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View Full Version : So why is it only the beastly crossdressers give it up for

05-06-2005, 03:07 PM
free while all the beautiful TS ladies come with a price? I'm not hatin but I don't like the idea of paying a couple hundred dollars just for an hour. I'm looking for more than sex. I like to get to know the ladies as individuals, not see them as sex objects. But they're only out for the money!

05-06-2005, 06:50 PM
mixed, thats completely false statement, theres only a small minority of TS that you pay for... there are a lot that just want to blend into society by not putting their name out there... you've just got to be in the right place at the right time to find one... in the UK alone, there is said to be about 30,000 transsexuals who are living as women, and how many do you have to pay for their services? about 100 - 200 max?

05-06-2005, 07:00 PM
mixed..........it's all in the approach
I dont know shit about you or how you look but after being in spots where there are plenty of T's flirting with dudes that look similar to Smiegal from the Lord of the rings trilogy I gotta tell ya if they can get a # or an invitation to do whatever it shouldn't be a problem for you; unless you look worse than Smiegal (just kidding)

I have a hard time approaching women, and I think that my facial expressions and that shyness throw women off alot, they don't know how to approach me, so don't think you're alone, we all got shit to work on. Last night I hung out at Allanahs party and I didn't get approached until I started talking to NYCe & Allanah. I mean they LITERALLY started coming up and saying "hi" and shit after they saw me holding a convo with other people.

Please dont take that the wrong way, just trying to motivate you.

05-06-2005, 11:43 PM
I dont know shit about you or how you look but after being in spots where there are plenty of T's flirting with dudes that look similar to Smiegal from the Lord of the rings trilogy I gotta tell ya if they can get a # or an invitation to do whatever it shouldn't be a problem for you; unless you look worse than Smiegal (just kidding)

Gotta nitpick... it's Smeagol.


05-07-2005, 12:42 AM
http://img154.echo.cx/img154/379/11142757758410wk.gif (http://www.imageshack.us)

05-07-2005, 02:08 AM
lol, agreed

05-07-2005, 02:30 AM
Because once those "beastly crossdressers" stop giving it away for free they'll have enough money to afford the services needed to become a "beautiful ts". You say you want to interact with these girls in a non-sexual way but your post says otherwise.

Felicia Katt
05-08-2005, 12:33 AM
Maybe you don't mean it to come across that way but I think your attitude is the problem. Your topic in this thread could have been more tactful. Some of your past posts also don't really put you in a good light

If it looks like a dude I ain't interested. I don't get down with drag queens/transvestites or manly trannies. If I wanted that I'd just get a man.

I don't get into the crossdresser/transvestite-Howard Stern in drag bullshit. If they don't look female I ain't interested.

Yeah but those "ladies" look more like crossdressers than TS. I'm not into guys in women's clothes or manly looking trannies. If I want a man I'll get one.

Mr Biggs has a good point. The girl you diss today maybe the hottie who ignores you tomorrow. And the girl you lust for today maybe remembers the yesterdays when she wasn't so hot.


Hara_Juku Tgirl
01-13-2006, 09:51 AM
Mr Biggs has a good point. The girl you diss today maybe the hottie who ignores you tomorrow. And the girl you lust for today maybe remembers the yesterdays when she wasn't so hot.


I agree. Allanah shared a story similar to this back when she was starting out and didnt had any surgeries. She said guys used to ignore or diss her back then and now those same guys wants to fuck her. Ironic how life works. :wink:

Besides, the only reason why the ones are giving it away for free is because they have a hard time getting some (dicks) themselves as opposed to when one is/are already pretty TS'es..Getting with a guy isnt much of a challange but already a way of life for them. 8)



04-07-2007, 08:31 AM
Yeh, what they said :!:


04-07-2007, 09:12 AM
I charge for my time, cuz when I give it up for free, I get used for a fuk, then they move on to the next girl, I get my feelings hurt. So fuk it, pay me, use me and move on. That way I don't get my feelings hurt, and when I see you with the next girl, I can laugh, cuz that bitch is gettin used, but I got my pay. Guys will say anything to fuk a girl, but after they cum, guess what, party over. Money talks, bullshit walks

