View Full Version : A question for the girls Cellulite how to treat it?

11-07-2007, 05:55 AM
Here is a question for the ladies, I've noticed that you all have amazing leggs! Simply stunning! I'm sure most if not all GG's hate you for this.
So smooth and perfect what do you do what do you use?

One of the young engineers in my office was just heart broken today. She's about 26ish and her boy friend dumped her and one of the reasons according to her was because she had lumpy leggs. Hay I think she looks great but....he was apparently the love of her life bla bla bla bla...can't wait till she's looking for rebound sex. Yes I'm a pig dog. Any how I would like to elevate form pig dog and into sub human. And would love to offer her some heartfelt advice about her leggs.
I did a Wiki and got this
And from what she told me about her leggs
she has this
Grade 2
The skin shows pallor, lower temperature, and decreased elasticity after compression or muscular contraction. There is no visible "orange peel" roughness to the skin. Additional anatomical changes are detected by histopatholgy
(She said lumpy on the sides almost like bug bights)
Ok hay we all can't have 16yo asses. But anyhow she is a healthy girl, eats well does yoga twice a week. And I'm at a loss. So I'm asking you gorgeous girls of HA for some help.
This was the same girl who was looking for a boob job and wanted to know of a good doctor in NYC but no one ever got back.
Again thank you in advance.

11-07-2007, 06:02 AM
tone your body

11-07-2007, 08:41 AM
Grow a p33n :wink:

11-07-2007, 10:31 AM
Go surfing and boobie boarding a couple of times a week.

TS Jamie :-)

11-07-2007, 10:32 AM
Ooops - that was "boogie" boarding... guess it's obvious what I'm thinkg of..

Giggle - J

11-08-2007, 05:24 AM
Thank you so much.
So just doing YOGA won't do it.
Poor girl, I felt so bad for her. We are off to Florida in two weeks for a two day buisness meeting in St. Pete and I'm in charge of finding a hotel. And well she was begging me to find a hotel that didn't have a pool. On one that didn't have a bar near the pool. I mean ok I'm 30 and she's 26 and well....she kind of went from being hot to being cute in my eyes. I just want to give her a hug and tell her that all men are dogs. Even me! Especially me!
So her doing Yoga twice a week isn't enough? Ok i'll make sure to tell her. Spinning...good bad?
Any creams? Medication? She comes from money so she could afford cosmetic procedures but all my research says that won't help....hay stilll no one recomended a good boob man in NYC!.....
One of the older girls in the office brought up wearing spandex to bead? And tanning?
Your thoughts ladies?
And before I forget, thank you so much! For not only being so gorgeous but being so kind and helping me out here.
Thank you!

11-08-2007, 08:21 AM
Buy her a nintendo wii.

11-09-2007, 04:46 AM
So tell her to quit the yoga and hit pilates?
She was telling me tanning helped.....I guess it looks better but it just hides the problem if you ask me. And you can't be tan 100% of the time!