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11-17-2007, 09:30 PM
ok folx, you waited for it (at least some of you)

ok, here we go: BIGGEST LOSER OF HA.COM AWARD!!!!!!!

and this time, its guys AND girls!

so, in an environment like HA.com, what makes a loser:

*)people who got banned, yet dont have a life and re-register again!

*)people who log on in INVISIBLE MODE, so no one can immediately see HOW MANY FUCKING HOURS you spend on here!!!

(but, you post along a few hrs each day so ur tactics dont work, oh well)-exacerbated by the fact those individuals will tell others "to get a life" sooner or later :lol:

*)people who log on to HA.com affiliated chatrooms under a different handle than what they have on here, or as "guests" just to eavesdrop

*)people who create more accounts in an extremely lame attempt to attack others.

*)people who critisize others for doing something/beeing someone THEY ARE THEMSELVES!!!

*)people who suddenly gang up on someone, after beeing quiet for cowardly reasons

*)people who change opinions every minute, and/or edit posts to change its meaning completely, just after their point has been soundly ridiculed

*)people who create threads or post in threads regarding "social awareness"-issues in order to look like a person "who cares", yet in the ensuing debate it shows they dont have the slightes idea what they are talking about

*)people who drag their personal idiotic foes onto other threads and attack their opponents in those, therefore highjacking the thread and making utter fools of themselves.

*)people with well over 2000 posts, yet a big fraction of those consist of "co-signing" or general babble

*)crybabies in general (hell, if you want it all touchy-feely, get ur ass over to the sleeping pills of tranny forums: tgirltalk.com.....)

*) people telling "I dont care what you say or htink...." and repeat that in the very same thread ten times or more.....

that working definition should do....

Teabagger Vance
11-17-2007, 09:34 PM
I nominate Legend! He should win this in a landslide.

Night Rider
11-17-2007, 09:36 PM
I have many on my mind. I'm going to start with Legend.

..Nobody's deserved a medal as much in history

11-17-2007, 09:42 PM
Im a commi, i aint voting!!! :D

Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-17-2007, 09:44 PM
OMG! Where do I start? LOL There are so o many are in my book. :lol: ;)



11-17-2007, 09:44 PM
ok, here we go: BIGGEST LOSER OF HA.COM AWARD!!!!!!!

in an environment like HA.com, what makes a loser:

*)people who got banned, yet don have a life and re-register again!

Passed that one...

*)people who log on in INVISIBLE MODE, so no one can immediately see HOW MANY FUCKING HOURS you soend on here!!! (but, you post along a few hrs each day so ur tactics dont work, oh well)-exacerbated by the fact those individuals will tell others "to get a life" sooner or later :lol:

Hey now! I'm usually in "invisible mode"!

*)people who log on to HA.com affiliated chatrooms under a different handle than what they have on here, or as "guests" just to eavesdrop

Well, I'm "MrTJ347" on gabbly due to their requirement you have a certain number of characters in your screen name, so...

*)people who create more accounts in an extremely lame attempt to attack others.

Back in the clear...

*)people who critisize others for doing something/beeing someone THEY ARE THEMSELVES!!!

Have to ponder that one...

*)people who suddenly gang up on someone, after beeing quiet for cowardly reasons

Amen to that! And again, I'm clear there...

*)people who change opinions every minute, and/or edit posts to change its meaning completely, just after their point has been soundly ridiculed

Too true! And that's not me...

*)people who create threads or post in threads regarding "social awareness"-issues in order to look like a person "who cares", yet in the ensuing debate it shows they dont have the slightest idea what they are talking about

Cleared that hurdle too...

*)people who drag their personal idiotic foes onto other threads and attack their opponents in those, therefore highjacking the thread and making utter fools of themselves.

Umm... I'm pretty sure I've done that once or twice, with the exception of making an utter fool of myself, of course.

*)people with well over 2000 posts, yet a big fraction of those consist of "co-signing" or general babble

Still under 2,000 posts...

*)crybabies in general (hell, if you want it all touchy-feely, get ur ass over to the sleeping pills of tranny forums: tgirltalk.com.....)

I've had a few moments of reflective thought that could be considered by some crybaby-like. Remember my "Internet Tough Guys" thread?
*) people telling "I dont care what you say or think...." and repeat that in the very same thread ten times or more.....

I believe I've kept the number of times I've said that in a thread under ten, but I could be wrong...

So, do I meet enough qualifications to be a candidate or what? It'd be nice to win one of the awards that've been given out lately, as my mantle is rather empty at the moment...

11-17-2007, 09:46 PM
Great post, MBF. For me, any of the following would qualify:

*)people who got banned, yet don have a life and re-register again!....

To these folks, have some fucking self-respect and just go away.

*)people who change opinions every minute, and/or edit posts to chage its meaning completely, just after their point has been soundly ridiculed

I can't respect someone who doesn't stand behind their opinion or who formulates their opinion based upon what will please others.

*)crybabies in general. . . .

Too many of these, most of whom are extremely passive-aggressive.

*) pewople telling "I dont care what you say or htink...." and repeat that in the very same thread ten times or more....

This one is definitely a litmus test for stupidity. If someone says it once and moves on, that's one thing. If they say it constantly, what they're essentially telling you is that you own their ass and they're stupid enough to make it glaringly obvious. For me, seeing this one is like blood in the water to a shark.


11-17-2007, 09:46 PM
ok, before someone is quicker...


you made the list!!!!

11-17-2007, 09:57 PM
I'm predicting this thread will go down in flames in short order...

Still, I nominate "bad2nice" (aka "Sir Cockhound) and "echimandu" (aka "The Backstabber"), for reasons that should be clear to most. Oh, you might say that they're nowhere near as bad as Honda, but they nonetheless represent the kissass contingent and cowardly lions respectively, quite well around these parts.

And now I guess you think I'm trying to start trouble, huh? Well, no. I'm nominating people for what has to be the most hotly contested award on this board, and I'm bold enough to root for these two underdogs in the face of incalculable odds. So yeah... Honda's gonna take it.

Night Rider
11-17-2007, 10:06 PM
ok here's my top 5..

Legend (emotional, overly sensitive)
DarkThanos (delusional, cowardly individual)
hondarobot (alcoholic stalker)
stillies77 (brown nose and bandwagon jumper)
marissaatz (barely speaks English but she does try)

11-17-2007, 10:12 PM
I saw the Honda nomination coming, of course. The thing is, I don't hate him, no matter how pissed off I get. Aside from his inability to have conducted the whole desert visit as a gentleman (which includes keeping one's liasons private, which is a huge violation of trust to me, ESPECIALLY with a well known member of the board), he's harmless and frequently humorous.
The worst members have quickly self destructed. I don't know anyone well enough to put them down, although I will say that the ones who go out of their way to make the women feel bad need to get lives. I've known some crazy women, and have dated quite a few, but telling them they're crazy doesn't help. The walk-a-mile-in-their-shoes saying goes double to me when it comes to transsexuals. I have no desire anymore, if I ever really did, to take on the psychological burdens of anyone who's had to struggle with gender identity.
This board has its own coat of many colors. One minute you're talking to (or about)a seemingly well adjusted woman, the next it's someone who lives their life somewhere on an edge I can't imagine I'd deal with very well in that situation. Not being judgemental can turn into empathy and the next thing I know I'm in danger of seeming like an asskisser. But when there's such a range of personalities, and the focus of the board itself is so amorphous it's no wonder people get their feathers ruffled. But in the final analysis this board reflects our attitudes towards sex in general. We men want our women to be both angels and whores, then get upset when they turn out to have feet of clay...and of course they do the same thing to men.

11-17-2007, 10:13 PM
Cīmon, guys. Is this necessary?

11-17-2007, 10:13 PM
Just wanted to let it be known that I'm going back into "invisible mode"...
lest anyone should figure out that I have nothing better to do at 3pm on a Saturday than be on an internet board...

11-17-2007, 10:25 PM
Cīmon, guys. Is this necessary?

I agree.

Night Rider
11-17-2007, 10:29 PM
Cīmon, guys. Is this necessary?

I agree.

:offtopic :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn

11-17-2007, 10:34 PM
Actually, this thread really isn't necessary, and we all know it. Of course, we also know that "Top 5 Favorite Bands of All Time" isn't a necessary thread either, but if people are willing to contribute to that thread, or any other thread, who are any of us to imply, or implicitly state even, that the thread shouldn't exist?

Bottom line: Participate or don't. Doesn't get any simpler than that.

11-17-2007, 10:37 PM
Actually, this thread really isn't necessary, and we all know it. Of course, we also know that "Top 5 Favorite Bands of All Time" isn't a necessary thread either, but if people are willing to contribute to that thread, or any other thread, who are any of us to imply, or implicitly state even, that the thread shouldn't exist?

Bottom line: Participate or don't. Doesn't get any simpler than that.

You canīt compare the bands thread to this one.

Night Rider
11-17-2007, 10:41 PM
Actually, this thread really isn't necessary, and we all know it. Of course, we also know that "Top 5 Favorite Bands of All Time" isn't a necessary thread either, but if people are willing to contribute to that thread, or any other thread, who are any of us to imply, or implicitly state even, that the thread shouldn't exist?

Bottom line: Participate or don't. Doesn't get any simpler than that.

You canīt compare the bands thread to this one.


Teabagger Vance
11-17-2007, 10:43 PM
Cīmon, guys. Is this necessary?

I agree. We should all just agree that Legend is the obvious choice here and move on!

11-17-2007, 10:44 PM
Actually, this thread really isn't necessary, and we all know it. Of course, we also know that "Top 5 Favorite Bands of All Time" isn't a necessary thread either, but if people are willing to contribute to that thread, or any other thread, who are any of us to imply, or implicitly state even, that the thread shouldn't exist?

Bottom line: Participate or don't. Doesn't get any simpler than that.

You canīt compare the bands thread to this one.

If we're talking about the necessity of the thread, I can compare the two, because I view that thread as unnecessary, just as you've deemed this one unnecessary. Of course, because I was uninterested in that thread, I didn't post in it, leaving it to people who were interested to enjoy the thread in peace. Not that I mean that as any kind of insult to you, but I mean... c'mon.

If we're honest, we all will admit a thread like this generates a lot of views, which is interesting considering all the people who complain about the rampant negativity on this board lately. I mean, having viewed the title of this thread, why did you bother clicking on it if you have the opinion of such a thread as you claim to have?

In any event, what can be done if people want to create threads such as this? Shall we limit threads to such mundane topics as "What's Your Favorite Type of Cake?" or such and delete threads that might be more controversial? Not saying I need to see threads bashing anyone on a daily basis, but I definitely don't need to see "Top 5 Bands of All Time" threads every day either, whether I want to participate in them or not.

11-17-2007, 11:04 PM
This thread, with the exception of Quinn, Coroner and Hara, is a self explanatory rogues gallery of HA losers.

I'll make a small exception for suckseed. You started out here as a typical chaser, but you don't seem dumb or totally desperate to me. As far as "conducting myself as gentleman", I always do. I wasn't the person who first mentioned the Arizona vacation here, she did.

I don't have a problem with that, but that's the truth.

11-17-2007, 11:06 PM
Please, Honda... Continue with your acceptance speech, won't you?

11-17-2007, 11:08 PM
id vote for niterider but thats just a given

11-17-2007, 11:11 PM
Actually, this thread really isn't necessary, and we all know it. Of course, we also know that "Top 5 Favorite Bands of All Time" isn't a necessary thread either, but if people are willing to contribute to that thread, or any other thread, who are any of us to imply, or implicitly state even, that the thread shouldn't exist?

Bottom line: Participate or don't. Doesn't get any simpler than that.

You canīt compare the bands thread to this one.

If we're talking about the necessity of the thread, I can compare the two, because I view that thread as unnecessary, just as you've deemed this one unnecessary. Of course, because I was uninterested in that thread, I didn't post in it, leaving it to people who were interested to enjoy the thread in peace. Not that I mean that as any kind of insult to you, but I mean... c'mon.

If we're honest, we all will admit a thread like this generates a lot of views, which is interesting considering all the people who complain about the rampant negativity on this board lately. I mean, having viewed the title of this thread, why did you bother clicking on it if you have the opinion of such a thread as you claim to have?

In any event, what can be done if people want to create threads such as this? Shall we limit threads to such mundane topics as "What's Your Favorite Type of Cake?" or such and delete threads that might be more controversial? Not saying I need to see threads bashing anyone on a daily basis, but I definitely don't need to see "Top 5 Bands of All Time" threads every day either, whether I want to participate in them or not.

I clicked on this thread to warn you before some of the "losers" start to call each other losers.

The top bands or fav cake thread is of course not necessary and in my eyes sometimes pathetic but I donīt see people bashing each other there. Iīm not interested in getting into conflict with people I donīt know. Why the fuck should I call someone a loser here? Seize your time and stop being bitter.

Whatīs your interest in mobbing people here?

11-17-2007, 11:11 PM
This thread, with the exception of Quinn, Coroner and Hara, is a self explanatory rogues gallery of HA losers.

Go back and do another edit and add "EyeCumInPiece" to that list. You certainly can't afford to risk making yet another enemy, especially due to something so simple as neglecting to add a name to your personal list of "goodguys", now can you?

