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View Full Version : Question For Moderators Re: Legend

10-26-2007, 07:50 AM
While most of my differences with others in here in the past have been calm and civil, I have had my share of blow-ups and "fights" with several prominent HA posters in the three-and-a-half plus years I've been a member here. With that being said, one thing I must acknowledge and commend those former adversaries on is the fact that they fought fair. No matter how profound those differences were, or how ugly those disagreements got, they fought fair for the most part and never -- NEVER -- went ghetto. They simply didn't cross that line. They didn't take the easy low road.They kept our arguing and differences within this site, and never -- to my knowledge -- did they violate any of the expressed, tacit, or implied "contracts" or pacts, we all enter in when we sign on to this or any other forum. There is an implied "code of conduct" that is so common sensical and ubiquitous on the internet that the vast majority -- particularly in a forum such as this -- would never even dream of breaching, regardless of the depth of their differences with a forum adversary. Ninety-nine percent of the regular posters here would never dream of revealing another poster's real name or other personal information, disclose their picture for everyone in here to see, provide their email address to a spammer, reveal their phone number, or have made up private missives that never existed in order to bolster their argument or position, etc.,. They fought fair, and in a couple of isolated cases, I must admit, more fair, than yours truly. Like the vast majority of participants of forums such as this one I suspect, they never engaged in such immature, unprincipled, and unscrupulous examples like those I just listed. They simply knew better and opted for the higher road and argued/fought clean.

That being said, the other night I started receiving emails from Craig's List after a twisted cowardly little fuck in here decided to lift my email address (this is the only place THAT particular e-mail address is openly acessable) and post an ad in one of Craig's Personals sections. Though, I can't point an accusatory finger on who did it with certainty, and CL's Abuse department did not provide me with the address of the person who placed it, I can almost guarantee the act was committed by one of two posters: One is a little punk who I've called out time and time again in the last month or so to challenge his assertions and assignment of motives about a situation he can't possibly have any knowledge about. It should surprise no one in here that this little coward has yet to answer the call. This clown's depth of depravity knows no limits. He is without doubt the most despised, dishonest, hypocritical poster in this forum -- our resident turd in the punchbowl. Purportly here "to learn", if this little transparent sycophant isn't attempting to ingratiate himself with any woman who might cursorily acknowledge his presence, he is castigating every male poster in here as a "Tranny chaser" or "Pervert". The terms honor and probity are just meaningless terms to this embicile, as he probably also thinks scruples is the name of a new corn chip. He lacks the simplest and most primitive of moral and ethical cores, and makes no attempt to develop any. A mirror to this twisted little hypocrite is simply something to fog up to draw faces of Sponge Bob on, or monitor his acne with and nothing more. Any ideal as to who I'm referring to?

The other little prick I suspect of doing this is a delusional little gnat who continues to accuse me of having two identities, but has yet to demonstrate any proof of it. He continues (as late as yesterday) to send me PMs telling me how he is watching me, etc. In his short time here he's proven to be nothing more than a child.

Obviously, it could have been some other twisted, unresourceful poster who posted my address on Craig's List and who simply derives pleasure by being an ass, or dislikes me for some unknown reason and wants to irritate me, but either way, I have good reason to suspect the two aforementioned clowns, and will lose no sleep about naming them my two prime suspects. They're both clowns, and I owe them both a comeback, particularly the cowardly, disturbed little prick, Legend.

Moderators: Can you develop a way of providing our email addresses to others, without them being so openly exposed for childish morons to lift and then abuse? Is there a way to see who's been checking (a gate of sorts) our email out ?

Second Question: Why do you permit Legend to be a member of this forum? Haven't there been posters banned who have been less disruptive, less hypocritical, and less collectively despised? He's as welcomed here as a lit flare is at a gasoline refinery.

10-26-2007, 08:16 AM
RG4ME, shut-up... WHO CARES ???

10-26-2007, 08:17 AM
I care. Was your address hijacked? Who the fuck are you?

10-26-2007, 08:23 AM
I care. Was your address hijacked? Who the fuck are you?

Silvester, LOL

10-26-2007, 08:25 AM
I care. Was your address hijacked? Who the fuck are you?

Silvester, LOL

I'm really not in the mood for your childish behavior, Silvester. ...Why the new identity?

10-26-2007, 08:37 AM
I get the feeling you're upset with Legend.

P.S. Any wild sex stories to share courtesy of your new CL ad?

I keed! I keed!

Nope. Sorry to disappoint you, Nicole. All of those who had emailed me understood what had happened after I wrote back telling them what was going on, and they were actually quite understanding, helpful, an hoped I'd catch the person who had done it. After all, some had prematurely sent pictures and personal information and were embarrassed by it all. They were mad too. ...The person who did this did not consider what he did to all of them, and how it further tarnishes a website with a so-so reputation as it is. It's a sick fuck who did it after all.

10-26-2007, 08:55 AM
All kidding aside, I'm sorry to hear that you were screwed with like that.

What does one expect from immature, irrational minds? I don't think it ever occurred to the culprit who did it, that he wasn't just fuckin' with me, but actually playing with the heads and hearts of others. Correcting it all was a minor annoyance for me, but who knows how it might have affected those who contacted me? I'm sure they'll be more cautious with their first missives in the future.

10-26-2007, 10:18 AM
Talk about a fucked up thing to do... I hope there is indeed a way to find out who it was that did that to you, and that you'll actually receive help in doing so if there is. That said...