04-07-2007, 09:48 AM
damm u guys are diggin deep in the archives this week

04-07-2007, 10:06 AM
* Deleted *

04-07-2007, 10:20 AM
I charge for my time, cuz when I give it up for free, I get used for a fuk, then they move on to the next girl, I get my feelings hurt. So fuk it, pay me, use me and move on. That way I don't get my feelings hurt, and when I see you with the next girl, I can laugh, cuz that bitch is gettin used, but I got my pay. Guys will say anything to fuk a girl, but after they cum, guess what, party over. Money talks, bullshit walks

Not all guys are sluts, just the same as not all Ts are escorts. Maybe most Ts' skins are by necessity so thick that they don't see the nice guys out there and maybe its easier to just go with the creeps they know how to deal with? It can't be a very pleasant future though if you really think this way. Don't you want to find some guy to chill with long-term?

04-07-2007, 11:21 AM
So why is it only the beastly crossdressers give it up for free while all the beautiful TS ladies come with a price? ...

Because that's the only kind of TS women that can stand to be with you.

Ooooh burn! :lol:

04-07-2007, 11:29 AM
I've heard what Vanessa said from quite a few girls and I have a lot of sympathy for them. Making men pay is a way to make money, certainly, but it's also a defence mechanism. Vanessa explained it perfectly, don't need to go there again.

Personally I think more men need to get over this bullshit "Ah never pay for sex, dayum" attitude. A guy goes out for sex, hell why not? On a casual "date" by which I mean you want in her pants tonight or maybe tomorrow night but that's it, men don't give a fuck for the girl's feelings, they just want to get laid. I regularly pay for sex, not because i have to, I don't, but because it suits me.

Nothing wrong with paid-for sex; both sides get what they want, no strings no ties and no come-back.

04-07-2007, 03:03 PM
Yea, I agree with MacShreach. In my experience you usually have to pay the first time, but if the girl really likes you then maybe by the second or third time you see her you pay for an hour but you get the whole afternoon.

Try this if you really click with her on the first visit, try bringing her some flowers or maybe even a bottle of wine next time. Sometimes its still business as usual, but sometimes you have yourself a girlfriend for the evening.

04-07-2007, 06:09 PM
Yea, I agree with MacShreach. In my experience you usually have to pay the first time, but if the girl really likes you then maybe by the second or third time you see her you pay for an hour but you get the whole afternoon.

Try this if you really click with her on the first visit, try bringing her some flowers or maybe even a bottle of wine next time. Sometimes its still business as usual, but sometimes you have yourself a girlfriend for the evening.

Absolutely. Being a well-liked regular is very pleasant indeed.

04-12-2007, 12:18 PM
I charge for my time, cuz when I give it up for free, I get used for a fuk, then they move on to the next girl, I get my feelings hurt. So fuk it, pay me, use me and move on. That way I don't get my feelings hurt, and when I see you with the next girl, I can laugh, cuz that bitch is gettin used, but I got my pay. Guys will say anything to fuk a girl, but after they cum, guess what, party over. Money talks, bullshit walks

you're a trip. I like that though because that way you keep things on a business tip and there are no more expectations after it's all said and done...

04-14-2007, 07:30 AM
mixed..........it's all in the approach
I dont know shit about you or how you look but after being in spots where there are plenty of T's flirting with dudes that look similar to Smiegal from the Lord of the rings trilogy I gotta tell ya if they can get a # or an invitation to do whatever it shouldn't be a problem for you; unless you look worse than Smiegal (just kidding)

I have a hard time approaching women, and I think that my facial expressions and that shyness throw women off alot, they don't know how to approach me, so don't think you're alone, we all got shit to work on. Last night I hung out at Allanahs party and I didn't get approached until I started talking to NYCe & Allanah. I mean they LITERALLY started coming up and saying "hi" and shit after they saw me holding a convo with other people.

Please dont take that the wrong way, just trying to motivate you.

what percentage of those girls are there to pick up a guy and have no strings attached (strings being $$) sex? I always assumed the majority looking for paid dates??