11-17-2007, 11:13 PM
This thread, with the exception of Quinn, Coroner and Hara, is a self explanatory rogues gallery of HA losers.

I'll make a small exception for suckseed. You started out here as a typical chaser, but you don't seem dumb or totally desperate to me. As far as "conducting myself as gentleman", I always do. I wasn't the person who first mentioned the Arizona vacation here, she did.

I don't have a problem with that, but that's the truth.

If that's true, then I stand corrected; my apologies. For the record, I'm going to attempt to let that particular matter drop...again.

11-17-2007, 11:14 PM
This thread, with the exception of Quinn, Coroner and Hara, is a self explanatory rogues gallery of HA losers.

Go back and do another edit and add "EyeCumInPiece" to that list. You certainly can't afford to risk making yet another enemy, especially due to something so simple as neglecting to add a name to your personal list of "goodguys", now can you?

I can afford to make a million more enemies, but I'm not looking to buy. You clowns don't cost me anything.


11-17-2007, 11:22 PM
This thread, with the exception of Quinn, Coroner and Hara, is a self explanatory rogues gallery of HA losers.

I'll make a small exception for suckseed. You started out here as a typical chaser, but you don't seem dumb or totally desperate to me. As far as "conducting myself as gentleman", I always do. I wasn't the person who first mentioned the Arizona vacation here, she did.

I don't have a problem with that, but that's the truth.

If that's true, then I stand corrected; my apologies. For the record, I'm going to attempt to let that particular matter drop...again.

Apology accepted.

11-17-2007, 11:25 PM
I clicked on this thread to warn you before some of the "losers" start to call each other losers.

The top bands or fav cake thread is of course not necessary and in my eyes sometimes pathetic but I donīt see people bashing each other there. Iīm not interested in getting into conflict with people I donīt know. Why the fuck should I call someone a loser here? Seize your time and stop being bitter.

Whatīs your interest in mobbing people here?

Honestly, I don't believe I have any interest in "mobbing" people here, but I admit that I'm not sure of your meaning there. In this particular case, it's not about whether I enjoy conflict or not, but rather about whether I should try to enforce my feelings on anyone else, if that makes any sense. I don't like something, so no one should? I think not. Still, you don't like the bickering, so the thread isn't necessary. Do you see what I mean now? You wanted to warn us before some of the "losers" started to call each other losers... but that was destined to happen from the moment the thread began, regardless of whomever had issued that warning. So, what good did it do anyone to go to the bother? It's what the OP had to know would happen, and what subsequent posters likely intended to bring about besides.

What I think you and many other people on this board miss is that for the majority of people who participate in threads such as this, it's not so serious that we lose any sleep over some forty-three year old, fat, bald headed guy sitting in his mother's basement whacking off to Hara's avatar calling us a dickhead. Instead, it's people such as yourself who are bothered by such things despite the fact you're not even involved. That's something I myself will never quite understand, but moving on...

With regards to seizing our time and not being bitter... First off, we're on an internet board, which is the epitome of wasting time, and secondly, I believe that far from expressing any bitterness (with the exception of a few sadsacks), many participants in this thread are having a laugh, and maybe patting themselves on the back for coming up with witty putdowns so quickly. Again though, you are not participating in the putting down of anyone here, which is your business entirely, and yet you are the only one (besides EyeCum) who's complaining. So, if I may ask, what's your interest here?

11-17-2007, 11:29 PM
TJ, thanks for my signature!

11-17-2007, 11:32 PM
TJ, thanks for my signature!

You're quite welcome! :lol:

11-17-2007, 11:36 PM
I clicked on this thread to warn you before some of the "losers" start to call each other losers.

The top bands or fav cake thread is of course not necessary and in my eyes sometimes pathetic but I donīt see people bashing each other there. Iīm not interested in getting into conflict with people I donīt know. Why the fuck should I call someone a loser here? Seize your time and stop being bitter.

Whatīs your interest in mobbing people here?

Honestly, I don't believe I have any interest in "mobbing" people here, but I admit that I'm not sure of your meaning there. In this particular case, it's not about whether I enjoy conflict, but rather about whether I should try to enforce my feelings on anyone else, if that makes any sense. You wanted to warn us before some of the "losers" started to call each other losers... but that was destined to happen from the moment the thread began, regardless of whomever had issue that warning. So, what good did it do anyone to go to the bother? It's what the OP had to know would happen, and what subsequent posters likely intended to bring about besides.

What I think you and many other people on this board miss is that for the majority of people who participate in threads such as this, it's not so serious that we lose any sleep over some forty-three year old, fat, bald headed guy sitting in his mother's basement whacking off to Hara's avatar calling us a dickhead. Instead, it's people such as yourself who are bothered by such things despite the fact you're not even involved. That's something I myself will never quite understand, but moving on...

With regards to seizing our time and not being bitter... First off, we're on an internet board, which is the epitome of wasting time, and secondly, I believe that far from expressing any bitterness (with the exception of a few sadsacks), many participants in this thread are having a laugh, and maybe patting themselves on the back for coming up with witty putdowns so quickly. Again though, you are not participating in the putting down of anyone here, which is your business entirely, and yet you are the only one (besides EyeCum) who's complaining. So, if I may ask, what's your interest here?

:lol: are you going to turn to turn this thread into a scientific topic?

Iīm not complaining at all, I just feel like many others that this board turns into total bullshit. People had much more laugh in times when I joined. This was the reason why I joined because I realized that this board is more than a place with wank resources.
Iīm glad Iīm not involved into this battle of the giants because I have no time to fight anyone nor any interest. And I have no interests here in this thread but you force me to response. Iīm not attacking you or anyone, I just donīt see the point. This thread can be compared to a "Who is the coolest guy on HA" and remembers me of stupid teenie movies with topics such as cliques and the losers who canīt be part of a clique. This thread is a cliché but please donīt try to turn the entire thread into a cliché. I say this as a member and I think the moderators should do their job. They shouldnīt ban people but get some order into this.
Whenever I come to this board, the first page is full of lynch-threads.

11-17-2007, 11:58 PM
:lol: are you going to turn to turn this thread into a scientific topic?

Iīm not complaining at all, I just feel like many others that this board turns into total bullshit. People had much more laugh in times when I joined. This was the reason why I joined because I realized that this board is more than a place with wank resources.
Iīm glad Iīm not involved into this battle of the giants because I have no time to fight anyone nor any interest. And I have no interests here in this thread but you force me to response. Iīm not attacking you or anyone, I just donīt see the point. This thread can be compared to a "Who is the coolest guy on HA" and remembers me of stupid teenie movies with topics such as cliques and the losers who canīt be part of a clique. This thread is a cliché but please donīt try to turn the entire thread into a cliché. I say this as a member and I think the moderators should do their job. They shouldnīt ban people but get some order into this. Whenever I come to this board, the first page is full of lynch-threads.

I understood what you were saying right from the start, and never thought you were trying to attack anyone. However, as I said from the start, because you or I might think the moderators should delete threads where we "just don't see the point" of them, doesn't mean that everyone feels that way. Indeed, the very fact someone created this thread in the first place, and that people subsequently responded, makes that quite clear.

While I am loathe to resort to pseudo-scientific babbling, conflict is a part of life, as is confusion as to the behavior of our fellow human beings. On HA, I suppose one could go to the mods in the hope of weeding out things we view as likely to incite arguments or be otherwise contrary to our respective way of thinking, but where would it end? Right now, you're espousing a contrary position to my own... Should I go to the mods and demand you be banned for being so audacious as to do so? True, you haven't insulted me verbally, but that you're opposing my way of thinking could be enough for me to view you as inciting conflict, and thus spur me to contact the mods and ask for your removal from the board.

Sound ridiculous? To me, so do the highlighted portions of your previous comment, but that is my singular opinion, and you have a right to yours as much as I do to mine. Bottom line: You don't care for threads like this, but others obviously do, and you have no inherent right to prevent anyone from contributing to such threads if they wish to, seeing as how if they didn't want to do so, no one's forcing them to comment. Psychobabble over.

11-18-2007, 12:01 AM
Everyone with an Avatar so wide, I have to scroll left and right…

11-18-2007, 12:10 AM
stillies77 (brown nose and bandwagon jumper)


Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-18-2007, 12:17 AM
I nominate iloveshemale for Biggest LOSER for our 3rd quarter survey (Month of November)! LOL



11-18-2007, 12:35 AM
I'm predicting this thread will go down in flames in short order...

Still, I nominate "bad2nice" (aka "Sir Cockhound) and "echimandu" (aka "The Backstabber"), for reasons that should be clear to most. Oh, you might say that they're nowhere near as bad as Honda, but they nonetheless represent the kissass contingent and cowardly lions respectively, quite well around these parts.

And now I guess you think I'm trying to start trouble, huh? Well, no. I'm nominating people for what has to be the most hotly contested award on this board, and I'm bold enough to root for these two underdogs in the face of incalculable odds. So yeah... Honda's gonna take it.WTF! Dude, you must be reading the wrong shit, cause I call a spade a spade. I don't hold back and I say what I gotta say. You or anyone else that comes out of their mouth with some bullshit, I'm gonna call you on it. If its even worth it. Here, try this. Loser=someone who has no life so they contribute and post in a thread about cyber personas and they rate them as being winners and losers. Stupid shit. Get a fucking life retard. :smh

11-18-2007, 01:20 AM
ok, before someone is quicker...


you made the list!!!!

It's too bad, it didn't work did it? Psycho losers like you get exactly what you work so hard towards.


In your case, not a good thing.

Night Rider
11-18-2007, 01:36 AM
It's too bad, it didn't work did it? Psycho losers like you get exactly what you work so hard towards.


In your case, not a good thing.

But it did work because your leading the way with legend! Congrats on being a drunk molester and a loser...

11-18-2007, 01:41 AM
WTF! Dude, you must be reading the wrong shit, cause I call a spade a spade. I don't hold back and I say what I gotta say. You or anyone else that comes out of their mouth with some bullshit, I'm gonna call you on it. If its even worth it. Here, try this. Loser=someone who has no life so they contribute and post in a thread about cyber personas and they rate them as being winners and losers. Stupid shit. Get a fucking life retard. :smh

Yeah... I'm gonna ignore most of the above, and just say again what I've already said in recent days, which is that you crying to JWBL in the gabbly chat a few nights ago as to when Night Rider was going to be banned was a cowardly move, which is after all why I have now called you a backstabber several times.

Had you a tenth as much courage as you have mouth, you might've voiced any complaints you had to Night Rider himself, but did you ever do so? Negative. Instead, you took your whiny ass to the chatroom, where you no doubt expected no one would see you make your bitch ass request amidst all the other chatting that was going on. But surprise... I did see it, and just wanted to let everyone who might be interested know what a coward you are, despite all your wanna-be tough talk.

Get a fucking life retard, you say? I'll work on it. In the meantime, why don't you work on getting a fucking backbone or maybe a pair of balls, so that you won't have to resort to being such a cowardly bitch in the future as you have been to date? And again, good day.

11-18-2007, 01:43 AM
It's too bad, it didn't work did it? Psycho losers like you get exactly what you work so hard towards.


In your case, not a good thing.

But it did work because your leading the way with legend! Congrats on being a drunk molester and a loser...

"You're a drunk molester!". You have to have something more then that. Go look at my old posts, this retarded. Give me a challenge.

Night Rider
11-18-2007, 01:46 AM
"You're a drunk molester!". You have to have something more then that. Go look at my old posts, this retarded. Give me a challenge.

Put down that bottle of JD, you can't handle any more. What a fucking twat you are!

11-18-2007, 01:48 AM
"You're a drunk molester!". You have to have something more then that. Go look at my old posts, this retarded. Give me a challenge.

Put down that bottle of JD, you can't handle any more. What a fucking twat you are!

I think I can handle more. What else you got?

Night Rider
11-18-2007, 01:50 AM
I think I can handle more. What else you got?

You can't handle more drink I mean, you alcho-whore

..now fuck off and stop attention seeking

11-18-2007, 01:54 AM
I think I can handle more. What else you got?

You can't handle more drink I mean, you alcho-whore

..now fuck off and stop attention seeking

I just re-checked your profile. Average= 48 posts a day

Every day. You're crazy.


Night Rider
11-18-2007, 01:59 AM
I think I can handle more. What else you got?

You can't handle more drink I mean, you alcho-whore

..now fuck off and stop attention seeking

I just re-checked your profile. Average= 48 posts a day

Every day. You're crazy.


Yep, completely nuts!

80% of them have been directed at silly cunts like you but it's been fun ;)

Also the fact that I've been in a car accidenent (and have had to remind you at least 20times) means I haven't had much else to do.

Now what's your excuse for being joint top of HA Biggest Loser list :?: ...

11-18-2007, 02:05 AM
I probably should stop, but this is kinda fun.

Did your brain get knocked out in the car accident?

11-18-2007, 02:06 AM
I mean "accidenent", sorry about that. I'm not too fluent in Northern Irish, or whatever.

11-18-2007, 02:07 AM
For the love of Pete! Honda, isn't there an unconscious tgirl somewhere that you could go suck off? Even if you are guaranteed to be the winner when all is said and done, you've got no right to derail the damn thread!

Night Rider
11-18-2007, 02:08 AM
I probably should stop, but this is kinda fun.