Ninety-nine percent of the regular posters here would never dream of revealing another poster's real name or other personal information, disclose their picture for everyone in here to see, provide their email address to a spammer, reveal their phone number, or have made up private missives that never existed in order to bolster their argument or position, etc.,.

You're most generous to estimate that "ninety-nine" percent of the regular posters would never do something like that, as I'd figure something more along the lines of seventy-five percent. But that's just me, of course. Good luck.

10-26-2007, 10:33 AM
i assume you live in the US where last i heard hijacking someones email address is a federal offence. i hope whoever did it gets cought and gets what the desirve.

10-26-2007, 11:00 AM
While most of my differences with others in here in the past have been calm and civil, I have had my share of blow-ups and "fights" with several prominent HA posters in the three-and-a-half plus years I've been a member here. With that being said, one thing I must acknowledge and commend those former adversaries on is the fact that they fought fair. No matter how profound those differences were, or how ugly those disagreements got, they fought fair for the most part and never -- NEVER -- went ghetto. They simply didn't cross that line. They didn't take the easy low road.They kept our arguing and differences within this site, and never -- to my knowledge -- did they violate any of the expressed, tacit, or implied "contracts" or pacts, we all enter in when we sign on to this or any other forum. There is an implied "code of conduct" that is so common sensical and ubiquitous on the internet that the vast majority -- particularly in a forum such as this -- would never even dream of breaching, regardless of the depth of their differences with a forum adversary. Ninety-nine percent of the regular posters here would never dream of revealing another poster's real name or other personal information, disclose their picture for everyone in here to see, provide their email address to a spammer, reveal their phone number, or have made up private missives that never existed in order to bolster their argument or position, etc.,. They fought fair, and in a couple of isolated cases, I must admit, more fair, than yours truly. Like the vast majority of participants of forums such as this one I suspect, they never engaged in such immature, unprincipled, and unscrupulous examples like those I just listed. They simply knew better and opted for the higher road and argued/fought clean.

That being said, the other night I started receiving emails from Craig's List after a twisted cowardly little fuck in here decided to lift my email address (this is the only place THAT particular e-mail address is openly acessable) and post an ad in one of Craig's Personals sections. Though, I can't point an accusatory finger on who did it with certainty, and CL's Abuse department did not provide me with the address of the person who placed it, I can almost guarantee the act was committed by one of two posters: One is a little punk who I've called out time and time again in the last month or so to challenge his assertions and assignment of motives about a situation he can't possibly have any knowledge about. It should surprise no one in here that this little coward has yet to answer the call. This clown's depth of depravity knows no limits. He is without doubt the most despised, dishonest, hypocritical poster in this forum -- our resident turd in the punchbowl. Purportly here "to learn", if this little transparent sycophant isn't attempting to ingratiate himself with any woman who might cursorily acknowledge his presence, he is castigating every male poster in here as a "Tranny chaser" or "Pervert". The terms honor and probity are just meaningless terms to this embicile, as he probably also thinks scruples is the name of a new corn chip. He lacks the simplest and most primitive of moral and ethical cores, and makes no attempt to develop any. A mirror to this twisted little hypocrite is simply something to fog up to draw faces of Sponge Bob on, or monitor his acne with and nothing more. Any ideal as to who I'm referring to?

The other little prick I suspect of doing this is a delusional little gnat who continues to accuse me of having two identities, but has yet to demonstrate any proof of it. He continues (as late as yesterday) to send me PMs telling me how he is watching me, etc. In his short time here he's proven to be nothing more than a child.

Obviously, it could have been some other twisted, unresourceful poster who posted my address on Craig's List and who simply derives pleasure by being an ass, or dislikes me for some unknown reason and wants to irritate me, but either way, I have good reason to suspect the two aforementioned clowns, and will lose no sleep about naming them my two prime suspects. They're both clowns, and I owe them both a comeback, particularly the cowardly, disturbed little prick, Legend.

Moderators: Can you develop a way of providing our email addresses to others, without them being so openly exposed for childish morons to lift and then abuse? Is there a way to see who's been checking (a gate of sorts) our email out ?

Second Question: Why do you permit Legend to be a member of this forum? Haven't there been posters banned who have been less disruptive, less hypocritical, and less collectively despised? He's as welcomed here as a lit flare is at a gasoline refinery.

Get real,you can dispel me from your craig lists bullshit because you aren't worth the effort nor would i look in their personal ads for any kind of reason.You got loco on me because i called you out on your coffee scam and the same person who you tried that shit on agrees with me on all counts.You just got a bruised ego dude just suck it up and move along.Just remember you were the one who started drama with me,next time choose carefully who you pick on.Isn't this your sixth thread devoted to me in your efforts to call me out LOL your fucking pathetic.

"The terms honor and probity are just meaningless terms to this embicile"

When you look around this place you have certain guys who disrespect the women around here by insulting their intelligence trying to scam them into "coffee dates" or guys with no respect whatsover for them and view they as just sex objects,yeah honor is valued around here like it is amongst thieves.What you did was try to run a scam on a person who i won't name out of respect and you got dissed,all i did was rub it in that you got dissed,if you wouldn't have fucked with me in this first place i wouldn't never bitch slapped you by rubbing it in.People can dish it out but when you give it back they start whining.


Night Rider
10-26-2007, 02:58 PM
You're most generous to estimate that "ninety-nine" percent of the regular posters would never do something like that, as I'd figure something more along the lines of seventy-five percent. But that's just me, of course. Good luck.

