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10-22-2007, 05:44 AM
But can someone PLEASE explain to me "Escorts" I have a general "common sense" idea but no real clarity on the subject.

TrueBeauty TS
10-22-2007, 05:51 AM
But can someone PLEASE explain to me "Escorts" I have a general "common sense" idea but no real clarity on the subject.

There are legit definitions, but for all practical purposes on this board, eros, etc., it means a prostitute.

You pay the girl to have sex with you.


10-22-2007, 05:54 AM
But can someone PLEASE explain to me "Escorts" I have a general "common sense" idea but no real clarity on the subject.

There are legit definitions, but for all practical purposes on this board, eros, etc., it means a prostitute.

You pay the girl to have sex with you.

.Yea I got that (IQ 160 HIGHEST LEVEL OF GENIOUS) but what happens? Do you meet at a pub/resturant have a drink/meal and goto a hotel? Do you just goto their houses? Im just trying to sort the BS from the TS as it were!

TrueBeauty TS
10-22-2007, 05:58 AM
But can someone PLEASE explain to me "Escorts" I have a general "common sense" idea but no real clarity on the subject.

There are legit definitions, but for all practical purposes on this board, eros, etc., it means a prostitute.

You pay the girl to have sex with you.

.Yea I got that (IQ 160 HIGHEST LEVEL OF GENIOUS) but what happens? Do you meet at a pub/resturant have a drink/meal and goto a hotel? Do you just goto their houses? Im just trying to sort the BS from the TS as it were!

You're the one paying, genious. You arrange what you want & for how much. If they agree, you're golden.




TrueBeauty TS
10-22-2007, 06:09 AM
I would just explain that you possess an IQ level of 160, and see if they'll pay you. ;)

Maybe he meant 16.0?



10-22-2007, 06:14 AM
But can someone PLEASE explain to me "Escorts" I have a general "common sense" idea but no real clarity on the subject.

There are legit definitions, but for all practical purposes on this board, eros, etc., it means a prostitute.

You pay the girl to have sex with you.

.Yea I got that (IQ 160 HIGHEST LEVEL OF GENIOUS) but what happens? Do you meet at a pub/resturant have a drink/meal and goto a hotel? Do you just goto their houses? Im just trying to sort the BS from the TS as it were!

You're the one paying, genious. You arrange what you want & for how much. If they agree, you're golden.



.Hey im only asking, I dont have any particular urge to arrange an escort I dont think I could ever pay for sex im just after a real idea as to what the escorting thing is about.. I have tried reading reviews/guides but I know that no matter how truthful you are there will ALWAYS be embelishments.

Think of it in a way only I could explain it, You have no interest in making an Atomic Bomb but you want to know how it works, who designed it, what range it has and all the ins and outs, you find the explosions themselves beautiful (though NOT ON CITIES/Civilians that turns a beauty into a hideeous twisted evil). You find a site dedicated to A-Bomb physics and want to know about the firing mechanism for the plutonium, the answer you get is oh its like a gun. You want to know a full idea of their shape and technology involved, timers etc.. err ok not a very good analogy but im kinda Sideways like that...

10-22-2007, 06:20 AM
I would just explain that you possess an IQ level of 160, and see if they'll pay you. ;)Hey Brains can be a great erotic tool, rather than just clumsy stumbling, I have the knowlege of the body, its hotspots and coldspots, I know how to press the accelerator or the breaks. Brains can be quite a dangerous tool in bed! :twisted:

10-22-2007, 06:50 AM
Yea I got that (IQ 160 HIGHEST LEVEL OF GENIOUS) but what happens?

A self-proclaimed genius who can't correctly spell the word?

Now that is classic!

10-22-2007, 07:02 AM
Yea I got that (IQ 160 HIGHEST LEVEL OF GENIOUS) but what happens?

A self-proclaimed genius who can't correctly spell the word?

Now that is classic!This is conversation, I don't usually bother worrying about spelling when chatting or conveying emotion. :roll: That malarkey I save for essays and formal letters.

