View Full Version : TS as a father?

11-22-2007, 07:39 PM
have anybody seen a ts as a father?
i mean a ts married with a gg and they have been a child.

11-22-2007, 07:43 PM
I used to know a chick who's father was a transsexual. Shortly after his wife gave birth to his daughter, he divorced her and became a she. That girl got fuckin' PICKED ON all through grade school and middle school about it.

Honestly, I thought that was fucking irresponsible of the father. Once you have a kid, it should be your child before everything. Even your own needs and desires.

11-22-2007, 07:44 PM
I think the Tranny MIA fathered a baby as a tranny as a matter of fact i'm sure she did because she had all kinds of pics on her myspace account.

11-22-2007, 07:56 PM
i know one i dated that has a teenager and she is real young ,lol

11-22-2007, 08:42 PM
I am a Father, divorced and Transsexual. ( for those that havent noticed)

11-22-2007, 09:17 PM
Is the Term I Fathered a child better now vs I'm a father?

11-22-2007, 09:20 PM
Is the Term I Fathered a child better now vs I'm a father?

It doesn't matter what term you use, just so long as you love your child.

11-22-2007, 09:29 PM
I am a Father, divorced and Transsexual. ( for those that havent noticed)

I'm sorry about my earlier post. It's just different coming from the perspective of a peer to the child. I just think it's selfish to father a child as a man, then switch genders while the child is still young. To me, it's a misallocation of priorities. I can understand in certain situations; like if the child was a mistake and you don't play a parenting role in the child's life afterward.

I know I'm not in the situation and I shouldn't be casting stones. I just feel strongly about it because I grew up knowing a girl that was beat up and belittled every day about having a transsexual father. I'd imagine thats far worse than the weird looks, attitude, and insults you experienced while transitioning. 'Course, again, I've never been there myself, so I wouldn't really know.

11-22-2007, 09:37 PM
I am a Father, divorced and Transsexual. ( for those that havent noticed)

I'm sorry about my earlier post. It's just different coming from the perspective of a peer to the child. I just think it's selfish to father a child as a man, then switch genders while the child is still young. To me, it's a misallocation of priorities. I can understand in certain situations; like if the child was a mistake and you don't play a parenting role in the child's life afterward.

I know I'm not in the situation and I shouldn't be casting stones. I just feel strongly about it because I grew up knowing a girl that was beat up and belittled every day about having a transsexual father. I'd imagine thats far worse than the weird looks, attitude, and insults you experienced while transitioning. 'Course, again, I've never been there myself, so I wouldn't really know.
I'm was good father then, now I'm a even better parent.

11-22-2007, 09:44 PM
have anybody seen a ts as a father?
i mean a ts married with a gg and they have been a child.

I know a girl that trasitioned after she had a son. She was married to a girl, had a son and then got divorced to start her transition. I think her son was about five at the time she started to transition. At first I thought it was very selfish of her to have a kid and then transition. But her son seems to be cool with it (although he still calls her daddy). Other than that he seems to cope well with the fact that his dad is now a she. Her son is only about 8 now, but they have a great relationship now and hopefully they always will.

11-22-2007, 09:57 PM
I'm was good father then, now I'm a even better parent.

I'm not questioning your parenting skills. I just feel sorry for the kid if they're in grade school or middle school.

11-22-2007, 10:15 PM
My ex claims to have sired as many as 8 kids. To this date I think she became a TS only to hide from paying child support.

11-22-2007, 10:29 PM
My ex claims to have sired as many as 8 kids. To this date I think she became a TS only to hide from paying child support.

I doubt that anyone would transition just to hide from paying child support. There are many other less drastic ways to not pay support.

11-22-2007, 10:30 PM
My ex claims to have sired as many as 8 kids. To this date I think she became a TS only to hide from paying child support.

I doubt that anyone would transition just to hide from paying child support. There are many other less drastic ways to not pay support.

Dude I wasn't really serious about that last part. Of course I know that, DUMBASS!

11-22-2007, 10:32 PM
My ex claims to have sired as many as 8 kids. To this date I think she became a TS only to hide from paying child support.

I doubt that anyone would transition just to hide from paying child support. There are many other less drastic ways to not pay support.

Dude I wasn't really serious about that last part. Of course I know that, DUMBASS!


11-22-2007, 10:35 PM
My ex claims to have sired as many as 8 kids. To this date I think she became a TS only to hide from paying child support.

I doubt that anyone would transition just to hide from paying child support. There are many other less drastic ways to not pay support.

Dude I wasn't really serious about that last part. Of course I know that, DUMBASS!


But I was serious about the fact that she had 8 kids. And they all knew that Dad was a TS, which would be cool in my opinion except that Dad's only source of income was escorting.

11-22-2007, 10:47 PM
Dude I wasn't really serious about that last part. Of course I know that, DUMBASS!

lol. I actually don't care. I just wanted to say "dum bass".

11-22-2007, 11:03 PM
Dude I wasn't really serious about that last part. Of course I know that, DUMBASS!

lol. I actually don't care. I just wanted to say "dum bass".