You must be on the happy pills TJ, I'd say more like 60/40...

And Legend, i don't wanna see pics of babies naked, in a sexually orientated forum, if u don't mind....


10-26-2007, 03:22 PM
You're most generous to estimate that "ninety-nine" percent of the regular posters would never do something like that, as I'd figure something more along the lines of seventy-five percent. But that's just me, of course. Good luck.

You must be on the happy pills TJ, I'd say more like 60/40...

And Legend, i don't wanna see pics of babies naked, in a sexually orientated forum, if u don't mind....


So you want to see them in a non sexually orientated forum,not only are you a homophobic piece of garbage but your a homophobic piece of garbage who is into kiddy porn,i hope to god you met this guy one day you sick fuck,

I don't wanna see naked pictures of babies in any kind of forum,if you don't mind.

Night Rider
10-26-2007, 03:25 PM
I don't wanna see naked pictures of babies in any kind of forum,if you don't mind.

Well then don't post them! :roll: You might get away with ur 'underage' pics in the 'club kid' thread but not here


10-26-2007, 03:39 PM
I don't wanna see naked pictures of babies in any kind of forum,if you don't mind.

Well then don't post them! :roll: You might get away with ur 'underage' pics in the 'club kid' thread but not here


What kind of moron translates any of those pics in the club kid's threads as being babies,i guess a moron like you.But seriously i really hope your not that stupid.

BTW your gonna need new material peon because jeffree star the only person i post in that club kid's thread is 22 years of age but i guess ignorant stupid people can't grasp the concept of facts or logic.

10-26-2007, 03:47 PM
The uk must be prove of you dude.

Night Rider
10-26-2007, 03:48 PM
What kind of moron translates any of those pics in the club kid's threads as being babies,i guess a moron like you.But seriously i really hope your not that stupid.

So underage classifies as babies in ur psyhcotic mind then???

And as for that baby pic, u do know what happened to him...


:lol: :lol: :lol:

Night Rider
10-26-2007, 03:50 PM
The uk must be prove of you dude.

And with sense like that, u could be the first gay president of the USA


10-26-2007, 04:00 PM
What kind of moron translates any of those pics in the club kid's threads as being babies,i guess a moron like you.But seriously i really hope your not that stupid.

So underage classifies as babies in ur psyhcotic mind then???

And as for that baby pic, u do know what happened to him...


:lol: :lol: :lol:

Its spelled "psychotic" dipshit and you are the one who stated you didn't want to see baby pictures in this thread meaning you think those pics in the club kid's thread are babies.Man your so stupid and retarded i'm not even gonna waste my time on you.Here is one more pic for you dumbass,

Night Rider
10-26-2007, 04:08 PM
Its spelled "psychotic" dipshit and you are the one who stated you didn't want to see baby pictures in this thread meaning you think those pics in the club kid's thread are babies.Man your so stupid and retarded i'm not even gonna waste my time on you.Here is one more pic for your dumbass

I apologize for the spelling mistake, i should be more careful when talking to someone, wth ur flawless grammer. :roll: What i said was u might get away with posting UNDERAGE pics [meaning UNDERAGE] in the 'club kids' thread. I'm sorry if u couldn't grasp that, it must be all those poppers u've took, starting to take their toll. :?

10-26-2007, 09:56 PM
The uk must be prove of you dude.

oh yeah, and america is just so proud of you :roll:

10-26-2007, 10:17 PM
Can't we all just try to get along???


10-26-2007, 10:26 PM
Wait...I'm confused. Who gets the sauerkraut?

Night Rider
10-26-2007, 10:28 PM
LOL b1....classic

10-26-2007, 10:39 PM
Check out the thread "The girls of TGirlhotspot!"

Some posters (2 in particular) crossed just about every line in the book. They revealed a poster's real name AND their picture(s). The two in question also started the fighting - check the thread.

They posted a picture of a professional entertainer "Colleen Stewart" partially out of make up so you can probably figure out who she is and posted a picture of the man who they claim runs the web site they don't like - and posted his real name!

What is the policy of this site on this kind of thing.

Night Rider
10-26-2007, 10:56 PM
Check out the thread "The girls of TGirlhotspot!"

Some posters (2 in particular) crossed just about every line in the book. They revealed a poster's real name AND their picture(s). The two in question also started the fighting - check the thread.

They posted a picture of a professional entertainer "Colleen Stewart" partially out of make up so you can probably figure out who she is and posted a picture of the man who they claim runs the web site they don't like - and posted his real name!

What is the policy of this site on this kind of thing.

Get a grip! I witnessed the whole thing and U were out of order!!!


10-26-2007, 11:07 PM
LOL b1....classic

Thanx. I'll be here all week. :D

Seriously, some of this shit is just schoolyard bullying disguised as civil discourse (And the disguise is waaaaay too thin, in my opinion). It gets to the point where you can't tell the morons from the idiots (And I'm not naming names).

What is the policy of this site on this kind of thing.

I can't speak for the policy (Or lack thereof) of this forum, but some of the stuff that gets thrown about is just public domain fodder for whoever wants to dally with it. Whether or not it can find its way in front of a jury of our "peers" (Yah, royt!) in a civil, libel, or slander suit is purely up to the offended party and their liars...er....lawyers.