10-22-2007, 08:52 AM
But can someone PLEASE explain to me "Escorts" I have a general "common sense" idea but no real clarity on the subject.

There are legit definitions, but for all practical purposes on this board, eros, etc., it means a prostitute. You pay the girl to have sex with you.

Perhaps I can confuse the issue.

Here in the states the exchange of sex for money is illegal.

So of course escorts here never, ever exchange sex for money. That would be prostitution. ;-)

Personally I'm not an escort, nor are any of the other escorts on this site. I'm a personal companion. I'm also a porn actress. No law against dating a porn actress. In some areas escorts must be licensed, and interestingly enough the penalty for unlicensed escorting is the same as for prostitution.

As a personal companion I often accompany men with high IQ's to dinner for educated conversation, or sometimes to sophisticated conventions - like the tattoo and pirecing expo... and once in awhile on trips to fun places like Tahoe and Aspen and not so fun places like Bozeman Montana. Where if you don't bring your own, you go without. giggle.

Sometimes afterwards we may choose to enjoy "desert" at my place or his... and what happens between two consenting adults in private is nobodies business.

Sometimes I accompany my date straight into the bedroom where they also get to enjoy my companionship and see line above for more on that... :-)

TS Jamie :-)

Please pay the cashier at the door...

10-22-2007, 09:00 AM
I would just explain that you possess an IQ level of 160, and see if they'll pay you. ;)Hey Brains can be a great erotic tool, rather than just clumsy stumbling, I have the knowlege of the body, its hotspots and coldspots, I know how to press the accelerator or the breaks. Brains can be quite a dangerous tool in bed! :twisted:

you know all that stuff and you still sound like a virgin :lol:

TrueBeauty TS
10-22-2007, 09:52 AM
But can someone PLEASE explain to me "Escorts" I have a general "common sense" idea but no real clarity on the subject.

There are legit definitions, but for all practical purposes on this board, eros, etc., it means a prostitute. You pay the girl to have sex with you.

Perhaps I can confuse the issue.

Here in the states the exchange of sex for money is illegal.

So of course escorts here never, ever exchange sex for money. That would be prostitution. ;-)

Personally I'm not an escort, nor are any of the other escorts on this site. I'm a personal companion. I'm also a porn actress. No law against dating a porn actress. In some areas escorts must be licensed, and interestingly enough the penalty for unlicensed escorting is the same as for prostitution.

As a personal companion I often accompany men with high IQ's to dinner for educated conversation, or sometimes to sophisticated conventions - like the tattoo and pirecing expo... and once in awhile on trips to fun places like Tahoe and Aspen and not so fun places like Bozeman Montana. Where if you don't bring your own, you go without. giggle.

Sometimes afterwards we may choose to enjoy "desert" at my place or his... and what happens between two consenting adults in private is nobodies business.

Sometimes I accompany my date straight into the bedroom where they also get to enjoy my companionship and see line above for more on that... :-)

TS Jamie :-)

Please pay the cashier at the door...

Girl please....

Yes, we all know that if John Law asks, guys are only "paying for time & companionship. Not for sex. Wink, wink." But I think we can leave out the BS on this one.

Damn, do you ever stop hustling even for a moment?



Hara_Juku Tgirl
10-22-2007, 09:54 AM
Lmao :lol: You're such a cunt TrueBeauty TS! I love it!! :lol:



10-22-2007, 10:07 AM
But can someone PLEASE explain to me "Escorts" I have a general "common sense" idea but no real clarity on the subject.

There are legit definitions, but for all practical purposes on this board, eros, etc., it means a prostitute.

You pay the girl to have sex with you.

.Yea I got that (IQ 160 HIGHEST LEVEL OF GENIOUS) but what happens? Do you meet at a pub/resturant have a drink/meal and goto a hotel? Do you just goto their houses? Im just trying to sort the BS from the TS as it were!