Did your brain get knocked out in the car accident?

I've no time for faggots like you...

..I think you might even be more of a dick than legend, and that is a hard act to follow


11-18-2007, 02:09 AM
For the love of Pete! Honda, isn't there an unconscious tgirl somewhere that you could go suck off? Even if you are guaranteed to be the winner when all is said and done, you've got no right to derail the damn thread!

I have every right to derail it, that's what I'm doing. It's fun. Losers.

Night Rider
11-18-2007, 02:11 AM
He's just getting more votes for himself TJ347. He wants to win to feel important, in some way at least.

11-18-2007, 02:13 AM

11-18-2007, 02:16 AM
If any one of you guys can get one girl to back you up, I'll quit. One girl to call me a jerk would also work. I don't see that happening.

You could also just keep posting. It's fun for me. :lol:

11-18-2007, 02:17 AM
For the love of Pete! Honda, isn't there an unconscious tgirl somewhere that you could go suck off? Even if you are guaranteed to be the winner when all is said and done, you've got no right to derail the damn thread!

I have every right to derail it, that's what I'm doing. It's fun. Losers.

That was way too easy! At least Night Rider recognized though. Honda, I couldn't care less what you do, particularly in this thread, as your every post indicates how deserving you are of the award. So please, continue to validate the Academy's decision to give you this prestigious award...

And for what it's worth, I nominate Honda for the lifetime loser award as well, which I'm sure he'll win just as easily. Bravo, Honda! Bravo!

11-18-2007, 02:19 AM
Oh, just to respond. One girl who talks to any of you guys?

I'm waiting for it.

Night Rider
11-18-2007, 02:21 AM
If any one of you guys can get one girl to back you up, I'll quit. One girl to call me a jerk would also work. I don't see that happening.

You could also just keep posting. It's fun for me. :lol:

It's funny how Vicky ignored you when you were asking her to back you up, on her very own thread. I think that says it all, plus the fact that you've admitted it up to now. What's wrong, has the drink worn off and your starting to have regrets about being so open about it?

..You're fucking pathetic

11-18-2007, 02:24 AM
That's quite a tall order, Honda. I mean, have any of the ladies here seen fit to lower themselves to respond to anything you've said lately? No? Well, then you can hardly think it'd be possible to get one of them to refer to you, even indirectly, in this thread, now can you?

Congrats again!

11-18-2007, 02:25 AM
If any one of you guys can get one girl to back you up, I'll quit. One girl to call me a jerk would also work. I don't see that happening.

You could also just keep posting. It's fun for me. :lol:

It's funny how Vicky ignored you when you were asking her to back you up, on her very own thread. I think that says it all, plus the fact that you've admitted it up to now. What's wrong, has the drink worn off and your starting to have regrets about being so open about it?

..You're fucking pathetic

That was really funny. Oh, and it's Vicki with an "i", genius.

Night Rider
11-18-2007, 02:27 AM
That was really funny. Oh, and it's Vicki with an "i", genius.

Yeah, because that's relevant!! :roll:

11-18-2007, 02:28 AM
That was really funny. Oh, and it's Vicki with an "i", genius.

Yeah, because that's relevant!! :roll:

It is, please post again.


Night Rider
11-18-2007, 02:31 AM
Feel free to bitch on, I've had enough...

..oh and congrats :!:


11-18-2007, 02:32 AM
Feel free to bitch on, I've had enough...

..oh and congrats :!:


I haven't had anywhere close to enough. I'll follow you.

Keep posting.

11-18-2007, 02:44 AM
He quit, like a little yappy bitch. I was not surprised.


Night Rider
11-18-2007, 02:50 AM
He quit, like a little yappy bitch. I was not surprised.


I have to step back in for a moment.

I quit, like a little yappy bitch? I think yappy bitches are the ones that go on, but with nothing relevant to say. You've been owned all over this forum by several people, so try not to think that anyone's quitting. It's called ingnoring an attention craving whore, that has fuck all interesting to say...not quitting.

...feel free to bitch on and fight with yourself, I just had to clear that up

11-18-2007, 03:34 AM
WTF! Dude, you must be reading the wrong shit, cause I call a spade a spade. I don't hold back and I say what I gotta say. You or anyone else that comes out of their mouth with some bullshit, I'm gonna call you on it. If its even worth it. Here, try this. Loser=someone who has no life so they contribute and post in a thread about cyber personas and they rate them as being winners and losers. Stupid shit. Get a fucking life retard. :smh

Yeah... I'm gonna ignore most of the above, and just say again what I've already said in recent days, which is that you crying to JWBL in the gabbly chat a few nights ago as to when Night Rider was going to be banned was a cowardly move, which is after all why I have now called you a backstabber several times.

Had you a tenth as much courage as you have mouth, you might've voiced any complaints you had to Night Rider himself, but did you ever do so? Negative. Instead, you took your whiny ass to the chatroom, where you no doubt expected no one would see you make your bitch ass request amidst all the other chatting that was going on. But surprise... I did see it, and just wanted to let everyone who might be interested know what a coward you are, despite all your wanna-be tough talk.

Get a fucking life retard, you say? I'll work on it. In the meantime, why don't you work on getting a fucking backbone or maybe a pair of balls, so that you won't have to resort to being such a cowardly bitch in the future as you have been to date? And again, good day.Wow. Guess you got it figured all out huh? You stupid fuck, if you read any post here I've said the same thing in this forum. Do I go on for 20 pages about it. No. Do I bicker back and forth with Night Rider or any other clown here. No. why? Cause I got better things to do like get laid. I know how to skip past a post. Now Einstein, any more brilliant observations? Also, you being the worthless jackass that you are, means I won't follow with another retort. Cause then I'm just as moronic as you.

Night Rider
11-18-2007, 03:41 AM
echimandu, sorry to interupt your lies but you have bickered with me. Just because the thread got deleted doesn't mean it didn't happen :roll:

And by the looks of things you're now bickering with TJ347, but it's all just in our imagination, right?

11-18-2007, 03:46 AM
echimandu, sorry to interupt your lies but you have bickered with me. Just because the thread got deleted doesn't mean it didn't happen :roll:

And by the looks of things you're now bickering with TJ347, but it's all just in our imagination, right?We've had words. We didn't bicker. Bickering is what you did with Vanessa and what your doing with Honda. Not for me. Too much offline fun to have. Carry on.

11-18-2007, 03:52 AM
Wow. Guess you got it figured all out, huh? You stupid fuck, if you read any post here I've said the same thing in this forum. Do I go on for 20 pages about it? No. Do I bicker back and forth with Night Rider or any other clown here? No. Why? Because (Or "cuz" but never "cause") I got better things to do, like get laid (Survey says... correct! You taking it in the ass counts as you getting laid. You got me on that one!). I know how to skip past a post. Now Einstein, any more brilliant observations? Also, you being the worthless jackass that you are, (Why is there a comma after are? It's unnecesary in this sentence) means I won't follow with another retort. Because then I'm just as moronic as you (Retort should've been followed with a comma, and then followed by this last sentence).

Wow, you sure do sound all big and scary from behind that keyboard of yours! Good thing I know you're not, or I might have unpleasant dreams about getting my ass kicked....

You said something or other I couldn't be bothered to give a shit about, then came to a point where you asked me if I had any more brilliant observations... Well, yes. Yes, I do. But, so that you could more easily understand and thus benefit from my brilliant observations, I have simply modified your previous comment with the appropriate corrections, rather than waste my time or confuse you with a verbal explanation as to where you went wrong.

Anyway, thanks for playing, Cowardly Lion... and tell the Tin Man I said hi. Good day! :D

Night Rider
11-18-2007, 03:55 AM
echimandu, sorry to interupt your lies but you have bickered with me. Just because the thread got deleted doesn't mean it didn't happen :roll:

And by the looks of things you're now bickering with TJ347, but it's all just in our imagination, right?We've had words. We didn't bicker. Bickering is what you did with Vanessa and what your doing with Honda. Not for me. Too much offline fun to have. Carry on.

No, you were bickering like a 12yo school girl.

If I remember correctly you were bitching about working class people, and their vocabulary. Yet you've exposed yourself on this thread as a hypocrite.

I remember at the end of the argument when you'd ran out of words, you said " I'm off to do fun things with my friends, like watch a football game"

Now you're saying exactly the same sort of bullshit "Not for me. Too much offline fun to have. Carry on"

I wouldn't want to get in the way of all that fun you're having, so carry on with your action packed life :wink:

11-18-2007, 04:01 AM
Interesting you bring that up, Night Rider. I believe you're talking about the thread where Mandy was talking about how when he was a waiter, black customers failed to leave him an appropriate tip, to which I responded, more or less, that he was an arrogant dickhead, thus giving him the tip his black customers should have.

So, if the thread where you said Night Rider should be banned was deleted, apologies for calling you a coward, Mandy. But you're still as much a dickhead as ever for the whole superiority complex you showed in that earlier thread, to say nothing of how pathetic you are for being a self-hating black man (if you weren't lying about being black, which I kinda think you were).

Have a good one! :D

Night Rider
11-18-2007, 04:05 AM
I believe you're talking about the thread where Mandy was talking about how when he was a waiter, black customers failed to leave him an appropriate tip

That's the one.

He's a liar, but to give him his dues, he doesn't hold an obsessive grudge the way others do.

11-18-2007, 04:13 AM
Question though... At what point did he ever say in that thread that you should be banned, or anything like that? I didn't see that anywhere. And if that was never said, then I will stick to my original statement that he was a cowardly bitch for going to JWBL asking when you were going to be banned in the chatroom.

Understand, I don't want to call somebody a coward who didn't do anything cowardly is all. That would be uncalled for.

Night Rider
11-18-2007, 04:21 AM
Question though... At what point did he ever say in that thread that you should be banned, or anything like that? I didn't see that anywhere. And if that was never said, then I will stick to my original statement that he was a cowardly bitch for going to JWBL asking when you were going to be banned in the chatroom.

Understand, I don't want to call somebody a coward who didn't do anything cowardly is all. That would be uncalled for.

No he didn't say anything in the thread. I'm only catching on now that it was in a chatroom he said that. That is very cowardly. He got owned in the deleted thread so I was wrong about him not holding grudges.

That's definately news to me that it was in a chatroom, behind my back. I just thought I missed the post.

The dramas of it all lol.

11-18-2007, 04:23 AM
Yes, there is never a shortage of drama here at HA... Hypocrites Anonymous, that is. :lol:

Tranny 411
11-18-2007, 04:33 AM
I nominate Mia Isabella for her bitchy tude, incessant self promotion, cock exaggerations, egomania, impersonation of a Star (she wishes), and for creating multiple screen names like Mister D and Terminus to promote herself. Now that I look at it, TERminus means Theerotireview.com (TER) and her score (Minus). How ingenious Mia. And to the 11" cock that she loves more than life itself.....HaHaHa......it's now limp :lol: Get a life Bitch :twisted:

11-18-2007, 05:45 AM
I won't put any names to this, even the people who I don't exactly love I would not not call losers!

11-18-2007, 06:00 AM
I nominate Mia Isabella for her bitchy tude, incessant self promotion, cock exaggerations, egomania, impersonation of a Star (she wishes), and for creating multiple screen names like Mister D and Terminus to promote herself. Now that I look at it, TERminus means Theerotireview.com (TER) and her score (Minus). How ingenious Mia. And to the 11" cock that she loves more than life itself.....HaHaHa......it's now limp :lol: Get a life Bitch :twisted:

you my friend are the stalker of the year

11-18-2007, 06:30 AM
Hmm, I nominate TJ347 if only for the "look at me I like art and stuff" avatar. Also because he or she or whatever the fuck this incredibly smart ass(really dumb ass), so funny they only crack themselves up loser fucking makes no sense. I became an asskisser because I had nice things to say about somebody TJ347 didn't like, so in that distorted way, yes I am an asskisser, but in the same way TJ347 is fucking stupid. Also, TJ347 ripped me for looking at his/her old posts then went back and looked at my old posts to notice I edited some spelling errors(which I have done for years anyways, and yes I do make the occasional spelling error so I can save you from making that stupid joke dumbass TJ347). How about the fucking name too? TJ347? Would that be Tranny Jacker 347, or is it the name of a fucking droid from Star Wars or is it something from T2 or something? Let's see, Kelly Shore is hot by the way, so I guess I am an asskisser to her too. Actually I think she is kinda fucking stupid, so I guess? I don't know? Maybe I'm not an ass kisser or maybe TJ347 is a fucking idiot? Maybe a loser? OK TJ347 has my vote. By the fucking way, why wouldn't I like Trannys you moron, this is a board called hung angels, not the cock hound board. If I liked COCK that much I'd go to a gay board, but then again I wouldn't want to run into you and your artsy fartsy suckass avatar on another board, you bloody cumstained pile of shit.

So I nominate TJ347 for this award as fucking loser of the century

11-18-2007, 06:47 AM
Thank you... Really, it's an honor just to be nominated.