Personally, I do my best not to poke other people in the eye. I've been in courtrooms, on both sides of the aisle, and while it may be an amusing dalliance to some, it is a shit waste of time to others. If you don't want it repeated, don't say it. If you don't want your pic to go public, then posting it on the net (As I have, with no care of who sees my sweet ass - Yes, Alannah, that was really =my= sweet ass in that pic) is just plain stoopid.

As for myself, I'm trying to wreck a career in politics (And I think I've done a damn fine job of it, thenkyewverymuch!), but some of the gits on this board, be they genius or village idiot, don't seem to think much of how deeply they've dug themselves in.

To the OP (Original Poster): Take your case to the mods. Grandstanding ain't gonna help anybody. If the person or persons responsible for your annoyance and the embarrassment of others can be proven, rake their sorry ass across some jurist's bench and cause them to truly see the error of their ways.

To the OP (Offended/Offending Party): If you don't like the shit that's going down, just step off and let them rant. If you're guilty, you shouldn't be playing these lame-ass games to begin with.

Legend: You take too much of this shit to heart (And there is, truthfully, a great deal that you bring on yourself). When the shit starts to fall, take a time-out. You know that Yamato, Lupin, Harlock, etc. are better than the 'real' world anyway.

Next question.

10-27-2007, 02:28 AM

God I love this forum

10-27-2007, 06:06 AM
He responds.

He responds.

He responds.

The forum's resident star coward and glaring dipshit of a hypocrite finally responds.

Get real,you can dispel me from your craig lists bullshit because you aren't worth the effort nor would i look in their personal ads for any kind of reason.

I can "dispel" you ??? Ha-ha-ha-ha !!! You fucken moron. Funny you should say that I'm not worth the effort, when you have made every effort to avoid me when I've called you out to challenge your baseless assertions about my supposed motives. What have you been afraid of, coward? Yes, god forbid a choirboy (How many IDs have you had? How many in here despise you?) such as you should be caught wasting time perusing the "hardcore" pornographic pages of Craig's List when you can be a pain-in-the-ass in here strictly "learning" as you put it, and continually fighting the urge to gawk over at images of sexy women with that one big difference.

You got loco on me because i called you out on your coffee scam and the same person who you tried that shit on agrees with me on all counts.You just got a bruised ego dude just suck it up and move along.

What coffee scam, "Einstein"? And if you really "respect" Hara as you claimed in a recent thread, why are you dragging her into this thread NOW? This is between you and I and no one else. Does she know you are utilizing her here to bolster your weak indefensible position? Hmmm? At issue here is not the fact that I had a disagreement with another prominent poster and things got testy between us, but that you would inject yourself into that argument, quickly take sides, and then form a judgement based on a he-said,she-said tennis match with more gaps than a jack-o'-lantern's mouth. Unless you are somehow magically or clinically qualified to make such a determination, know both of the parties here personally, know our history here inside out, and have read ALL of the missives that were exchanged between us, etc., you had no business sticking your fucken nose in my differences with her, or anyone. Hara is very popular in this forum with a lot of posters, but did you see anyone of those posters/friends/admirers openly take sides as you did? You think one reason they didn't might have to do with the fact that they recognized that they did not have ALL the necessary information to make a judgment one way or the other, and that it would be a tremendous reach, not to mention blatantly intrusive, to take sides in a matter which involved private missives, and which they weren't privy to? Ya think, dumbfuck?

Just remember you were the one who started drama with me,next time choose carefully who you pick on.Isn't this your sixth thread devoted to me in your efforts to call me out LOL your fucking pathetic.

Yes, next time I'll choose to spar with someone whose writing "skills" don't require that I reread his postings three times in order to make some sense of it. By the way, how many of those threads did you respond to? How many, you cowardly dumbfuck? I drew the line in the sand and you ran. Deal with it, dunce.

When you look around this place you have certain guys who disrespect the women around here by insulting their intelligence trying to scam them into "coffee dates" or guys with no respect whatsover for them and view they as just sex objects,yeah honor is valued around here like it is amongst thieves.What you did was try to run a scam on a person who i won't name out of respect and you got dissed,all i did was rub it in that you got dissed,if you wouldn't have fucked with me in this first place i wouldn't never bitch slapped you by rubbing it in.People can dish it out but when you give it back they start whining.

Reaction Formation ring a bell, dipshit? No? How about Projection? You might want to seek those psychological definitions, and how they might apply to you. "Guys"??? What "guys" are you referring to other than me? What ulterior motives have you assigned to others in here with nothing to back your claims up with, other than the fact that they post here, and therefore are automatically of questionable character? Why not name these "guys", oh "chivalrous, noble" one? You're not afraid of those evil, vile "Chasers" are you, dunce?
Yeah, yeah, I ran a "scam" on a poster you "won't name out of respect", and yet who did you bring into your response ON YOUR SECOND FUCKING "SENTENCE", and continue to reference with abandon throughout your sorry post? Do you actually think before you type? Do you actually read your drivel before hitting the "submit" button? Your writing mirrors your logic.


To the OP (Original Poster): Take your case to the mods. Grandstanding ain't gonna help anybody. If the person or persons responsible for your annoyance and the embarrassment of others can be proven, rake their sorry ass across some jurist's bench and cause them to truly see the error of their ways.

How do you know I haven't? I asked one who it was that was deleting my threads, and why, that were directed at Legend, and he said that he would find out and get back to me. That was two weeks ago and I've yet to receive an answer.
"Grandstanding", as you referred to this, can often spawn the desired ends one is seeking. e.g., I got the cowardly little fuck to respond, and if I can get at least ONE poster to become wary of either poster I directed this thread toward, then it was all worth it, not to mention the warm feeling I get from once again exposing these hypocritical frauds for what they are.

