View Full Version : Those little things that turn you off

11-27-2007, 01:54 AM
As a corollary to the afore mentioned thread. Those little things that piss you off. Excluding gross stuff, related to personal hygiene.

11-27-2007, 02:29 AM
Smoking. Seriously. What is it with people not minding if they smell like shit?
It wouldn't bother me if it smelled like raspberries or something.

and bad breath.

and people obsessing over clothing labels.

11-27-2007, 02:32 AM
a girl who all she talks about is how awesome and hot she is...quit tootin your own horn bitch.

Night Rider
11-27-2007, 02:33 AM

bad breath

body stubble *yuck*

coloured teeth

dirty fingernails

smelly feet lol

11-27-2007, 02:42 AM
Smoking, chewing gum....but most of all being a complete airhead who lacks the simple ability to have an intelligent conversation.

11-27-2007, 02:43 AM
A man who doent take control of me

Floyd R
11-27-2007, 02:48 AM
People that pick their noses in public. This is very disgusting and I think people that do this should be slapped on the spot.

11-27-2007, 02:51 AM
People that pick their noses in public. This is very disgusting and I think people that do this should be slapped on the spot.

I used to know a kid who picked it, ate it, and didn't care if anyone saw him. He was 19 and semi-intelligent, but weird as hell.

11-27-2007, 02:53 AM
Smoking. Seriously. What is it with people not minding if they smell like shit?
It wouldn't bother me if it smelled like raspberries or something.

and bad breath.

and people obsessing over clothing labels.



11-27-2007, 02:54 AM
People that pick their noses in public. This is very disgusting and I think people that do this should be slapped on the spot.

I used to know a kid who picked it, ate it, and didn't care if anyone saw him. He was 19 and semi-intelligent, but weird as hell.

LOL Yea I know some of those! :D :D

11-27-2007, 03:06 AM

Bad breath (Though if we're all eating garlic or drinking beer, how can you tell?)

Smart people that are consistently stoopid (Zero common sense/out of touch)

11-27-2007, 03:08 AM
Smart people that are consistently stoopid (Zero common sense/out of touch)

uhhhmmm yea, agree! :?

11-27-2007, 03:10 AM
Personally I hated it when my girlfriend came back from the hockey game like this.

11-27-2007, 03:12 AM

11-27-2007, 03:13 AM
people that are consistently stoopid (Zero common sense/out of touch)

No, I only say that because'I've been accused of that myself. Seriously, it's been bugging for a while. I think I have this character defect i can't get rid of. :-(

11-27-2007, 03:19 AM
1) A woman who can't go five minutes without looking in a mirror.

2) A woman who expects me to compete with 15 other drooling morons in a circle around her.

3) Pants suits...put on a skirt dammit.

4) Flip Flops...worst ever.

5) Bad Breath / Body Odor

6) Obsession with celebrities, Hollywood, what Paris/Britney/Christina/Jessica/et al did today

7) Bad mouthing other women

8 ) ME: That's a beautiful dress
HER: Oh, you like it? It's a ______

honestly, I really don't give a fuck who designed it. It could be Donna Karan, or a bum from the corner of 42nd and 8th. Making sure I know the designer is just a way to puff up your own ego.

9) Excessive use of slang, street talk, etc... The English language has thousands of beautiful descriptive terms. Explore them, use them.

11-27-2007, 04:23 AM
1 Getting into a total fucking state when drunk .

2 Chatting me up using vulgar language . Any bloke likes female attention but what I can't stand at all , is a woman acting like a man. I don't think I'm being sexist because when I hear men speak to women like that I don't like it. So when I treat them like spunk deposits and put their photos up on the 'pig board' at work they wonder why.

3 snobs . Slagging off my friends with her mates when Iam in the room.

4 Discussing my sexual performance with her friendsw ho speak to me about it. I don't mind in a non serious relationship , but I find it off putting when Iam really into her and am loyal enough not to tell my friends tales of derring do in the bedroom.

5 Racists . Fair enough you don't like someone but don't refer to him/her as that fucking coon or paki.

6 talking on their mobile phone in bed. Turn it off.If I can switch mine off so can you.

7 Women who wear jeans shorts.

8 women who seem to live in tracksuits

9 smelly fannys

10 yellow teeth

11-27-2007, 04:25 AM

smelly fannys

11-27-2007, 04:26 AM

11-27-2007, 05:25 AM
Beady little eyes, can't stand them, girls who have them always look sinister and evil :twisted:

And shrinking Violets, girls with no edge, what a turn off :roll:

Night Rider
11-27-2007, 01:39 PM

by fanny he means pussy [it's the UK version] :P

11-27-2007, 03:18 PM
Mobile phones :evil: Went out for dinner with a girl last week who, as most people nowadays, had two of the fuckers, one for work and one for private. It kept ringing every 5 minutes. "Oh I'm sorry, that was my boss" or "ohh sorry, my client". JEEESSS!

