View Full Version : EyeCumInPiece

11-27-2007, 10:20 AM
So im officially no longer a rookier poster. Great. Happy times. You guys and gals are a good fun ole' bunch. Lots of laughs. Lots of drama. I love it. So since im here to stay, i wanted to get 2 kno every1 a lil better so if anyone has any ?questions? for me, ask away. No matter how ridiculous, disgusting, disrespectful, personal, or insulting it is, ill answer it.

ask away...

11-27-2007, 10:23 AM
haha congrats

11-27-2007, 10:30 AM
what is your occupation?

11-27-2007, 10:31 AM
Well after this I will only be three posts away from CTE, the worst thing is that it looks like I am going to achieve it arguing with Cross dressing loving guys, in that god forsaken Brenda thread :twisted:

11-27-2007, 10:33 AM
Yes... I wrote all these out myself. Answer them.

1.) Isn't bacon ridiculous?
[] Yes.
[] No.

2.) If a children's party clown latched onto your nipples and refused to let go, what would you do?

3.) If dressing in trash bags became the next big trend and you simply weren't cool unless you dawned them out in public, would you go along with it, or would you refuse and be labeled a loser?

4.) If you had to make out with one of the following people, who would you pick?
[] John Maddan
[] Dr. Ruth
[] Fred Rogers
[] Ru Paul

5.) If you had a bag full of teeth in one hand and a bucket full of spoons in the other, what would you do with them?

6.) You've just been mugged by a one-arm man and a midget. You know that if you tell the police, they won't believe you, and both the asailants are long gone. How do you go about getting your belongings back?

7.) If you were stuck on a deserted island with no means of rescue, how would you escape back to civilization?

8.) If you were stuck in a room, chained to the wall, what one person would you want to escape from badly enough to end up chewing through your appendages?

9.) If you could only pick one of the following means of transportation, which would it be?
[] Skipping
[] Pogo Stick
[] Razer Scooter
[] A box with wheels

10.) What is the craziest idea you've ever had to start up a home business?

11.) If you had to choose between getting icy-hot smeared all over your gonads or having all your finger nails ripped off completely, which would you pick?

12.) You're sitting at a bus stop and a bum walks up and casually asks you for money. 10 minutes later, he's forgotten he's talked to you already, walks up and asks again. This exchange occurs every 10 minutes for 40 minutes. Your bus is about to arrive, but one last time, the bum walks up and asks for change again. What do you tell him?

13.) Your friend steals $10 from your room knowing good and well that had they simply asked for it, you probably would have loaned it to them. What is your reaction and how do you seek revenge?

14.) I'm going to list 10 words. Please type out the first word that comes to mind as you read them.
-Nail gun:

15.) If you were hanging by your fingers off a 200 foot cliff and had to pick one person to magically appear and help you back up, whom would it be?
[] Christopher Reeve.
[] Stretch Armstrong.
[] The Drummer From Def Leopard.
[] Christopher Hawking.

16.) If you were shut inside a room with a door and two barred windows, how would you escape?

17.) If you knew you were to die, but were allowed to chose how you perished, which one of the following ways would you choose to go?
[] Drowning in a tub of Astroglide.
[] Violent intercourse with a member of the same sex.
[] Being affixiated by a mob of hyperactive children.
[] Fighting off gaggles of irate chickens.
[] Being sold a gun at a insanely marked up price, then being shot with it.
[] A hot dog eating contest... to the death.

18.) Would you rather be shot by a pellet gun in the groin or a beanbag gun in the face?

19.) If you could duplicate anything on your body (appendages, features, ect) and attach them anywhere else on your body, what would you duplicate and where would you place it(them)?

20.) If you were forced to sit down and watch 48 hours of television but limited to watching only one channel, what single channel would you watch?

21.) A giraffe, an Italian, and a screw walk into a bar. Now create me a joke.

11-27-2007, 10:37 AM
Do you like to smack an ass while you are fucking it?

11-27-2007, 06:54 PM
what is your occupation?

I manage a scummy warehouse in NYC. Not the best job in the world, but it pays well while im continuing my education.

11-27-2007, 07:02 PM
Do you like to smack an ass while you are fucking it?

Good one Kelly, and the answer's Yes. i like smackin that ass until my handprint is there permanently. Your ass is one i def wouldnt mind slappin.

11-27-2007, 07:33 PM
Yes... I wrote all these out myself. Answer them.

