View Full Version : Why do gay guys have 'the accent'

11-08-2007, 11:22 AM
Got a new roommate last month. He's a fairly insufferable twat who takes himself really seriously, and with my separate floor and entrance, it's easy enough to avoid him. The other day, my female housemate says she thinks he's gay. That hadn't occurred to me, although he is suspiciously into lentils, cookbooks and fancy kitchen shit. Today, I'm upstairs putting away my apple juice and there he is, cooking with some fellow named 'Trevor'. This guy is a real piece of work, with the whole Abercrombie and Fitch image going on, complete with third year of college philosophy major/vegan attitude of faint superiority. But the giveaway is that voice - that Paul Lynde/Snagglepuss/Richard Simmons voice. Srsly, wtf? Does boofin' it affect ones vocal chords?

11-08-2007, 11:26 AM
Got a new roommate last month. He's a fairly insufferable twat who takes himself really seriously, and with my separate floor and entrance, it's easy enough to avoid him. The other day, my female housemate says she thinks he's gay. That hadn't occurred to me, although he is suspiciously into lentils, cookbooks and fancy kitchen shit. Today, I'm upstairs putting away my apple juice and there he is, cooking with some fellow named 'Trevor'. This guy is a real piece of work, with the whole Abercrombie and Fitch image going on, complete with third year of college philosophy major/vegan attitude of faint superiority. But the giveaway is that voice - that Paul Lynde/Snagglepuss/Richard Simmons voice. Srsly, wtf? Does boofin' it affect ones vocal chords?

If your not British, you should be - with that sense of humourous writing.

11-08-2007, 11:34 AM

11-08-2007, 11:35 AM
[quote="suckseed"]Got a new roommate last month. He's a fairly insufferable twat who takes himself really seriously[quote]

Umm, so why did you choose him? Ya should have seen that coming. :roll:

Oh, I don't choose the roommates. I live with this artist chick. It's her house. She sucks at picking housemates, or should I say excels at picking bad ones. But the good news is I basically have my own apartment for less than $500 including utilities.

And thanks, Seanchai. I always thought you were British myself!

11-08-2007, 12:36 PM
I live with this artist chick. It's her house. She sucks at picking housemates, or should I say excels at picking bad ones.

Ever hear the expression "When in hole, stop digging?"
:lol: :lol:

11-08-2007, 01:06 PM
I don't know. It seems to occur about the same time as straight boys voices go deep.

It's worldwide. You know it when you hear it in any language. Spanish can throw you a bit because of the lisp,but once you get past that it's still there.

Night Rider
11-08-2007, 01:14 PM
The 'gay accent' is the most annoying thing u can suffer. I've nothing against them apart from the accent. The same goes for dipsy blonde gg/ts that are too high pitched and in ur face.

I don't really know what advice to give u, exept watch a lot of sports and that might drive him away...

11-08-2007, 01:42 PM
I live with this artist chick. It's her house. She sucks at picking housemates, or should I say excels at picking bad ones.

Ever hear the expression "When in hole, stop digging?"
:lol: :lol:

haha yes, but I meant ones that neither one of us end up being able to coexist with. She and I are fine going on two years.

11-08-2007, 02:58 PM
haha yes, but I meant ones that neither one of us end up being able to coexist with. She and I are fine going on two years.

I was just twanging yer wire 8)

11-08-2007, 03:35 PM
The 'gay accent' is the most annoying thing u can suffer. I've nothing against them apart from the accent. The same goes for dipsy blonde gg/ts that are too high pitched and in ur face.

I don't really know what advice to give u, exept watch a lot of sports and that might drive him away...Are you kidding? 11 Sweaty men running around on a pitch "camping it up" Ooh refer-ree He made me fal over and damage my £500 perm??? He's more likely to make a freind for life.

I act and look straight, I have a verry masculine voice and people in person have looked shocked when I have said Im bi. They say things like "Oh you dont sound gay when you talk!" amuses me no end. Though I do genuinely believe that people start talking like that to set off gaydar and do the voice so long they forget HOW to talk any other way.. Forinstance an old mate used LATER KID as a way of saying Goodbye mate, I cant stop myself saying it even though it pisses me off no-end.

