View Full Version : A MAN THAT DOESNT KNOW... My story

Danielle Foxxx
11-08-2007, 03:39 AM
Ok so...

A few years ago my car was broken into and I took it into this body shop to get it fixed. The manager Alex is soooooo hot. I melt everytime I see him. He is a mixture of Adrien Paul and Antonio Sabato, but ya know, regular looking, not all supermodel like. He's like 6'3", maybe 250, huge hands, big chest - well the guy dwarfs me in heels. And he has an Armanien accent that is the hottest thing EVER!

Well, a few days ago I got rear ended and had to take my car there cause Progressive works with them. So, he rushes over to help me and he recognized me. He had promissed to try and get me some rims and was going to call me about his cousin's shop but never did. So I told him that he was supposed to call me and he got all shy and stull. So he promisses me he will tint my windows for free, which was very nice since he did not follow up and called me. I have recently gotten awesome rims from a different place and he was pleased with what I chose.

God I get so hot around him. Just looking at his hands makes me wish I had a pussy already, I think I even start pre-cuming LOL

So my car is there and I just got a call from him about Saturday and his friend tinting my window. He insists that I have to pick him up so he can come with me and wants to have lunch while the car is being worked on.

I really don't know if I can spend a few hrs with this guy without going crazy and popping my tuck, I have to make sure I wear the tightest gaff ( tucking panties ) so that he doesn't see anything. But I will make sure I look super hot and smell so good so to seduce him.

Then again, I could be fooling myself to think that he is interested. I know I am 100% passible and I can walk into a body shop and stop the work, but... I mean... I wish he knew already. Either way it will be awesome to be seen and treated like the woman I am at least for a few hrs. And if he makes a move I will have to politly decline since I rather keep that vision alive and not ruin it by the fact that some dreams are better kept that way. They always work out better when you fantasize. LOL

I will have him drive though, I hate driving men around. It will be hot seeing him drive my car.

OMG I am sooooo excited. Have to go get the perfect outfit now. Nothing too flashy but something casual sexy.

Rod la Rod
11-08-2007, 03:47 AM
Tease him. Keep him thinking you are a good girl until you get your new pussy. Maybe he can break you in the first time for real.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-08-2007, 03:47 AM
Kewl story Danielle. My advice is to take it slow and just see where it leads. Who knows? He just might be the guy who would be loving and also accepting of who you really are. But if you just write him off then you'll never know what could have been. Besides, a lot of Armenian men likes tgirls! LOL

You sound like you really like him and him you so that should be a good enough start. Worry telling him about the "T" later. I'm sure things will fall into places when the time comes. ;)



11-08-2007, 03:51 AM
If he is Armenian, if and when he finds out that you are a tgirl he will definitely NOT be cool with it. You might even get your ass kicked, people from that region of the world don't fuck around with that shit.
You've been warned. :)

Danielle Foxxx
11-08-2007, 03:58 AM
I know and I do not play that way. I am well aware of my boundries and would never disrespect him that way. I am not into surprises. Besides, I automatically assume everyone knows and make no efforts to act other then myself. Eventually he will clue in.

It's nothing serious, just a girl crush. I have like 5 of those a day so it's all good... If nothing happends there's always sunday LOL

Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-08-2007, 03:59 AM
Pleaseee..she wasn't even talking about Armenia the country but amenian who lives here in CALIFORNIA. You wont know how Armenian men are if you haven't been with any! :roll:

So stop trying to scare Danielle. :evil:



11-08-2007, 03:59 AM
If he is Armenian, if and when he finds out that you are a tgirl he will definitely NOT be cool with it. You might even get your ass kicked, people from that region of the world don't fuck around with that shit.
You've been warned. :)

Dude already knows. I've heard stories like this from chicks for the last couple of years. The guy always knows, some idiot at the workplace or a bud always mentions something to them, yet the dude acts like he doesn't have a clue.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-08-2007, 04:03 AM
If this guy is "really" into you and not that shallow and superficial type of guy then he would take your being a "T" like a man - Head on! :P

Goodluck girl (not that you needed it)!



