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View Full Version : Men that acts like they're "God's gift to women"?

Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-18-2007, 09:05 PM
What do you guys think of them? :roll: LOL



11-18-2007, 10:21 PM
are you referring to a good looking, confident guy? probably a bit "too" confident?

well, lets be honest, those guys WILL get the chick in the end, at least in most cases. and those guys usually invoke jealousy and envy. we dont like to admit that, but thats what happening. from the guys as well as the chicks.

the guys cuz they rather see themselve in his shoes.

the girls cuz they didnt score with him, but SHE did.

I used to be bothered by such incidents, but not any longer. those peacock-guys are usually noit the ones that are really interesting people - so I have been told.

the female equivalent of thePEACOCK-guy is the DIVA. 8)

Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-18-2007, 10:29 PM
I think there is a huge difference between being confident yet bashful and someone being confident and arrogant mbf! ;)



11-18-2007, 10:35 PM
Some gifts are just less expensive than others...

My favorite observation are the number of "I'd hit it" comments after a pic of a girl was posted. Everyone appears to be a gift to women on the WWW

11-18-2007, 11:02 PM
What do you guys think of them? :roll: LOL



Actually I am God's gift to women because I treat them with respect, kindness, equality, and never make them feel bad. Come on. That is a rare thing.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-18-2007, 11:05 PM
Actually I am God's gift to women because I treat them with respect, kindness, equality, and never make them feel bad. Come on. That is a rare thing.

Lmao I always get a chuckle everytime I read your post then see your very funny avatar wombat33! :lol:



I like your new av btw. Where the heck do you get them? LOL



11-18-2007, 11:11 PM
cosign on wombats comment.

11-18-2007, 11:45 PM
I would've put my whole life savings on the line betting that a dude would've made a thread like this about women first.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-19-2007, 05:20 AM
Some gifts are just less expensive than others...

My favorite observation are the number of "I'd hit it" comments after a pic of a girl was posted. Everyone appears to be a gift to women on the WWW

LOL :lol:




11-19-2007, 06:07 AM
if a woman looks any better than average she acts like her shit tastes like chocolate syrup. at least when guys act this way they tend to not actually believe it.

11-19-2007, 06:46 AM
What do you guys think of them? :roll: LOL



the question is what do girls think of them...?

normally guys aren't bitter towards each other..NORMALLY

HA is an exception

Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-19-2007, 07:00 AM
I cant speak in behalf of every T on this site. So let's go ask them! ;)



11-19-2007, 07:59 AM
Actually I am God's gift to women because I treat them with respect, kindness, equality, and never make them feel bad. Come on. That is a rare thing.

Lmao I always get a chuckle everytime I read your post then see your very funny avatar wombat33! :lol:



I like your new av btw. Where the heck do you get them? LOL



Hey sweetie,

I go to


then search images. Most are still but some moving ones are there. Here are a few more. It is always good to see your posts.

11-19-2007, 08:02 AM
Actually I am God's gift to women because I treat them with respect, kindness, equality, and never make them feel bad. Come on. That is a rare thing.

Lmao I always get a chuckle everytime I read your post then see your very funny avatar wombat33! :lol:



I like your new av btw. Where the heck do you get them? LOL




kisses to you.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-19-2007, 08:30 AM
Lmao :lol: I like 'em except for the last one. That's pretty scary wombat33! LOL



11-19-2007, 10:32 AM
I personally enjoy men that are confident Two things i enjoy Now to be fair to some of them some can be quite charismatic thru the course of an evening They tend to be fun in the sac Who doesnt like a good shittalker who can back it? Now of course there are the ones who get besides themselves First turn off to me is the kiss and tell conversation Some men like to go down the list about everyone they slept with there is nothing more unattractive to me than a handsome man going down the list of gals hes been intimate with That is gross and a big turn off I never want to be next on the list

11-19-2007, 10:40 AM
Some gifts are just less expensive than others...

My favorite observation are the number of "I'd hit it" comments after a pic of a girl was posted. Everyone appears to be a gift to women on the WWW

That is the BEST thing I have read in a long time.

I think when a guy says that- he should then ask himself if the girl would do him too...

But then again the male ego is an easily damaged good :)

TrueBeauty TS
11-19-2007, 10:45 AM
Some gifts are just less expensive than others...

My favorite observation are the number of "I'd hit it" comments after a pic of a girl was posted. Everyone appears to be a gift to women on the WWW

LOL :lol:



When I look at you Hara, I think.....


Smoooches xoxo


Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-19-2007, 10:47 AM
Lmao :lol:

I so love you bitch! LOL ;)



11-19-2007, 10:50 AM

I thought ALL men were gods gift to women... otherwise why would so many have been put here to serve us...

TS Jamie :-)

11-19-2007, 12:02 PM
When someone responds with an "I'd hit it" following a pic that's been posted, it's simply expressing that the woman in the pic is attractive, to the point that if the person were in a position to, they would "hit it"... Nothing more nothing less. So, whether or not the woman in the pic is interested in allowing said person to "hit it" is neither here nor there. Of course, only here could that even be made an issue.

Some of you ladies are the very embodiment of hypocrisy. While promoting yourselves consistently as "supreme divas" (and thus God's gift to men, amongst other things), and expressing that opinion regularly with nearly every post you make, you nonetheless have the audacity to decry those men who consider themselves God's gift to women, as if your own shit doesn't stink! Mind you, I'm not angry in any way about it... On the contrary, I think it's funny. It's sad too, but more funny to me personally. Carry on...

