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11-23-2007, 04:45 PM

11-23-2007, 05:35 PM
When I started transition in Toronto I really didn't
know any other girls. The only TS I had had any
interaction with was Cassandra "Tula" Do who was
a regular at the goth/fetish parties I attended and
a woman I only know as Petra who was a chemistry
grad student when I was an undergrad there. Petra
administered one of my mid-term exams and on my
exam sheet I wrote "You are incredibly brave!"

Sandra was an inspiration in that she was very nice
and friendly to me when I first started going out en
femme and Petra for pursuing a "straight, normal"
career as a TS woman.

11-23-2007, 06:56 PM
It is so hard to pick one.

In my case that would be the Legendary Lynn Conway. She could speak for me because like me she started out from a difficult family situation. Started hormones young, then had to stop because of an intolerant university. Re transitioned and became a great scientist all before she was 30. She is what I would want to be by the time I am her age.

I also have to give honorable mention to Vanessa. In the time I have known her she has taught me much about life, and more than not been a good friend.

11-23-2007, 06:59 PM
It is so hard to pick one.

In my case that would be the Legendary Lynn Conway. She could speak for me because like me she started out from a difficult family situation. Started hormones young, then had to stop because of an intolerant university. Re transitioned and became a great scientist all before she was 30. She is what I would want to be by the time I am her age.

I also have to give honorable mention to Vanessa. In the time I have known her she has taught me much about life, and more than not been a good friend.

Good aspirations Brenda. I think she has always carried herself with dignity and respect which I admire the most on transsexual women.

11-23-2007, 08:35 PM
As much as I love seeing Candis Cayne and other girls on the big screen. I have to say for our transexual activist, that our fighting for rights and bills. That are speaking out against discrimination. Those are the ones that are representing all of us.

11-23-2007, 11:54 PM
thats a really good question !

I've actually had to really think about my answer!

I guess growing up there were no transsexuals on tv or anything as a child that I could relate too

I went full-time at 16 and I was really just on my own (i thought at the time) so my influences where woman like madonna,Olivia Newton-john and Jane Fonda Farrah Fawcett etc...

but once I go onto the scene there have been many TS woman that I admire and really looked upto when trying to find my syle,look and way of life

i think a lot of us admire and look up to our fellow TS friends that we see regular and ourselves because we've all done so well to get where we are today and should all be proud of that

Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-24-2007, 12:01 AM
Believe it or not When I was a little kid and I saw Christen Gorgensen's life story on TV (back in the PI) I knew it was my destiny to be just like her (minus the SRS of course). LOL ;)

I admire her courage as a person and beating the odds to be the person she owe to be in the first place. ;)



11-24-2007, 01:50 AM
I can't think of anyone. :?

Wait. Maybe one. She's about 6 years younger than me and is the least douchebag-ish of all the transsexuals I know.

11-24-2007, 08:57 PM
Thanks for voicing out your thoughts about this girls.I think it is important for us to know who we admire and look up to until we got to the person we are today. Influences is the best way to get to what we are today not to mention our courage and determination to get what we want in life. Lat's stand strong girls and keep our heads up high. VIVA TRANSSEXUALES!!!! :D

11-24-2007, 11:07 PM
My drag Mother was killed, so most of what I kow about 'the life',
I have learned on my own, many times through hard and very painful
lessons. (http://www.hungangels.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=17662&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=standing&start=0)

The lessons that I learned about being a woman, about strength,
pereserverance, integrity, I learned from my birth Mother, to whom
I am eternally grateful.

Other of my sheroes;

Miss Hattie McDaniel
Sojourner Truth pictured with President Abraham Lincoln
Dr. Angela Yvone Davis
Dr. Coretta Scott King
Harriet Tubman
Pam Grier
Dr. Maya Angelou
Miss Phyllis Hyman
Dr. Betty Shabazz - Wife of El Hajj Malik Shabazz - Malcolm X


11-24-2007, 11:49 PM
My guiding light is Megan Pickett, professor of physics and astronomy. Through all the years I benefited from the love, advice and comfort of my friends, my mother and my sister.

11-25-2007, 12:37 AM
Well for me it wa very hard! Being that i transitioned very young into my early teens, i met transexuals, but they were all giving me wrong information, being catty, and in other words being very mischievous, and being how naivei was , i did what they said. So i found out the hard way. I never had a "TRANSEXUAL ROLE MODEL", I just did my own thing, i would observe from afar and i learned from their mistakes, and was cautious in everything i did,, sure i had friends that were transexuals, but at the end the true colors shined through and the masks hit the pavement. See for me, i never had a true inspiration.......,that was until i looked in the mirror and saw her before me, she is strong, has over come tremendous chaos, has beauty inner foremost and out, and is realistic, and grounded. She has rised above all that she has endured... So i would love to thank myself, for not following in anyones mudy footsteps, or dark shadows, instead i bask in my own light. ......."ME"

11-25-2007, 02:02 AM
Well for me it wa very hard! Being that i transitioned very young into my early teens, i met transexuals, but they were all giving me wrong information, being catty, and in other words being very mischievous, and being how naivei was , i did what they said. So i found out the hard way. I never had a "TRANSEXUAL ROLE MODEL", I just did my own thing, i would observe from afar and i learned from their mistakes, and was cautious in everything i did,, sure i had friends that were transexuals, but at the end the true colors shined through and the masks hit the pavement. See for me, i never had a true inspiration.......,that was until i looked in the mirror and saw her before me, she is strong, has over come tremendous chaos, has beauty inner foremost and out, and is realistic, and grounded. She has rised above all that she has endured... So i would love to thank myself, for not following in anyones mudy footsteps, or dark shadows, instead i bask in my own light. ......."ME"

Work girl. :wink:

It's great if we have someone to help us through the minefields of life, but
it's equally wonderful when we are our own best friends, love and trust
ourselves, and can say we made it on our own.