View Full Version : quick question

11-22-2007, 10:23 AM
hey im new to the forum. im thinking about calling an escort in the near future and i was just wondering what's some good advice on how to keep myself clean before i have anal sex? thanks for your help, and i love the forum

11-22-2007, 10:34 AM
depend on what your gong for.
obviously dun go stank or nothing. shave or trim what you need to, shower etc.

topping: bring your own condoms (dont rely on her, no matter how embarrassing it my be carry them). and just be yourself.
bottoming: clean "back there" well. bring condoms and lube, and a toy if you think its necessary. (see above),

overall do your research, and pick a reputable girl. Nothing would be worse than to have a crappy first time.