You know Sir COCKHOUND, your writing style is reminiscent of a certain lady (and I use the term loosely) who I've had run-ins with in the past... But I'm sure you're not her, despite the fact you both seem to have the exact same difficulty with the proper use of punctuation. Nope, you're someone else entirely... I'm certain of it. :lol:

Just wanted to add that it's sad (as well as completely pathetic) that you're still smarting from the zingers I laid on you in the Mimi Plastique thread. I mean, that was how many days ago? I'd have hoped you'd have a real life to distract you from such a minor issue as an internet disagreement, but clearly that's not the case. Nothing I can do about you living a half-assed life though but hope you eventually see better days, so I'll do that and pray you get the personality transplant you so desperately need. Have a good one! :D

11-18-2007, 06:50 AM
I nominate Mia Isabella for her bitchy tude, incessant self promotion, cock exaggerations, egomania, impersonation of a Star (she wishes), and for creating multiple screen names like Mister D and Terminus to promote herself. Now that I look at it, TERminus means Theerotireview.com (TER) and her score (Minus). How ingenious Mia. And to the 11" cock that she loves more than life itself.....HaHaHa......it's now limp :lol: Get a life Bitch :twisted:

you my friend are the stalker of the year


11-18-2007, 06:56 AM
Thank you... Really, it's an honor just to be nominated.

You know Sir COCKHOUND, your writing style is reminiscent of a certain lady (and I use the term loosely) who I've had run-ins with in the past... But I'm sure you're not her, despite the fact you both seem to have the exact same difficulty with the proper use of punctuation. Nope, you're someone else entirely... I'm certain of it. :lol:

From spelling to punctuation you get me on the toughest shit, I am making posts on a site called hungangels.com, not putting together my resume. That and I have not been posting on these boards for long, nor have I posted at any point under another screen name, nor did I post on this board in a previous life. Cockhound? Get some new material, if I want reruns I'll check out Seinfeld repeats on TBS or Family Guy. At least I do some new shit here and there, you got slapped around though my last post, I nutted in your little artsy pussyass.

11-18-2007, 06:58 AM
Can't we all just "suck a cock?"........... :lol: :lol: :lol:

11-18-2007, 06:59 AM
Can't we all just "suck a cock?"........... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Not if it's uncut, me no likey.

11-18-2007, 07:05 AM
Can't we all just "suck a cock?"........... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Not if it's uncut, me no likey.

You're too picky, just peel it back. I don't normally think of the cut/uncut thing...just what the girl looks like over all!

11-18-2007, 07:09 AM
Can't we all just "suck a cock?"........... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Not if it's uncut, me no likey.

You're too picky, just peel it back. I don't normally think of the cut/uncut thing...just what the girl looks like over all!

Yeah, I guess you are right, only experienced with cut girls though, I do like bananas though so we'll see and Yasmin Lee is fine as hell and uncut so yeah I dunno.

11-18-2007, 07:12 AM
From spelling to punctuation you get me on the toughest shit, I am making posts on a site called hungangels.com, not putting together my resume. That and I have not been posting on these boards for long, nor have I posted at any point under another screen name, nor did I post on this board in a previous life. Cockhound? Get some new material, if I want reruns I'll check out Seinfeld repeats on TBS or Family Guy. At least I do some new shit here and there, you got slapped around though my last post, I nutted in your little artsy pussyass.

Poke a fool with a stick, and hilarity invariably ensues... :roll:

You tell me to get some new material, then repeat the whole "I'm not Mimi Plastique/Vanessa" story for the umpteenth time as I expected, which is why I even implied that you were one of those ladies in the first place, having seen it done a couple times previously in other threads. Thanks for being as predictable as I predicted. Oh, and thanks for explaining yourself so articulately and extensively, but... I thought you didn't care what I thought about you? :lol:

Anyway, thanks for doing "some new shit here and there", whereas I just do the same shit over and over. Now if only anyone cared... Keep slapping me around in your posts. That seems to be something you really enjoy, and I'm sure tales of your hardfought internet battles keep the entire family glued to your every word at the dinner table. Good day, sir. COCKHOUND, that is. :screwy

11-18-2007, 07:28 AM
From spelling to punctuation you get me on the toughest shit, I am making posts on a site called hungangels.com, not putting together my resume. That and I have not been posting on these boards for long, nor have I posted at any point under another screen name, nor did I post on this board in a previous life. Cockhound? Get some new material, if I want reruns I'll check out Seinfeld repeats on TBS or Family Guy. At least I do some new shit here and there, you got slapped around though my last post, I nutted in your little artsy pussyass.

Poke a fool with a stick, and hilarity invariably ensues... :roll:

You tell me to get some new material, then repeat the whole "I'm not Mimi Plastique/Vanessa" story for the umpteenth time as I expected, which is why I even implied that you were one of those ladies in the first place, having seen it done a couple times previously in other threads. Thanks for being as predictable as I predicted. Oh, and thanks for explaining yourself so articulately and extensively, but... I thought you didn't care what I thought about you? :lol:

Anyway, thanks for doing "some new shit here and there", whereas I just do the same shit over and over. Now if only anyone cared... Keep slapping me around in your posts. That seems to be something you really enjoy, and I'm sure tales of your hardfought internet battles keep the entire family glued to your every word at the dinner table. Good day, sir. COCKHOUND, that is. :screwy

Actually, you picked the fight with me in the first place, I hate non-stop back and forth fighting posts like this, don't even know why I am doing this. Other people suggested that Mimi was posting under my name from what I recall and from you mentioning it earlier today it seemed you were talking about somebody else, not Mimi or Vanessa. BTW, I know nothing of Vanessa other than what Mimi has told me as they are friends, and I don't plan to defend her anytime soon. I don't know you beyond this board just like you don't know me, if this is me giving up then fine I don't really care and I hate crap like this, I am embarrassed to be fighting with empty words with someone on these message boards anyhow, you were under my skin briefly, but no more, cockhound or not.

11-18-2007, 07:33 AM
Yeah, yeah, yeah... After all that stuff you said when nominating me for the HA loser of the century, now you're embarrased and don't know why you went through all this, blah, blah, blah.

What a coward. Tough talk right up until you get spanked, then you tuck your tail between your legs and run off. As I expected. Pitiful.


Thank you.

11-18-2007, 10:19 AM
this thread has become a total TJ and night rider love fest...its so cute....you two crazy kids...werd to ya motha.

Night Rider
11-18-2007, 03:43 PM
ok here's my top 5..

Legend (emotional, overly sensitive)
DarkThanos (delusional, cowardly individual)
hondarobot (alcoholic stalker)
stillies77 (brown nose and bandwagon jumper)
marissaatz (barely speaks English but she does try)

I haven't even been on here in almost a week, and you still can't get my cum out of your mouth...you have been proven as one of the biggest losers in the history of this board, so it's ironic you would even have the audacity to post in this thread...

But you have been lurking! Let's not lie about it. You log in everyday and when mbf announced that he was making this thread, you tried to keep a low profile. Transparent.

Don't take it as bad news just because you were second on my list. You're that much of a fucking loser that you can't even win this.

ps. stillies what a surprise to see you in here straight after DarkThanos. Thanks for validating my nomination you submissive little bitch.

11-18-2007, 06:14 PM
ok here's my top 5..

Legend (emotional, overly sensitive)
DarkThanos (delusional, cowardly individual)
hondarobot (alcoholic stalker)
stillies77 (brown nose and bandwagon jumper)
marissaatz (barely speaks English but she does try)

I haven't even been on here in almost a week, and you still can't get my cum out of your mouth...you have been proven as one of the biggest losers in the history of this board, so it's ironic you would even have the audacity to post in this thread...

But you have been lurking! Let's not lie about it. You log in everyday and when mbf announced that he was making this thread, you tried to keep a low profile. Transparent.

Don't take it as bad news just because you were second on my list. You're that much of a fucking loser that you can't even win this.

ps. stillies what a surprise to see you in here straight after DarkThanos. Thanks for validating my nomination you submissive little bitch.


Night Rider
11-18-2007, 11:55 PM
But you have been lurking! Let's not lie about it. You log in everyday and when mbf announced that he was making this thread, you tried to keep a low profile. Transparent.

Don't take it as bad news just because you were second on my list. You're that much of a fucking loser that you can't even win this.

ps. stillies what a surprise to see you in here straight after DarkThanos. Thanks for validating my nomination you submissive little bitch.

actually, I haven't been lurking...unlike you, crippie boy, I've been visiting the OUTSIDE WORLD every day, and spending time with my beautiful new Dominican girlfriend, who I didn't have to meet by kissing her ass on a transgendered message board...I know you are crushed that Mimi saw right through you, but you shouldn't take it out on everyone else...go wheel yourself over to your medicine cabinet and O.D. on Vicodin, pussy...

Yeah it's probably just a coincidence that you were hiding when the HA Loser thread came out.

I'm sure you're beautiful new gf is proud to have a man like you by her side. Does she wear spiderman pjs aswell? What's the bond...let me guess.... :lol:

If I remeber right you were kissing Vanessa's sending her PMs about showing her round disney world. You give your fair share of ass kissing across the board, especially to the mods.

You make it sound like I'm crippled even though I've told you many times that I'm recovering well. I think you're mentally crippled for me to have to explain everything to you over and over.

How the fuck can you call me a pussy, when I see your name as the latest poster, on every cock thread there is. :roll:


11-19-2007, 12:13 AM
Beam me up, Scotty...I think we're done here!

tall, dark & Handsome
11-19-2007, 12:20 AM
I haven't opened this thread until now and almost expected to be hit with a chair the moment after I did.

To be honest I only breifly glanced at some of the post's

I think I am going to check out the bulges and filled underwear thread now

Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-19-2007, 12:27 AM
The latest attention whore, thx1138.


This one could win hands down:


No darling you see, I've already been out for a three course dinner with my friends, followed by a drink in a really nice nightclub. You have not. I'm older and wiser, you are not. I have money in the bank, you do not. You spend Friday evenings at home alone, I don't. You are a sad man! I am not. (Feel for ya though.)

and who the fuck thinks I'm from Oz???




tall, dark & Handsome
11-19-2007, 12:32 AM
3 courses is a pretty big deal though. that's like a soup, a main dish, AND THEN desert.

MAN O' MAN thats some good eatin'

sounds like Applebee's or somethin' fancy like that....maybe Chili's

Night Rider
11-19-2007, 03:01 AM
You make it sound like I'm crippled even though I've told you many times that I'm recovering well. I think you're mentally crippled for me to have to explain everything to you over and over.

how ironic you speak on others' mental capacity, when the ONLY insult you can think of is the same tired comic disses EVERY TIME...you clearly aren't cut out for the insult game, you have been tossed around like a rag doll in every argument I've seen you get into on this board...Mimi destroyed you, for the simple fact you were her number 1 ass kisser and she used it against you...

by the way, I didn't PM Vanessa about Disney World, I POSTED IT IN A THREAD FOR EVERYONE TO SEE, JACKASS...

What other insults do you expect me to use. When a grown man still reads comic books it's unlimited ammo to be used against him! All you have to bitch about is my injuries, not that I give a fuck because I'll heal. Unfortunately for you your weak mind may never heal, and you will almost certainly be collecting spiderman dolls when you're collecting your pension.

Every argument I've had with you you've ended up an emotional wreck and left half way through. Me and Mimi had a fight and we moved on. Something you need to do instead of stalking me. You were begging Vanessa to check your PM on that thread, so I dread to think what sort of creepy shit you were asking her about.

So go on and have fun with that blow up doll...i mean new gf you were talking about

...COMIC NERD :lol:

11-19-2007, 03:36 AM
apparently he is proud of reading comics as he uses it as an avatar...so...it's not really an insult...strange

Night Rider
11-19-2007, 03:42 AM
apparently he is proud of reading comics as he uses it as an avatar...so...it's not really an insult...strange

But he takes it as an insult, so proud or not, he hates hearing the truth that he's as fucked up as you for reading comics...

..don't follow me and there won't be any problems, here's something to keep you occupied...


11-19-2007, 03:48 AM
apparently he is proud of reading comics as he uses it as an avatar...so...it's not really an insult...strange

But he takes it as an insult, so proud or not, he hates hearing the truth that he's as fucked up as you for reading comics...

..don't follow me and there won't be any problems, here's something to keep you occupied...


Over 2000 posts now. A little over a month. I think we should all follow him and see what sort of problems arise.


Night Rider
11-19-2007, 03:54 AM
Over 2000 posts now. A little over a month. I think we should all follow him and see what sort of problems arise.


You wouldn't have the time. You'd be pre-occupied molesting unconscious girls, drinking more than you can handle (which is probably 2 or 3 units) and being a general creep.

Just you save your posts for co-signs and stalking tgirls that want nothing to do with you...;)

11-19-2007, 03:55 AM
*)people who got banned, yet dont have a life and re-register again!

I'm a loser :lol:

11-19-2007, 03:56 AM
Damn, Night Rider, you gotta find something new to type. :D

He joined in march 2005 and you last month. Over 2000 posts....... wtf, dude! You topped Kelly Shore from the throne.......

11-19-2007, 04:05 AM
Damn, Night Rider, you gotta find something new to type. :D

He joined in march 2005 and you last month. Over 2000 posts....... wtf, dude! You topped Kelly Shore from the throne.......

Don't fuck with this guy, he says he's infamous.


Night Rider
11-19-2007, 04:07 AM
Damn, Night Rider, you gotta find something new to type. :D

He joined in march 2005 and you last month. Over 2000 posts....... wtf, dude! You topped Kelly Shore from the throne.......