LOL the I guess I am the dumbass today!!!!!!!!!

11-23-2007, 01:45 AM
I know a TS that had a son from before she transitioned. This was in the hood, so there wasnt a marriage. Anyway, the child didnt care. They usually dont. Its fucked up little kids who talk shit, and the parents who talk shit in the background that make shit hard

11-23-2007, 01:46 AM
I know a TS that had a son from before she transitioned. This was in the hood, so there wasnt a marriage. Anyway, the child didnt care. They usually dont. Its fucked up little kids who talk shit, and the parents who talk shit in the background that make shit hard

I think that scenerio is a lot harder on a boy than on a girl.

11-23-2007, 01:53 AM
Dude I wasn't really serious about that last part. Of course I know that, DUMBASS!

lol. I actually don't care. I just wanted to say "dum bass".

LOL the I guess I am the dumbass today!!!!!!!!!

Dan...Thank you for volunteering, today. I didn't want to have to cover the title again. :crap :what

11-23-2007, 04:06 AM
I used to know a chick who's father was a transsexual. Shortly after his wife gave birth to his daughter, he divorced her and became a she. That girl got fuckin' PICKED ON all through grade school and middle school about it.

Honestly, I thought that was fucking irresponsible of the father. Once you have a kid, it should be your child before everything. Even your own needs and desires.

I understand that’s your personal opinion, and that you very much entitled to it. That’s why I enjoy visiting this board; every now and then you can put your cock away and pose questions or state your opinions to the subject of your objectification. I personally felt insulted by your generalization of transgender parents as irresponsible. I have children and I’m also transitioning. Despite what you may think my children are first and foremost in my life. For a long time I felt I owed it to society, my community and family to play the part they had written for me. I played it straight; I had children, got married and supported my family. I was afraid to be myself and living life that way made me a rather unhappy, depressive individual. When I decided to transition, it was not a spur of the moment decision. It was a decision that took me decades to make. The point is that I decided that in order to be a better parent to my children, I had to get healthy. I now have an inner peace and true sense of happiness that reflect outwardly. I have always taken my responsibility as a father seriously. Kids are going to be tease through their childhood about one thing or another. As parents it is virtually impossible to shield them from that. What we can do is give them the ammunition necessary to stand up for themselves and others. I provide my children with more than the financial support that pass as fathering these days. It shouldn’t matter what road we’ve taken, to get to the point in our lives when we can finally be ourselves. Transgender people are still humans and therefore meet the number one criteria to be a parent. Before or after transition is irrelevant, whether or not we are good human beings is usually what makes us great and responsible parents.

How can you take your role as a father serious when you are becomming a transexual? This sounds like a total crock of shit if you were serious about being a father then why are you trying to become a woman?

11-23-2007, 04:19 AM
All I can say is that where I grew up that would have been just short of a virtual death sentence for the kid(s). Fortunately, I don't think it would be quite as bad today, but it would still be very bad.


11-23-2007, 04:31 AM
Not every tgirl who has a biological kid did so intentionally. I knew girl who had been on hrt for a while and (falsely) assumed that she was sterile from it.

WRONG. Got her gf knocked up by making that assumption, and neither of them wanted to abort it or put it up for adoption- so they ended up with a family totally out of the blue.

Honestly, I don't see what the big deal is. If a girl is completely passable, postop and uses stored sperm to impregnate her gf, all everyone will know/think is that they're just a lesbian couple with a kid.

Sure, having a trans parent can make a kid get crap in school (assuming the kid is not home schooled) but there are a ton of things that can make a kid get bullied as well. We could just as easily be having this conversation a few decades ago, only talking about inter-racial couples instead of trans parents.

11-23-2007, 11:50 AM
Dude I wasn't really serious about that last part. Of course I know that, DUMBASS!

lol. I actually don't care. I just wanted to say "dum bass".

LOL the I guess I am the dumbass today!!!!!!!!!

Hey you Dumb Asses - FYI "Dumb ass" is spelled Dumb Ass, NOT "dum bass," though fish are pretty dumb, and it's not spelled "dumbass," all one word squeezed together. Any dumb ass knows that "dumb ass" is TWO words.

So don't be a Dumb Ass.

TS Jamie :-)

PS - I love saying the word Dumb Ass... :-)

11-24-2007, 12:14 AM
Dude I wasn't really serious about that last part. Of course I know that, DUMBASS!

lol. I actually don't care. I just wanted to say "dum bass".

LOL the I guess I am the dumbass today!!!!!!!!!

Hey you Dumb Asses - FYI "Dumb ass" is spelled Dumb Ass, NOT "dum bass," though fish are pretty dumb, and it's not spelled "dumbass," all one word squeezed together. Any dumb ass knows that "dumb ass" is TWO words.

So don't be a Dumb Ass.

TS Jamie :-)

PS - I love saying the word Dumb Ass... :-)

Wouldn't that be the phrase dumb ass?

Just jivin' ya.

