the g-girl vituals have slowed to a trickle.

As for the next UP CLOSE SEQUEL with Vicki, I'm really looking forward to this one, as she has reported on it in a separate thread here on HA. I think since Vicki was one of the first Up Close titles, it wasn't quite as good as the more recent ones. Looking forward to the producers stretching Vicki's talents and imagination.