First of all can I ask if you're Austrian?

11-19-2007, 04:13 AM
Damn, Night Rider, you gotta find something new to type. :D

He joined in march 2005 and you last month. Over 2000 posts....... wtf, dude! You topped Kelly Shore from the throne.......

First of all can I ask if you're Austrian?

Your numerous friends on this forum could probably access that information for you. I would suggest trying that route.

Night Rider
11-19-2007, 04:16 AM
I wasn't expecting a reply coroner, just as you didn't reply to my response to one of your "hit and run" bitchy comments on another thread.

If you are Austrian your an American wannabee that uses vocab like "huh" and it's pathetic..

Night Rider
11-19-2007, 04:18 AM
Your numerous friends on this forum could probably access that information for you. I would suggest trying that route.

How about go and sit on your dads root you fucking faggot.

I was PM'd ammo about you because your such a wanker. Get over it for fuck sake.

11-19-2007, 04:20 AM
I wasn't expecting a reply coroner, just as you didn't reply to my response to one of your "hit and run" bitchy comments on another thread.

If you are Austrian your an American wannabee that uses vocab like "huh" and it's pathetic..

Why would you ask a question you didn't expect a reply from? I'm asking this because I'd like to get into your infamous good graces and become your friend.


Night Rider
11-19-2007, 04:23 AM
Why would you ask a question you didn't expect a reply from? I'm asking this because I'd like to get into your infamous good graces and become your friend.


You really do think you're funny. Just because I wasn't expecting a reply doesn't mean it won't happen.

And just because you repeatidly insert laughing icons at the end of all your posts doesn't make them funny.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

11-19-2007, 04:27 AM
Why would you ask a question you didn't expect a reply from? I'm asking this because I'd like to get into your infamous good graces and become your friend.


You really do think you're funny. Just because I wasn't expecting a reply doesn't mean it won't happen.

And just because you repeatidly insert laughing icons at the end of all your posts doesn't make them funny.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I think it's funny as hell. I'm sure I'm not the only one. Are you hooked up to an IV bag? How do you stay alive being on this forum all the time? You'd have to go offline at some point, you'd think.


Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-19-2007, 04:28 AM
3 courses is a pretty big deal though. that's like a soup, a main dish, AND THEN desert.

MAN O' MAN thats some good eatin'

sounds like Applebee's or somethin' fancy like that....maybe Chili's

Thats true! I guess he could have dinner by himself and have a 3 course meal but still end up feeling pretty empty at the end of the evening. Go home alone and be restless and up late at night posting on here. LOL

What a joke! :lol:



Night Rider
11-19-2007, 04:33 AM
You'd have to go offline at some point, you'd think.


Don't try to think too hard or you might blow your mind.

Write this down because I'm tired telling you...I had a car accident....have you got dementia or something?

Stupid fuck.

11-19-2007, 04:33 AM
Damn, Night Rider, you gotta find something new to type. :D

He joined in march 2005 and you last month. Over 2000 posts....... wtf, dude! You topped Kelly Shore from the throne.......

First of all can I ask if you're Austrian?

Yes, I am Austrian and believe me, Austrians donīt need to be wannabe Americans. I try to speak like all of you here because I learn with you guys. Something wrong with that?

I didnīt respond on the other thread because I know our discussion would go on eternally and Iīm not interested in that, dude.

Night Rider
11-19-2007, 04:36 AM
Yes, I am Austrian and believe me, Austrians donīt need to be wannabe Americans. I try to speak like all of you here because I learn with you guys. Something wrong with that?

I didnīt respond on the other thread because I know our discussion would go on eternally and Iīm not interested in that, dude.

Well don't bitch and you won't have a problem. I ignored you up until then.

I'm not American and I don't try to be either but you go ahead and emulate your hero's, dude.

11-19-2007, 04:36 AM
You'd have to go offline at some point, you'd think.


Don't try to think too hard or you might blow your mind.

Write this down because I'm tired telling you...I had a car accident....have you got dementia or something?

Stupid fuck.

I've been in many car accidents. In my case, they did not result in becoming mentally retarded.

I'm trying to enjoy Iron Chef right now, please shut the fuck up.

11-19-2007, 04:37 AM
hahaha damn you are one bossy bitch...WELL DONT BLAH BLAH AND I WONT BLAH BLAH BLAH.


11-19-2007, 04:37 AM
Damn. I forgot the laughing thing.


11-19-2007, 04:43 AM
Yes, I am Austrian and believe me, Austrians donīt need to be wannabe Americans. I try to speak like all of you here because I learn with you guys. Something wrong with that?

I didnīt respond on the other thread because I know our discussion would go on eternally and Iīm not interested in that, dude.

Well don't bitch and you won't have a problem. I ignored you up until then.

I'm not American and I don't try to be either but you go ahead and emulate your hero's, dude.

You should relax, bhoy. Iīve been to NI several years ago and only met great and friendly people with a great sense of humour. If you grew up in Clonard, I can understand it..... take it easy, itīs a forum.

Night Rider
11-19-2007, 04:44 AM
I've been in many car accidents. In my case, they did not result in becoming mentally retarded.

I'm trying to enjoy Iron Chef right now, please shut the fuck up.

You mean they didn't result in you becoming even more mentally retarded.

You stfu because you're the one that came in bitching you fucking cockhound.

Night Rider
11-19-2007, 04:47 AM
You should relax, bhoy. Iīve been to NI several years ago and only met great and friendly people with a great sense of humour. If you grep up in Clonard, I can understand it..... take it easy, itīs a forum.

That's Gailic which is from Rep. of Ireland not N. Ireland. At least Hitler wasn't born here.

So you take it easy, it's just a forum :)

11-19-2007, 04:48 AM
YOU take it easy NO YOU take it easy!

11-19-2007, 04:52 AM
Well, he threw Hitler out there. That's the thread killer, normally. I don't think that works with this loon, though. Keep him going.


11-19-2007, 04:52 AM
You should relax, bhoy. Iīve been to NI several years ago and only met great and friendly people with a great sense of humour. If you grep up in Clonard, I can understand it..... take it easy, itīs a forum.

That's Gailic which is from Rep. of Ireland not N. Ireland. At least Hitler wasn't born here.

So you take it easy, it's just a forum :)

Hitler is probably the most infamous person from Austria. Iīm sure you know some famous Austrians.

What is from Gaelic? I mentioned Clonard and as far as I know, thereīs no relation to the name of your countryīs name......

Northern Ireland is the official name for your country but you know better that no one calls it that way. The Irish call it North of Ireland or the six counties. The Protestants call it Ulster.

Night Rider
11-19-2007, 04:57 AM
You should relax, bhoy. Iīve been to NI several years ago and only met great and friendly people with a great sense of humour. If you grep up in Clonard, I can understand it..... take it easy, itīs a forum.

That's Gailic which is from Rep. of Ireland not N. Ireland. At least Hitler wasn't born here.

So you take it easy, it's just a forum :)

Hitler is probably the most infamous person from Austria. Iīm sure you know some famous Austrians.

What is from Gaelic? I mentioned Clonard and as far as I know, thereīs no relation to the name of your countryīs name......

Northern Ireland is the official name for your country but you know better that no one calls it that way. The Irish call it North of Ireland or the six counties. The Protestants call it Ulster.

The official name :lol:

So you're trying to tell me what my own country is called! It's Northern Ireland, the only people that call it Ireland or anything else are the Catholic minority.

You spawned Hitler.

11-19-2007, 05:00 AM
You should relax, bhoy. Iīve been to NI several years ago and only met great and friendly people with a great sense of humour. If you grep up in Clonard, I can understand it..... take it easy, itīs a forum.

That's Gailic which is from Rep. of Ireland not N. Ireland. At least Hitler wasn't born here.

So you take it easy, it's just a forum :)

Hitler is probably the most infamous person from Austria. Iīm sure you know some famous Austrians.

What is from Gaelic? I mentioned Clonard and as far as I know, thereīs no relation to the name of your countryīs name......

Northern Ireland is the official name for your country but you know better that no one calls it that way. The Irish call it North of Ireland or the six counties. The Protestants call it Ulster.

The official name :lol:

So you're trying to tell me what my own country is called! It's Northern Ireland, the only people that call it Ireland or anything else are the Catholic minority.

You spawned Hitler.

Stick with the "Hitler Offense", that's working great for you.


Oh, the Iron Chef judging is going on. I'll check back.

11-19-2007, 05:01 AM
You should relax, bhoy. Iīve been to NI several years ago and only met great and friendly people with a great sense of humour. If you grep up in Clonard, I can understand it..... take it easy, itīs a forum.

That's Gailic which is from Rep. of Ireland not N. Ireland. At least Hitler wasn't born here.

So you take it easy, it's just a forum :)

Hitler is probably the most infamous person from Austria. Iīm sure you know some famous Austrians.

What is from Gaelic? I mentioned Clonard and as far as I know, thereīs no relation to the name of your countryīs name......

Northern Ireland is the official name for your country but you know better that no one calls it that way. The Irish call it North of Ireland or the six counties. The Protestants call it Ulster.

The official name :lol:

So you're trying to tell me what my own country is called! It's Northern Ireland, the only people that call it Ireland or anything else are the Catholic minority.

You spawned Hitler.

Ok we wonīt go too far into geopolitical topics, Ian Paisley.


Night Rider
11-19-2007, 05:03 AM
Yeah good comparison to Adolf Hitler lolol

..get a grip

11-19-2007, 05:08 AM
Yeah good comparison to Adolf Hitler lolol

..get a grip

Commercial break. You were reduced to posting something about Hitler. What was that again? People from Austria spawned Hitler, something like that?

Lizard people maybe? WTF?

Night Rider
11-19-2007, 05:11 AM
Yeah good comparison to Adolf Hitler lolol

..get a grip

Commercial break. You were reduced to posting something about Hitler. What was that again? People from Austria spawned Hitler, something like that?

Lizard people maybe? WTF?

Go back and read the posts

..I can't spoon feed you all your life

11-19-2007, 05:16 AM
Yeah good comparison to Adolf Hitler lolol

..get a grip

Commercial break. You were reduced to posting something about Hitler. What was that again? People from Austria spawned Hitler, something like that?

Lizard people maybe? WTF?

Go back and read the posts

..I can't spoon feed you all your life

Definitely not going to do that. Not wanting the "spoon feeding", either.


Night Rider
11-19-2007, 05:17 AM
Well then shut your fucking trap and crawl back in to your gimp cage..

11-19-2007, 05:19 AM
Well then shut your fucking trap and crawl back in to your gimp cage..

We need an RPM meter on this guy. The glass is breaking.


Night Rider
11-19-2007, 05:21 AM
Well then shut your fucking trap and crawl back in to your gimp cage..

We need an RPM meter on this guy. The glass is breaking.


It's clear to everyone how nuts you are. Sane people don't moleste.

11-19-2007, 05:25 AM
Well then shut your fucking trap and crawl back in to your gimp cage..

We need an RPM meter on this guy. The glass is breaking.


It's clear to everyone how nuts you are. Sane people don't moleste.

Oh, I love it. I guess I'm crazy about molesting. It doesn't have an "e" on the end of it, either. Nice try at spelling.

Night Rider
11-19-2007, 05:28 AM
I'm insulting you for molesting someone and all you can do is criticize my spelling.

You're a boring little cunt honda, keep your mouth shut until the next time you're sucking a big fat cock.

11-19-2007, 05:29 AM
I'm insulting you for molesting someone and all you can do is criticize my spelling.

You're a boring little cunt honda, keep your mouth shut until the next time you're sucking a big fat cock.

I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to hurt you.

Night Rider
11-19-2007, 05:31 AM
I'm sick of all these threats. Grow a set of balls and actually insult me you fucking faggot.

11-19-2007, 05:36 AM
I've insulted you numerous times. You're an anonymous chaser who posts constantly on a forum many of us enjoy. You suck. You bother us.

Stop posting. You are mentally ill and have no life. Who wouldn't realize that?

I'll start hitting harder if you don't go away.

Night Rider
11-19-2007, 05:39 AM
That really hurt :lol:

Go ahead keep them coming

..but don't expect replies until tomorrow because I'm bust in another thread

11-19-2007, 05:44 AM
Jesus guys. You do realize you're never going to meet, and never going to win your arguments, right? What's the point of days and days of this? Is it just the typing equivalent of computer chess?

I'm clearly sympathetic to Vicki here but let's not over - exaggerate (an oxymoron?) She seems to have survived the experience, and in fact almost all of us weren't there. The deeper meaning was Honda had a big crush on her, she seems disinclined to reciprocate (boy, I'm sounding so fancy here), and my objection was that the matter never seemed to drop, plus I hate to see Vicki's attempts to just start a silly thread constantly derailed. But Honda isn't the f'in AntiChrist, just a guy who was a bit obsessed. For my part I (once again) regret resorting to all the 'fuck you's', etc. I don't normally talk to anyone like that. Sometimes I think people save up all their pent up frustrations for internet boards, where it's safe to vent. Anyway...fer cryin' out loud...can you take a minute and get some freakin' perspective here...maybe???