El Nino
11-08-2007, 04:13 AM
Oh baby! I say seduce him and bust a nut down his throat. He will love it!

11-08-2007, 04:14 AM
Have fun with it, just please be safe.

11-08-2007, 04:18 AM
If he is Armenian, if and when he finds out that you are a tgirl he will definitely NOT be cool with it. You might even get your ass kicked, people from that region of the world don't fuck around with that shit.
You've been warned. :)

Dude already knows. I've heard stories like this from chicks for the last couple of years. The guy always knows, some idiot at the workplace or a bud always mentions something to them, yet the dude acts like he doesn't have a clue.

Yup! Shit, I act like I dont know sometimes. Either way good luck. Hopefully he doesnt bust out videos and shit for you to sign.

Danielle Foxxx
11-08-2007, 04:27 AM
Well if he did that would be cool as well. I like guys to know first hand, and if he doesn't then that's a compliment, if he does I will still take it as a compliment. It's not a bad thing if a guy knows and wants to be discrete, that's the way I live my live.

11-08-2007, 04:27 AM
I'm pretty sure The Foxxx knows how to be "safe" on a date.

An Armenian car mechanic? Have fun tomorrow, you could actually do a video on this theme. "Armenian and Hammer", the box cover could look like the baking soda box, or some sort of variation on that. Just an idea.


I don't see what's wrong with a girl driving the car, though. I'm a terrible driver. I'm generally preoccupied with telling stories, paying attention to everything other then the road, fooling around with the radio, wondering why I can't figure out how to fully appreciate my cell phone, and getting in car accidents. I've ruined so many cars, I was once considering designing my own bumper sticker that read "I've been hit before, I'm not scared", just to keep other drivers away from me.

Have fun on your lunch date tomorrow, Foxxx. Tell us how it went.


11-08-2007, 04:30 AM
It's cute until the broad has feelings for the guy and he pulls that bullshit "Oh I didn't know you used to be a guy, you lied to me, i hate you, don't ever speak to me again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" bullshit that so many dudes seem to use. And we wonder why so many chicks end up so bitter.............

Danielle Foxxx
11-08-2007, 04:31 AM
LOL It's not a date! ( saying like " It's not a tummmar!" )
Well maybe it is, but he could just give me the guy's shop and I could go there, unless they want to gang rape me... then we have a concern... cause I won't last long and bust prematurely

11-08-2007, 04:40 AM
cause I won't last long and bust prematurely

what's that like?!?

I never experienced that

11-08-2007, 04:45 AM
Nyah nyah. . . Danielle's got a boyfriend and we all know it.


Details tomorrow.

(And as far as the "It's not a Tumor!!!" line):

11-08-2007, 04:57 AM
Hmm ever put it into consideration that he already knows your an adult movie star? But either way good luck sweety. And hope things turn out great for you.

11-08-2007, 10:29 AM
Hey Danielle, maybe he already knows that you are a Transexual girl. I was listening to Howard Stern this morning and he was interviewing Ru Paul. Howard aked her if any guys ever asked her out and did not know that she was a drag queen. She told him that every man that asks a drag queen or T-girl out on a date already knows that she is a T, even if they act like they don't know. I don't know if that is true for every guy, but I know that I would not ask a girl out if I knew she was not a T-girl.

I know that you are totally passable and Ru Paul is not... But what she said made me wonder if there was really any truth to what she said...??? Anyway, I hope you have a great time with him. Maybe his is the man for you to have forever!!!

Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-08-2007, 12:04 PM
Men could and would pretend "not knowing" just because they don't want a confirmation and their sexuality to be questioned. So if guys don't ask, why tell? A tgirl is only required to divulge it before intimacy. Until then why ruin the good times? Make sense?




11-08-2007, 12:20 PM
, unless they want to gang rape me... then we have a concern... cause I won't last long and bust prematurely

:D :D :D :D :D LMFAO nice one Danni, coffee all over the desk again....

