View Full Version : Transsexuals in the Mainstream
02-27-2003, 01:48 AM
What do you guys think it will take for tgirls to be... I don't know the word I'm looking for, but (for lack of a better one) I will use "accepted?"
Sure, Gia did Hustler, and the TS porn industry is apparently huge, but what will it take for more men to come out in the open about their love for these women?
Will we ever see our lovely ladies headline Hollywood blockbusters?
Sorry if the post is a little jumbled, but you get the idea...
03-01-2003, 11:02 AM
honey i dont think transexualk will be accepted until ghays are accepted. honey people think transexuals are gay men and id ontt hink this misconception is going away anytime soon. and if a ts is going to be a movie star, she'd have to be in deep stealth, meaning nobody knows she is a ts, be it as an escort or otherwise.
03-02-2003, 11:55 PM
I agree with what she said. TS's won't be accepted into the mainstream anytime soon. Gay's are barely gaining acceptance, and TS's are portrayed as worse than gays. Then you add shows like Jerry Springer and you have the public forming extreme negative perceptions about transgendered people. We'd probably have a female president way before a transexual is accepted into the mainstream, an not as some sort of "freak of the moment".
03-05-2003, 09:03 PM
najwa....simply the best!
Hugh Jarrod
02-06-2005, 12:30 PM
In roads are being made, yet many are still seen as oddities etc. Yet Vanity currently appears in a small role in an independant film called "The Chick Magnet" and Diva's bartender Cassandra appeared on the 100th episode of CSI.
TrueBeauty TS
02-06-2005, 09:22 PM
There are many things that need to happen before a TS will be staring along side of Harrison Ford and Ben Affleck.
First of all, the tone of the country has to change. Right now, the country is scared. We have a president that plays on that fear. We are afraid of terrorists, Social Security, Howard Stern and Janet Jackson's boob. There is a cry to return to "moral values" and religion. Hollywood, I don't think, will be taking the risk to have a TS star in a major motion picture with this climate.
I also don't know how Hollywood and the straight world will accept a TS mainstream movie star with a porn and/or escort background. I think it's a double edged sword. Miriam was "discovered" for her show by escorting. But I think they tried to downplay or hide the porn and escorting she did. Either way, there are pros and cons to having that kind of background.
Second, if there ever is a TS that will breakout, she must be beautiful. This is nothing new in terms of Hollywood. It's the same for GG's. There are very few average or ugly people on screen, and if they are, they are character actors or the "bad guys". She must look so feminine that even straight people will look at her and say "Well, she looks and acts so much like a girl, I can see why she would need to be that way."
Third, if Hollywood wants you to play an average "female" part, they would probably just hire a GG. Otherwise, what's the point? I myself, have been asked about doing certain things for television, but they always want me to out myself at the end. "Surprise! I'm really a guy!" So far, I have turned them down just because of the "freak factor". Right now, that seems to be the majority of the rolls TS's get on screen.
Fourth, basic acting ability. As good as she looked, even Cindy Crawford's one time movie role bombed because she just couldn't act. Yes, some people have natural ability, but not everyone. I don't see too many TS's going to auditions and taking acting classes and so on. It's a huge lottery for GG's to make it in Hollywood. Even more so for TS's. That's not to say TS's shouldn't try!!! Somebody has to make it. Someday someone will. Probably independent films will be the best chance to start off with.
I have hope though. Every once in awhile you see a TS in a movie. Eva Robbins, Bibi Anderson, etc.... Europe seems a bit more open to the possibilities.
Anyway, those are just some thoughts. I'm sure I'll think of more. LOL
Danielle Foxxx
02-06-2005, 09:34 PM
I don't think it's as hard as for any actor, being transgender or not, you just have to meet the right people and make the connections, Vanitty is getting up there when it comes to MainStream Media, you really just have to network, get a good agent and hustle your way to the top untill you are discovered.
I just finished a movie with Sandra Bullock, I was an extra but agin I was hired as a TS/Female Impersonator...The movie is "Miss Conginiality 2" I was pertraying "CHER" so....If you happend to go watch this movie it comes out March 18th, I believe....I can't wait to see if I made the cut...