11-19-2007, 05:44 AM
That really hurt :lol:

Go ahead keep them coming

..but don't expect replies until tomorrow because I'm bust in another thread

You suck. As I've said before, that's democracy for ya.


11-19-2007, 05:45 AM

11-19-2007, 05:47 AM
Jesus guys. You do realize you're never going to meet, and never going to win your arguments, right? What's the point of days and days of this? Is it just the typing equivalent of computer chess?

I'm clearly sympathetic to Vicki here but let's not over - exaggerate (an oxymoron?) She seems to have survived the experience, and in fact almost all of us weren't there. The deeper meaning was Honda had a big crush on her, she seems disinclined to reciprocate (boy, I'm sounding so fancy here), and my objection was that the matter never seemed to drop, plus I hate to see Vicki's attempts to just start a silly thread constantly derailed. But Honda isn't the f'in AntiChrist, just a guy who was a bit obsessed. For my part I (once again) regret resorting to all the 'fuck you's', etc. I don't normally talk to anyone like that. Sometimes I think people save up all their pent up frustrations for internet boards, where it's safe to vent. Anyway...fer cryin' out loud...can you take a minute and get some freakin' perspective here...maybe???

Why the hell are you bringing Vicki Richter into this for? She has nothing to do with this Night Rider clown being an ass.

I did not molest her.

End of story. Ask her.

11-19-2007, 06:05 AM
well because NR is using the 'molest' word a lot, isn't that obvious?

11-19-2007, 06:06 AM
Jesus guys. You do realize you're never going to meet, and never going to win your arguments, right? What's the point of days and days of this? Is it just the typing equivalent of computer chess?

I'm clearly sympathetic to Vicki here but let's not over - exaggerate (an oxymoron?) She seems to have survived the experience, and in fact almost all of us weren't there. The deeper meaning was Honda had a big crush on her, she seems disinclined to reciprocate (boy, I'm sounding so fancy here), and my objection was that the matter never seemed to drop, plus I hate to see Vicki's attempts to just start a silly thread constantly derailed. But Honda isn't the f'in AntiChrist, just a guy who was a bit obsessed. For my part I (once again) regret resorting to all the 'fuck you's', etc. I don't normally talk to anyone like that. Sometimes I think people save up all their pent up frustrations for internet boards, where it's safe to vent. Anyway...fer cryin' out loud...can you take a minute and get some freakin' perspective here...maybe???

Why the hell are you bringing Vicki Richter into this for? She has nothing to do with this Night Rider clown being an ass.

I did not molest her.

End of story. Ask her.

The more I think about it, the more I don't like people like you. Sneaky assholes who just wait to better their position. You deserve nothing, Suckseed. That's too bad.

Night Rider
11-19-2007, 06:08 AM
well because NR is using the 'molest' word a lot, isn't that obvious?

..that's the last I'll say about it

..i didn't really think about vicki

TrueBeauty TS
11-19-2007, 06:08 AM

:popcorn :popcorn :popcorn

Better than Pay-Per-View.


11-19-2007, 06:11 AM
Jesus guys. You do realize you're never going to meet, and never going to win your arguments, right? What's the point of days and days of this? Is it just the typing equivalent of computer chess?

I'm clearly sympathetic to Vicki here but let's not over - exaggerate (an oxymoron?) She seems to have survived the experience, and in fact almost all of us weren't there. The deeper meaning was Honda had a big crush on her, she seems disinclined to reciprocate (boy, I'm sounding so fancy here), and my objection was that the matter never seemed to drop, plus I hate to see Vicki's attempts to just start a silly thread constantly derailed. But Honda isn't the f'in AntiChrist, just a guy who was a bit obsessed. For my part I (once again) regret resorting to all the 'fuck you's', etc. I don't normally talk to anyone like that. Sometimes I think people save up all their pent up frustrations for internet boards, where it's safe to vent. Anyway...fer cryin' out loud...can you take a minute and get some freakin' perspective here...maybe???

Why the hell are you bringing Vicki Richter into this for? She has nothing to do with this Night Rider clown being an ass.

I did not molest her.

End of story. Ask her.

The more I think about it, the more I don't like people like you. Sneaky assholes who just wait to better their position. You deserve nothing, Suckseed. That's too bad.

Let me guess....are we drinking tonight? I was attempting to broker a little piece. Catch a clue, Honda. I care not what my status is around here. I'm anonymous. I always will be.

11-19-2007, 06:12 AM

:popcorn :popcorn :popcorn

Better than Pay-Per-View.


I think it's over now. I can't imagine what else they would say at this point.


11-19-2007, 06:12 AM
whoops, peace...heh.

11-19-2007, 06:14 AM
whoops, peace...heh.

No peace. Sorry. I tried. You're a loser.

11-19-2007, 06:14 AM

11-19-2007, 06:16 AM
Give a reread tomorrow and see if you weren't a tad bit mistaken about this thread as regards my recent participation. And fool yourself not: I'm not your friend, nor do I want to be. I was merely making that point that you're more of an angry drunk stalker than a serious molester. Enjoy!

11-19-2007, 06:20 AM
Give a reread tomorrow and see if you weren't a tad bit mistaken about this thread as regards my recent participation. And fool yourself not: I'm not your friend, nor do I want to be. I was merely making that point that you're more of an angry drunk stalker than a serious molester. Enjoy!

That's great. I wasn't mistaken, you're an asshole and a ts chaser.

I tried to cut you some slack, but that didn't work, did it?

Too bad.

11-19-2007, 06:21 AM
Damn! There goes another Christmas card.

11-19-2007, 06:37 AM
can i have a christmas card?

11-19-2007, 06:40 AM
He's probably not very good at Xmas cards. I bet he tries very hard, though.


11-19-2007, 07:03 AM
Damn! There goes another Christmas card.

Hey, asshole. You don't get off the hook. Sorry. Try it.

You fucked yourself. Bye.

11-19-2007, 07:10 AM
Damn! There goes another Christmas card.

Hey, asshole. You don't get off the hook. Sorry. Try it.

You fucked yourself. Bye.

Yep, being hated by you = on the hook. However will I sleep tonight?
Here, suck on this.

11-19-2007, 07:20 AM
Damn! There goes another Christmas card.

Hey, asshole. You don't get off the hook. Sorry. Try it.

You fucked yourself. Bye.

Yep, being hated by you = on the hook. However will I sleep tonight?
Here, suck on this.

You tasted a sliver of the world.

That sliver didn't mean anything. Heh. This applies to many posters here.

Keep your mouth shut.

11-19-2007, 07:22 AM
That made no sense at all.

11-19-2007, 11:46 AM
You tasted a sliver of the world.

That sliver didn't mean anything. Heh. This applies to many posters here.

Keep your mouth shut.

It is my position that the above proves Hondarobot suffers from multiple personality disorder, and should be placed somewhere where he can get some "rest" and treatment immediately... and indefinitely.

Thank you.

11-19-2007, 12:10 PM
I can just feel the love!

Night Rider
11-19-2007, 05:03 PM
good lord, someone would have to be delusional and get an erection over comic books to see Night Rider deserves an eternal spot at the top of the list for this thread........

I edited your post to what you truley meant.

11-19-2007, 05:43 PM
This award should truly go to nightrider for these reasons,

1.Over two thousand posts in a month and a half and his excuse for that is that he was in a car accident.

2.He makes fun of people who enjoys videogames and comic books yet he has stated he is addicted to online poker not even real poker.

3.He makes fun of other people's parents yet he has no father.

4.He complains when other girls refer to him as a faggot but yet he uses the word quite often.

5.He makes fun of others grammar when he can't even spell simple words like favorite or illiterate.

6.He gives his half ass incite on serious transsexual topics yet his only interaction with a transsexual according to him is with some crackhead 2 dollar hooker.


Night Rider
11-19-2007, 06:21 PM
I wondered how long it would take you to grow a set of balls and speak up

This award should truly go to nightrider for these reasons,

1.Over two thousand posts in a month and a half and his excuse for that is that he was in a car accident. Good enough excuse :P

2.He makes fun of people who enjoys videogames and comic books yet he has stated he is addicted to online poker not even real poker. Online poker is for real money you silly cunt. The type of video games you play are the type of games people grow out of when they ditch nappies. I have a ps3, so it's not like I'm saying you're immature if you have a console of some sort.

3.He makes fun of other people's parents yet he has no father. So because I have no dad, I can't make fun of anyones parents? Don't be so fucking stupid! You're living proof of why abortions should stay legal. I'm sure your dad has contemplated suicide for raising a bitch like you!

4.He complains when other girls refer to him as a faggot but yet he uses the word quite often. Lies, when do I complain when girls call me faggot. I said if someone calls me faggot i.e Vanessa, then I've the right to call her a man. You're the hypocrite that breaks down when I call you a faggot but you give Jen justice permission to use it as she likes.

5.He makes fun of others grammar when he can't even spell simple words like favorite or illiterate. Yeah, I make fun of your grammar because 90% of the time you write 5 sentences rolled into 1 with no punctuation. It must be all that acid you blasted has turned your brain into a scrambled mess.

6.He gives his half ass incite on serious transsexual topics yet his only interaction with a transsexual according to him is with some crackhead 2 dollar hooker. I've been with plenty of hookers and none were crackheads or $2. We all know the closest you've been to a TS, is that vicki richter cardboard cut out you have under your bed.

You win the award so accept it with whatever dignity you have left after being bitchslapped more times than I've had sunday dinners.

Put it up on the mantlepiece along with your "Most feminine of HA" award

11-19-2007, 06:57 PM
3.He makes fun of other people's parents yet he has no father. So because I have no dad, I can't make fun of anyones parents? Don't be so fucking stupid! You're living proof of why abortions should stay legal. I'm sure your dad has contemplated suicide for raising a bitch like you!


Night Rider
11-19-2007, 07:00 PM
Daddy is elusive and I really couldn't give two fucks. Better to be fatherless than be a bitch. hehe


11-19-2007, 07:08 PM
ok folx, you waited for it (at least some of you)

ok, here we go: BIGGEST LOSER OF HA.COM AWARD!!!!!!!

and this time, its guys AND girls!

so, in an environment like HA.com, what makes a loser:

*)people who got banned, yet dont have a life and re-register again!

*)people who log on in INVISIBLE MODE, so no one can immediately see HOW MANY FUCKING HOURS you spend on here!!!

(but, you post along a few hrs each day so ur tactics dont work, oh well)-exacerbated by the fact those individuals will tell others "to get a life" sooner or later :lol:

*)people who log on to HA.com affiliated chatrooms under a different handle than what they have on here, or as "guests" just to eavesdrop

*)people who create more accounts in an extremely lame attempt to attack others.

*)people who critisize others for doing something/beeing someone THEY ARE THEMSELVES!!!

*)people who suddenly gang up on someone, after beeing quiet for cowardly reasons

*)people who change opinions every minute, and/or edit posts to change its meaning completely, just after their point has been soundly ridiculed

*)people who create threads or post in threads regarding "social awareness"-issues in order to look like a person "who cares", yet in the ensuing debate it shows they dont have the slightes idea what they are talking about

*)people who drag their personal idiotic foes onto other threads and attack their opponents in those, therefore highjacking the thread and making utter fools of themselves.

*)people with well over 2000 posts, yet a big fraction of those consist of "co-signing" or general babble

*)crybabies in general (hell, if you want it all touchy-feely, get ur ass over to the sleeping pills of tranny forums: tgirltalk.com.....)

*) people telling "I dont care what you say or htink...." and repeat that in the very same thread ten times or more.....

that working definition should do....

i will plus "People that spend all this time to write all this above" :shrug :roll:

11-19-2007, 07:11 PM
Daddy is elusive and I really couldn't give two fucks. Better to be fatherless than be a bitch. hehe


Sure you don't,i bet when father's day comes around each you grab a bottle of jack daniels and think of the many reasons he left you.We already know your an alcoholic.Dude the reason you are a jerk now is because you didn't have a father maybe if you did you would have a little repect for others and maybe a life.Your lucky that accident did take you out because assholes like you usually have bad karma.

Night Rider
11-19-2007, 07:18 PM
Daddy is elusive and I really couldn't give two fucks. Better to be fatherless than be a bitch. hehe


Sure you don't,i bet when father's day comes around each you grab a bottle of jack daniels and think of the many reasons he left you.We already know your an alcoholic.Dude the reason you are a jerk now is because you didn't have a father maybe if you did you would have a little repect for others and maybe a life.Your lucky that accident did take you out because assholes like you usually have bad karma.

How do you know I'm an alcoholic you stupid cunt? When did I ever say I'm an alcoholic? You just make things up as you go along because you've no ammo. You might not be the biggest loser while hondarobots around, but you certainly are the biggest bitch. You claim you're just here to learn all the time, but all you do is make stupid threads about negative, emotional bullshit.

Fuck off and get a life you sad twat.

11-19-2007, 07:26 PM
[quote=hondarobot]I think I can handle more. What else you got?

You can't handle more drink I mean, you alcho-whore

..now fuck off and stop attention seeking

I just re-checked your profile. Average= 48 posts a day

Every day. You're crazy.


Yep, completely nuts!