Shining Star
11-08-2007, 01:00 PM
From someone who has "been there" and "done that", would say it is wise NEVER to assume anyone knows anything. The more passable and attractive you are the less it could be likely a man "knows". Oh sure he may suspect something, but am here to tell you 8 out of 10 times when you sit him down saying "I have to tell you something" and he says "yes, I know" what he thought he knew has nothing to do with you being a trannie.

Two standard schools of thought are to either wait and see where things go, then tell the man. Or, not tell him and break things off if you feel he does not know nor would likely appreciate the real *you*.

It is never wise to s**t where you eat, so telling someone who works in a place you frequent often, will usually lead to everyone else finding out as well, something to consider.

My advice is to take things slow at first, coffee or a "light" date is fine, and take things from there. It is entirely possible that spending time with this person will let you see him in a real light and that you don't fancy him that much at all. He could be a total idiot or worse A**hole, in which case you might want to get far away from him as possible.

Now that Candis Cayne is on TV, you might wish to bring up "Dirty Sexy Money" some how during a date and see where he goes with the TS bit. If he starts mouthing off things like "disgusting", and such, grab your purse and run fast and run far! *LOL*

Best of luck


Shining Star
11-08-2007, 01:01 PM
From someone who has "been there" and "done that", would say it is wise NEVER to assume anyone knows anything. The more passable and attractive you are the less it could be likely a man "knows". Oh sure he may suspect something, but am here to tell you 8 out of 10 times when you sit him down saying "I have to tell you something" and he says "yes, I know" what he thought he knew has nothing to do with you being a trannie.

Two standard schools of thought are to either wait and see where things go, then tell the man. Or, not tell him and break things off if you feel he does not know nor would likely appreciate the real *you*.

It is never wise to s**t where you eat, so telling someone who works in a place you frequent often, will usually lead to everyone else finding out as well, something to consider.

My advice is to take things slow at first, coffee or a "light" date is fine, and take things from there. It is entirely possible that spending time with this person will let you see him in a real light and that you don't fancy him that much at all. He could be a total idiot or worse A**hole, in which case you might want to get far away from him as possible.

Now that Candis Cayne is on TV, you might wish to bring up "Dirty Sexy Money" some how during a date and see where he goes with the TS bit. If he starts mouthing off things like "disgusting", and such, grab your purse and run fast and run far! *LOL*

Best of luck


11-08-2007, 01:16 PM
Tell him you're Turkish just after you reveal your secret. That will get him doubly excited.

11-08-2007, 01:18 PM
Tell him you're Turkish just after you reveal your secret. That will get him doubly excited.


11-08-2007, 01:28 PM
Danielle, let's not forget the fact that you are moderately famous. If he's surfed the net for porn, and he probably has, then he's probably run across your pics or vid clips at some time or other. So the odds are that he already knows. In fact that might be part of the attraction for him ... well, in addition to your being awfully pretty ... and sweet ... and sexy ... and, well, you get the idea. ;)

Good Luck, I hope it works out well for you.

11-08-2007, 05:03 PM
I apologize for the "nyah nyah" line, it was not meant in a mean way but I can see how it could have been interpreted that way. I'm posting this because it seems like the right thing to do.

I think Foxxx has some apologizing of her own to do now, and not to me.

I had a dream last night, where this forum was kinda like Lord Of The Flies, an island inhabited by kids. That's somewhat accurate in many ways.

11-08-2007, 05:13 PM
Tell him you're Turkish just after you reveal your secret. That will get him doubly excited.


11-08-2007, 05:16 PM
Tell him you're Turkish just after you reveal your secret. That will get him doubly excited.

LMAO :shock: :lol:

11-08-2007, 05:20 PM
Hey Danielle, maybe he already knows that you are a Transexual girl. I was listening to Howard Stern this morning and he was interviewing Ru Paul. Howard aked her if any guys ever asked her out and did not know that she was a drag queen. She told him that every man that asks a drag queen or T-girl out on a date already knows that she is a T, even if they act like they don't know. I don't know if that is true for every guy, but I know that I would not ask a girl out if I knew she was not a T-girl.