Here is a picture from shooting day...
Hugh Jarrod
02-06-2005, 10:15 PM
Congrats on the role Danielle. As you said though most T's seem to be playing roles as female impersonators, or use a butch voice and are mad fun of. Just don't accept roles that put T's in a bad light. You look great as Cher though. The female impersonator thing is OK in my eyes but the butch thing is eeeeeh. It seems that in the past it's the T in the film is out to decieve men into having sex with them, or they are dating a gay guy. Gay men are not attracted to T's, I myself have never been attracted to a man, and love T's as it is beauty I enjoy.
02-07-2005, 12:02 AM
Danielle, you make an awesome Cher! I think I would be fooled in real life, unless she was standing next to you. Did you do your own makeup for that?
02-07-2005, 12:49 AM
I believe most of the posts seem to believe the mainstrem is Show Business. I think all of us will agree that in 95% of our lives it is not. To me mainstream is people I see and work with everyday. If you mean show business it is coming around. There is more in the background than you know. There were and have been TS semi major stars since the 50's. I will not out prople, but I know it as a fact from my research for magazine articles. There are 100's of stealth ladies doing every typr of job imaginable. There are some amazing ladies that are out and are totally accepted in there roles. The show business world is held back not by acceptance of the ts. Look at Crying game and Soliders story, but the search for the $$. If there was a decent TS actress and a good script believe me it would be made. There are a few sort of in the works that were batted around at Sundance. To many stars like "TC" have to many ghosts in there closet to work with a TS and as the "Working girls" in LA know there is no shortage of major stars into TS's.
02-07-2005, 12:54 AM
over in merry old England, theres a show called Big Brother (I think it's in America too, just wasn't as popular), and on the 5th series, a transsexual called "Nadia" was on there. Nicknamed "The Portugeezer", as she originally came from Portugal. Anyway, she had said whilst being in the house, that she wanted a music career. She was snapped up as soon as she won the show, and starred in her own music video, albeit was a really bad song, it still shows that anyone can get a famous career going.
02-07-2005, 04:46 AM
Glenn Close seems to have done allright for herself
02-07-2005, 05:53 AM
I don't think it's as hard as for any actor, being transgender or not, you just have to meet the right people and make the connections, Vanitty is getting up there when it comes to MainStream Media, you really just have to network, get a good agent and hustle your way to the top untill you are discovered.
I just finished a movie with Sandra Bullock, I was an extra but agin I was hired as a TS/Female Impersonator...The movie is "Miss Conginiality 2" I was pertraying "CHER" so....If you happend to go watch this movie it comes out March 18th, I believe....I can't wait to see if I made the cut...
Here is a picture from shooting day...
Vaniity wont be appearing in any mainstream movies as a female impersonator.
We will see what happens with her but I think this will be a make it or break it type year for her.
I dont consider "female impersonation" roles positive.
Many of the "girls" that have the most mainstream exposure do because they are being portrayed as a freakshow.
Its really sad because transexuals get NO respect.
That has to change.
There have always been transexual people and the time is now for some acceptance and consideration.
It is only when certain transexuals get accepted as women that they get any respect.
I am afraid that it will be a long road mainly because of the irreligous right wing zealots.
TrueBeauty TS
02-07-2005, 07:06 AM
I believe most of the posts seem to believe the mainstrem is Show Business. I think all of us will agree that in 95% of our lives it is not. To me mainstream is people I see and work with everyday. If you mean show business it is coming around. There is more in the background than you know. There were and have been TS semi major stars since the 50's. I will not out prople, but I know it as a fact from my research for magazine articles. There are 100's of stealth ladies doing every typr of job imaginable. There are some amazing ladies that are out and are totally accepted in there roles. The show business world is held back not by acceptance of the ts. Look at Crying game and Soliders story, but the search for the $$. If there was a decent TS actress and a good script believe me it would be made. There are a few sort of in the works that were batted around at Sundance. To many stars like "TC" have to many ghosts in there closet to work with a TS and as the "Working girls" in LA know there is no shortage of major stars into TS's.