Anywho, I can understand why this would potentially be a touchy subject, but two things I rank very highly in a child's development are

- a sense of open-mindedness
- loving parents

and nobody who is a firsthand speaker on this subject seems to be lacking in either department, so why the fuss?

11-24-2007, 12:17 AM
have anybody seen a ts as a father?
i mean a ts married with a gg and they have been a child.

yes that brasilian ts that everybody likes to wank over.

11-24-2007, 06:34 AM
Just out of curiousity, has a ts ever fathered another ts?

05-02-2008, 10:44 AM
this is a intresting topic. I think in most cases the kids are accepting but they more than likely will catch hell from their friends.

05-02-2008, 05:55 PM
have anybody seen a ts as a father?
i mean a ts married with a gg and they have been a child.

I'm happy and proud of the fact that I fathered a son with a GG that I'm still married to.

05-02-2008, 06:56 PM
wasn't there a porn star who was a ts and was married and had child and actually went back to being a man?

05-03-2008, 08:28 AM
I'm happy and proud of the fact that I fathered a son with a GG that I'm still married to.

*scratches Kalina off his possibilities list* Grumble Grumble. >_>;

05-07-2008, 07:42 AM
Its always confounded me how someone capable of fathering could also become TS, but thats because of how far on the other end I felt in this regard.

Before transition, I can honestly say that I was not gay and found men repulsive sexually. But, I never wanted to hump anything, it was a missing instinct. I had a few long longtime girlfriends (one for 3 years) and I cared for them greatly, just the concept of me fathering something felt so utterly wrong and unnatural for me it was like a punch in the gut. Good thing it was also impossible for me to copulate with them as we had allot of sex.

Even back then though I loved kids, spent allot of my teen years babysitting and wanted to be a parent. Part of me envies TS who had the chance to have children before transition.

05-07-2008, 03:20 PM
I have known a few girls that had kids. One girl I know is a very beautiful girl that passes very easily. In fact she was on Maury and was one of those that really freaked the crowd out in how good she looked. Not only does she have kids but she fathered them all after she transitioned. To top that off she wants more. She likes guys, but she also like girls and other ts women.

A lot of the girls into performing and pageants know who she is, she is one of the bigger names. She is from Chicago and now lives in Dallas. She regularly finishes in the top finalist at Continental and other big pageants.

A friend of mine dated another girl just like her. She has a few kids and when he asked her about the possibility of her getting SRS she said 'no' because she wanted more kids.

Amazingly, this is not rare. When I spent time in Philly I saw a lot of attractive TS girls dating genetic girls (some butch, most femme) and some produced children. One of the first that I saw from that scene (Brandy) appeared on Jerry Springer a few times to talk (fight) about her living her life as a female and fathering a child with her GF.

05-07-2008, 06:31 PM
I want a kid !!!

05-09-2008, 11:50 AM
I want a kid !!!

me too.
i like children very much.
i'm pretty shure i wanna be pregnant.

05-09-2008, 03:18 PM
I used to know a chick who's father was a transsexual. Shortly after his wife gave birth to his daughter, he divorced her and became a she. That girl got fuckin' PICKED ON all through grade school and middle school about it.

Honestly, I thought that was fucking irresponsible of the father. Once you have a kid, it should be your child before everything. Even your own needs and desires.

My philosophy and experience is that kids are cruel and will find whatever they can to make life hell to another (at least a subset of them). My parents gave me an ultra-common name and did everything in their power to 'normalize' me for this exact reason and bullies still found a way to be bullies.

05-09-2008, 04:06 PM
I used to know a chick who's father was a transsexual. Shortly after his wife gave birth to his daughter, he divorced her and became a she. That girl got fuckin' PICKED ON all through grade school and middle school about it.

Honestly, I thought that was fucking irresponsible of the father. Once you have a kid, it should be your child before everything. Even your own needs and desires.

My philosophy and experience is that kids are cruel and will find whatever they can to make life hell to another (at least a subset of them). My parents gave me an ultra-common name and did everything in their power to 'normalize' me for this exact reason and bullies still found a way to be bullies.

It *really* depends on where your kid goes to school. I should've been picked on a helluva lot more because I was a twerpy little kid, but I went to schools that didn't tolerate bully bullshit (my high school had metal detectors and cops walking around... Brooklyn Tech, one of the top high schools in the nation, ironically). Not every kid will have this opportunity, so all I can say is if you have a child, make sure you pay attention to him or her and help him or her succeed in school however you can. Get after your child to keep up with schoolwork and don't just let the child walk out of the house for hours on end without any idea where he or she is.

You *could* move to an area with a more diverse group of people and send your child to school there. That's why I live in the city.

05-09-2008, 04:08 PM
I want a kid !!!

I'm sure there are plenty of guys willing to try to make on€e with you too :wink: w

05-09-2008, 05:36 PM
I'm sure there are plenty of guys willing to try to make on€e with you too

so true LOL :lol:

05-09-2008, 07:55 PM
Good thing it was also impossible for me to copulate with them as we had allot of sex. .
:shock: Huh?