I know that you are totally passable and Ru Paul is not... But what she said made me wonder if there was really any truth to what she said...??? Anyway, I hope you have a great time with him. Maybe his is the man for you to have forever!!!
Ru Paul is 6'4" and famous, and as noted not truly passable (though she doesn't look half bad), so it is highly doubtful that someone would not know her "T." Danielle, you are of course famous too, though in a smaller circle, so it may be that this hot mechanic knows your "T" but just as likely that he doesn't. I think that most guys who don't know who you are would never clock your "T." Sounds like fun. I'd say be careful, but you're not naive and I'm sure you know all the signs to look out for.

Danielle Foxxx
11-08-2007, 06:40 PM
It is a possibility that he knows. Sometimes when I am out in public a guy will not stop starring at me and I can tell he recognizes me from somewhere but he's too scared to come up and say something, then I come home and get an email saying " I saw you at Target ". Sometimes people do come up to me and say I watch your movies LOL

Funny this time I was out with a straight producer friend of mine and we were at Tower Records ( before they shut down ) and this guy comes up to him and he's like..." Dude I watch all your videos man - You're the king! " then he turns to me and says " Ohhhh and Danielle Foxxx, so nice to meet you " my producer friend dropped his jaw and watched his chat boards for a full month thinking he was gonna get outed LOL

But anyway... It is a possibility he already knows cause this one time in band camp... JK... This one time at the market a guy comes up to me and starts chatting, he was in scrubs so I gave him the time of day LOL. He asks for my number we chat and I just don't feel a connection, he keeps calling and finally says " Ohhh come on Danielle, I am a huge fan... " LOLOLOL That got him a date alright ! NOOOOOOOOT ! Sneaky Bastard

11-08-2007, 06:52 PM

I didn't put my gloves back on yet, you know. I'll be watching.

11-09-2007, 01:44 PM
Danielle you're so hot I am sure he wouldnt mind if you were a ts.

11-09-2007, 02:19 PM
Hope it goes well for you.....lucky bastard!! :)

Danielle Foxxx
11-11-2007, 06:28 AM
So does anoyone want to know the moral of the story?

Went to get the windows tinted, he payed for lunch and also for the windows, was a total gentleman.

He just left after shooting a huge load in my throat from after I gave his uncut monster one my world famous blowjobs.

one - he did not know

two - did he care? Not really

three - Will he date me as he would any other girl, probably not... Would I always be a secrete? Most likely...

three - do I care? Not really cause he is hot and he cums sooooo much and it tastes soooooo good.

four - he works right around the corner and I am sure I will have something to do around lunch brake.

Now it is time for me to releave myself since I hate showing off the snake LOL


Any questions?

11-11-2007, 06:30 AM
no, no questions, shaddup

Danielle Foxxx
11-11-2007, 06:37 AM
God danmmmm I wanted him for sooooo long, he even put me on his lap.... OHHHHHHH

And I got my usual... " Danm you give the best head I have ever had "
I am not sure guys tell all women that but... LOL...

11-11-2007, 06:44 AM
Sounds like a pretty good date. I wouldn't personally want a load shot down my throat, but that's just a guys perspective. Sounds like you had a good time, that's what important.

(waiting for stalking accusations)


11-11-2007, 06:44 AM
I'm sorry things didn't work out as you had planned with that guy Danielle. I'm sure you'll find somebody perfect for you.

11-11-2007, 06:48 AM
I think she sounds pretty happy myself.

Danielle Foxxx
11-11-2007, 06:52 AM
Well, it is impossible to meet a guy who would not be scared of everyone finding out about it... It's rare to meet someone who is trully worthy, that's why I have been single for quite a while. That being the main reason among others as well, but I take what I can get.

To be quite honest with you I cried on the way home from lunch because I knew that it is very unlike to find a man who would be ok with not only me being a Transsexual but many other aspects of my life.