Night Rider
11-08-2007, 03:43 PM
Are you kidding? 11 Sweaty men running around on a pitch "camping it up" Ooh refer-ree He made me fal over and damage my £500 perm??? He's more likely to make a freind for life.

I act and look straight, I have a verry masculine voice and people in person have looked shocked when I have said Im bi. They say things like "Oh you dont sound gay when you talk!" amuses me no end. Though I do genuinely believe that people start talking like that to set off gaydar and do the voice so long they forget HOW to talk any other way.. Forinstance an old mate used LATER KID as a way of saying Goodbye mate, I cant stop myself saying it even though it pisses me off no-end.

LOL well he could just stick on a few episodes of miami ink or american chopper....just avoid will & grace at all costs

11-08-2007, 04:19 PM
many tgirls seem to have this same accent u describe.

11-08-2007, 04:27 PM
although he is suspiciously into lentils, cookbooks and fancy kitchen shit.
LMAO. Aren't gay guys (and TS') supposed to have a brain (or at least part of their brain) more like females than staight men? I guess that could easily explain, "the accent".

11-08-2007, 05:14 PM
Got a new roommate last month. He's a fairly insufferable twat who takes himself really seriously, and with my separate floor and entrance, it's easy enough to avoid him. The other day, my female housemate says she thinks he's gay. That hadn't occurred to me, although he is suspiciously into lentils, cookbooks and fancy kitchen shit. Today, I'm upstairs putting away my apple juice and there he is, cooking with some fellow named 'Trevor'. This guy is a real piece of work, with the whole Abercrombie and Fitch image going on, complete with third year of college philosophy major/vegan attitude of faint superiority. But the giveaway is that voice - that Paul Lynde/Snagglepuss/Richard Simmons voice. Srsly, wtf? Does boofin' it affect ones vocal chords?

I can't explain the reasoning behind the gay voice. Suffice to say that this voice didn't really exist in the 50s & 60s. This leads me to believe that when gay people started to gain rights (which I fully support) it seems that they decided to adopt the gay voice.

You can tell a gay person by the way they pronounce the letter "S".

11-08-2007, 05:21 PM
You can tell a gay person by the way they pronounce the letter "S".

Shagging a bloke's a giveaway, too!

11-08-2007, 05:33 PM
The 'gay accent' is the most annoying thing u can suffer. I've nothing against them apart from the accent. The same goes for dipsy blonde gg/ts that are too high pitched and in ur face.

I don't really know what advice to give u, exept watch a lot of sports and that might drive him away...Are you kidding? 11 Sweaty men running around on a pitch "camping it up" Ooh refer-ree He made me fal over and damage my £500 perm??? He's more likely to make a freind for life.

I act and look straight, I have a verry masculine voice and people in person have looked shocked when I have said Im bi. They say things like "Oh you dont sound gay when you talk!" amuses me no end. Though I do genuinely believe that people start talking like that to set off gaydar and do the voice so long they forget HOW to talk any other way.. Forinstance an old mate used LATER KID as a way of saying Goodbye mate, I cant stop myself saying it even though it pisses me off no-end.

same here. Deep voice, normal acting walking, etc. I'm no longer pretend to be Bi, I'm a gay/fag/maricon/whatever you wanna call it...

...and while I'm at it, I fail to see the appeal of Judy Garland, if I see the Wizzard of Oz one more time, I'm going to find high tower in Austin.

I love sports as much as the next guy. Just a plain guy. With a TG, I like to think I'm a gentleman as much as I was with a GG.

Put me in bed with a TG, then you can just call me Mary then.

11-08-2007, 05:35 PM
Yea, the gay accent is almost as annoying as the "A.Q.I"... the Australian questioning intonation i.e. phrasing almost every other sentence as though it were a question. Caught myself doing that the other day. Hate it!

11-08-2007, 05:53 PM
....With lentils and sex in the kitchen even!