Make sense?

TrueBeauty TS
10-27-2007, 09:08 AM
He responds.

He responds.

He responds.

The forum's resident star coward and glaring dipshit of a hypocrite finally responds.

Get real,you can dispel me from your craig lists bullshit because you aren't worth the effort nor would i look in their personal ads for any kind of reason.

I can "dispel" you ??? Ha-ha-ha-ha !!! You fucken moron. Funny you should say that I'm not worth the effort, when you have made every effort to avoid me when I've called you out to challenge your baseless assertions about my supposed motives. What have you been afraid of, coward? Yes, god forbid a choirboy (How many IDs have you had? How many in here despise you?) such as you should be caught wasting time perusing the "hardcore" pornographic pages of Craig's List when you can be a pain-in-the-ass in here strictly "learning" as you put it, and continually fighting the urge to gawk over at images of sexy women with that one big difference.

You got loco on me because i called you out on your coffee scam and the same person who you tried that shit on agrees with me on all counts.You just got a bruised ego dude just suck it up and move along.

What coffee scam, "Einstein"? And if you really "respect" Hara as you claimed in a recent thread, why are you dragging her into this thread NOW? This is between you and I and no one else. Does she know you are utilizing her here to bolster your weak indefensible position? Hmmm? At issue here is not the fact that I had a disagreement with another prominent poster and things got testy between us, but that you would inject yourself into that argument, quickly take sides, and then form a judgement based on a he-said,she-said tennis match with more gaps than a jack-o'-lantern's mouth. Unless you are somehow magically or clinically qualified to make such a determination, know both of the parties here personally, know our history here inside out, and have read ALL of the missives that were exchanged between us, etc., you had no business sticking your fucken nose in my differences with her, or anyone. Hara is very popular in this forum with a lot of posters, but did you see anyone of those posters/friends/admirers openly take sides as you did? You think one reason they didn't might have to do with the fact that they recognized that they did not have ALL the necessary information to make a judgment one way or the other, and that it would be a tremendous reach, not to mention blatantly intrusive, to take sides in a matter which involved private missives, and which they weren't privy to? Ya think, dumbfuck?

Just remember you were the one who started drama with me,next time choose carefully who you pick on.Isn't this your sixth thread devoted to me in your efforts to call me out LOL your fucking pathetic.

Yes, next time I'll choose to spar with someone whose writing "skills" don't require that I reread his postings three times in order to make some sense of it. By the way, how many of those threads did you respond to? How many, you cowardly dumbfuck? I drew the line in the sand and you ran. Deal with it, dunce.

When you look around this place you have certain guys who disrespect the women around here by insulting their intelligence trying to scam them into "coffee dates" or guys with no respect whatsover for them and view they as just sex objects,yeah honor is valued around here like it is amongst thieves.What you did was try to run a scam on a person who i won't name out of respect and you got dissed,all i did was rub it in that you got dissed,if you wouldn't have fucked with me in this first place i wouldn't never bitch slapped you by rubbing it in.People can dish it out but when you give it back they start whining.

Reaction Formation ring a bell, dipshit? No? How about Projection? You might want to seek those psychological definitions, and how they might apply to you. "Guys"??? What "guys" are you referring to other than me? What ulterior motives have you assigned to others in here with nothing to back your claims up with, other than the fact that they post here, and therefore are automatically of questionable character? Why not name these "guys", oh "chivalrous, noble" one? You're not afraid of those evil, vile "Chasers" are you, dunce?
Yeah, yeah, I ran a "scam" on a poster you "won't name out of respect", and yet who did you bring into your response ON YOUR SECOND FUCKING "SENTENCE", and continue to reference with abandon throughout your sorry post? Do you actually think before you type? Do you actually read your drivel before hitting the "submit" button? Your writing mirrors your logic.


To the OP (Original Poster): Take your case to the mods. Grandstanding ain't gonna help anybody. If the person or persons responsible for your annoyance and the embarrassment of others can be proven, rake their sorry ass across some jurist's bench and cause them to truly see the error of their ways.

How do you know I haven't? I asked one who it was that was deleting my threads, and why, that were directed at Legend, and he said that he would find out and get back to me. That was two weeks ago and I've yet to receive an answer.
"Grandstanding", as you referred to this, can often spawn the desired ends one is seeking. e.g., I got the cowardly little fuck to respond, and if I can get at least ONE poster to become wary of either poster I directed this thread toward, then it was all worth it, not to mention the warm feeling I get from once again exposing these hypocritical frauds for what they are.

Make sense?

You and Legend REALLY need to have some serious sex with eachother. The sexual tension between you two is palpable!!!!!!!! LOL

Just get it on and be done with it so the rest of us don't have to see your pissing contests.



10-27-2007, 07:48 PM
You and Legend REALLY need to have some serious sex with eachother. The sexual tension between you two is palpable!!!!!!!! LOL

Just get it on and be done with it so the rest of us don't have to see your pissing contests.



Here's a novel suggestion: Don't read them. I ignore thread topic titles that don't appeal to me. Can't you?


Felicia Katt
10-27-2007, 10:00 PM
Make sense?
not much , its not really on the money and it doesn't make change either.

This is a discussion board, where we supposedly go to make points, not enemies. Its not a school playground. Calling out, drawing lines, and double dog dare you are for kids, not adults. So are name calling and nanny nanny boo boo. But maybe sticks and stones and none of your beeswax do still work, regardless of age.