I am sure after I told him I was born a boy he narrowed the things he wanted to do with me down to only a few, and sex was probably the main thing on his mind.

Being a passible girl, even after SRS, it will always be like this. I get so sad when I think of how lonely life is and how worst it could be to have to lie to someone to get them to respect you like you trully deserve to be.

But it's my fault for giving it up so easy but I wish I could meet a man who I could do that with and not have to ever see anyone else.

" We always get to the sky but it's never far enough to reach the stars or even a cloud for that matter. Our dreams and hopes and as shallow as a puddle of merky water " . DF

So why not date a man who likes me for me? Because that usually means he likes my dick more then he likes me...

11-11-2007, 06:57 AM
Well, it is impossible to meet a guy who would not be scared of everyone finding out about it... It's rare to meet someone who is trully worthy, that's why I have been single for quite a while. That being the main reason among others as well, but I take what I can get.

To be quite honest with you I cried on the way home from lunch because I knew that it is very unlike to find a man who would be ok with not only me being a Transsexual but many other aspects of my life.

I am sure after I told him I was born a boy he narrowed the things he wanted to do with me down to only a few, and sex was probably the main thing on his mind.

Being a passible girl, even after SRS, it will always be like this. I get so sad when I think of how lonely life is and how worst it could be to have to lie to someone to get them to respect you like you trully deserve to be.

But it's my fault for giving it up so easy but I wish I could meet a man who I could do that with and not have to ever see anyone else.

" We always get to the sky but it's never far enough to reach the stars or even a cloud for that matter. Our dreams and hopes and as shallow as a puddle of merky water " . DF

So why not date a man who likes me for me? Because that usually means he likes my dick more then he likes me...

I think if someone trully loves you then they can see past all these things and only see the love.

11-11-2007, 06:57 AM
Hey, Danielle, don't feel alone in being alone. I haven't really been in love in four years, and the last few encounters have failed miserably at even approaching what I once had.
You're going to find someone. It's that simple. And it will happen in its own time. All you can do is be ready.

Edit: A question. You do know the value of being a little less available, my sister?

11-11-2007, 06:58 AM
You're never going to be alone, Foxxx. Even if everyone else here leaves, I'll still be here. I don't think anything in this world can kill me.


Danielle Foxxx
11-11-2007, 07:01 AM
Its a short lived high you know... as you can see by the time between my posts... The heart always catches up to the brain... And the water works starts. Trully sucks but I will never lose faith in my dreams, even if I die alone with 40 cats LOL

I just wanted to share that with you guys. I hope one day the future generations of girls get a better life and more open minded guys in a not so judgemental world.

Most places I walk and visit I get plenty of attention, and I just can't help to feel like I have a disability at times and how much better life would have been if I was born genetic


11-11-2007, 07:06 AM
You should be proud of your self Danielle for what you have achieved, and never feel bad about the way you were born, that can never change, but you can and you have and once you have your full op I hope you feel inside the way most others already view you, purely as a women.

11-11-2007, 07:07 AM
I am curious about this, Danielle. Are you saying you never meet guys, even ones you're not attracted to, that seem genuinely interested in you as a person?

11-11-2007, 07:07 AM
Both you goofballs go to bed (VR included).


Danielle Foxxx
11-11-2007, 07:14 AM
Nope - Almost never!

Met this guy in Dallas as a client, we hit it off so well... You know that feeling when you kiss someone and there's instant magic? Maybe I was just lonely, but we went to dinner and had an amaizing time. So I thought... Maybe I am not good enough company but he never called...

It's almost a waste of time to me, because I know where it all ends...

It trully is very difficult. I don't deal with loneliness very easily at all.

11-11-2007, 07:19 AM
Yeah, I know that magic. A resort in Arizona. She knows it too. Still, you'll never be alone. You have a good heart, you're a good friend. You know what I'm talking about.