11-08-2007, 05:54 PM
although he is suspiciously into lentils, cookbooks and fancy kitchen shit.
LMAO. Aren't gay guys (and TS') supposed to have a brain (or at least part of their brain) more like females than staight men? I guess that could easily explain, "the accent".

I thought it was just TS people.

Of course, I could be wrong.

11-08-2007, 06:34 PM
You can tell a gay person by the way they pronounce the letter "S".

Shagging a bloke's a giveaway, too!

LOL, true.

But I still say that when a guy takes a cock out of his mouth and wipes the cum off his chin and says the letter "S", his pronunciation should immediately let you know of his sexual orientation.

11-08-2007, 06:44 PM
many tgirls seem to have this same accent u describe.

"tgirls" is a very broad term my brother. You only have to be around here these last few days to realise it encompasses the good, the bad and the fugly.

There is no shortage of blokes dressed up in frocks--and most of them have the voice, the wrist and the flounce.

11-08-2007, 06:56 PM
many tgirls seem to have this same accent u describe.

"tgirls" is a very broad term my brother. You only have to be around here these last few days to realise it encompasses the good, the bad and the fugly.

There is no shortage of blokes dressed up in frocks--and most of them have the voice, the wrist and the flounce.

Doesn't Allanah have this voice?

11-08-2007, 07:34 PM
although he is suspiciously into lentils, cookbooks and fancy kitchen shit.
LMAO. Aren't gay guys (and TS') supposed to have a brain (or at least part of their brain) more like females than staight men? I guess that could easily explain, "the accent".

I thought it was just TS people.

Of course, I could be wrong.
I don't really know much about it, SarahG.

Gay Brains - brain feature linked to sexual orientation
Together, the studies conducted to date "really show that there's
something different in the [brain] anatomies of homosexuals and
heterosexuals," she says.

11-08-2007, 07:51 PM
Transsexuals get a pass for their voices. They're the only ones that have it in my book. Although the voice doesn't bother me so much when it's from, say, a coworker who I've gotten to know. Young vain gay males, now there's plenty to be irritated about. My roommate actually told me the other day that record companies market music to appeal to the masses. In a tone that implied this was news. I thanked him and ended the conversation...

I will say this - if a transsexual woman is trying to be stealthy, the gay male voice is a mistake. Women don't sound like that. It may result from hanging around the t-crowd, although I'll freely admit I've never been anywhere near that scene and have no idea what I'm talking about. Vicki was my first crush around here. Her voice is a total asset to her. If she had sounded like Perez Hilton, that would have killed it for me.

11-08-2007, 08:29 PM
Doesn't Allanah have this voice?

Dunno blue, haven't met her. Sorry. Why not ask her?

11-08-2007, 08:31 PM
Doesn't Allanah have this voice?

Dunno blue, haven't met her. Sorry. Why not ask her?

Should be a real ice breaker.

Then you can walk over to megabody and ask him what the fuck he's lookin' at!

Night Rider
11-08-2007, 08:32 PM
Doesn't Allanah have this voice?

Going by her youtube videos. No.

11-08-2007, 08:43 PM
although he is suspiciously into lentils, cookbooks and fancy kitchen shit.
LMAO. Aren't gay guys (and TS') supposed to have a brain (or at least part of their brain) more like females than staight men? I guess that could easily explain, "the accent".

I thought it was just TS people.

Of course, I could be wrong.
I don't really know much about it, SarahG.

Gay Brains - brain feature linked to sexual orientation
Together, the studies conducted to date "really show that there's
something different in the anatomies of homosexuals and
heterosexuals," she says.

I am not claiming to be an expert here, but orientation and gender are different things... I could see how a gay brain maybe different from a straight brain while not having the same differences as what is found between male & female brains (if that makes any sense).

These parts I found interesting:

As a group, the heterosexual men had larger INAH 3 regions than either the homosexual men or the heterosexual women, LeVay reports.

So the straight guys had larger INAH 3 regions than straight girls & gay guys... but it does not say that the gay guys & straight girls shared identical INAH 3 regions. They could, in fact, both be different and still smaller than the straight guys in the group... the article does not go into this detail one way or another.

