View Full Version : If you wonder why TS's have an "attitude..."

11-08-2007, 12:24 AM
(I originally wrote this last night but held off posting till now - but I'm STILL pissed, so here is goes...)

I don't usually get really pissed off, but for the first time since I started escorting I am going to blacklist a guy on every site I'm involved with.

Tonight a guy who I dated for over a year, one of my ATF's, and who wrote one of our TER reviews tried to renegociate and canceled our date just as we were heading out the door to their hotel.

I turned down three dates for tonight to see him and his GF for a measly $200. We could have made around $800 (actually closer to $900) if I'd blown him off and taken the others or doubled up. That would have paid 1/2 our rent this month.

Tonight Jessica and I were supposed to do a couples double date (4 way) with him and his girlfriend. He is here in town on business, and we've talked about this for months. We arranged things last week and spoke on the phone twice today.

We were originally supposed to all go out to dinner (a $100 value) but about 6 he called to say they were just going to grab a burger and we rescheduled for 8:30 - so what would have been a fun evening and free meal with a guy we like ad his GF, turned into just another trick.

Then just as we are walking out the door to head over to their hotel he calls and wants to renegociate price - actually he wanted a FREEBIE at the very last minute because his GF was joining us. Like the fact that he had a "girl" makes any difference. I think he planned to do this all along.

We're TS girls - we've got women lined up down the block who want to hook up with us. But Jessica and I are in a relationship and "business is business and pleasure is cheating." If we want to play for free we will play with each other.

If you ride our train you buy a ticket. Boy, girl or TS. If you don't like it, don't date us. We may be whores but we have HONOR and we are LOYAL to each other, and to our friends. And tonight I lost a man I considered a friend.

This is a man I have dated every couple of months for over a year when he's in town on business. He's one of my 3 or 4 ATF's. He is well aware of our situation, having been to our house several times. After our first couple of dates we have never discussed money. He just passes me an envelope at some point. When we raised our prices last spring I kept him at the old rate because I really liked him.

Then tonight, at the very last minute he's like "this one is for free, right." WTF? Then he's like, "well we never discussed money." We NEVER EVER discuss money. He damm well KNOWS what his price is.

He said, "Well I'm bringing a girl." So what - what does he think we do? We aren't swingers.

I'm just sorry a friendship has ended this way - and that my trust of ALL guys in this business just took another big step down the ladder.

So gentlemen, if you wonder why your TS provider has an attitude and doesn't trust you or care about you, and just wants your money. This kind of thing and a hundred other tricks we get pulled on us is why.

Sigh, a sad,
TS Jamie :-(

PS - Any girls working in the SoCal or Phoenix areas who care PM me for info about this guy. He's a long time player.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-08-2007, 12:31 AM
This is why you need to implement an iron fist of "First come. First serve policy" TS Jamie. And have a back up "trick" if things don't go thru as planned with the original trick. LOL ;)



11-08-2007, 12:43 AM
PS: NEW POLICY CHANGE at JustaTransGirl...

Jessica and I had a long talk last night and the result is that she is no longer going to date for the present future. I'm going to be removing her from our advertising. The BS we've put up with over the past year has taken the fun out of it for her. And anyone who's met her knows she has no business doing this in the first place. She's going to be a brilliant scientist or teacher one day and she doesn't need the baggage of the hooker business.

And effective today there are no more incalls at our home. No more home cooked meals, no more jacuzzi parties. For the past 2 years we have invited men from all over the world into our home and lives and hearts. That's over.

I will rent a trick pad and until then it's motel rondevous or outcalls only, or when I tour.

And an hour is an hour. Not an hour and a half or two hours on me, unless you pay the meter.

This is a business. It's how I make my living that's all. I'm your "no strings attached" girlfriend for an hour or two, and that's it. I'm in a relationship. I'm not looking for love, this is for money. If that's not for you, don't date me.

I will continue to date solo or with some of my TS and GG girlfriends. And Jessica and I are going to start shooting some new videos during her Christmas break in another month and start doing web cam shows with each other and the occasional willing party.

So don't worry I'm not going to turn into a jaded bitch, but a lot of trust of guys who date escorts has gone out the window.

TS Jamie :-)

11-08-2007, 12:48 AM
This is why you need to implement an iron fist of "First come. First serve policy" TS Jamie. And have a back up "trick" if things don't go thru as planned with the original trick. LOL ;)



Yeah - if this guy had been from Craigslist I would have expected shenanigans and it would have been at full price and I would have had a back up or not cleared the whole evening.

But this was one of the best guys I've ever dated. We were "friends." I trusted him. We'd talked about doing this date for months. It was his fantasy. It would have been fun, and we would have make a little $$. And I don't mind trading fun for $$ but not for free, that's just the rules.

I never dreamed he would pull that shit.

And he's a member of SheMaleYum so he's going to see this sooner or later.

11-08-2007, 01:47 AM
I can totally relate to everything you just wrote.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-08-2007, 02:19 AM
But this was one of the best guys I've ever dated. We were "friends." I trusted him. We'd talked about doing this date for months. It was his fantasy. It would have been fun, and we would have make a little $$. And I don't mind trading fun for $$ but not for free, that's just the rules.

I never dreamed he would pull that shit.

And he's a member of SheMaleYum so he's going to see this sooner or later.

Tricks are still tricks! They can always screw you over something very lame and petty. Trust no one! ;)



11-08-2007, 02:23 AM
It;s just how the business goes sometimes unfortunately.

My advice to you- GET A DEPOSIT.

I only gaurantee my time if someone send me a deposit. Otherwise, they can call and check my availability.

But when you plan something always insurance on your time. I have had many people cancel on me WITH a deposit, which means they are not getting a refund. So if they do it with a deposit then....

Business is always business- and though u may develop freindships with clients you are still in business.