Danielle Foxxx
11-11-2007, 07:21 AM
ummmm no I don't know what you are talking about, tell me your name please

11-11-2007, 07:25 AM
Oh, no, I'm not implying you're sleeping with VR. That would just be goofy on my part. Don't want a miscommunication going on.


Danielle Foxxx
11-11-2007, 07:26 AM
You said something about a resort in Phoenix?

11-11-2007, 07:27 AM
Oh boy. My name is Jeff, you know that. It's just me.

11-11-2007, 07:28 AM
I'll dial that phone again if you keep this up.

11-11-2007, 07:35 AM
Nope - Almost never!

Met this guy in Dallas as a client, we hit it off so well... You know that feeling when you kiss someone and there's instant magic? Maybe I was just lonely, but we went to dinner and had an amaizing time. So I thought... Maybe I am not good enough company but he never called...

It's almost a waste of time to me, because I know where it all ends...

It trully is very difficult. I don't deal with loneliness very easily at all.

Okay. There's the problem. You need to meet someone in a normal situation.
Like at a museum or an author reading or at a park. I feel foolish telling you this, surely you know, right?

11-11-2007, 07:35 AM
:? Heh. I don't blame ya. I don't answer my phone either.


11-11-2007, 04:28 PM
Well, it is impossible to meet a guy who would not be scared of everyone finding out about it... ......

So why not date a man who likes me for me? Because that usually means he likes my dick more then he likes me...

I think many relationships start out with sexual. But you build a life together. You will soon find out if a relationship is more than just sex, by the time you spend talking and being together.

I see this as a variation on the discussion about ‘straight’ men and those attracted to ts women. But as I have said the majority of men attracted to ts women, also like gg’s. I don’t see it as that far fetched that the same man could want you both ways.

A good relationship is worth waiting for. I did not get married until my mid thirties and and have had some good years.

11-11-2007, 05:50 PM
Its a short lived high you know... as you can see by the time between my posts... The heart always catches up to the brain... And the water works starts. Trully sucks but I will never lose faith in my dreams, even if I die alone with 40 cats LOL

I just wanted to share that with you guys. I hope one day the future generations of girls get a better life and more open minded guys in a not so judgemental world.

Most places I walk and visit I get plenty of attention, and I just can't help to feel like I have a disability at times and how much better life would have been if I was born genetic


I love you just the way you are - He is a lucky guy! Tommorow is my birthday... do you need your house windows tinted? LOL! :D

11-11-2007, 07:06 PM
Well, it is impossible to meet a guy who would not be scared of everyone finding out about it... It's rare to meet someone who is trully worthy, that's why I have been single for quite a while. That being the main reason among others as well, but I take what I can get.

To be quite honest with you I cried on the way home from lunch because I knew that it is very unlike to find a man who would be ok with not only me being a Transsexual but many other aspects of my life.

I am sure after I told him I was born a boy he narrowed the things he wanted to do with me down to only a few, and sex was probably the main thing on his mind.

Being a passible girl, even after SRS, it will always be like this. I get so sad when I think of how lonely life is and how worst it could be to have to lie to someone to get them to respect you like you trully deserve to be.

But it's my fault for giving it up so easy but I wish I could meet a man who I could do that with and not have to ever see anyone else.

" We always get to the sky but it's never far enough to reach the stars or even a cloud for that matter. Our dreams and hopes and as shallow as a puddle of merky water " . DF

So why not date a man who likes me for me? Because that usually means he likes my dick more then he likes me...

My thoughts are that things will change post SRS.

You will have the option of going stealth, and confiding your herstory
only if you chose. Though since you are fairly well known that may be
somewhat difficult.

Then too if you truly care for someone I get the sense that you would
want to tell them about your past.

However the men that you will meet post operatively may be different
than the the men that you currently meet.

For the most part the men that are into pre op transwomen will not have
an interest in you once you have a vagina.

When I tell men that I am a post operative women, their response is
usually "You don't have a penis now do you?" and we take it from there.