Previous investigations have turned up other contrasts. In 1984,
scientists at the State University of New York at Stony Brook confirmed a
German study showing that [b]male homosexuals differ from heterosexual males or females in their response to injections of the sex hormone estrogen (_Science News_: 9/29/84, p.198). And last year, researchers at the Netherlands Institute for Brain Research reported that homosexual men had a larger suprachiasmatic nucleus than heterosexual men. The suprachiasmatic nucleus -- which plays a role in day-night rhythms -- also resides in the hypothalamus but has no known part in sexual behavior.

This indicates that homosexual males are not just mentally straight females in terms of how the body responds to chemicals (such as estrogen).

11-08-2007, 08:45 PM
The gay accent "gay lisp" is a learned social attribute, much like a "southern" accent. The "gay sound" of some, but certainly not all, gay men seems to some listeners to involve the characteristic "lisp" involving sibilants (/s/, /z/, /?/, and the like) with assibilation, sibilation, hissing, or stridency.

11-08-2007, 09:18 PM
i have the worse case when determining if someone is gay, even if they have those nasal voices, i still dont know if theyre gay

what are the characteristics of a gay guy?

Night Rider
11-08-2007, 09:26 PM
i have the worse case when determining if someone is gay, even if they have those nasal voices, i still dont know if theyre gay

what are the characteristics of a gay guy?

when they can't take their eyes of ur crotch, that's a sign :)

11-08-2007, 10:21 PM
i have the worse case when determining if someone is gay, even if they have those nasal voices, i still dont know if theyre gay

what are the characteristics of a gay guy?

when they can't take their eyes of ur crotch, that's a sign :)

How's that old joke go?
"When their dick tastes like shit." :lol:

11-08-2007, 11:38 PM
although he is suspiciously into lentils, cookbooks and fancy kitchen shit.
LMAO. Aren't gay guys (and TS') supposed to have a brain (or at least part of their brain) more like females than staight men? I guess that could easily explain, "the accent".

I thought it was just TS people.

Of course, I could be wrong.
I don't really know much about it, SarahG.

Gay Brains - brain feature linked to sexual orientation
Together, the studies conducted to date "really show that there's
something different in the anatomies of homosexuals and
heterosexuals," she says.

I am not claiming to be an expert here, but orientation and gender are different things... I could see how a gay brain maybe different from a straight brain while not having the same differences as what is found between male & female brains (if that makes any sense).

These parts I found interesting:

As a group, the heterosexual men had larger INAH 3 regions than either the homosexual men or the heterosexual women, LeVay reports.

So the straight guys had larger INAH 3 regions than straight girls & gay guys... but it does not say that the gay guys & straight girls shared identical INAH 3 regions. They could, in fact, both be different and still smaller than the straight guys in the group... the article does not go into this detail one way or another.

Previous investigations have turned up other contrasts. In 1984,
scientists at the State University of New York at Stony Brook confirmed a
German study showing that [b]male homosexuals differ from heterosexual males or females in their response to injections of the sex hormone estrogen (_Science News_: 9/29/84, p.198). And last year, researchers at the Netherlands Institute for Brain Research reported that homosexual men had a larger suprachiasmatic nucleus than heterosexual men. The suprachiasmatic nucleus -- which plays a role in day-night rhythms -- also resides in the hypothalamus but has no known part in sexual behavior.

This indicates that homosexual males are not just mentally straight females in terms of how the body responds to chemicals (such as estrogen).

Not actually

Consider this
(Savic, I et al "Brain response to putative pheromones in homosexual men" (http://www.pnas.org/cgi/reprint/0407998102v1) )
Facts are that terminally (by which I mean never bi, never pretended to be bi) homosexual males and heterosexual females have simmilar INAH's and process male pheromones in almost the exact same way. In the doccument I cited look at the graphic on page 4 where they have represented which parts of the hypothalamus reacted to pehromones. Note how large the common area between homosexual males and heterosexual females is. This study unlike those of either Levay or Zhou were done on a set of living and reacting brains.

So yes homosexual men and transsexuals who were always into men have brain structure in common with heterosexual females.

