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View Full Version : Why bother getting married?!?

11-19-2007, 12:43 AM
Local chick I know is getting married to her current live in boyfriend, who has told her that the lifestyle she has right now will not need to change after they get married (yeah right!!!!).

That lifestyle includes
having 1 or 2 guys on the side
having a smaller additional relationship on the side

My question is why even fuckin bother getting married?!?
IMO it's just a distaster waiting to happen

tall, dark & Handsome
11-19-2007, 12:49 AM
Well at least it won't be a dull wedding

Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-19-2007, 12:50 AM
Local chick I know is getting married to her current live in boyfriend, who has told her that the lifestyle she has right now will not need to change after they get married (yeah right!!!!).

That lifestyle includes
having 1 or 2 guys on the side
having a smaller additional relationship on the side

My question is why even fuckin bother getting married?!?
IMO it's just a distaster waiting to happen

Is it a shotgun wedding JWBL? LOL :lol: ;)



11-19-2007, 12:53 AM
OK, so whom do you think is the moron, in this situation??

I personally think marriage is way overrated, anyway!

Night Rider
11-19-2007, 12:55 AM
marriage is a burden....fuck that

11-19-2007, 12:57 AM
I can't agree with that completely, I think marriage to the right person is golden........

but this aint a golden type of marriage, this shit seems like a way to cheat Uncle Same out of tax money OR a way to get Uncle Sam to say "oh you're married, yeah your spouse can stay in the country, have them file for citizenship"

tall, dark & Handsome
11-19-2007, 12:58 AM
It sound like they have enough problems with out throwing a ring on top of it, and two divorce lawyers at the ready to raid their refrigerator

11-19-2007, 01:05 AM
I can't agree with that completely, I think marriage to the right person is golden........

but this aint a golden type of marriage, this shit seems like a way to cheat Uncle Same out of tax money OR a way to get Uncle Sam to say "oh you're married, yeah your spouse can stay in the country, have them file for citizenship"

If it's being done for citizenship reasons, IMO one should be thrown out of the country and one tried for treason. I'll leave it to you to figure out which is which.

If it's being done for taxation reasons.....Oh, Boy!!! If you are moron enough to think the income tax you will save is worth being married to someone strictly with that goal in mind, you dererve what you get. And, may Buddha have mercy on your miserable soul!

Night Rider
11-19-2007, 01:16 AM
I can't agree with that completely, I think marriage to the right person is golden........

but this aint a golden type of marriage, this shit seems like a way to cheat Uncle Same out of tax money OR a way to get Uncle Sam to say "oh you're married, yeah your spouse can stay in the country, have them file for citizenship"

lol, I know what you're saying. You need to be getting married for the right reasons. To me though, marriage is a load of bollocks and if I ever was to get married it would be somewhere like Vegas, discretely.

Dino Velvet
11-19-2007, 01:19 AM
When I meet men that tell me they recently got married, I try to act happy for them but it's hard. They'll say, "I just got married" and have a smile on their face. I won't know what to say and reply, "Oh" but in my head I'm thinking, "Why the Hell did you want to do that? You could've kept banging her and then upgraded to someone else in a couple years with no alimony payments."

I know I'm wrong with the way I'm thinking but I've been with too many women that have tried to change me and drag me to the altar. I like my life the way it is. I like to go boozin' without having to check in, I like to watch all the football games I possibly can on the weekends, and I like to be able to post on this forum without having to look over my shoulder for the old ball and chain.

11-19-2007, 01:20 AM
I can't agree with that completely, I think marriage to the right person is golden........

but this aint a golden type of marriage, this shit seems like a way to cheat Uncle Same out of tax money OR a way to get Uncle Sam to say "oh you're married, yeah your spouse can stay in the country, have them file for citizenship"

If it's being done for citizenship reasons, IMO one should be thrown out of the country and one tried for treason. I'll leave it to you to figure out which is which.

If it's being done for taxation reasons.....Oh, Boy!!! If you are moron enough to think the income tax will save is worth being married to someone strictly with that goal in mind, you dererve what you get. And, may Buddha have mercy on your miserable soul!

Karma to you my friend, brilliant reply
Karma to you alsoNight Rider, another brilliant one

11-19-2007, 01:20 AM
Anybody who needs that many relationships must be incapable of being alone for any length of time.

11-19-2007, 01:28 AM
This relationship could work (if the husband to be has a severe cocaine addiction.) I see no mention about a pre nup agreement. That could be a factor in deciding how the pre exiting assets are divvied up when the divorce happens.

11-19-2007, 02:27 AM
I have met the boldest men

yet they got married, and became Eunuchs in one year

for me: marriage = voluntary imprisonment

(I might fall for TrueBeatuyTS tho :lol: )

11-19-2007, 03:59 AM
Local chick I know is getting married to her current live in boyfriend, who has told her that the lifestyle she has right now will not need to change after they get married (yeah right!!!!).