80% of them have been directed at silly cunts like you but it's been fun ;)

Also the fact that I've been in a car accidenent (and have had to remind you at least 20times) means I haven't had much else to do.

come on Night Rider in Greece ,we have a proverb that it says:
"Excuses is like asshole,everybody has one" :lol:

11-19-2007, 07:33 PM
Daddy is elusive and I really couldn't give two fucks. Better to be fatherless than be a bitch. hehe


Sure you don't,i bet when father's day comes around each you grab a bottle of jack daniels and think of the many reasons he left you.We already know your an alcoholic.Dude the reason you are a jerk now is because you didn't have a father maybe if you did you would have a little repect for others and maybe a life.Your lucky that accident did take you out because assholes like you usually have bad karma.

How do you know I'm an alcoholic you stupid cunt? When did I ever say I'm an alcoholic? You just make things up as you go along because you've no ammo. You might not be the biggest loser while hondarobots around, but you certainly are the biggest bitch. You claim you're just here to learn all the time, but all you do is make stupid threads about negative, emotional bullshit.

Fuck off and get a life you sad twat.

Didn't you come on out nowhere with your lame drunk excuse as to why so peon refer to a girl on here as a he.Drunks make excuses for their fellow man all the time.I wonder if that moron would have killed someone in a car accident would you give that excuse for your fellow brother then.

Most of your posts are negative and i don't give make two cents on topics i know nothing about.I'm not going to act like a know transsexuals because i've been with a hooker like you.

Night Rider
11-19-2007, 07:33 PM
[quote=hondarobot]I think I can handle more. What else you got?

You can't handle more drink I mean, you alcho-whore

..now fuck off and stop attention seeking

I just re-checked your profile. Average= 48 posts a day

Every day. You're crazy.


Yep, completely nuts!

80% of them have been directed at silly cunts like you but it's been fun ;)

Also the fact that I've been in a car accidenent (and have had to remind you at least 20times) means I haven't had much else to do.

come on Night Rider in Greece ,we have a proverb that it says:
"Excuses is like asshole,everybody has one" :lol:

I'm glad you had the time to change the font size and colours of my qoute, life must be good in Greece.

Why don't you go and play with the asshole of that greek god statue you have in your bedroom.

Night Rider
11-19-2007, 07:40 PM
Didn't you come on out nowhere with your lame drunk excuse as to why so peon refer to a girl on here as a he.Drunks make excuses for their fellow man all the time.I wonder if that moron would have killed someone in a car accident would you give that excuse for your fellow brother then.

Most of your posts are negative and i don't give make two cents on topics i know nothing about.I'm not going to act like a know transsexuals because i've been with a hooker like you.

You try to make sense but it doesn't really happen.

All I did was explain that the guy was drunk when he made those comments. It would be completely different if he was sober. And how the fuck is he my fellow brother when we're from two different countries? Asshole.

Most of my posts are negative because emotionally unstable bitches like you are obsessed with me. Fact.

I can't be fucked having to try and make sense of your posts and then having to reply to correct you every time

So keep your opinionated bitchy mouth shut you fucking faggot.

11-19-2007, 07:44 PM
Didn't you come on out nowhere with your lame drunk excuse as to why so peon refer to a girl on here as a he.Drunks make excuses for their fellow man all the time.I wonder if that moron would have killed someone in a car accident would you give that excuse for your fellow brother then.

Most of your posts are negative and i don't give make two cents on topics i know nothing about.I'm not going to act like a know transsexuals because i've been with a hooker like you.

You try to make sense but it doesn't really happen.

All I did was explain that the guy was drunk when he made those comments. It would be completely different if he was sober. And how the fuck is he my fellow brother when we're from two different countries? Asshole.

Most of my posts are negative because emotionally unstable bitches like you are obsessed with me. Fact.

I can't be fucked having to try and make sense of your posts and then having to reply to correct you every time

So keep your opinionated bitchy mouth shut you fucking faggot.

Here you go and stop making excuses for your fellow drunks,


11-19-2007, 07:48 PM
[quote=hondarobot]I think I can handle more. What else you got?

You can't handle more drink I mean, you alcho-whore

..now fuck off and stop attention seeking

I just re-checked your profile. Average= 48 posts a day

Every day. You're crazy.


Yep, completely nuts!

80% of them have been directed at silly cunts like you but it's been fun ;)

Also the fact that I've been in a car accidenent (and have had to remind you at least 20times) means I haven't had much else to do.

come on Night Rider in Greece ,we have a proverb that it says:
"Excuses is like asshole,everybody has one" :lol:

I'm glad you had the time to change the font size and colours of my qoute, life must be good in Greece.

Why don't you go and play with the asshole of that greek god statue you have in your bedroom.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .......nice one

11-19-2007, 10:25 PM

11-19-2007, 10:31 PM

11-19-2007, 10:48 PM
Where is the mods when you need them,having two id's is a bannable offence.

11-20-2007, 01:52 AM
Where is the mods when you need them,having two id's is a bannable offence.

is that so, spiderman?

11-20-2007, 01:55 AM
Didn't you come on out nowhere with your lame drunk excuse as to why so peon refer to a girl on here as a he.Drunks make excuses for their fellow man all the time.I wonder if that moron would have killed someone in a car accident would you give that excuse for your fellow brother then.

Most of your posts are negative and i don't give make two cents on topics i know nothing about.I'm not going to act like a know transsexuals because i've been with a hooker like you.

holy fuck reading that made my head hurt

11-20-2007, 02:00 AM
Where is the mods when you need them,having two id's is a bannable offence.

is that so, spiderman?

I never denied having that name and wasn't really sure how this board deal with usernames so i change it to legend.Go back and read the posts under that name and you will see i never cause any kind of trouble.Since were on usernames what kind of moron calls themselves tubgirl unless you originally wanted to pretend you were a girl,dude go back to your cave and keep trying yourself your somebody.

11-20-2007, 02:02 AM
Didn't you come on out nowhere with your lame drunk excuse as to why so peon refer to a girl on here as a he.Drunks make excuses for their fellow man all the time.I wonder if that moron would have killed someone in a car accident would you give that excuse for your fellow brother then.

Most of your posts are negative and i don't give make two cents on topics i know nothing about.I'm not going to act like a know transsexuals because i've been with a hooker like you.

holy fuck reading that made my head hurt

Nothing should be able to hurt you,isn't that you getting your balls smash in your disgusting avatar,well its a good thing too because we wouldn't want another freak like you running loose.

11-20-2007, 02:08 AM
hey legend, seriously, if i ever got the chance to meet you, maybe we could review some of your English homework...

11-20-2007, 02:10 AM

11-20-2007, 02:18 AM
hey legend, seriously, if i ever got the chance to meet you, maybe we could review some of your English homework...

That sounds like some pedophile line,i'm sure a freak like you has all kinds of lines like that.One day you will probably meet this guy,


11-20-2007, 02:30 AM
even though that was kind of funny, once again you have proven your ignorance.

11-20-2007, 02:36 AM


you dont have to talk like you are king shit just be normal not YOU HAVE PROVEN YOUR IGNORANCE!

chill the fuck out.

11-20-2007, 02:40 AM
even though that was kind of funny, once again you have proven your ignorance.

And you have proven that you are capable of saying something that a child molestor might say."tubgirl" tell the truth you have used that line before.No wonder you barely post you are probably busy stalking middle schools,i bet micheal jackson is your idol.


11-20-2007, 04:04 AM
If I nominate myself can all this fighting stop, please!

11-20-2007, 04:11 AM
This is the internet, where fighting is a daily operation. Can it ever stop? Yes, and it will.

But the peace will never last, like it or not.

11-20-2007, 05:09 AM
HA is a breeding ground for drama and squabbles. It's rare when people aren't talking trash about each other, so this thread really isn't that far outside the norm.

11-20-2007, 05:32 AM


you dont have to talk like you are king shit just be normal not YOU HAVE PROVEN YOUR IGNORANCE!

chill the fuck out.

was this directed at me?

11-20-2007, 05:34 AM
even though that was kind of funny, once again you have proven your ignorance.

And you have proven that you are capable of saying something that a child molestor might say."tubgirl" tell the truth you have used that line before.No wonder you barely post you are probably busy stalking middle schools,i bet micheal jackson is your idol.


why is it that you think you know so much about me? and what ever happened to ignoring my posts?

11-20-2007, 05:59 AM
...Meanwhile, deep in the forum cellars, MBF prepares another thread! :P

11-20-2007, 06:34 AM
You dislike me? Are you kidding? We had our spat at least a year ago, maybe more. Damn you are very immature for your age. You have to mention me now? WTF???

11-20-2007, 07:02 AM
even though that was kind of funny, once again you have proven your ignorance.

And you have proven that you are capable of saying something that a child molestor might say."tubgirl" tell the truth you have used that line before.No wonder you barely post you are probably busy stalking middle schools,i bet micheal jackson is your idol.


why is it that you think you know so much about me? and what ever happened to ignoring my posts?

Dude don't give the old aren't you suppose to be ignoring me post now,aren't you the same piece of shit pedophiler who bitched about me not responding to threads directed towards me well you mentioned me and i responded by bitch slapping you.

Why don't you tell everyone why you have that username,were you planning on pulling a vala and pretend you are a girl just to be liked,you seem like the type of loser who would do that.

11-20-2007, 07:16 AM
Dude don't give the old aren't you suppose to be ignoring me post now,aren't you the same piece of shit pedophiler who bitched about me not responding to threads directed towards me well you mentioned me and i responded by bitch slapping you.

Why don't you tell everyone why you have that username,were you planning on pulling a vala and pretend you are a girl just to be liked,you seem like the type of loser who would do that.

alright, i am getting a little tired of your "pedophiler" references. everytime someone says something that you cannot refute, you respond with baseless insults. bitch slapping me? really?

as far as the username goes: when i registered, i honestly could not think of one, and tubgirl was the first thing that popped into my head, so i went with it. why would i pretend to be female, legend? please explain that to me. also, while you are explaining that, include your theories as to why you believe i am a loser. and this time, do not use slanderous terms, just facts please.

you stated in a previous post that i have a low post count. that is correct, compared to yours. however, in all of your posts, how much knowledge have you actually taken from this site?

if you are "mad at me" because i make fun of the way you post, either suck it up or change the way you post. the way i see it, at least when i make fun of you, it is justified. your retorts are nothing but baseless accusations that, if you said them to me personally, would result in you getting your high-school ass kicked.

refute that, bitch...

11-20-2007, 08:55 AM
Dude don't give the old aren't you suppose to be ignoring me post now,aren't you the same piece of shit pedophiler who bitched about me not responding to threads directed towards me well you mentioned me and i responded by bitch slapping you.

Why don't you tell everyone why you have that username,were you planning on pulling a vala and pretend you are a girl just to be liked,you seem like the type of loser who would do that.

alright, i am getting a little tired of your "pedophiler" references. everytime someone says something that you cannot refute, you respond with baseless insults. bitch slapping me? really?

as far as the username goes: when i registered, i honestly could not think of one, and tubgirl was the first thing that popped into my head, so i went with it. why would i pretend to be female, legend? please explain that to me. also, while you are explaining that, include your theories as to why you believe i am a loser. and this time, do not use slanderous terms, just facts please.

you stated in a previous post that i have a low post count. that is correct, compared to yours. however, in all of your posts, how much knowledge have you actually taken from this site?

if you are "mad at me" because i make fun of the way you post, either suck it up or change the way you post. the way i see it, at least when i make fun of you, it is justified. your retorts are nothing but baseless accusations that, if you said them to me personally, would result in you getting your high-school ass kicked.

refute that, bitch...

If you don't want to be referred as a pedophiler don't say such idiotic statements that suggest you are one.

Dude tubgirl was the first thing that popped in your head wtf like anyone is gonna buy that lame excuse,you could have used iammichealjacksonsnumber1fan or istillhearthomework but you chose to refer yourself as a girl,i don't know of anyone on this forum who has a girl's name besides vala who was some fat ass crazy guy who pretended to be a girl,you probably wanted to play the same pathetic role.

"mad at you" LOL,i basically look at you as a joke and your attempts to make fun of my grammar is just backs up your pedophile/homework statement.You are the one who is whining about me calling you a pedophiler but yet you made the idiotic homework comment so go cry a fucking river you micheal jackson wannabe."do not use slanderous terms, just facts please." Go fuck yourself you goddamn peice of shit hyprocite and whine to someone who actually cares.

you stated in a previous post that i have a low post count. that is correct, compared to yours. however, in all of your posts, how much knowledge have you actually taken from this site?"

And you are one to talk about baseless statements,like a give a fuck enough about you or your post count,you are about as creepy as your balls smashing avatar.Like i'm worried about some freak named tubgirl kicking my ass btw you suggested i was in high school,do you also go around high schools trying to help kids with their "homework".

Refute this freak,

11-20-2007, 09:30 AM
Tubgirl... I'm only saying this once to help you out. Legend doesn't care what he argues about, so long as he's arguing and causing trouble. You can throw every counter-claim you can think of at him... it won't matter because Legend will only try to change the subject and continue throwing low-ball insults at you.

He's hoping you'll either become confused over a change of topic and say something incorrect that he can prove wrong, or that you'll eventually get so frustrated, you'll start throwing senseless insults right back at him. Either way, he wins. Just do yourself a favor and ignore him. Let him say what he wants. It's the freakin' internet. It doesn't matter. All the while, talking to himself will just further the apparent fact that he is, after all, a complete douche bag.

