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View Full Version : Paris..Transexual prostitution (Photos!) must see !!!

10-30-2007, 12:10 AM
Guys, picked this up off a French board, believe me on a warm summers night, there are between 30-50 TGs out working the woods at the edge of Paris.......sheer bliss!


10-30-2007, 07:56 AM
Nice layout.

10-30-2007, 07:58 AM
Didn't Dan Brown mention this in his book, the Davinchi code :lol:

10-30-2007, 08:08 AM
:D yeah, called "Bois de Bologne"

10-30-2007, 08:54 AM

10-30-2007, 09:26 AM
lol @ the champagne Benz

10-30-2007, 11:01 AM
That pickup spot is depicted in the French film Tiresia. The male lead picks up tranny Tiresia while she is hustling in the park. I remember reading that the director used actual working girls in the scene and the action in that sequence of the movie looked a lot like the photos in the slide show on the choc blog. Tiresia is an interesting movie with the unusual casting of a GG as Tiresia in the beginning of the movie and a male actor in the latter part of the movie as Tiresia starts to loose her femininity when she doesn't have access to her hormone tablets. The movie ends on an ambiguous and confusing note but I was captivated throughout. The scenes in the Bois de Bologne was rowdy and bawdy and could have come out of a Fellini film.

10-30-2007, 11:26 AM
amazing place :) I bet its also tourist attraction

10-30-2007, 03:29 PM
Some say Paris is better than Amsterdam...i dont know about that!

Night Rider
10-30-2007, 03:33 PM
only if u prefer frogs legs to tgirl legs ;)

the dam is heaven on earth

10-30-2007, 04:21 PM
Yes, the Tgirl scene is huge in paris.....:)

Some nites in the summer, there are queues of traffic at 3am in the Bois!! There is a sexual frisson/tension in air that you can taste...what a buzz!

I prefer to refer to the Bois as the "other" kingdom that good old Walt Disney forgot to add to his Disneyland paradise....:)

PS You all know that Walt was french in origin......

10-30-2007, 04:25 PM
But, remember, if french women can't be bothered to shave their legs / armpits, etc, imagine a french TG !?!

10-30-2007, 04:25 PM
The Bois is actually about 3 miles wide and 6/7 miles long......see map...:)


Night Rider
10-30-2007, 04:27 PM
But, remember, if french women can't be bothered to shave their legs / armpits, etc, imagine a french TG !?!

very good point LOL

10-30-2007, 04:28 PM
But, remember, if french women can't be bothered to shave their legs / armpits, etc, imagine a french TG !?!

LOL.....you bullshitter........nearly all of the Tgirls there, are S American in origin.

PS French girls......leave the USA female population...well in the shade....and I'm not biased as I'm neither French nor American

Night Rider
10-30-2007, 04:35 PM
YUMMMMM french hookers!




10-30-2007, 07:32 PM
That slideshow reminds me of a "Documentary" I saw on HBO called Hookers at the Point.

10-30-2007, 07:36 PM
YUMMMMM french hookers!


Gee...never thought you'd put pics up of your family .......which is you?

10-30-2007, 07:45 PM
That slideshow reminds me of a "Documentary" I saw on HBO called Hookers at the Point.

I have seen that series and the follow ups. THere is one which freatures TG in Hawaii. All of the women in that film are ugly, masculine, and many admitted addicts.Anyoen who would go to Hunter's Point for sex is asking for it.

I wonder where these parisan hookers go to do the deed. Are there places in the park or do they just hit the dirt (if you have no car)?

Night Rider
10-30-2007, 08:11 PM
YUMMMMM french hookers!


Gee...never thought you'd put pics up of your family .......which is you?

My pic's not up, but if ur that interested here u go....

...as long as u don't pull ur wire over it, i don't mind being exposed

...my mum's french so as u can see, ive got her genes! ENJOY


10-30-2007, 09:55 PM
interesting pics...would have been nicer if we had seen the unrated version!

10-31-2007, 12:55 AM
So much for my world tour...

The question is what's the going rate for those girls?

TS Jamie :-)

Night Rider
10-31-2007, 01:01 AM
We're talking big notes Jamie, these babes are in high demand


10-31-2007, 01:19 AM
You mean for Nriders inbreed cousins?

I'd say you'd need to rob Fort knox!

In the Bois du Boulogne...?....20-30 euros, in the woods or the car......blow job and sex, ...but seeing as the dollar is worth nothing, you'd need to take out a sub-prime mortgage to pay for it....lol

Night Rider
10-31-2007, 01:31 AM
You've just missed out on a freebee i had lined up for u....

all jokes aside, are they really that cheap in France?

if so paris is my next destination

10-31-2007, 04:25 AM
I have a friend who lives in the 16th- just steps from the Bois.

I have stayed with her many times and will often see girls (and much oder ladies) working at different times of the day.

I had heard many legends about the woods and insisted my friend take me one night to the areas where the girls work- and it was quite a site but also quite scary. As she has a car and drives it was possible.

Working girls just would come to the car and try to open the doors at a stop light.

I've also heard it's quite dangerous and has been over run by pimps by other Parisen girls who are ex Bois workers and have now moved to ads in La Vie Parisien or the internet.

But it is quite a sight to see- I would probably advise agaisnt a tourist going there to look for sex as in Paris you can pretty much get that anywhere.

PS. My friend is French and shaves her arm pits and legs. As all French women that I have seen in France

Night Rider
10-31-2007, 04:30 AM
Yeah, that does sound a bit creepy to go down to the woods! I'd be that scared i'd need viagra!