That lifestyle includes
having 1 or 2 guys on the side
having a smaller additional relationship on the side

My question is why even fuckin bother getting married?!?
IMO it's just a distaster waiting to happen

$$$$ reasons I suppose

11-19-2007, 04:16 AM
My question is why even fuckin bother getting married?!?
IMO it's just a distaster waiting to happen

Marriage is for fools. I've never talked to a guy who got married, who didn't regret doing it. :lol:
Talk to me then! I've been married for 26 years to the woman I fell in love with 32 years ago. I don't think marriage is for everyone, and it's not something to do for superficial reasons, but it can be a great thing, as it has been for me.

What bugs me is people who condemn marriage for being a form of "imprisonment" or restriction of one's lifestyle, yet who also condemn anyone who's married who doesn't adhere to a monogamous relationship. My wife and I have an open marriage, and that works beautifully for us. We're not married to confine one another in a restrictive, monogamous situation, but because we love one another and have wanted to share our lives in so many ways, being there for one another no matter what. Sex isn't love or marriage; it's a shame to confuse the concepts.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-19-2007, 04:22 AM
$$$$ reasons I suppose

The only reason why women marry men is simply because women want financial stability and security in their lives. When it's not working out (the relationship) she gets a claim to half of what is yours! Aint life grand? LOL ;)



11-19-2007, 04:50 AM
having 1 or 2 guys on the side
having a smaller additional relationship on the side

My question is why even fuckin bother getting married?!?
IMO it's just a distaster waiting to happen

Main Entry: cuck·old
Pronunciation: \ˈkə-kəld, -(ˌ)kōld\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English cokewold
Date: 13th century
: a man whose wife is unfaithful
— cuckold transitive verb

11-19-2007, 06:09 PM
I like this thread, give me more reasons why marriage is worthless

11-19-2007, 06:59 PM
I am in the car business. The lamest excuse a male can come up with, for not purchasing ( once all the figures are agreeable and everything is in order) is, "Well, I have to go home and check with my wife." What a pussy....Did you leave your nuts hanging on the refrigerator, as well? If you don't have permission to make a decision on your own, what the fuck are you doing here???

Marriage is for weak fucks, that need constant supervision, apparently!!!

11-19-2007, 07:18 PM
I AGREE WITH JWBL! Why bother of spending lots of money to this wedding when in fact she is doing this lifetyle now when they are together. What would make her think she won't be doing this after they're married. If she can do it now, there is a big possibility that she can do it later. OLD HABITS don't die or so they say. Unless she really wants this relationship, she might as well call off the wedding and it will save her and her bf lots of troubles and money in the future.

11-19-2007, 07:31 PM
Pretty negative opinion about marriage..lol. My 2 cents: Marriage does not = imprisonment if done with the right person. Any relationship = imprisonment if the guy just lets it get that way (and vice versa). I have seen guys as far back as high school let some girls treat them as door mats.. it is really sad. On the other hand, a good marriage is all about having an equal, someone who you respect and who's opinion is important to you. Yes, you are not as likely to go partying/(add any other activity you prefer here) as much as when you were single, but then again neither is your partner and the trade is well worth it. I just think that the more selfish one of the two is, then the more likely that things will end badly. One may not always want to do what the other one wants to, but it goes both ways..in a good marriage both should try to accommodate the others needs/wishes. Ok.. now that is over.... I really have my doubts that their marriage will actually work in the long run...I could understand the escorting.. but having 1 or 2 guys on the side and a smaller additional relationship on the side means that she will not be very inclined to actually face any difficulty she might have in the marriage.. much easier to go and enjoy her time with one of the other 3... again.. if it were just sex..but other relationships?
Anyway..good luck to them

11-19-2007, 07:40 PM
Pretty negative opinion about marriage..lol. My 2 cents: Marriage does not = imprisonment if done with the right person. Any relationship = imprisonment if the guy just lets it get that way (and vice versa). I have seen guys as far back as high school let some girls treat them as door mats.. it is really sad. On the other hand, a good marriage is all about having an equal, someone who you respect and who's opinion is important to you. Yes, you are not as likely to go partying/(add any other activity you prefer here) as much as when you were single, but then again neither is your partner and the trade is well worth it. I just think that the more selfish one of the two is, then the more likely that things will end badly. One may not always want to do what the other one wants to, but it goes both ways..in a good marriage both should try to accommodate the others needs/wishes. Ok.. now that is over.... I really have my doubts that their marriage will actually work in the long run...I could understand the escorting.. but having 1 or 2 guys on the side and a smaller additional relationship on the side means that she will not be very inclined to actually face any difficulty she might have in the marriage.. much easier to go and enjoy her time with one of the other 3... again.. if it were just sex..but other relationships?
Anyway..good luck to them