I doubt anyone will give me an apple for what really should be a make up lesson since we all already know this, but please no spitwads either. :)


TrueBeauty TS
10-28-2007, 09:58 AM
You and Legend REALLY need to have some serious sex with eachother. The sexual tension between you two is palpable!!!!!!!! LOL

Just get it on and be done with it so the rest of us don't have to see your pissing contests.



Here's a novel suggestion: Don't read them. I ignore thread topic titles that don't appeal to me. Can't you?


Awwww....... come on. Baby, don't be that way.



10-28-2007, 10:03 AM
This is a discussion board, where we supposedly go to make points, not enemies.

Hmmm... Quite right, but in the course of making points, we will inevitably express an opinion, which if contrary to that of others, will cause them to make a counterpoint, and so forth and so on, with the result that in the end, we will certainly not have made a friend. So what will we have made then? And there it is... The internet board in all its glory.

10-28-2007, 10:28 AM
[quote=Tgirlhottie]Check out the thread "The girls of TGirlhotspot!"

yada, yada, yada ....

Email someone who gives a shit.

:trolls :banghead

10-29-2007, 08:24 AM
not much , its not really on the money and it doesn't make change either.

Then we're dealing in different currency. My "make sense" comment was directed at B-1 in his reference to his claim that what I was doing was "grandstanding". "Grandstanding", if that's what it was, would be a tool not foreign to someone familiar with a courtroom I would think, and he would also understand that it does have it uses. By the way, have you seen "Braveman" of late? He's been DL of late which started about the same time I posted this about my email being lifted. Hmmmm? "Grandstanding" ???

This is a discussion board, where we supposedly go to make points, not enemies. Its not a school playground. Calling out, drawing lines, and double dog dare you are for kids, not adults. So are name calling and nanny nanny boo boo. But maybe sticks and stones and none of your beeswax do still work, regardless of age.

This is a discussion board? Go to Trannyweb if you want discussion. ...So you've never "fired back" at someone for something they've posted which you've disagreed with, and damn any prospective friendship, consequences, repercussions, etc., that might result from that counterpoint? You just let it go regardless of the assertion? This moron, Legend, up to recently in THIS very thread on page two continues to impugn my character about an issue he has simply no idea about, and of which I emphatically deny. I wonder how you would feel and react if someone kept stating and insisting something about you that you knew wasn't true? Would you really let it go that easily? I told you through Yahoo Messenger one night that I decided to pull back on my attack of the aforementioned moron, and I did, but then the email hijack thing came up, along with his "coffee scam" response(posted below), and the thing came back full circle.

You got loco on me because i called you out on your coffee scam and the same person who you tried that shit on agrees with me on all counts.

Do you really believe that I give two figs what Hara, an acne petri-dish, or any other anonymous poster I've had differences with in here thinks of me? Hell no. Let me repeat that: HELL NO! But what they say of me might -- just might -- cause another to erroneously judge me, or cast doubt of my character, PARTICULARLY when I'm frequently engaged in private conversations with them, or actually deal with them IN PERSON, as has been the case several times at Peanuts. It might sound trite, but I'm simply defending my reputation and character, as I'd think anyone would if put in a similar position.

I doubt anyone will give me an apple for what really should be a make up lesson since we all already know this, but please no spitwads either.


__________________________________________________ ______

Awwww....... come on. Baby, don't be that way.

(sigh) It would neat if I knew when you have posted something tongue-in-cheek and when it isn't. I guess we really don't know each other after all this time. And you'd think after all this time I'd receive one posting in support of something I posted, or at least not pile on ... Do you believe Legend's assertions? Oh, nevermind.

10-29-2007, 08:27 AM
I care. Was your address hijacked? Who the fuck are you?

Silvester, LOL

I'm really not in the mood for your childish behavior, Silvester. ...Why the new identity?

Soz mate 8)

10-29-2007, 10:01 AM
If it wasn't for your false accustastion of some craiglist bullshit i would have never responded to your pathetic thread,the only reason i haven't responded to your other attending craving threads is because frankly i don't think your worth it,what do i have to prove to a pathetic loser like you.Just remember the next time you decide to go picking on someone that you might get yours anytime and well i decided to bitch slap you on your coffee scam.Here are some words that i truly hope a jerk like you can understand "go fuck yourself".

"I'm simply defending my reputation and character"

Felicia Katt
10-29-2007, 10:23 AM
Real, I have tried to stick to topics and to avoid all the personal, ad hominem stuff. I have been in lots of conflicts, but over ideas and ideals. I try to deal with others with reason and respect, and hope to have that reciprocated. On those occasions when my hopes are not met, and people try to go personal on me, I try not to take it personally, and try to abide by the principle that you do to others as you would have them do to you, not as they may have done to you.

You say you don't care what Haraku and Legend think of you, but about their posts potential effect on your reputation. As Lincoln said Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. I think you would have showed more of your real character by worrying less about your reputation and by turning the other cheek to others you thought were being shady to you.


Hara_Juku Tgirl
10-29-2007, 12:06 PM
Lokah! It's Harajuku or Hara not Haraku, Feluca. LOL ;)



Felicia Katt
10-29-2007, 07:08 PM
Lokah! It's Harajuku or Hara not Haraku, Feluca. LOL ;)


My Bad. sorry about that.