11-08-2007, 11:47 PM
The gay lisp or "S" pronouniation is actually known as FMS (Freddie Mercury Syndrome) although some people prefer to name is HJH (Holly Johnson Hiss).

It's a genetic malformation in the mouths of gay men, in which their front teeth push out at a 45 degree angle and not as many people thing ... from sucking too much cock.

11-08-2007, 11:52 PM

11-09-2007, 12:06 AM
If you ask me I think people are born gay. I really think its something that has to do with their brain.

Willie Escalade
11-09-2007, 12:20 AM
Doesn't Allanah have this voice?
Carmen Cruz does...but I like it. Especially when she is talking shit. 8)

Night Rider
11-09-2007, 12:27 AM
i have the worse case when determining if someone is gay, even if they have those nasal voices, i still dont know if theyre gay

what are the characteristics of a gay guy?

when they can't take their eyes of ur crotch, that's a sign :)

How's that old joke go?
"When their dick tastes like shit." :lol:

:lol: how would u know though :? :P

11-09-2007, 12:29 AM
The gay lisp or "S" pronouniation is actually known as FMS (Freddie Mercury Syndrome) although some people prefer to name is HJH (Holly Johnson Hiss).

It's a genetic malformation in the mouths of gay men, in which their front teeth push out at a 45 degree angle and not as many people thing ... from sucking too much cock.

Mwawhawhawhaw! :lol: :lol:

To answer an earlier question: Does Alannah have this accent? In my opinion, yes, she does. But I've also known straight males to have it, so it isn't the defining flag that some may think it is.

11-09-2007, 02:55 AM
i have the worse case when determining if someone is gay, even if they have those nasal voices, i still dont know if theyre gay

what are the characteristics of a gay guy?

when they can't take their eyes of ur crotch, that's a sign :)

How's that old joke go?
"When their dick tastes like shit." :lol:

:lol: how would u know though :? :P

well that's the point of the joke I spose...

11-09-2007, 05:10 AM
The gay lisp or "S" pronouniation is actually known as FMS (Freddie Mercury Syndrome) although some people prefer to name is HJH (Holly Johnson Hiss).

It's a genetic malformation in the mouths of gay men, in which their front teeth push out at a 45 degree angle and not as many people thing ... from sucking too much cock.

Mwawhawhawhaw! :lol: :lol:

To answer an earlier question: Does Alannah have this accent? In my opinion, yes, she does. But I've also known straight males to have it, so it isn't the defining flag that some may think it is.I havn't seen any straight guys with it..

For the poster who said it is a learned accent. How does he explain that when someone who hasnt hung around with other gays? You hear it no matter the language too.

felix volkbein
11-09-2007, 05:55 AM
Darlings, really! Don't you know "that accent" comes automatically with a love of cock? Look at one too many cocks, Miss Thing, and some morning you'll wake up on 500 thread count sheets and--oh!--there I go again!

11-09-2007, 06:01 AM
Darlings, really! Don't you know "that accent" comes automatically with a love of cock? Look at one too many cocks, Miss Thing, and some morning you'll wake up on 500 thread count sheets and--oh!--there I go again!

:D :D LMAO...nice, very nice

11-09-2007, 06:17 AM
Got a new roommate last month. He's a fairly insufferable twat who takes himself really seriously, and with my separate floor and entrance, it's easy enough to avoid him. The other day, my female housemate says she thinks he's gay. That hadn't occurred to me, although he is suspiciously into lentils, cookbooks and fancy kitchen shit. Today, I'm upstairs putting away my apple juice and there he is, cooking with some fellow named 'Trevor'. This guy is a real piece of work, with the whole Abercrombie and Fitch image going on, complete with third year of college philosophy major/vegan attitude of faint superiority. But the giveaway is that voice - that Paul Lynde/Snagglepuss/Richard Simmons voice. Srsly, wtf? Does boofin' it affect ones vocal chords?

I'm sorry I didn't read all 20 pages... but why don't you just tell him you love transsexuals and ask him if he's gay.