TrueBeauty TS
10-22-2007, 10:19 AM
Lmao :lol: You're such a cunt TrueBeauty TS! I love it!! :lol:



I couldn't help it, girl. I couldn't take it anymore, I snapped!!! LOL

You totally made my night, though. :D



Hara_Juku Tgirl
10-22-2007, 10:24 AM
Lmao :lol: And you mines! Haha.. I really should go to bed now. I need to be up for work at 7am..grrrr I fear that my patient might die from suffocation if I dont show up for work. ;)



Night Rider
10-22-2007, 04:01 PM
FREEFALL666 are u familiar with............


I'll give u few couple of examples.......



Anything else u need to know, just ask ;)

10-22-2007, 10:02 PM
Girl please....

Yes, we all know that if John Law asks, guys are only "paying for time & companionship. Not for sex. Wink, wink." But I think we can leave out the BS on this one.

Damn, do you ever stop hustling even for a moment?

No... :-)

Lmao :lol: You're such a cunt TrueBeauty TS! I love it!! :lol:



Cosign - obviously some people have no sense of humor...

TS Jamie :-)

10-22-2007, 10:57 PM
Jeez, all this guff over a misspelling of the word jeanyus? :roll:

One Samuel Clemens once remarked that a man who only knew one way to spell a word lacked imagination. Having not only an imagination, but a rather skewed one at that, I have taught my spell checker useful woids such as 'thanx', 'juzzeech', 'jeetchet', and the ever popular 'potatoe'. :D

Some have called me a genius, though I have never been tested (That I can recall). Personally, I think I probably fall about midway between Cableguy Junction and East Einstein. :?

To at least temporarily un-hijack this thread, my understanding of the escort biz is that you pay for time/companionship (Which is a truly legit supply and demand sort of thing when a visiting honcho needs some window-dressing/arm-candy to take to the company picnic/awards dinner - BTDT myself). There is, of course, the consenting adult activity thing which exists in any kind of 'dating' situation., but it seems as though it is more of a sure thing when involving a professional companion. Your mileage may vary, of course.

There are the expected horror stories/comedy of errors that come to light when election time rolls around (Get ready for twelve months of pure bullshit gurls, this is a national round) and I've been fortunate that I haven't been caught up in these festivities (Knock pressboard), yet. Read/listen and learn.

I was intrigued that my most recent experience was with a gurl that had scored a room at the very end of a long hallway from the elevator lobby, giving her long minutes to recon whoever stepped out and came forward. I honestly thought that my knock at the door would be met with silence (Wrong room? She stepped out? SP cars were screaming into the parking lot?), yet was greatly relieved and pleased when the door opened and I saw her smiling face.

The only reason 'escorting' *Kaff* prostitution *Kaff* is illegal is because it is too difficult to regulate and tax. In the 1930s the IRS got the nod from Congress to tax marijuana under the Marijuana Tax Act of 1934. The BEP cranked out some overprint revenue stamps and everyone was set to strike and reap huge masses of cash for the government. However, since any Joe Lunchbox ( :wink: ) and Mary Jane Perrywinkle can grow their own in a window box, it was impossible to regulate and tax, therefore it must be made illegal. As every girl has a coochie and every T-gurl has a T, it is impossible to build a force of 'revenooers' to police them. So, ipso-facto-ergo-quid-pro-quo-ad-infinitum, I'll-show-you-mine-if-you-show-me-yours, 'tang gets flagged as illegal.

Summing up, yerhonah, escorts are paid for companionship, no matter how often the phrase P4P/Pay for Play is uttered.

And, to fuel the original thread hijack:

I have a spelling checker,
It came with my PC.
It plainly marks for my review,
Mistakes I cannot sea.
I ran this poem threw it,
I'm shore your please two no.
Its letter perfect,
In it's weigh,
My checker tolled me sew.

10-23-2007, 06:47 PM
.Yea I got that (IQ 160 HIGHEST LEVEL OF GENIOUS) but what happens? Do you meet at a pub/resturant have a drink/meal and goto a hotel? Do you just goto their houses? Im just trying to sort the BS from the TS as it were![/quote]

__________________________________________________ _____________________________

Well, judging by this post alone,

I think I'll intimate that you aren't going to win any Jeopardy tournaments anytime soon buddy.