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View Full Version : What about Dubai? The new frontier?

Rod la Rod
11-20-2007, 02:31 AM
Have any of the beautiful HA escorts ever been to Dubai? I hear it is a very popular destination for Asian, European and Latin American TS girls. Anybody been or plan on going? Seems like an exciting new frontier for the working girl.

11-20-2007, 02:44 AM
It's fantastic - GO!!

11-20-2007, 03:04 PM
ask zerrrr he lived there 4 a short while !!!!!

11-20-2007, 04:51 PM
Isn't both being TS and "dating" a crime punishable by death there? :(

11-20-2007, 05:14 PM
its not saudi arabia - completely different countries. i know some mideasterners and they know about dubai. i didnt ask about tgirls but from what weve spoken about, its a great place for working girls. lots of hotels and bars have them hanging around and tons of russian women go there for work. Its basically a playground thats getting larger and always looking to attract more people. If you have money to spend, you're very welcome. Halliburton, believe it or not, is headquartered there, as well as alot of major banks and corporations. And since so many professional europeans, asians and mideasterners work and live there, lots of them unmarried, its friendly for working girls.

11-20-2007, 05:26 PM
its not saudi arabia - completely different countries. i know some mideasterners and they know about dubai. i didnt ask about tgirls but from what weve spoken about, its a great place for working girls. lots of hotels and bars have them hanging around and tons of russian women go there for work. Its basically a playground thats getting larger and always looking to attract more people. If you have money to spend, you're very welcome. Halliburton, believe it or not, is headquartered there, as well as alot of major banks and corporations. And since so many professional europeans, asians and mideasterners work and live there, lots of them unmarried, its friendly for working girls.

When did I say the UAE was Saudi Arabia?

11-20-2007, 06:03 PM
Well even if it might be illegal (there was a crack down a few years ago) things are flourishing there. Lots of night clubs in hotels have working girls (not sure about ts ones though). Even the hyatt had them in their disco. All that happens is that they take a copy of the girl's id when you take her to the room... no biggie. I was in the Emirates for a few years.. Dubai is the nicest emirate, followed by Abu Dhabi and Sharjah. Things are more in the open there than in most major European cities...lol There was a club called Cyclone where you could literally just choose the nationality of the girl you wanted. Most of the girls were eastern european/russian and chinese. The going rate nowadays seems to be Dhs 1000+ for an all nighter.. aka they have something to drink from your minibar have a smoke... talk a bit.. have sex a few times and then leave. Experiences and prices vary wildly. If you go to the cyclone disco when they are closing, the girls literally line up the street and are very interested in going home with you. Picked up a nice lady from Taiwan that spent the night with me and then took me back to her place the next morning, cooked my breakfast and then had sex with me again.. all in all a rather pleasant experience. You should ask your hotel about bringing in guests though.. although it might be an awkward conversation at first.. it does prevent any problems later. In one hotel they told me to use the garage elevator.. all I had to do was tip the guard.
I found the following girls that might be in Dubai:
There are also lots of things to do in Dubai.. Shopping :)
Happy hunting

11-20-2007, 08:34 PM
Have any of the beautiful HA escorts ever been to Dubai? I hear it is a very popular destination for Asian, European and Latin American TS girls. Anybody been or plan on going? Seems like an exciting new frontier for the working girl.

It's too humid and too hot for comfort. If your going to meet a tgirl from there you better hope shes Arabic and accustomed to the weather otherwise you'll be lapping sweat from her balls and watching her beard grow back on.

Also being that it is at least semi-Arabic (especially outside Dubai) sex with trannies would be considered unholy so expect to both get stoned.

11-21-2007, 09:55 AM
Spot on about the humidity crayons..although who would ever venture outside the air-conditioned buildings and cars? The strangest thing is to just exit a hotel and have your glasses completely fog up the moment you make your fist step out... takes some getting used to. In all fairness it isn't always like that though... the evenings are usually pleasant.

11-23-2007, 04:38 PM
you can also try www.arabictranssexual.com
Najwa is often in Dubai.. btw she is passive only

11-23-2007, 10:58 PM
Spot on about the humidity crayons..although who would ever venture outside the air-conditioned buildings and cars? The strangest thing is to just exit a hotel and have your glasses completely fog up the moment you make your fist step out... takes some getting used to. In all fairness it isn't always like that though... the evenings are usually pleasant.

if you want to go to the gold markets you'll have to venture outside the air-conditioned buildings and cars. Oh and guess what I found out:

"the punishment for homosexual behavior in the United Arab Emirates is Death"

Does this mean you can't fonk a tranny? Try and find out. :lol:

11-24-2007, 09:43 AM
Once again, crayons you are correct. However, going outside for gold is not worth it :D Heck, going outside of the air-conditioned buildings and cars for ANYTHING isn't worth it. As for the punishable by death thing... hmm never made it a point to go and advertise these activities to the authorities. Still, there are quite a few ts escorts that go there..so it isn't that bad. Besides, there is a thriving community of male massage parlours that cater only to men... and I don't think the locals go there for the massages. On a side note.. when they have the shopping festival you can get some decent bargains on just about everything.. so organizing a trip where you can shop in air-conditioned building only :P and have some fun with ts girls... doesn't sound like such a bad idea.

