View Full Version : is it hard for t girls to make money in sao paulo?

11-05-2007, 01:39 PM
just wondering how is it over there? is there a lot of competition.. are brazil guys cheap and want to give less. very interested in this cause i always see t girls leaving for other places

Well....Sao Paulo is the world capital for transex, though Bangkok must be running it close. There are thousands of t-girls active there. So yes there is a lot of competition, which keeps prices down. And wages are generally lower than in Europe or the States.

But if Brazilian guys were too cheap to pay, there would not be the huge sex industry--of all varieties--that exists there, so it's not that. Unlike BK, SP has a very limited tourist industry--the girls are not servicing foreign trade, but local men. (Honour of Brazilian men hereby defended, boys.)

Popular girls can do very well in Brazil so it's not just that they can make more in Europe--Their costs are higher here too, and it costs to get here. Although they all seem to think it's well worth while, not all of them want to work abroad.

I think it's almost like a career structure-- become travesti, work, save, do well, travel to Europe, work, save, buy a house and a car back home, send Mum part of your wages, maybe even buy her a nice place...I think in many cases the ability to do this, to become successful, famous even in their careers and to provide for their families by their earnings, gives the girls respect at home, respect that in most cases they would have lost by just being what they are--transsexual. And then, for an apparently increasing number, get SRS and settle down with a man. As a life-plan, you know, I've seen worse. It makes sense.

You gotta remember, these girls are professional entertainers. They may have audiences of one or two at a time (at least for "live theatre") but that doesn't disprove the analogy. (And I can assure you some of them are very entertaining indeed.) They take their professional careers seriously and like all South Americans, once they decide to do something they do the best they possibly can.

I recently read a writer saying that Milan was "like Harvard for transsexuals" but actually I think Europe is more like Hollywood for them.

Why do they go where they go? Well, you have to remember that very few South American girls speak English; as Portuguese or Spanish speakers they are part of the Romance language continuum; Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and French all share the same root so it's much easier for them than learning a Germanic language. In Spain, Portugal or Italy a girl from Brazil can very quickly blend. (France less so, but they manage. And me personally I love what Brazilians do to French...Or anything... )

The language barrier limits the attractiveness of the States, particularly for Brazilians (who don't speak Spanish, obviously, so they can't integrate so easy into the hispanic community.) I think many would go to the States despite this but the States makes it tough for Brazilians to get in even as tourists, and I think I know how a prospective sex-worker's visa application would be viewed.

South Americans don't need a visa at all to get into Europe as tourists, and once they're here they can move around freely. Immigration authorities in Europe pretty much ignore people who are not making claims on the social security systems or involved in serious organised crime; since in most of southern Europe prostitution is either legal or tolerated, they don't come under the spotlight. (I am convinced that the tax people leave them alone because of who some of their clients might be revealed to be were they to be audited....But maybe that's just my evil mind. 8) )

Anyway this is a fascinating topic but I have to go to work now. I hope you found these observations helpful.