TrueBeauty TS
10-29-2007, 07:38 PM
Lokah! It's Harajuku or Hara not Haraku, Feluca. LOL ;)


My Bad. sorry about that.


Just call her "bitch". Everybody else does!


Muuuaaawwww! xoxo


TrueBeauty TS
10-29-2007, 07:53 PM
Awwww....... come on. Baby, don't be that way.

(sigh) It would neat if I knew when you have posted something tongue-in-cheek and when it isn't. I guess we really don't know each other after all this time. And you'd think after all this time I'd receive one posting in support of something I posted, or at least not pile on ... Do you believe Legend's assertions? Oh, nevermind.

I don't know anything about Legend. I generally don't read the cat fights between you two. I DO know that what I have seen, is you starting new threads attacking or baiting people and using childish name calling even after things have blown over, starting it all up again.

I think it's horrible that someone gave your email out, but unless you have proof that Legend gave your email out, I think it's bad form to publicly tie his, or anyone else's name to that crime.

You are right about one thing. I guess we don't know eachother. I thought you were above this sort of thing.


Hara_Juku Tgirl
10-29-2007, 11:29 PM
Lokah! It's Harajuku or Hara not Haraku, Feluca. LOL ;)


My Bad. sorry about that.


Just call her "bitch". Everybody else does!


Muuuaaawwww! xoxo


Lmao :lol: If you say so Cunt! LOL ;)



10-29-2007, 11:38 PM
Lokah! It's Harajuku or Hara not Haraku, Feluca. LOL ;)



as long as its not "Harakiri Tgirl" :P

Hara_Juku Tgirl
10-30-2007, 12:18 AM




Hara_Juku Tgirl
10-30-2007, 12:25 AM
Lokah! It's Harajuku or Hara not Haraku, Feluca. LOL ;)


My Bad. sorry about that.


No problem. I'm just saying..dont you hate it when guys call you by another name? Or see you at Peanuts with Jasmin Lee or Danielle Foxx and then go post on here without even mentioning your name (As if you didnt exist)? It's the same thing. ;)



10-30-2007, 03:03 AM
If it wasn't for your false accustastion of some craiglist bullshit i would have never responded to your pathetic thread,the only reason i haven't responded to your other attending craving threads is because frankly i don't think your worth it,what do i have to prove to a pathetic loser like you.Just remember the next time you decide to go picking on someone that you might get yours anytime and well i decided to bitch slap you on your coffee scam.Here are some words that i truly hope a jerk like you can understand "go fuck yourself".

"Pathetic loser" ??? LOL! This coming from a poster many at Hung Angels consider a first rate hypocrite and outright clown? Once again, how many IDs have you had here? What were a couple of your responses after it was discovered you were posting under a new handle a few months ago in the chatroom? That it "didn't hurt anybody", and that "you would eventually tell everyone that it was you" ??? You are to integrity and believability what Brittany Spears is to motherhood, and I'm the "pathetic loser" ? Only a transparent hypocritical sycophant such as you would come into a forum such as this one hanging on some faux moral crusade to save the women in here from the "evil tranny chasers" amongst us, and not see the joke he's become and I'm the pathetic loser ??? When oh when, will we all be privy to you, oh noble chivalrous one, do battle with us misguided tranny chasers again? LOL!

The only reason you didn't respond to any of those threads I called you out on was because you would once again be exposed as the pitiful liar you are. How could you ever defend the crap you pulled out of your ass but with more lies and assumptions? Those "attending ('attending'?) craving threads" were put in place to not only confirm once more what a coward you are, but also to prevent any further disruption of the threads you were hiding in. This way it would have been you and me in our own thread discussing your claim that I ran some "coffee scam" on a woman. And could you show me the thread where you supposedly "bitchslapped" me? Is bitchslap in your world one where you make some indefensible, unsubstantiated, unprovable assumption about someone and something you know nothing about, and then run and hide when you are asked to prove it? That's your idea of "bitchslap"? If you really feel you know me and the situation, back it up, Zit!

Funny you -- YOU -- would bring up "false accusation". What do you call not only butting into an argument between two people in the heat of their differences, but assigning ulterior motives to one, particularly when you don't know any of the parties involved other than their respective HA personas, or any of the facts pertaining to the incident in question? If you had had a nickel's worth of sense, you would have attacked me on some other front, and not via your transparent pitiful attempt to make some weak point and also ingratiate yourself with a woman.

As far as my "grandstanding" goes and pointing accusatory fingers at you and Braveman for the email lift, it seems to have worked. I got to ferret you out and respond, thus look stupid once again, while the other moron has quietly been laying low of late. I didn't care if either of you got splashed ... I owed you. Got that?

So show everyone reading this thread how you "bitchslapped" me again? I missed the first one.


10-30-2007, 03:14 AM
Real, I have tried to stick to topics and to avoid all the personal, ad hominem stuff. I have been in lots of conflicts, but over ideas and ideals. I try to deal with others with reason and respect, and hope to have that reciprocated. On those occasions when my hopes are not met, and people try to go personal on me, I try not to take it personally, and try to abide by the principle that you do to others as you would have them do to you, not as they may have done to you.

You said "try". I applaud your approach, and I try to also, but maybe my threshold just isn't as high as yours. And having conflicts over ideas and going personal are two different. They're priced differently.

You say you don't care what Haraku and Legend think of you, but about their posts potential effect on your reputation. As Lincoln said Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. I think you would have showed more of your real character by worrying less about your reputation and by turning the other cheek to others you thought were being shady to you.

