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View Full Version : Forbidden topics.............................

11-18-2007, 02:37 PM
Ever had something you wanted to discuss on HA but you knew for [certain] reasons you couldn't?!?

Might be a possibility of giving someone ammo, losing playa status, or female icon status, etc.


you felt it was better to keep it to yourself?!?

just curious

11-18-2007, 02:52 PM
I have always wondered if the girls ever dressed in mens clothing and went out you know as a guy with breasts. Im just curious as to how the reactions would be..

Wether the girls themselves ever looked back at the first days of hormone treatment and regretted it.

I would also like to see a poll on Escorting, wether people think its a good thing or bad morraly. I personaly think there are too many, sex is hardly about a passionate release for a night and now a business transaction. I am a UK resident and wholehartedly agree that Prostitution should be Legalised..

What names the guys of the board would choose for their female alter-ego, Jasmine Starrfire would be mine.

ACTUAL EMOTIONAL RESPONSES RATHER THAN DICTIONARY DEFINITIONS, I hate it when people cant express themselves so use a bunch of soulless data to provide answers they dont have.

edward almond
11-18-2007, 03:00 PM
I always wanted to ask how anyone could find Allanah's penis sexy with all that skin covering the head.

11-18-2007, 03:03 PM
I always wanted to ask how anyone could find Allanah's penis sexy with all that skin covering the head.Rather an intact penis than a mutilated circumcision. We evolve these things for a reason bud, you dont like it you obviosly dont like cock in its beutiful natural proud form.

11-18-2007, 03:17 PM
should have let the ex beat his fat whale shaped ass

tall, dark & Handsome
11-18-2007, 03:20 PM
Hey Nicole,
I just noticed the Bob Dobbs tat on your shoulder. Nice.
Long live The Church of the Subgenius.

11-18-2007, 03:48 PM
JWBL I feel as if this post was almost created for me....so much I'd love to discuss,but I'd get deleted/banned instantly....nuff said.

11-18-2007, 04:04 PM
Gee, Nicole, I always wondered why you were so embittered to everyone. Now I know why. If I were you I'd live alone.

11-18-2007, 07:10 PM
@Nicole; Allanah can PM if she's so inclined. Unless, of course, she's designated you her official mouthpiece. I believe I've already stated my reasons for resurrecting the "rape thread".

11-18-2007, 07:35 PM
yes, a few topics. I withheld them mostly bc I didnt think I d get honest answers (which is a contradiction per se - how can I know if I never put it out there!)

for instance: do you TS-girls who escort in fact like your job? that would be one of those questions.....

11-18-2007, 07:35 PM
What names the guys of the board would choose for their female alter-ego, Jasmine Starrfire would be mine.

Huh? Actually, I once had a girl character on an Everquest server. It was a great way to get free loot from the dork (dorkier) players. Just hang out at the bank and emote "fixes up my mascara", or whatever. That chick was loaded with free gear.

Her name was Siindi Sealskiin. She was a Dark Elf Shadow Knight. I still kinda miss her.

11-18-2007, 08:31 PM
Ever had something you wanted to discuss on HA but you knew for [certain] reasons you couldn't?!?

Might be a possibility of giving someone ammo, losing playa status, or female icon status, etc.


you felt it was better to keep it to yourself?!?

just curious


There may be things that are troubling me in my life, but I don't share
them with the board because:

1. I don't have a dick, and people could care less. :(

2. That the level of maturity and concern of some would preclude them
from providing an informed opinion.

3. I have trust and intimacy issues, so I tend to keep my cards close to
the vest and let people in slowly.

11-18-2007, 09:39 PM
I can't think of a thing I couldn't say here except who I am. On the contrary, I've told you people things I'll never tell anyone EVAR!
There have been a few times where I wish I'd kept my mouth shut though...

Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-18-2007, 09:59 PM
Ever had something you wanted to discuss on HA but you knew for [certain] reasons you couldn't?!?

Might be a possibility of giving someone ammo, losing playa status, or female icon status, etc.


you felt it was better to keep it to yourself?!?

just curious

Aww come on! The suspense is killing me. Tell us how you really feel JWBL. LOL J/k ;)



11-18-2007, 11:51 PM
Ever had something you wanted to discuss on HA but you knew for [certain] reasons you couldn't?!?

Might be a possibility of giving someone ammo, losing playa status, or female icon status, etc.


you felt it was better to keep it to yourself?!?

just curious

Aww come on! The suspense is killing me. Tell us how you really feel JWBL. LOL J/k ;)



Well to be honest I hate the fact that certain transsexual women I know are somewhat stalking me. No one on this board I'd say this place is a safe haven from that, but locally I have a few chicks that feel they need to know my every move if I go out to a club, or hang out at a bar, or I'm playing pool at one of the local strip clubs with my best friend. It's almost an obsession. For those of you that have never experienced something like this you'll get a call and the person on the other end will say "hey, how are you?" when you answer you'll get "oh, I heard you were at the party last night, WHO DID YOU TAKE HOME?!?" unbelievable..................

and that's just one gripe

11-18-2007, 11:54 PM
Well there is one question, but I really can't ask it anywhere else... but I know no-one here wants to here it. My stock would totally plummet.

TrueBeauty TS
11-19-2007, 06:01 AM
Ever had something you wanted to discuss on HA but you knew for [certain] reasons you couldn't?!?

Might be a possibility of giving someone ammo, losing playa status, or female icon status, etc.


you felt it was better to keep it to yourself?!?

just curious


There may be things that are troubling me in my life, but I don't share
them with the board because:

1. I don't have a dick, and people could care less. :(

2. That the level of maturity and concern of some would preclude them
from providing an informed opinion.

3. I have trust and intimacy issues, so I tend to keep my cards close to
the vest and let people in slowly.

You are right on all 3 points.


Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-19-2007, 06:13 AM
Well to be honest I hate the fact that certain transsexual women I know are somewhat stalking me. No one on this board I'd say this place is a safe haven from that, but locally I have a few chicks that feel they need to know my every move if I go out to a club, or hang out at a bar, or I'm playing pool at one of the local strip clubs with my best friend. It's almost an obsession. For those of you that have never experienced something like this you'll get a call and the person on the other end will say "hey, how are you?" when you answer you'll get "oh, I heard you were at the party last night, WHO DID YOU TAKE HOME?!?" unbelievable..................

and that's just one gripe

I gotta ask..What the HELL did you do with these girls JWBL? For them to act "territorial" and check up on your every move? Spidermonkey?!? LOL

'Fess up! :lol: ;)