11-20-2007, 09:51 AM
Tubgirl... I'm only saying this once to help you out. Legend doesn't care what he argues about, so long as he's arguing and causing trouble. You can throw every counter-claim you can think of at him... it won't matter because Legend will only try to change the subject and continue throwing low-ball insults at you.

He's hoping you'll either become confused over a change of topic and say something incorrect that he can prove wrong, or that you'll eventually get so frustrated, you'll start throwing senseless insults right back at him. Either way, he wins. Just do yourself a favor and ignore him. Let him say what he wants. It's the freakin' internet. It doesn't matter. All the while, talking to himself will just further the apparent fact that he is, after all, a complete douche bag.

Sorry to burst your brownie points post but don't let the name confuse you it's rather tubguy,apparently in your pathetic attempt to suck up you must have missed the fact that this freak started with me.If you can get your nose out of tubguy's ass and look at his past post you can see that it has been me trying to ignore him he just picked a bad day to fuck with me.Your pathetic attempt to help him out just proves some guys will say anything to earn brownie points but little do you know tubgirl is tubguy.

11-20-2007, 10:02 AM
Ah, Legend...tubgirl is a rather well known internet legend. It's like calling oneself goatse, no one would expect that you were the real Goatse. I think it was just a joke, like my name. I'm not taking sides - I haven't been paying attention, I don't know what you two are fighting about. Just thought you'd like to know.
You do know who tubgirl was, don't you? If you don't, you're actually lucky!
It's one of those pictures you can't unsee. I grossed out a bunch of people at work telling them about it.

11-20-2007, 10:09 AM
[quote=GrimFusion]Tubgirl... I'm only saying this once to help you out. Legend doesn't care what he argues about, so long as... blah, blah, blah... tubgirl is tubguy.

Legend... I'm not about to get sucked into all of this, so this is going to be my only reply to you. I could care less whether tubgirl is a man or a woman. I could care less who started the argument or who is in the right. I just know that you're usually on the troublemaking and insult-chucking end of every fight I've ever seen you involved in.

I'm not here to earn brownie points. Neither of you are friends of mine and after having read this lively volley of stupidity between the two of you, I highly doubt either of you would make for good e-buddies.

Don't get me wrong, either. I'm not about to claim I'm better than either of you or I am or should be in a position to order about some kind of reprimanding. I'm just like everyone else around here. A reader. I'd just hope that one of you MIGHT have the sense to come to the conclusion that this whole fight is extremely ridiculous.

11-20-2007, 10:51 AM
OMG I wish i hadn't done THAT search...

Tubgirl - http://www.consumptionjunction.com/details/52447/0/Fuck-Puke-Laugh-Extreme/Pictures/

11-20-2007, 10:52 AM
Legend... I'm not about to get sucked into all of this, so this is going to be my only reply to you.

You obviously decided to throw you little bias opinion in without knowing anything,oh i don't care who started it but yet you state i start shit all the time which is far from the truth,you would know that if you weren't a fucking noob who i've never heard of until now.

tall, dark & Handsome
11-20-2007, 11:08 AM
Everytime I open this post I feel like a cowboy walking into a wild west tavern. I guess sooner or later I'll end up with a bloody lip.

Night Rider
11-20-2007, 12:30 PM
...just when you thought legend couldn't get any gayer


11-20-2007, 12:55 PM
Way to bring my hopes down,i thought you might have look at your pathetic life and commited sucide.

Night Rider
11-20-2007, 12:57 PM
...just when you thought legend couldn't get any gayer


Way to bring my hopes down,i thought you might have look at your pathetic life and commited sucide.

Another classic sentence from the gayest boi in HA...

11-20-2007, 01:05 PM
...just when you thought legend couldn't get any gayer


Way to bring my hopes down,i thought you might have look at your pathetic life and commited sucide.

Another classic sentence from the gayest boi in HA...


Night Rider
11-20-2007, 01:11 PM

11-20-2007, 01:14 PM
Should You Kill Yourself?

Choosing to commit suicide is probably the biggest decision you will ever make. You may not think that you have any reason to consider it, but you're wrong. Many, many people should commit suicide, and most of them don't even know it!

Don't go on living without taking this quiz. Your life depends on it. If you're are struggling with the question "Should I kill myself?" let this quiz take the guesswork out of it for you.


Night Rider
11-20-2007, 01:18 PM
You seem to have a lot of info on suicide. It's perfectly normal though for teenagers to be depressed.

If you're having trouble here's a diagram..


Teabagger Vance
11-20-2007, 03:29 PM
Way to bring my hopes down,i thought you might have look at your pathetic life and commited sucide.

Thank you, Legend, for fulfilling my prophetic post on page 2 of this very thread. You are indeed the Absolute Loser of Hung Angels. I'm actually shocked that you would go so far as to call for other posters here to commit suicide. That has to go on record as one of the lowest things anyone has ever done on this board. You should be banned for this. Period. You have effectively destroyed whatever remaining credibility (if any) you had left. If you don't care what other posters (such as myself) say about your posts, then simply ignore them. That you would call for posters here to commit suicide speaks volumes about you as a person. It isn't funny and it isn't ironic. Anytime you try to score points on another poster here, I think it would be wise for someone to refer back to the time when you called for people here to kill themselves.

And referring to a fellow member here as a pedophile just because he has a message board handle with "girl" in it shows how egregiously defective you are in language skills. I see the word Tgirls plastered all over this board. Does that mean everyone here is a pedophile? Surely, you must think so. Instead, you could have looked the handle up on google, and you would have found out all you needed to know. No, you develop your own thoughts about things all the time without properly informing yourself. Why should you start becoming knowledgeable of facts now? Your ways of ignorance have served you well for these 16, 17 years for you on Planet Earth.

Also, I've recently become aware of some events that have taken place, some news, if you will. I think this information might break your fractured little heart, but we'll leave that nugget for a later time. It would be like Christmas for some and a nightmare for you. I imagine you screaming and crying already.

Again, please accept my congratulations to you for your hard-fought and well-earned victory and designation as the Absolute Loser of Hung Angels.

11-20-2007, 04:57 PM
hmm I thought one should be an adult to be here - and still I see only children postings. Life isnt that difficult, and yes i knew I shouldnt have posted this but I just hit the [enter] first.

11-20-2007, 05:08 PM
Again, please accept my congratulations to you for your hard-fought and well-earned victory and designation as the Absolute Loser of Hung Angels.

I'm not getting involved in this absolute loser thing, anyone can fucking nominate me for all I care.

But I will say enough of this suicide and noose imagery and references already. Fun's fun but that's over the line. Back into your corners and when you come out keep it clean.

That's all I'm saying on this.

EDIT: 'Scuse me for quoting you Vance, you seemed to be one of the voices of reason, that's all.

Night Rider
11-20-2007, 05:48 PM
enough of this suicide and noose imagery and references already. Fun's fun but that's over the line. Back into your corners and when you come out keep it clean.

Just a bit of banter on my part. Legend, I thought was taking it seriously but I wouldn't expect anything less from him. Sorry if it offended you but in my eyes it's just like showing a gun or a knife.

11-21-2007, 04:12 AM
I just wanted to say that I find it immensely interesting Grim Fusion would say Legend's sole intent is to cause trouble, yet he originally listed his location as "Jewville", Mississippi...

Sure, he changed it when I inquired about it, but the fact that it was ever there at all tells you a lot about the guy, now doesn't it? Pot calling the kettle black, yet again... Just saying.

11-21-2007, 05:27 AM
"Jewville", Mississippi...

I lived in Brookline, MA, essentially the same thing.

OY! You got a problem with that, meschugenah? :lol:

11-21-2007, 06:03 AM
So who gets to give legend the cup of hemlock?

11-21-2007, 06:05 AM
I see a lot of old threads I'd like to resurrect but I'll refrain from that.

11-21-2007, 07:55 AM
Legend is the absolute loser of HA. BUT HE'S ONLY AT MOST 16. LOOK AT HIS AVATARS! Cut him some slack. In six months or less he'll have his driver's license. THEN! THEN! HE'LL BE A FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH. HIS AVATAR WILL CHANGE! HE WILL BE STUNTMAN FROM "PLANET TERROR".

Right now, he's just a silly kid, looking to be hugged by t-girls, a warrior in his own mind. Soon his wet dreams will come true, if he gets a good paying part-time job and his parents don't force him to put money aside for college.

11-21-2007, 09:28 AM
Did I win yet?

11-21-2007, 09:46 AM
I never win nuthin'.

Night Rider
11-21-2007, 02:19 PM
The biggest loser is actually this guy. The poor baby is supposedly still recovering tho' so we're expected to be understanding. :roll:

"I eat potatoes and Lucky Charms!!! Wanna make somethin' out of it?!?"


You were told to ignore me bitch! It's funny how you make these claims and can't seem to stick to your word. Everytime I have to reply I have to look at your frightening avatar, so please stfu slut. I think you need to chill the fuck out and stop trying to be a bad ass like your lookalike...



11-21-2007, 03:50 PM
The biggest loser is actually this guy. The poor baby is supposedly still recovering tho' so we're expected to be understanding. :roll:

"I eat potatoes and Lucky Charms!!! Wanna make somethin' out of it?!?"


looks more like a mummy haha

Night Rider
11-21-2007, 03:55 PM
Due to popular demand we will be having a competition for the ugliest member of HA.

Here is the shortlist:

Nicole Dupree
Nicole Dupree
Nicole Dupree


Night Rider
11-21-2007, 04:53 PM
Is the gay Irish virgin giving out orders from his hospital bed?

Good joke :roll:

I'm dealing out the facts, pitty you haven't got ammo to do the same

....U-G-L-Y BITCH :P

Night Rider
11-21-2007, 05:03 PM
I suggest you use it. I pay good money for my food just to be wasted when I look at your avatar. :puke

Night Rider
11-21-2007, 05:04 PM
Now stfu and stop attention seeking, you dirty whore

11-21-2007, 08:38 PM
nightloser.....i think you misunderstood the doctor's instructions. if they gave you a big bottle of pain pills, you're supposed to take them ALL at the same time. you should wash them down with one fifth of jack.
still can't figure the 'L' on your forehead....
all of the above?

Night Rider
11-21-2007, 08:45 PM
From another thread...

I suppose this should be a poll question.
Nightrider, the 'L' on your forehead stands for

Nah, it stands for legend now fuck off

I see you've come up with a couple more words beginning with L. Unfortunately for you, it's even more pathetic this time around and you're still a wanker.

11-21-2007, 09:03 PM
apparently everyone is a wanker!

11-21-2007, 09:16 PM
This is one of those situations where I'm conflicted. I've always like Nicole, and NightRider's always been cool to me. Hard to dislike anyone with a Jimi avatar. I don't read each and every thread. Obviously something happened between you two. I will say this. I think attacking anyone who posts their real photo is in bad taste. NR, I realize you are pissed at her from something, maybe rightly so. But c'mon man! What would Jimi do?

11-21-2007, 09:27 PM
But c'mon man! What would Jimi do?

overdose and die

11-21-2007, 09:28 PM
Has anyone nominated Monica? He needs at least to be mentioned :)

Night Rider
11-21-2007, 09:29 PM
apparently everyone is a wanker!

especially you

Night Rider
11-21-2007, 09:32 PM
I think attacking anyone who posts their real photo is in bad taste. NR, I realize you are pissed at her from something, maybe rightly so. But c'mon man! What would Jimi do?

Jimi would put that refer out in her eye and tell her to stfu. That's what Jimi would do.

Trust me she deserves everything she gets.

11-21-2007, 09:36 PM
That reminded me of 'That's what Brian Boitano'd do!'

Night Rider
11-21-2007, 10:00 PM
That reminded me of 'That's what Brian Boitano'd do!'

Not sure who that is mate :screwy :mrgreen:

11-21-2007, 10:05 PM
at least there was inclusion of a nude transsexual picture. what kind of thread on hung angels would go past the 10 page marker without a nude picture?

11-21-2007, 10:10 PM
That reminded me of 'That's what Brian Boitano'd do!'

Not sure who that is mate :screwy :mrgreen:


Night Rider
11-21-2007, 10:11 PM
nude transsexual picture is bending the truth a bit

..but you're right, nude pics keep this place ticking

Night Rider
11-21-2007, 10:12 PM
lol suckseed, I've seen that one but forgot the name.

11-21-2007, 10:14 PM
nude transsexual picture is bending the truth a bit

..but you're right, nude pics keep this place ticking

Have you ever seen a picture of Crayons? It used to be her avatar. Fuck she's hot. But I don't imagine she keeps a guy around for very long before she gives him the boot! :D

Night Rider
11-21-2007, 10:17 PM
Have you ever seen a picture of Crayons? It used to be her avatar. Fuck she's hot. But I don't imagine she keeps a guy around for very long before she gives him the boot! :D

No, I've been told she's hot but I've only seen her prized assets.


11-21-2007, 10:23 PM
Have you ever seen a picture of Crayons? It used to be her avatar. Fuck she's hot. But I don't imagine she keeps a guy around for very long before she gives him the boot! :D

No, I've been told she's hot but I've only seen her prized assets.


She's had her tits out for the lads? :shock: