View Full Version : what do they do with the penises?

10-27-2007, 06:13 PM
or is it peni?

when they cut them off to make a vagina, what do they do with the peni? It's a valid question just curious. I'd want to keep it in a jar.

Night Rider
10-27-2007, 06:14 PM
...they make soup with them

10-27-2007, 06:24 PM
There are a number of SRS techniques:

In the penile inversion method, the penile tissue is turned inside out like
the fingers of a glove, forming the lining of the vagina. The scrotal
tissue is used to form the labia majora. And the head of the penis is
used in the formation of the clitoris.

If a woman has too little penile skin, tissue may be utilized from the
scrotal tissue, or skin grafts may be taken from other parts of the

If that isn't a surgical or aesthetic option, then the sigmoid colon approach
will be used.

An advantage of the sigmoid colon technique of SRS is that the
vagina is self lubricating. Another advantage is depth, a vagina
constructed by this technique could have depths of 8 - 9 inches.

10-27-2007, 06:27 PM
...they make soup with them


(That was pretty good. The joke, not the soup.)

10-27-2007, 06:32 PM



good ole latin.....

10-27-2007, 06:40 PM

As a post op, I don't menstruate, I don't have periods,
so no blood. I just got married to the man of my dreams.
My friends say it is okay, if he performs oral sex on me,
and when he inserts his penis in me he doesn't have to
wear a condom, are they correct?


She is still at risk for contracting and spreading
any STD, that any other person would be.

The research is still out as to how infectious the
fluids that come from the Cowpers gland can be
in the transmisssion from an HIV+ post op.

The Cowpers gland is found under the prostate
gland, and is responsible for the pre-cum or
clear fluids that you see emitted from the penis.

In a post op women that fluid may provide lubrication
to the neo-vagina. Again, what risk that poses to her
partner is not statistically known.

It is known though, that the receiving partner, is
at a higher risk of infection. And all the other
STD transmission rates remain about the same,
for syphillis, hepatitis, herpes, etc.

Also a post op woman is also at risk for UTIs, urinary
tract infections. Basically, for the most part a post
ops vaginas', flora and fauna is the same as a natal

It smells the same, tastes the same, feels the same, and
is prone to pretty much the same concerns

Oh, and don't forget 'to lick it, before you stick it' :roll:


10-27-2007, 06:56 PM



good ole latin.....

The penis (plural penises, penes) is an external sexual organ of certain
biologically male organisms. The penis is a reproductive organ,
technically an intromittent organ, and for mammals, additionally serves
as the external organ of urination

Paired (occasionally fused) submedian processes from vas deferens on
sternum of male pereonite VII or pleonite 1. (Sing. penis)

penectomy: The surgical removal of the penis. In a partial penectomy,
part of the penis is removed. In a total penectomy, the whole penis is
removed. www.viagracures.com/sex_glossary/p_terms.html

penile: Adjective
S: (adj) penile, penial (of or relating to the penis) "penile erection" :peanutbutter

10-27-2007, 07:04 PM
I may have been less than clear in not mentioning that it is the Cowper's
gland of the post op that provides a degree of lubrication. the Cowper's
gland is left intact when GRS is performed.

I should also mention that due to prolonged periods of HRT, that the post
op is at a very reduced risk for prostate cancer, due to atrophy of the

10-27-2007, 09:50 PM
This very question was explained on a very deep and thought provoking episode of South Park when Mr. Garrison became Ms Garrison.

10-27-2007, 09:56 PM
This very question was explained on a very deep and thought provoking episode of South Park when Mr. Garrison became Ms Garrison.OMG I LOVED THAT SHOW that bald headed man skipped around that store like he was a real woman ... omg i have it on dvd and when i feel down i cut it on to watch that scene where Mr. slave walks out on him and ms. garrision calls him a fagg . oh i died

10-27-2007, 10:09 PM
“I can bleed out my snatch”

10-27-2007, 10:57 PM

10-27-2007, 11:58 PM
or is it peni?

when they cut them off to make a vagina, what do they do with the peni? It's a valid question just curious. I'd want to keep it in a jar.

Send them to the inland revenue to be retrained as tax inspectors.

10-28-2007, 12:47 AM
Actually I understand right now there's a study being done and they will buy testicles for $500 a set... seriously.

Via - a surgeon who's participating in the study - no you can't whack your own off and mail them for a rebate...

TS Jamie :-)

Rod la Rod
10-28-2007, 01:02 AM
Read and learn. I must be the only one who is sexually aroused by this website. Check out the vaginoplasty. They are beautiful, hot, self lubricating and ready for action.