Then you can be pals and he can cook sensual dinners for you and "Trevor" and who knows, maybe if there's no trans girls handy you can roll him over in his sleep and...

Remember all holes look the same in the dark from behind. :-)

TS Jamie :-)

11-09-2007, 07:06 AM
The 'gay accent' is the most annoying thing u can suffer. I've nothing against them apart from the accent. The same goes for dipsy blonde gg/ts that are too high pitched and in ur face. .

Better than no chicks in your face, or the ugly ones.

I don't really know what advice to give u, exept watch a lot of sports and that might drive him away...

I think he might like watching a bunch of sweaty dudes, especially if it is a contact sport. :lol:

11-09-2007, 07:09 AM
Then you can be pals and he can cook sensual dinners for you and "Trevor" and who knows, maybe if there's no trans girls handy you can roll him over in his sleep and...

Remember all holes look the same in the dark from behind. :-)

TS Jamie :-)

Ewwwww :P

11-09-2007, 07:48 AM
I'm sorry I didn't read all 20 pages... but why don't you just tell him you love transsexuals and ask him if he's gay.

Then you can be pals and he can cook sensual dinners for you and "Trevor" and who knows, maybe if there's no trans girls handy you can roll him over in his sleep and...

Remember all holes look the same in the dark from behind. :-)

TS Jamie :-)

Hmm. I've got to say, that doesn't appeal to me at all. I know it's hypocritical, and I'm also a bit under the weather at the moment, but the very idea is kind of nauseating. I don't know if this makes any sense, but I found the whole idea of sleeping with a transsexual a whole lot more fascinating before I did it. And it was a mind-blower, don't get me wrong. But I think it was just curiosity. I love pussy, and have never been much of an ass man. I was with the same woman for ten years. We had anal sex twice, and she had to request it the second time. I think as the years go by I've become sort of skeeched out by the whole but-I-poop-from-there aspect. And with a steady girlfriend, the cock receptacle always good to go. But hey, different strokes for different folks. More power to everyone who's getting what they like. I'm just hanging around here for the people I've come to know. I don't talk about this stuff on my musician's forums, you know?
You guys don't even know how many weird hapless gg sex encounters I've had. I had some of my coworkers rolling with some of my Woody Allen/Mr. Beanesque sex stories the other night. Real 40 year old virgin stuff! James Bond I ain't. I'd tell you but if I did I might as well post my social security number...things have happened to me that I've never heard happening to anyone else ever. Luckily I have a sense of humor...

11-09-2007, 02:25 PM
The first guy I recall hearing with it was a friends older brother. No one gave him any shit about it because he was in the 6'4"-6'5" range and strong as an ox.

One of the few truly redneck/good ol' boy gay men I've ever known,helluva guy.

11-09-2007, 05:00 PM
Carson form "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" was at Arc (night-club) last night in Sydney. That bloke is totally up there with the 'accent'. I find mincers a bit annoying, but if it is their way of identifiy themselves, then so be it.

Night Rider
11-09-2007, 05:04 PM
The 'gay accent' is the most annoying thing u can suffer. I've nothing against them apart from the accent. The same goes for dipsy blonde gg/ts that are too high pitched and in ur face. .

Better than no chicks in your face, or the ugly ones.

I disagree, i'd fuck an annoying girl but that's as far as things would go.

11-09-2007, 05:19 PM
Got a new roommate last month. He's a fairly insufferable twat who takes himself really seriously, and with my separate floor and entrance, it's easy enough to avoid him. The other day, my female housemate says she thinks he's gay. That hadn't occurred to me, although he is suspiciously into lentils, cookbooks and fancy kitchen shit. Today, I'm upstairs putting away my apple juice and there he is, cooking with some fellow named 'Trevor'. This guy is a real piece of work, with the whole Abercrombie and Fitch image going on, complete with third year of college philosophy major/vegan attitude of faint superiority. But the giveaway is that voice - that Paul Lynde/Snagglepuss/Richard Simmons voice. Srsly, wtf? Does boofin' it affect ones vocal chords?

If your not British, you should be - with that sense of humourous writing.

that is so true.............. comedy genius that is