For a lot of men that second penis in the relationship is a problem, if you
no longer have one, it becomes much less of a concern, particularly if
you are a women in all other respects.

And a final thought, I would have waited a lot longer before being sexually
intimate with the man you have described.

Let him get to know you, and you him.

Danielle Foxxx
11-11-2007, 07:20 PM
Thank you Peggy,

Your views are very respected. I agree. I gave it up too fast. But I have a slight problem with intimacy, having been an escort since the age of 18 or so. But yes, his first question was " Do you still have a dick? " and my answer to that was " My final surgery will be in March but you don't have to deal with that aspect of me because it is not expected of you ".
I usually wear my panties while on my personal encounters as opposed to work so to hide it and just " get it out of the way ".
I agree that things will change, but it will be hard not to get noticed as I have been very public about my life. But that is an essential aspect of my soul, to be accepted as I am and have both my past and future embraced by my partner as I do. I am not ashamed of who I was or what I am. I can't help but to get frustrated a bit...

Well he texted last night from his friends birthday party and asked if he could come over and spend the night... I don't even know the guy... You see how I have the intimacy thing all screwed up? LOL

11-12-2007, 05:53 PM
What a lucky guy!

11-13-2007, 06:06 PM
This deemed bumping because its such an excellent example of why this forum is great.


Sounds like you need to find someone who is happy with who you are, who you've been and who you will be in future. Thats not easy, but being up front about it, you're going about it the right way because hiding any of that is no basis for anything other than a few world-class blow jobs and never hearing from them again.

Perhaps you're not a Genetic Girl, but you're certainly a Genuine one. Hope that your SRS will do for you everything you want it to. I'm sure you'll do just fine.

11-14-2007, 12:27 AM
I don't know if this helps, but I can tell you not to worry or despair Danielle bc i feel like youll find the ONE. Different guys are diff in terms of how far you can take a relationship with them. For example, someone who is really traditional or hangs out with a certain crowd just won't be able to be totally open with you because even if he really likes you, he'll think "well what if we break up, then it will all have been for nothing and people will think differently about me...my family will think...ill just stick to discreet sex since thats the best part anyway".

I think that's the most common end of the spectrum. Some guys wont go long bc you were in movies, or even because a girls been divorced a few times, has kids, has escorted, etc. But when it DOES happen for real, you can be sure that this person probably is the PERFECT one for you so isn't that a great thing!

I'll tell you a personal story. I had never even known much about tgirls, whatever the term was until 24 (last year) when I met a girl at the ny public library of all places. I went to get a book waaay in the back in fiction, just 1 copy to borrow in the entire city, very obscure. So this girl was looking for the same thing (found out later she wasn't really) and hey, what a way to get a girls number right? I really needed it so I offered to call her in a day or two when I was done with it and she accepted. It helped that she was superbly dressed and very very attractive. She thanks me by taking me out to dinner a week later, we get to talking, meet up again and walk around the city on a cold january night. I thought, what an amazing woman, what a conversationalist, just magic. At one point she tells me she had SRS when she was 22 (she was 25 at the time) and I had to think for a minute and I said, "that's cool". I was worried more about my reaction than anything else but I didn't even think about the baggage. I mean, I honestly felt like we connected on such a level that I really didn't even care about the other stuff! I hadnt ever known a trans person or even seen any of that type of porn either. It was just intuitive "this girl is someone ive already fallen in love with so what does it even matter?"

Well the sad part is she got an amazing job, moved cross country and we came apart but I never really considered any her "baggage" to be of substance because the thing was, i was already in love! I mean, i introd her to my friends, went to games together, took her home a few times.

Don't worry. Just be a lovely girl and you'll attract love. I mean, hell i'm armenian. Maybe this guy is thinking the same way.

11-14-2007, 01:54 AM
Thank you Peggy,

Your views are very respected. I agree. I gave it up too fast. But I have a slight problem with intimacy, having been an escort since the age of 18 or so. But yes, his first question was " Do you still have a dick? " and my answer to that was " My final surgery will be in March but you don't have to deal with that aspect of me because it is not expected of you ".