11-28-2007, 11:37 AM
The only country that will panish u by dead is Saudi Arabia

also Remember Saudi is too big .

with differents Laws in diferent state
the closer u are to Bahrain the better they
are , Bahrain is like Dubai . night clubs Alchool if u like to Drink

plenty of Good looking .Generous Men .
Eeither arabic Guys or American and European Guys and many naughty Soldiers yuummy ;-)

Bahrain. Dubai. Doha are countries changing fast
i remember 6 years ago i was no night clubs or alchool .

Now is a big change. because allot westerners companys
working there so they have to making feel comfortable
so they stay . rules still there but like before no.

go for the Duty free Shoping Festival you can get great things
things to buy look around and see how safe you feel .
they beutifull place to see too this days
have look some place on those youtube .

xxx Najwa



11-28-2007, 11:54 AM
i don't think i would be willing to go to any country that i could possibly be killed or jailed just for being with a TS. seems a bit... well hell WAY out of my comfort zone to be doing something like that, not willing to risk my life over something like sex.

i have a lesbian friend in Jamacia and the hostal atmosphere toward gays is out of control there and so even though i would love to visit her not willing to risk my life.

11-28-2007, 01:15 PM
i agree . i don't want to get kill either is places i keep my disctance from .

i make sure i know i'm safe .before i'm naughty so i always do my deep search on every single Law againts me if get in any kind of trouble.

then i made my decition from there .

is places where i have been for the love of travel and see things

i never seem before . i care less then if have at client or no but i have fun i love traveling my hotels and all .
well no all is fun. i hate delays at airports

i don't advice any body to go any where i have been

in the midle east or where i will
travel next after all we all have choice
but to visit Dubai is interesting place to visit give 2 more years
then it will be one of the more beutiful cities ever build on Sand .

i personal believe i know as provider when i'm no safe
is a feeling there. that tell you things , i can't explain

same when a guy call for date:
ask 100 Questions .. u know . that he is no going to show up or cancel
after all the long interview Mr CSI have give u over the phone.

or like when a cop is there ready to arrest you, but he is waiting for u to make a mistake and say any thing . i get that strange feeling that some thing is wrong so i alway back off when i feel this way .

i like that part of the world because i'm half arab
some where in the gulf .
so i have family and allot friends so for me is allot fun.

also i know and learn my ways to get out f trouble if get in one
and how to stay away from trouble too.

as escort and world traveler i love Visiting new places
is been times i have travel in many states in the usa
where i have been just for fun because i know if dare to be naughty
then i will be NAJWA IN JAIL.COM ;-)

then i travel with no adds no web site
no clients just to see but my choice

but ofcourse i always have lover in every state to go out
dinner ,movies and have fun with . i never alone

11-28-2007, 01:20 PM
Hey!!!! That's my girl!!! I'm only here for kicks Naj.......

11-28-2007, 01:25 PM
I knew a French girl that worked as a stewardess for Emirates Airlines. They were (are?) famous for having fabulous looking girls of various nationalities. She told me a lot of the girls hooked on the side.

So I guess the sex thing has been around there for a while. Having said that, I wouldn't go out of my way to have any adventures there, certainly nothing remotely non-heterosexual. Way too dangerous! You just never know. Same applies to any hanky-panky in Russia, though I hear Moscow is rockin! Basically any place that is pretty lawless and thuggish like Russia or has a repressive religion as a cultural backdrop is no-go for me.

11-28-2007, 02:19 PM
Eh, hate Dubai, I was born there, lived there for about 10 years, I go there every now and again 'cause my dear ole Da' lives and works there.

I'm just not a fan of the culture there. The overt Arabic/Muslim superiority. The rampant consumerism, the city not having any real character, it's a very hyperrealist Baudrillardist kind of place. Last time I was there, it was fun for a grand total of 4 days, each of which involved lots and lots of hard liquor and old friends who I hadn't seen for years. The fact that there is never a good band playing and there's barely any subculture irritates me.

End rant.

In the city's defence though, it is the place where the majority of the South and East Asian region goes to sin, so vices aren't exactly difficult to come by. I believe the term for a pickup joint is 'sidey' and there are apparently a lot of them around the old Dubai and Deira areas so for those visiting ask around for 'sidey hotels' and you should be good.