Shining Star
10-31-2007, 06:05 AM
Yeah, that does sound a bit creepy to go down to the woods! I'd be that scared i'd need viagra!Always wished to see just what goes on in the "Bois", but couldn't bring myself to ask any of my St8 French friends to take me (not exactly the sort of place "nice" girls go to, even Americans), and my gay friends pretty much said the same thing; "too dangerous, not a place for young ladies", so to this day never have been. Being a New Yorker, have told myself if I can walk around NYC all hours of the night and not get into trouble, what could happen in some stupid woods. Certianly it could be no worse than walking through Central Park at night alone. But never could pluck up the courage to venture out.

One thing did notice about Paris: when finally could ditch my St8 friends and venture out at night for the clubs, would do the same thing as in NYC; take the metro to whatever stop nearest the club and walk. Ok, in Manhattan would probably have taken a taxi, but just love the Paris Metro. Anyway, when walking from the "Opera" station to various clubs, including the now defunct "Queen", all these cars being driven by single men would slow down and or stop. Found this rather weird, and after a few nights of it, spoke to one of my male St8 friends on the matter, and he nearly screamed at me; apparently in Paris/parts of France, any woman walking alone in certian areas is considered on the game! I couldn't believe it! This was the 1990's not 1890's or even 1950's. Sadly paid for my question in that my evening activities were from then on severely chaperoned for my protection.

One should remember, as with elsewhere in Europe, organised human trafficking of sex workers is alive and well in Paris. These are NOT your ordinary thuggish pimps, so it is wise not to thread on anyone's home turff, no matter how naive you may be about things.


10-31-2007, 11:47 AM
Agree...fellow Bois dabblers, it is dangerous....but add in so nawty, illicit, devious and erotic and before you klnow it your knee trembler is over!

It is like a human zoo......all is exposed, there are dozens of people out, groups, individuals plus a steady police presence. There are lots of voyeurs hidden in the bushes, watching the girls activities and during the day...deeper in the woods there are even a number of tents from which the Tgirls dispense their pleasures!!

It is also one of the real, true sights of paris, just as valid a place to visit as the Louvre and Eiffel tower.

I am not wholly sure of the validity of this statement....by shining...

"One should remember, as with elsewhere in Europe, organised human trafficking of sex workers is alive and well in Paris. These are NOT your ordinary thuggish pimps, so it is wise not to thread on anyone's home turff, no matter how naive you may be about things. "

No doubt it goes on, its very well hidden, not advertised as such...and how can you ever really know?..... the gangs involved make the mafia look like social workers.... but no-one has an idea of the true extent....but rest assured NONE are Tgirls!!!

11-02-2007, 03:21 AM
Not to be the buzz kill - but when you think about it, it does kind of give the puritians an excuse not to legalize prostitution in this country.

You wouldn't exactly want to be driving past that with your kids in the car. For that matter I'd have to have little Jessica keep her head down... in my lap.

TS Jamie :-)

11-02-2007, 08:03 PM
I wonder where these parisan hookers go to do the deed. Are there places in the park or do they just hit the dirt (if you have no car)?

You guys need to get out more. This here is Yesica. She's from Caracas but lives and works in Paris. She works the Bois regularly.

30 Euros and the total little darling will sort you out in your car or in the woods, wherever.

Here's a good site with lots of girls based in Paris. You need to register but it's free and I have had no spam from it. I think it even has pages in English, though I use it in French. Certainly plenty of reviews in English.

I strongly advise any t-whorist going to a big Euro city with good t-action like Paris, Milan, Barcelona etc to join the local sites and READ THE REVIEWS. Some of the beauties you drool over are not so nice to deal with. On the other hand, many are. Sorry but it's true.


One thing-- most of the t-girls in Paris are South American. Many have only rudimentary French and English you can forget, though they all know "fuck" and "suck." Just the minimum effort to speak a little Spanish or Portuguese will go a long way and is well worth it. A girl may laugh at your efforts but she'll appreciate that you tried. Or at least not over-charge you. Maybe.

Oh yeah, do I have to remind you not to take more money into the Bois than you can afford to "lose?"

11-06-2007, 03:25 AM
The last time I was in Paris I didn't know about T girls at all...but a taxi driver drove me down Rue St Denis to see the action there...I saw practically anything you could ever ask for but there was no way I was getting out of the cab!!!

11-06-2007, 11:26 AM
Not to be the buzz kill - but when you think about it, it does kind of give the puritians an excuse not to legalize prostitution in this country.

Prostitution is 100% legal in France (pimping isn't and brothels aren't through).
Prostitutes can declare themselves as such and pay taxes, get health-care, etc... (although 99% of them do business under the table)

11-10-2007, 03:10 AM

You would be perfectly safe on St. Denis. I don't think you would be tempted by many of the offerings unless you are kinky for grandmothers! The young girls (mostly oriental) are around the St. Denis metro not on the street itself.
I have never toured the Bois - it is huge and I for one am not at all sure where to go, but I have been told it is best to go with friends to see the show.


11-10-2007, 03:12 AM
To be perfectly honest, those street girls do not impress me.

It just goes to show that the ones who have their act together do things over the net/phone/etc...

11-10-2007, 03:15 AM
You guys need to get out more. This here is Yesica. She's from Caracas but lives and works in Paris. She works the Bois regularly.

30 Euros and the total little darling will sort you out in your car or in the woods, wherever.

jesus, marry and joseph

Yesica is an absolute cutie