It's my own opinion on marriage to the couple in this topic nothing to do with my general perception of marriage. I think marriage is a wonderful thing if you are going to marry the right one for you. Me, personally would love to marry my love one in the future. But about the couple that JWBL was asking about is obviously a walking time bomb waiting to happen. The girl is doing all these things behind her husband-to-be. So I don't think marriage will change her ways. And why would she marry him for that reason anyway. Not a valid reason to marry someone. If she just wants to change her lifestyle by marrying him is crazy. People marry each other because they are genuinely in love each other. Unless it is a fixed marriage or marrying someone for green card. HAHAHHAHA! :D

11-19-2007, 07:42 PM
Pretty negative opinion about marriage..lol. My 2 cents: Marriage does not = imprisonment if done with the right person. Any relationship = imprisonment if the guy just lets it get that way (and vice versa). I have seen guys as far back as high school let some girls treat them as door mats.. it is really sad. On the other hand, a good marriage is all about having an equal, someone who you respect and who's opinion is important to you. Yes, you are not as likely to go partying/(add any other activity you prefer here) as much as when you were single, but then again neither is your partner and the trade is well worth it. I just think that the more selfish one of the two is, then the more likely that things will end badly. One may not always want to do what the other one wants to, but it goes both ways..in a good marriage both should try to accommodate the others needs/wishes. Ok.. now that is over.... I really have my doubts that their marriage will actually work in the long run...I could understand the escorting.. but having 1 or 2 guys on the side and a smaller additional relationship on the side means that she will not be very inclined to actually face any difficulty she might have in the marriage.. much easier to go and enjoy her time with one of the other 3... again.. if it were just sex..but other relationships?
Anyway..good luck to them

I am sure, in fact, very sure bob69 makes a valid point. I just don't know what it is!!! :what

11-19-2007, 08:50 PM
$$$$ reasons I suppose

The only reason why women marry men is simply because women want financial stability and security in their lives. When it's not working out (the relationship) she gets a claim to half of what is yours! Aint life grand? LOL ;)



Marriage was orginally created as a way to exchange property.

Like a chief of a tribe has a daughter....some dude in another village wants here, the chief would only allow it if he brought to him 30 heads of cattle or something.

And I seen guys who had bad luck with chicks....when they get married, EVERY chick then suddenly wants him. What the smeggin' hell is up with that, hmmm? :?

11-19-2007, 08:57 PM
about the couple that JWBL was asking about is obviously a walking time bomb waiting to happen. The girl is doing all these things behind her husband-to-be. So I don't think marriage will change her ways. And why would she marry him for that reason anyway. Not a valid reason to marry someone. If she just wants to change her lifestyle by marrying him is crazy.

to add fuel to the fire the dude in question is going behind the chick's back chasing other DUDES while she escorts, I wish I could get them to sign their names on some consent forms and film this shit, it's definitely a ticking timebomb waiting to happen Gia and I and several others that know the chick have a front row seat.................

11-19-2007, 09:02 PM
I think if you want to raise children in a stable home, marriage is useful. Also, finding that one person that you can live with for the remainder of your life is one of the more exciting pursuits in life. At any rate, these are reasons to get married that i believe have value.

Perhaps marriage developed when we were all supposed to be dead by the age 35, so maybe it's a bit idealistic today.

11-20-2007, 09:56 AM
Ok.. here are the subtitles to what I meant (English is not my mother tongue, so excuse my lack of clarity and conciseness.. also I didn't really have time to sit and edit my post..had a dentist's appointment..ouch):
-I think marriage good if done with the right person for the right reason
-I think this couple marriage bad mojo as it has everything it needs to explode.. so me agrees with GIA LOVES RON
-As for the car thing CORVETTEDUDE.. just a thought....maybe they be using it as an excuse to have a chance to think things over when they are not in the presence of a very persuasive salesman?
-when will this film be in theatres? or will it be a TV soap?.. better yet... a direct to dvd movie.
-I honestly wish this couple luck.. they are gonna need it
-I am going to need a very large popcorn and soda to go with this story.. it has the potential to be interesting... maybe a surprise ending where despite everyone's predictions things turn out great?

Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-20-2007, 10:07 AM
$$$$ reasons I suppose

The only reason why women marry men is simply because women want financial stability and security in their lives. When it's not working out (the relationship) she gets a claim to half of what is yours! Aint life grand? LOL ;)



Marriage was orginally created as a way to exchange property.

Like a chief of a tribe has a daughter....some dude in another village wants here, the chief would only allow it if he brought to him 30 heads of cattle or something.

And I seen guys who had bad luck with chicks....when they get married, EVERY chick then suddenly wants him. What the smeggin' hell is up with that, hmmm? :?

Yes. I am well aware of that. In most asian culture, marriage is fixed. Parents pick and chose which guy or girl their daughters or sons would marry. Either for financial, debt reason and whatnot. ;)



tall, dark & Handsome
11-20-2007, 10:10 AM
b/c jesus will love you for it