I usually wear my panties while on my personal encounters as opposed to work so to hide it and just " get it out of the way ".

I agree that things will change, but it will be hard not to get noticed as I have been very public about my life. But that is an essential aspect of my soul, to be accepted as I am and have both my past and future embraced by my partner as I do. I am not ashamed of who I was or what I am. I can't help but to get frustrated a bit...

Well he texted last night from his friends birthday party and asked if he could come over and spend the night... I don't even know the guy... You see how I have the intimacy thing all screwed up? LOL

Danielle thank you, and I've got much respect for you, your courage,
and your perseverance.

And we'll PM on the other issues.

Be well chica.


Rod la Rod
11-14-2007, 02:00 AM
So does anoyone want to know the moral of the story?

Went to get the windows tinted, he payed for lunch and also for the windows, was a total gentleman.

He just left after shooting a huge load in my throat from after I gave his uncut monster one my world famous blowjobs.

one - he did not know

two - did he care? Not really

three - Will he date me as he would any other girl, probably not... Would I always be a secrete? Most likely...

three - do I care? Not really cause he is hot and he cums sooooo much and it tastes soooooo good.

four - he works right around the corner and I am sure I will have something to do around lunch brake.

Now it is time for me to releave myself since I hate showing off the snake LOL


Any questions?

Low self esteem. That is your problem. You don't have to blow the guy just because he bought lunch. At least hold out for the all you can eat shrimp scampi dinner at Red Lobster.

You are beautiful and funny and smart. You have more to offer than 99% of any GGs in the world. Don't sell yourself short.

Danielle Foxxx
11-14-2007, 02:42 AM
LOL this is like how the tabloids tell Britney Spears how to live her ife LOL

Has anyone ever thought about the fact that I wanted to blow him? LOL

Ok, well... I am gonna have sex even if I am not in a relationship. I like to have sex and I have some regular buddies I do it with. I think sex is very healthy and I enjoy it very much.

I was just saying how I am lonely and stuff... No need to turn my joke about being a dirty whore into a more serious topic.

I am not here to get put down, no one is, so please watch the way you talk to a lady... thanks

I know we have more wonderful people in here then haters but I don't really get alot of you seriously. Where do you get, or how do you became, or how is it possible for someone to use such strong language when addressing a woman? It really bugs me how some people in here have no regards for ladies. Even if we talk a certain way it does not mean that we are not ladies.

Some of you men have no respect... Your mom would be ashamed

Rod la Rod
11-14-2007, 02:50 AM
LOL this is like how the tabloids tell Britney Spears how to live her ife LOL

Has anyone ever thought about the fact that I wanted to blow him? LOL

Ok, well... I am gonna have sex even if I am not in a relationship. I like to have sex and I have some regular buddies I do it with. I think sex is very healthy and I enjoy it very much.

I was just saying how I am lonely and stuff... No need to turn my joke about being a dirty whore into a more serious topic.

I am not here to get put down, no one is, so please watch the way you talk to a lady... thanks

I know we have more wonderful people in here then haters but I don't really get alot of you seriously. Where do you get, or how do you became, or how is it possible for someone to use such strong language when addressing a woman? It really bugs me how some people in here have no regards for ladies. Even if we talk a certain way it does not mean that we are not ladies.

Some of you men have no respect... Your mom would be ashamed

My comment was intended to be funny. Sorry you didn't get it. I apologize for mentioning how smart and funny you are.

Dial down the meds!

Danielle Foxxx
11-14-2007, 02:57 AM
Sorry jeeeese, some people in here are really mean and I am kinda sick of guys talking down to girls, it's really sad how some people are...

I missread your intent and I stand corrected

Rod la Rod
11-14-2007, 03:02 AM
I am a big fan. I really enjoy VR and DF. You guys are brilliantly funny.

11-18-2011, 07:40 AM

11-18-2011, 05:54 PM
too bad danielle no longer frequents this forum