10-28-2007, 02:20 AM
Actually I understand right now there's a study being done and they will buy testicles for $500 a set... seriously.

Via - a surgeon who's participating in the study - no you can't whack your own off and mail them for a rebate...

TS Jamie :-)


The Reed Centre for Genital Surgery
Sex Reassignment Surgery
Harold M. Reed, M.D. Sex Change Surgery
Sex Reassignment Surgery
Sex Change - MTF SRS

Orchiectomy patients. Receive savings for testicular donation. The
research project involves cell aging and is non-stem cell, non embryologic
in nature. Inquire for details.

10-28-2007, 07:28 PM
The best moment on Ugly Betty last year addressed this question: Betty and Alexis are on the elevator, when Alexis (Rebecca Romijn) runs down the list of the work she had done, and finishes by saying, "no we don't keep IT in a jar." Nicely played!

10-28-2007, 07:37 PM
The best moment on Ugly Betty last year addressed this question: Betty and Alexis are on the elevator, when Alexis (Rebecca Romijn) runs down the list of the work she had done, and finishes by saying, "no we don't keep IT in a jar." Nicely played!

In an orchiectomy the testicles may be kept in a jar (chestnuts roasting
over a fireplace anyone?)

But, the penis is never chopped off and discarded as so many erroneously

Everything is utilized in some fashion.

Waste not, want not.

10-29-2007, 12:06 AM
Of course, this thread can't slide by without mention of the Moyle who saved all of the foreskins he'd removed during his long career. On retiring, he brings the foreskins to a local craftsman and asks if he can make something with them.

The carftsmen thinks for a moment and sez "I know just the thing! Come back in a week!"

A week later, the Moyel returns and the craftsman hands him a beautifully designed and crafted wallet.

Though impressed, the Moyle sez "With all of those foreskins, this is all you could make?"

"Oh", the crafstman proudly points out, "If you rub it, it becomes a suitcase!"


I've always liked that one (And apologies if I misspelled Moyle/Moyel again).

10-29-2007, 12:10 AM
this topic begs the question...who is 'they'?

10-29-2007, 01:41 AM
or is it peni?

when they cut them off to make a vagina, what do they do with the peni? It's a valid question just curious. I'd want to keep it in a jar.

The penis is shellacked and put on a stand as a trophy. Then when the post-op TS invites friends to her house, she could point it out and say "see, that used to be mine! Not anymore!"

11-01-2007, 06:36 AM
There's A Place In NH That Makes Hang Gliders Out Of Them.

11-01-2007, 07:48 AM
Hi I'm the new guy here.

I hope you don't mind some more questions, but I am very curious...

As a post-op do you still feel the same amount of pleasure as when you were pre-op and is orgasm still possible?

Has anyone who has undergone the surgery regretted it from the standpoint of how it feels?

I hope I'm not offending anyone but my curiosity has gotten the best of me.

11-01-2007, 10:56 AM
Whatever you post someone is sure to be offended.

11-01-2007, 11:03 AM
Whatever you post someone is sure to be offended.

Not true.what offends us vets here on the board are the over zealous noobs,and lately there are hundreds,who ignore the SEARCH function...try it sometime...works wonders!

11-01-2007, 11:04 AM
this topic begs the question...who is 'they'?

co-sign :P

09-11-2010, 07:26 AM
In modern SRS:
- the skin of the penis is used to make the inner labia
- part of the glans is used to make a clitoris

But if you want a cosmetic SRS (vulva with only outer labia but without clitoris and inner labia) no part of the penis is used.

You can retrieve your penis and put it in a block (rectangular form) of transparent resin and put it on your bedside table, or on your chimney, or as a gift for a friend.

The block of resin may also take the form of a sex toy that can be used for penetration. In this case the sex toy can be made from a cast of your penis in erection, made of course before its amputation. This original and beautiful toy can be shared with your friends.

Remember to take also your testicles.

09-11-2010, 09:32 AM
or is it peni?


the correct plural is penes. I had latin in highschool and I am furthermore a major smartass.

the plural of vagina is vaginae, the pural of anus is ani.

09-12-2010, 04:44 AM

09-12-2010, 04:28 PM
...they make soup with them

That's got to be one of the stupidest things I've seen you write

09-12-2010, 04:37 PM
That's got to be one of the stupidest things I've seen you write

It certainly is. Everyone knows they grind them up into home made burgers and garnish them with the leftover dick cheese...