View Full Version : No party represents me.

11-07-2007, 06:04 PM
Does anyone else feel there is no political party that represents them? Or that America is ever so slowly(or not so slowly)leaning towards socialism. Post you opinions here. Step on your soapbox and RANT all you want. I am curious and will not hold anything against you. Not that it would matter even if i did.

11-07-2007, 09:44 PM
People like and want social security. They like and want Medicare. I think there is a movement for single payer government sponsored health care. We want the USDA to regulate our food and pharmaceuticals for safety. Some of the most conservative individuals are the first to take advantage of the benefits of social programs. On the other hand, unions are in decline. Many military functions have been privatized. Washington is brimming with lobbyists from the giant multinationals. Walmarts have emptied the town squares of rural America of their small businesses. Is America leaning toward socialism? One could easily argue it’s leaning toward fascism. I don’t subscribe (yet) to either argument, there’s just too many variables and too many complex interactions to allow for a prediction.

Are there any political parties that represent me? No. I don’t think parties represent people, but that people represent and thereby shape their party. I am a registered democrat. As one voice in that party, you could say I am a representative of the democratic party.

11-07-2007, 10:58 PM
Does anyone else feel there is no political party that represents them?

I defiitely share that feeling. Both the Democratic and Republican parties are too influenced by their extreme wings to really speak for me. Moreover, it's all too clear now that policymakers in both parties either don't know or don't give a shit about sound economic policies (paticularly from a long-term perspective).

Honestly, I gave up years ago any expectation that goverment would act in my best interst. Only I can do that. Now, affecting matters boils down to one thing only: money. Why? It matters a hell of a lot more than any of our votes ever will.


11-08-2007, 07:12 AM
People like and want social security. They like and want Medicare. I think there is a movement for single payer government sponsored health care. We want the USDA to regulate our food and pharmaceuticals for safety. Some of the most conservative individuals are the first to take advantage of the benefits of social programs. On the other hand, unions are in decline. Many military functions have been privatized. Washington is brimming with lobbyists from the giant multinationals. Walmarts have emptied the town squares of rural America of their small businesses. Is America leaning toward socialism? One could easily argue it’s leaning toward fascism. I don’t subscribe (yet) to either argument, there’s just too many variables and too many complex interactions to allow for a prediction.

Are there any political parties that represent me? No. I don’t think parties represent people, but that people represent and thereby shape their party. I am a registered democrat. As one voice in that party, you could say I am a representative of the democratic party.

Hi Trish! As usual, you are a voice of reason in the wilderness.

Loki, I'll go a step further than Trish. Bush/Cheney and Co. are jack-booted thugs and we are a lot closer to fascism than socialism. However, they've pushed their agenda so far down our throats that people are finally waking up and the backlash in the '06 elections surprised them. Will the backlash continue and even grow stronger in '08? I hope so (provided we even have elections in 2008). Does either party truly represent me? No, the Dems are simply the lesser of two evils, imo.

11-08-2007, 02:09 PM
Best to vote for the person vs the party nowadays

11-08-2007, 04:15 PM
People get the governments they deserve. No political party or system will ever be perfect. How can life ever be the way you want it? You have to pick a side and demand proper conduct from whomever wins power. Nothing will ever change if the majority become disaffected and abstain from politics. I agree with Plato that only the very talented should ever be allowed to become leaders, not those with powerful families who can fund the most expensive campaigns. The political elite of America are too rich, too corrupt, and too dumb. America is now a false meritocracy where money and "breeding" counts more than talent, that is why we are seeing the emergence of political dynasties, just like in the days of Rome.

On a side-note, the American heartland is too religiously conservative for the U.S. to ever become truly socialist. It's a hangover from the days of the mass immigration of European religious groupings who were persecuted there. The result is a President like George W. Bush who falsely (imho) milks their vote. The very religious always tend to vote.