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10-22-2007, 05:36 AM


10-22-2007, 05:42 AM
Equal rights mean ALL are equal, you cant separate otherwise you destroy the meaning.

Felicia Katt
10-22-2007, 05:57 AM
get used to it. Once we are thrown under the bus, to get political traction for the larger gay minority, we will never be passengers on it. They will give us a friendly wave from the windows as they drive by but we will be left behind and forgotten. A separate law protecting a minority that not even gays support will never be passed.

Whats ironic and may be harsh karma is that homosexuality will be protected, but not gender identitiy or expression. An employer will be allowed to lawfully fire a gay man for not being masculine enough, or a lesbian woman for being too much so. Truly, only straight looking, straight acting gays will be protected. They say getting half a loaf is better than none at all, but they are settling for a crust and leaving most of the community with just stale crumbs.


10-22-2007, 10:14 AM
I posted this on another thread which has disappeared since this issue is so important to us and our admirers that in nearly 24 hours a total of 43 people have read it.

Obviously we are good for one thing and one thing only and if we die in the gutter nobody is going to give a shit.

TS Jamie :-)

An editorial I wrote in this weeks GLT in San Diego.


Dear Editor:
I am a transgendered woman. I was heartened by your editorial last week where your magazine took a stance in support of the transgendered segment of our community in supporting an all inclusive ENDA bill.

Then tonight I discovered from your “reader poll” that 66% of local gay and lesbian respondents support a NON-trans inclusive ENDA bill.

The fact that 66% of our brothers and sisters DO NOT support the idea of transgendered people enjoying the same protections and civil rights deemed so important to the GLB(T) movement is just sad.

As a transsexual in a same sex relationship with another transwoman I am doubly troubled. My partner and I identify as lesbians, call us gay if it pleases you. Are we not a part of the G&L community?

Then why are our brothers and sisters refusing to support us? There would be no GLBT civil rights if the TS/TV’s hadn’t gotten fed up with official abuse and rioted at Stonewall. After so many years, why would 66% of you be OK with letting our legislators sell us out at the last minute?

More than anyone, transgendered people need Federal job protections. Transgendered women are the mostly likely segment of our society to lose or be denied employment based on sexual or gender identity. Even more so than gay and lesbian youth, young trans people often end up losing family and community support and end up on the street.
The result is (depending upon which poll you use) between 30% and 50% of transgendered women work in the sex trade. Roughly 30% are HIV positive. There is a saying “30/50” - by age 30, 50% of young trans people will commit suicide or die of HIV or other causes.

ENDA is a step toward ending such horrific statistics – and I submit that it is the duty of the Gay and Lesbian community to become educated on the realities facing transsexuals, and that it is in the best interest of the GLB community to stand beside us in our mutual quest for full civil rights, some 230 years after we were all “created equal” by the Declaration of Independence.

Please my GLB brothers and sisters, don’t abandon us now.
Jamie S

10-22-2007, 11:06 AM
It's sad that transgender people will not be protected, but at the same time that is typical of politics. That is compromising by sacrificing a political segment with lesser numbers. But the irony just struck me that a number of people here seem look down on gays.

People gain power by indentifying with larger groups and thus get more clout. That is also the same for many issues, that is, identifying what you have in common with others.

The thing that comes to mind right now is to keep positive images of trans people in the media to put human faces on us as a category of people.

10-22-2007, 11:27 AM
The US government spends billions of dollars liberating a forgien country but could give a rats ass about a segment of there own people.

Well you all could move here to Canada :D

Same Sex marriage protection and laws protecting sexual orientation and gender identity from being used agianst someone by an employer...

and our dollar is worth more :lol:

10-22-2007, 03:48 PM
Man, thats bullshit. Here in Australia a transgender/gay person can seek work within the government sector as they have equal oppurtunity employment rules. That apples to all states. If you fit the criteria you are in the running for the job.
The private sector is a little different, but they can't discriminate against you for your sexual orientation.
Thats not to say that it can't be abused, but at least it is covered by law which gives those feel they have missed out a chance for redress.


10-22-2007, 07:25 PM

Here is a link to an NPR discussion about the issue . Lots of interesting info came up.
Like the fact that the Stonewall protests,seen as the start of homosexuals pressing for non-descrimination, was actually initiated by transgendered individuals.

10-22-2007, 07:34 PM
and our dollar is worth more :lol:

like that is gonna last forever

10-23-2007, 06:01 AM
and our dollar is worth more :lol:

like that is gonna last forever

out of all my post that is what you quote :lol:

10-23-2007, 07:29 AM
The US government spends billions of dollars liberating a forgien country but could give a rats ass about a segment of there own people.

Well you all could move here to Canada :D

Same Sex marriage protection and laws protecting sexual orientation and gender identity from being used agianst someone by an employer...

i think about moving there everyday.

05-30-2014, 12:29 AM
So, people who've lived longer than expected have no rights?

05-30-2014, 12:33 AM
But if you were born in 1915 it's ok.... These fake, deceptive sites need to be attacked.