Or those people who, when exiting a meeting or plane immediately check their phones to see if they have a message.

11-27-2007, 05:48 PM
-A woman who doesn't take care of herself... yellow teeth and dirty fingernails are inexcusable unless you are living in a remote part of the world with no running water.
-People that think that the world revolves around them.. it doesn't!!!!
-People who think that they have the hardest life and make it a point to diminish anyone else's problem. Fictional example ... she says: I lost a tooth and need to have a root canal. You say: I got mugged, hit with a brick, and need all my upper teeth replaced. She says: It won't be so bad for you... the dentist can fix them all since you will be under anaesthetic. What the? I actually know someone like this.. can't think of a single reason why I don't tell her to piss off... oh yeah... I have known her since childhood.
-Chipped nail polish... small thing, but it is such a turn off to me. Take it off already.
-People that think that if they scream when they are wrong; you will meekly do what they say.
-People who insist on labelling other people based on their sexual preferences. I said it before, I consider myself a giant panda. Not heterosexual, gay, lesbian, bi, or confused. I know what I like and have no problems with it.
-People who make it a point to try to tell you how you should lead your life.

11-29-2007, 10:50 PM

by fanny he means pussy [it's the UK version] :P


11-30-2007, 12:10 AM
Mobile phones :evil: Went out for dinner with a girl last week who, as most people nowadays, had two of the fuckers, one for work and one for private. It kept ringing every 5 minutes. "Oh I'm sorry, that was my boss" or "ohh sorry, my client". JEEESSS!

Or those people who, when exiting a meeting or plane immediately check their phones to see if they have a message.

you have to go get yourself one of these then...


Night Rider
11-30-2007, 12:14 AM

by fanny he means pussy [it's the UK version] :P



11-30-2007, 12:25 AM

by fanny he means pussy [it's the UK version] :P



Haha. I don't know. :)
It's just one of those words that really gets to me, like something an ultra-conservative wonderbread grandmother might say... in the States, atleast. Does that word sound as silly on your side of the ocean as it does over here?

11-30-2007, 12:49 AM
Smoking - Bad Breath - Dry/Nasty Scalps!!!!!!!!!!!!

Night Rider
11-30-2007, 12:54 AM

by fanny he means pussy [it's the UK version] :P



Haha. I don't know. :)
It's just one of those words that really gets to me, like something an ultra-conservative wonderbread grandmother might say... in the States, atleast. Does that word sound as silly on your side of the ocean as it does over here?


No, it's sounds normal over here, must be a translation thing..hehe

Minge on the other hand is disgusting, and brings up vomit when I hear it..

11-30-2007, 12:55 AM

No, it's sounds normal over here, must be a translation thing..hehe

Minge on the other hand is disgusting, and brings up vomit when I hear it..

I don't think I've ever heard of that one. Do I even want to know what it means?

Night Rider
11-30-2007, 12:58 AM

No, it's sounds normal over here, must be a translation thing..hehe

Minge on the other hand is disgusting, and brings up vomit when I hear it..

I don't think I've ever heard of that one. Do I even want to know what it means?

...the same thing fanny means in the UK...for some reason I really hate it


11-30-2007, 01:47 AM
A man who doent take control of me

cute answer girl! x

personally I hate it when people talk with their mouthful!! or eat with their mouth open smacking their chops together!

it drives me crazy!

11-30-2007, 02:14 AM
A man who doent take control of me

cute answer girl! x

personally I hate it when people talk with their mouthful!! or eat with their mouth open smacking their chops together!

it drives me crazy!
Thank You Farrah!

11-30-2007, 02:18 AM
These are the biggest two I can think of:

1) Talking too much aka pointless rambling.

2) Smoking.


Night Rider
11-30-2007, 02:19 AM
Girls that think they can get through life, by looks alone

Devoted Catholics [they hold out until after marraige]

Greasy hair

12-04-2007, 02:57 AM
"So when I treat them like spunk deposits and put their photos up on the 'pig board' at work they wonder why"

so because you dont like somebody they are no longer human and worthy of respect?

my biggest turn offs are:

people who dump their issues on others
people who dont understand that relationships(of any kind) are a two way street and are HARD as hell and are not like cheesy drama movies with "happily ever after" endings.