1.) Isn't bacon ridiculous?
[] Yes.
[] No.

2.) If a children's party clown latched onto your nipples and refused to let go, what would you do?

3.) If dressing in trash bags became the next big trend and you simply weren't cool unless you dawned them out in public, would you go along with it, or would you refuse and be labeled a loser?

4.) If you had to make out with one of the following people, who would you pick?
[] John Maddan
[] Dr. Ruth
[] Fred Rogers
[] Ru Paul

5.) If you had a bag full of teeth in one hand and a bucket full of spoons in the other, what would you do with them?

6.) You've just been mugged by a one-arm man and a midget. You know that if you tell the police, they won't believe you, and both the asailants are long gone. How do you go about getting your belongings back?

7.) If you were stuck on a deserted island with no means of rescue, how would you escape back to civilization?

8.) If you were stuck in a room, chained to the wall, what one person would you want to escape from badly enough to end up chewing through your appendages?

9.) If you could only pick one of the following means of transportation, which would it be?
[] Skipping
[] Pogo Stick
[] Razer Scooter
[] A box with wheels

10.) What is the craziest idea you've ever had to start up a home business?

11.) If you had to choose between getting icy-hot smeared all over your gonads or having all your finger nails ripped off completely, which would you pick?

12.) You're sitting at a bus stop and a bum walks up and casually asks you for money. 10 minutes later, he's forgotten he's talked to you already, walks up and asks again. This exchange occurs every 10 minutes for 40 minutes. Your bus is about to arrive, but one last time, the bum walks up and asks for change again. What do you tell him?

13.) Your friend steals $10 from your room knowing good and well that had they simply asked for it, you probably would have loaned it to them. What is your reaction and how do you seek revenge?

14.) I'm going to list 10 words. Please type out the first word that comes to mind as you read them.
-Nail gun:

15.) If you were hanging by your fingers off a 200 foot cliff and had to pick one person to magically appear and help you back up, whom would it be?
[] Christopher Reeve.
[] Stretch Armstrong.
[] The Drummer From Def Leopard.
[] Christopher Hawking.

16.) If you were shut inside a room with a door and two barred windows, how would you escape?

17.) If you knew you were to die, but were allowed to chose how you perished, which one of the following ways would you choose to go?
[] Drowning in a tub of Astroglide.
[] Violent intercourse with a member of the same sex.
[] Being affixiated by a mob of hyperactive children.
[] Fighting off gaggles of irate chickens.
[] Being sold a gun at a insanely marked up price, then being shot with it.
[] A hot dog eating contest... to the death.

18.) Would you rather be shot by a pellet gun in the groin or a beanbag gun in the face?

19.) If you could duplicate anything on your body (appendages, features, ect) and attach them anywhere else on your body, what would you duplicate and where would you place it(them)?

20.) If you were forced to sit down and watch 48 hours of television but limited to watching only one channel, what single channel would you watch?

21.) A giraffe, an Italian, and a screw walk into a bar. Now create me a joke.

1. Yes bacon is ridiculous because your basically eating fat. Its some great tasting fat though.

2. Id pull out my switchblade and stab him repeatedly.

3. Id be labeled a loser. Im not a trend follower.

4. Dr. Ruth lol i seen rupaul out of drag on tv recently, not a pretty site.

5. Ditch the teeth and take the spoons. I need some new silverware.

6. Id let it be and keep it to myself. Since both are easily recognizable, id wait for the day that i run into one of em and then proceed to beat the living shit out of em.

7. Id make fire, and torch the whole island, hoping somebody out there will see this mass amount of smoke n come rescue my ass.

8. Gilbert Godfried. His voice would make me chew threw myself.

9. Skipping

10. i thought of creating a bangbros-style operation that would all take place from my home.

11. The icey hot


13. Id smack da shit out of him and neva speak to him again.

14. Joust: atari
-Gravy: turkey
-Nail gun: ouch
-Giraffe: toys-r-us
-Paste: glue
-Jack: jill
-Meatloaf: hunger
-Girdle: grandma
-Indubitably: wtf is that
-Kinetic: professor x

15. Stretch armstrong

16. Wait for the guard to come and change my bedpan, soon as he walks in id strangle him and get the fuck outta there.

17. damn this is a bad one, i guess the hot dog eating contest lol

18. beanbag to the face.

19. I wouldnt change anything. Its not wise to tamper with nature.

20. The History channel