The original poster talked about TS's starring in Hollywood Blockbusters so that's what I was talking about. Of course there are 1'000,s of TS's that work, live and play in the everyday straight world outside of Hollywood. Many are very successful in what they do.
As for the Hollywood movies you mentioned... the subject matter dealt with TS's but the actors were not.
02-07-2005, 07:16 AM
can u believe a tranny in todays day and age is still quoting the bible and reciting god poems when this god of hers writes about having her killed for her lifestyle etc?
So you do believe in God after all, J? You must believe he exists if you attribute action to him: you say "this god writes," not "those who believe in him write," thus attributing action to him, either thereby verifying his existence (or at least your belief in his existence) or nonsensically attributing action (writing) to something which doesn't exist.
More to the point, who are you to say what God Danielle or anyone else believes in? That's a personal belief, whether it follows a Christian pattern, a Hindu pattern, or any other pattern. Yes, down through the millenia there have been a sickeningly large number of people who have committed great wrong in the name of the god(s) of their belief, but that doesn't make everyone's god the same. I daresay Danielle's God doesn't condemn her for her lifestyle, and that she would say that it was men who misunderstood or deliberately misinterpreted God who condemn others, not her God.
Personally, as a Buddhist, I see no need to believe in a Deity as some individual being or creator, but I respect others' right to conceive of and even worship the Ultimately Undefinable as God if they so choose. I do not respect those who seek to impose their will or beliefs on others, whether in the name of God or secular Humanism or atheism.
Felicia Katt
02-07-2005, 09:39 AM
My view is that its a vicious cycle. Transsexuals will not be accepted in mainstream media until there are meaningful roles for them, but there will not be meaningful roles for them so long as the roles are sensationalized. Sensationalism sells. and unless all girls, like True, turn down opportunities that pander to that lowest common denominator, those parts will continue to predominate. And so long as girls need the work, they will not be able to turn down those roles, and so on and so on. Another factor will be that even if the character is transgendered, they will go with a genetic girl, or a non-transgender male. They always say, its not what you know, its who you know, and fair or not, the casting people know the same actors for different roles. A lot of Asian and Hispanic actors can make that same complaint, when more familiar white actors portray other ethnicities.
It would be nice if someone or something would break that cycle. But look how many roles Jaye Davidson got after the Crying Game.
Danielle Foxxx
02-07-2005, 09:58 AM
02-07-2005, 04:28 PM
But look how many roles Jaye Davidson got after the Crying Game.
But Jaye Davidson is a gay man not a transexual.Am I right?
He has acted also in Stargate.
and starred in her own music video, albeit was a really bad song, it still shows that anyone can get a famous career going.
Try this link Chica.I like a lot the videoclip "I'm what I am" of the singer Kelly Riviera
This is the link to her website
Let me know what you think :wink:
Danielle Foxxx
02-07-2005, 05:58 PM
Danmmmm that girl is awesome...I have a new Goddess now...LOL She is second to Roberta Close ofcorse....Thanks for the link...It's women like that we all aspire to be....
She not only is proud of who she was before - mentioning she was a transvestite before her transformation but she also posted boy pictures on her web site.
Trully an amaizing lady ( altho there is a horrible picture I think she should take out , she looks drunk ) LOLOLOLOL
I love the video with the wedding dress.
SOOOOOOO HOT! What a great way to pertray transsexuals. I believe if someone will pertray transsexuals in the mainstream it needs to be someone who makes smart choices and who doesn't lose control at the sign of alcohol or drugs, all we need is a TS Courtney Love, that would be tragic for our comunity, I will not mention names but...again I don't agree with a certain someone representing my comunity. I am not the one to talk, I am not the best example, but....I trully believe we need positive role models and she will do more bad then harm.
Again this posting was excelet, I am saving that link and using it as inspiration!
I am picking my jaw off the floor
Danielle Foxxx
02-07-2005, 06:01 PM
I mean - MOre harm then good
02-07-2005, 06:28 PM
never heard of kelly before, though i've got a big interest in Holland, and i've been learning the language.
I might get her email and say,
"Hai, hoe is het met jou?" one day ;) (Hi, how are you?)