11-19-2007, 12:27 PM
Quite right, but there is definitely such a thing as self-importance, and that is one of the pillars of every diva's persona.

Interestingly, whenever a man expresses a dislike for something, women frequently label him as being insecure. He doesn't want to hang out at a gay bar? He must be insecure with his masculinity. There can't possibly be any other reason, now can there? I'm not trying to attack you or anything you said Nicole, but you made me think about how some conclusions are arrived at without there being any real reason for such conclusions to be made. True, sometimes insecurity is quite evident, but othertimes, it's a handy catch-all word to use when someone takes a differing position on a matter than we would.

11-19-2007, 12:35 PM
I don't think I am,I know it. I'm also Tsar of all the Russians.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-19-2007, 06:55 PM
There's a difference between false confidence and having genuine self confidence, and many people can distinguish one from the other fairly well.

Amen to that! ;)



11-19-2007, 06:56 PM
I think they should get over themselves and just be equal to everyone else. And by doing so, it may make them even look more attractive inside and out.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-01-2007, 04:49 AM
I think they should get over themselves and just be equal to everyone else. And by doing so, it may make them even look more attractive inside and out.






Night Rider
12-01-2007, 04:52 AM
I love it how these threads are OK, but when there's one about women it's..."thou shalt not take tgirls name in vain" LOL

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-01-2007, 05:01 AM
I love it how these threads are OK, but when there's one about women it's..."thou shalt not take tgirls name in vain" LOL

Lmao..Are we "Jesus"? LOL :lol:

No we are NOT! ;)



Night Rider
12-01-2007, 05:06 AM
I love it how these threads are OK, but when there's one about women it's..."thou shalt not take tgirls name in vain" LOL

Lmao..Are we "Jesus"? LOL :lol:

No we are NOT! ;)



I wasn't talking about you, you've got class 8)

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-01-2007, 05:07 AM
Thanks Night Rider. You know I'm just playin' with ya! LOL ;)



Night Rider
12-01-2007, 05:09 AM
Of course :)

12-06-2007, 12:09 AM
I had this issue last weekend AGAIN.

It always seems these fuckers hang out at the bar (meaning place you get drinks) waiting to pounce for a girl to get her drink.

I usually make my guy friends get me my drink, but this time they were all busy having fun, so Jessica made our way up there to get our drinks. And then he SPOTTED me like a cat chasing a mouse lol

I hear him say something I walk past and ignore him. Try flagging down the bartender desperately to make a fast exit. Then there he stood behind me, mr goodlooking that thinks he is all that and all woman should bow to him. I kept turning my head to show him my total disreguard. He persists on trying to get my attention. I tell Jessica to tell him I have a boyfriend and he is there with me. Then he says in true fashion " I don't fucking care she's hot her boyfriends probably a fag. " While I'm still trying to get the bartenders attention praying he'd hurry. All along dumbass is still trying to get my attention he then pulls out his cell phone and takes a pic of my ass NOT ONCE twice! As if that was gonna make me mad and react, and when I didn't and kept ignoring him. He turned to his friend he is like this girl here pointing to Jessica is nice this one here is Miss Diva Bitch and he kept repeating it while his dumb friend laughs. FINALLY my drink came lol and I exited.

Later while dancing on the dance floor with Jess and Cristo he comes the asshead with his phone taking pics and further trying to get my attention. Finally he gives up least I thought.

Then while leaving the club he goes theres that fucking CUNT that wouldn't talk to me while exiting the bar with his friends.

DO YOU THINK THIS WORKS call me a bitch? And I'm gonna bow down and talk to you? PATHETIC.

12-06-2007, 12:21 AM
*sigh* Humans...

12-06-2007, 01:44 AM
I think its funny people put "good looking" guys into this category, and make comments like "if i took steroids too, id look like that", "he looks like a fag", or he is put in the "man whore" category...

the bitterness will never end

I believe the "gods gift to women" is just a blind perception

12-06-2007, 01:50 AM
So you don't think these men exsist? Hmmph it's obvious to me you aren't a woman haha cause I run into those buttheads all the time in real life.

12-06-2007, 02:09 AM
lol, as many tranny dames I know suped up on snow weekly who act as if they are God's gift to men (until that high slips away waiting for that 2nd hit in the bathroom stall) I'm gonna leave this thread alone

I will discuss it in full in chat later on

12-06-2007, 02:25 AM
I think it's subjective. On one hand you have someone with braggadocio, like Kanye West, who can be an ass, but at the same time, the reason for him acting that way is he didn't get noticed until he started acting that way. There's nothing wrong with self-promotion, because usually people don't notice great qualities in other people unless they point them out. That might rub some people the wrong way. (the reason I'm using him as an example whether you agree or not, is because he has talent and not just some random no talent shithead, which is just wrong)

On the other hand, you have people that are phenomenal, that don't get noticed, because they don't point out great qualities in themselves. Those are the people that are usually pissed off about life because they are always overlooked. That might cause some people to see them as stuck up or shy.

There's a fine line between obnoxious and confident. It all depends on your angle in life.

12-06-2007, 02:32 AM
if a woman looks any better than average she acts like her shit tastes like chocolate syrup. at least when guys act this way they tend to not actually believe it.

I agree. In my opinion, there are far more arrogant women in the world than men. Of course, in my experience, arrogant men tend to be sociopaths. :shrug

12-06-2007, 02:45 AM
There's a fine line between obnoxious and confident. It all depends on your angle in life.

Well said, as usual, Tom.