I will not let things which I feel are false about me to go unabated(sp?). And it's also extremely easy to wax turning the other cheek when it isn't your character under assault.

10-30-2007, 03:15 AM
No problem. I'm just saying..dont you hate it when guys call you by another name? Or see you at Peanuts with Jasmin Lee or Danielle Foxx and then go post on here without even mentioning your name (As if you didnt exist)? It's the same thing. ;)



Who did this, and when did this happen?


Night Rider
10-30-2007, 03:20 AM
No problem. I'm just saying..dont you hate it when guys call you by another name? Or see you at Peanuts with Jasmin Lee or Danielle Foxx and then go post on here without even mentioning your name (As if you didnt exist)? It's the same thing. ;)



Who did this, and when did this happen?


haha calm down man, u seem to be having an emotional day....relax

10-30-2007, 03:26 AM
haha calm down man, u seem to be having an emotional day....relax

I'm responding. You're assuming my responses are in some Charles Nelson Reilly mode, when they are actually more in the George Will vein in tenor and tone. ...If you only really knew me. :)

Night Rider
10-30-2007, 03:29 AM
haha calm down man, u seem to be having an emotional day....relax

I'm responding. You're assuming my responses are in some Charles Nelson Reilly mode, when they are actually more in the George Will vein in tenor and tone. ...If you only really knew me. :)


That convo wasn't about u, it was about HTG and FK...

10-30-2007, 03:53 AM
As far as my "grandstanding" goes and pointing accusatory fingers at you and Braveman for the email lift, it seems to have worked. I got to ferret you out and respond, thus look stupid once again, while the other moron has quietly been laying low of late. I didn't care if either of you got splashed ... I owed you. Got that?.

Like a said your fucking pathetic,this thread only proves my point that you are a egotisical attention craving moron who just got his feelings hurt.So you used this craglist's bullshit to somehow"ferret" me out for a respond now that posters see what kind of bitter childish person you are,your a regular barney fife.If it really helps your bitter ego out yeah you really owned me here :roll:.

It's kinda funny and pathetic if your last resort to getting my attention is making some heart filled post towards the moderators about some bogus email shit,if that isn't pathetic i don't know what is.So much for opting for a higher road and having a clean fight you decided to get the mods involve and play to the other users with the email bullshit.

Just face it,you got rejected and took it personally,i just simply laughed at you for getting rejected after so many times you have fucked with with me on this forum for no apparent reason.Now seven threads later with my name in the title you make up some craiglist bullshit you are so fucking pathetic,i really hope your ego is somehow satisfied from "owning" me that you can finally act like an adult and move on.

10-30-2007, 04:15 AM
As far as my "grandstanding" goes and pointing accusatory fingers at you and Braveman for the email lift, it seems to have worked. I got to ferret you out and respond, thus look stupid once again, while the other moron has quietly been laying low of late. I didn't care if either of you got splashed ... I owed you. Got that?.

Like a said your fucking pathetic,this thread only proves my point that you are a egotisical attention craving moron who just got his feelings hurt.So you used this craglist's bullshit to somehow"ferret" me out for a respond now that posters see what kind of bitter childish person you are,your a regular barney fife.If it really helps your bitter ego out yeah you really owned me here :roll:.

It's kinda funny and pathetic if your last resort to getting my attention is making some heart filled post towards the moderators about some bogus email shit,if that isn't pathetic i don't know what is.So much for opting for a higher road and having a clean fight you decided to get the mods involve and play to the other users with the email bullshit.

Just face it,you got rejected and took it personally,i just simply laughed at you for getting rejected after so many times you have fucked with with me on this forum for no apparent reason.Now seven threads later with my name in the title you make up some craiglist bullshit you are so fucking pathetic,i really hope your ego is somehow satisfied from "owning" me that you can finally act like an adult and move on.

Aaaahhh, just as I thought: We are never going to see how you "bitchslapped" me because you NEVER did. You're a liar, and like a liar, you must continue to lie to cover up the previous ones. There might be some regular posters in here who might begin to straddle the fence as far as their opinions of me go due to this flare-up, or there might be some who will simply put me and my postings under more scrutiny to try to figure me out if that matters, but one thing that is for certain is that YOUR reputation here is cemented as the forum's resident idiot. No one else is in your league, and there is very little you can do to change it.

Now my email account being lifted and abused is "bogus" ??? Do you ever see the holes you are in as you keep digging yourself in deeper and deeper? I don't need to make up a story in order to come after a coward like you. Someone upstream mentioned how you put yourself in these positions, and this is a prime example of it. Are you really as stupid and idiotic as you act in here? Jeezus, what a dumbfuck!

So you keep assuming that a person I've never met in person, or spoken to over the phone, or have nothing invested in, etc., would wield so much power over me that I would react this way because I got rejected? Keep up with the comedy, Ace. I'm sure there are many out there laughing at you until next week. Fuckin' moron.

10-30-2007, 04:35 AM
Wow, I don't even know why I read this thread.
Pure entertainment value I guess.
Totally doesn't involve me at all, but I do have 1 small comment.

As a teacher, I have seen children (when fighting) act more mature than the two of you (RealGirls and Legend). It's the interwebs, Boys, what makes you think that anything you type at each other in angry rage makes any difference ? Grow up. Grant each other a modicum of respect, and try speaking like adults and not teens whose vocabulary is limited to cuss words and insults.

Oh hell, or you can keep yelling at each other.
I gots tons of Popcorns