02-08-2005, 04:50 PM
until either ts's make up a significant percentage of the population (10% lets say) or enough time goes by that to be transsexual is totally blase
i don't think we will see many ts's doing roles besides those where it is
that fact that they ARE ts that is the focal point of the role.
ts's in the mainstream world is another thing altogether. there are so many ts's who work in offices, are managers, IT consultants, salespeople, secretaries, waitresses, etc. etc. the performing arts is a very small part of the world as a whole it just happens to be the most visible.
Danielle Foxxx
02-08-2005, 07:59 PM
I agree Caleig...
I hope I get out of the "mainstream" soon, altho I really like the attention, I rather work behind the scenes, I am tired of fighting for attention from the world, a while back I wanted to be an actress and that dream was shattered when I moved to LA, I do a few roles here and there but you have to take life as it comes, I am sure every girl dreams of the spotlight, but beauty fades so I am making sure I work in a more substantial field that will suppprt me at old age. I have another 6 months to go to school and already the assistant principal is talking about sending me to a News Station to do makeup for them, I am very excited...
02-09-2005, 05:46 AM
That's awesome Danielle. Congratulations !
02-09-2005, 05:47 AM
That's awesome Danielle. Congratulations !
02-13-2005, 07:15 PM
But look how many roles Jaye Davidson got after the Crying Game.
But Jaye Davidson is a gay man not a transexual.Am I right?
He has acted also in Stargate.
and starred in her own music video, albeit was a really bad song, it still shows that anyone can get a famous career going.
Try this link Chica.I like a lot the videoclip "I'm what I am" of the singer Kelly Riviera
This is the link to her website
Let me know what you think :wink:
My understanding is that Jaye was paid $1mm for Stargate & then didn't learn her lines and otherwise messed up. The fiasco killed her chances of a film career.
For a lot of examples of ts success in the mainstream, media and otherwise, see:
11-08-2005, 05:58 PM
Kelly Riviera is 23, lives in Illinois, is in a relationship and happy, and can be found via Or Google her in images and you gets lots of links.
The Kelly at is actually Kelly Van Der Veer, a post-op TS who has celebrity status in Holland, and who has appeared on Dutch 'Big Brother' and on the cover of the Dutch version of Playboy. Basically, she's as or more famous than Nadia Almada (winner of Big Brother here - hmm, is there a thread developing here) is here in the UK, or Miriam, who amongst other shows, took part in --- Australian Big Brother!
Please, does anyone have any other TS appearances in non-Adult Entertainment shows they can throw in?
And Danielle, any update on the stuff in this thread about work you are doing on the outside?
Finally, although I'm not a laugh-at type of person, a couple of real names in the thread above raised a distinct smile. And just to prove I've got a little boy's sense of humour, there was an article in The Times the weekend just passed about efforts in New Delhi to restore the place for the 100th anniversary of a ceremony that occurred in 1911, when the King of England was presented to local chiefs and dignitaries as the Emperor of India - basically just before the Empire started to crumble. The person leading the restoration is the Chief Minister of New Delhi,
Mrs Sheila Dikshit.
So, here's the hurdle level - if you come back with a name of your own, please make sure you top Mrs Dikshit. And yes, I did warn you it was little-boy humour.
11-08-2005, 06:16 PM
Yeah I met Kelly Riviera in Normal before on campus (ISU)....she used to hang with some Tri Delts and later told me she pledged....not sure how true it is...hmmm...Found out she was a TS when I saw her collegeclub profile much later though. She lives in Alton now though I think.
11-08-2005, 10:13 PM
There are many things that need to happen before a TS will be staring along side of Harrison Ford and Ben Affleck.
I dunno. Kevin Smith is one freaky guy. Ben may already have been up in the camera with a TS and never knew (Or let on).
And speaking of Harrison Ford...
I haven't seen any mention of the TS/TG that played the TS prostitute on Ally McBeal. That episode was incredibly well done (Even if the ending was a stereotypical disaster re: What becomes of the odd-gendered character at the end of the episode). They really could have run with that had they not gone for the tear-jerk ending. :soapbox
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