View Full Version : Could you face life alone?

10-21-2007, 03:14 AM
I've contemplated this question many times over the years and the answer still eludes me. How do you feel on this topic? Would you settle for someone that's not really your type in order to be with someone? Or could you remain single the rest of your life? Don't mind me, I usually get into deep discussions when I'm craving smarties. Damn corner stores all out and it's STRESSING ME BIG TIME! ARGHHH!

10-21-2007, 03:17 AM
Shit...I do it every day!!!

10-21-2007, 03:21 AM
I know my level of courage in the UK. When abroad I am a slut a male slut but yup a slut. But when at home I dont have any guts to chat girls/guys up too afraid of rejection. I HOPE I find someone to share my life with and find someone to pour my love into. I bond with people quickly and always look out for them. I just hope one day I actually get a blooming spine whilst in the UK and not abroad...

Night Rider
10-21-2007, 03:22 AM
some people you just naturally click with, but if i hadn't found love by the time im 40 then id lower my standards and have an anything goes policy! But i think if u don't have a natural connection with someone from the start u can still make the relationship work with dedication.

If all else fails there's always mail order brides LOL

maybe this will help ur craving


10-21-2007, 03:36 AM
LOL..........You just made my craving go from mild to severe :D
I wonder if the beer delivery service will deliver smarties instead of booze?
Excuse me, I have a call to make.................

10-25-2007, 10:08 AM
everyday 24/7

10-25-2007, 10:33 AM
Before i met my fiance a friend of mine siad i should lower my standards and just get anyone. i siad to him why should i do that? if i am going to be in a relationship i should be just as happy as the other person and if i am not happy in the relationship then what make him think the other person will be.

luckly for me i found the person that fits with me perfectly and we are both very happy. The only down side is taht she is half way around the world in the Philippines and i am in Canada.

Been dating online for two years and whent to visit her for three weeks in May where i proposed the first night i was there.

BUT If i had not found her i would be perfectly fine by myself. I would rather both of us be happy with the relationship than both of us be miserable and unfofilled.

tall, dark & Handsome
10-25-2007, 10:38 AM
Sometimes I am surrounded by people and feel all alone. I am sort of maniac that way...this is usually where I say something witty.

10-25-2007, 11:46 AM
I don't think standards have anything to do with it. I think you are either attracted to someone and they to you, or not.

Though I have to say my ex-neighbor in Newport Beach only dates women that look like models or high end call girls. He's 50 and I think the cut off age is 24. The guy has never found Ms. right. He's good looking (I 'd do him) has his own jet (no shit) and a home by the beach. But nobody can meet his "standards."

I've lived with several women. I had a boyfriend for 6 years. I never ever in my wildest dreams considered that I'd be in love with another transsexual, especially not one 20 years my junior.

I don't think you find real love when you are desperately looking. I never have. One GF was a neighbor, another I met in a park. My BF was a neighbor. And Jessica and I met at a workshop of some kind (can't remember).

So forget your standards, and look at the people and you might find someone who graces your life in just the right way.

TS Jamie :-)

10-25-2007, 12:19 PM
I think of this alot and it is a scary thing. The way its going for me, being single for 3 yrs and not ever having a BF. My future looks bleak...


10-25-2007, 12:59 PM
I think of this alot and it is a scary thing. The way its going for me, being single for 3 yrs and not ever having a BF. My future looks bleak...

Do you think your standards are too high, or you just haven't met the one?

I'd rather be alone than settle for just anyone.

10-25-2007, 05:44 PM
Its not something that is necessary for survival, but I guess it is a natural human tendency to seek companionship. Im satisfied with hanging with my buds for beer, football, and pool. Girls are just their to Fuck!

Night Rider
10-25-2007, 05:49 PM
Its not something that is necessary for survival, but I guess it is a natural human tendency to seek companionship. Im satisfied with hanging with my buds for beer, football, and pool. Girls are just their to Fuck!

:lol: how romantic

10-25-2007, 05:55 PM
I think of this alot and it is a scary thing. The way its going for me, being single for 3 yrs and not ever having a BF. My future looks bleak...

And, you're still in Milwaukee because...........???

10-25-2007, 05:56 PM
Its not something that is necessary for survival, but I guess it is a natural human tendency to seek companionship. Im satisfied with hanging with my buds for beer, football, and pool. Girls are just their to Fuck!

Damn, Jefferson....You're my hero!!! Can I be like you?

10-25-2007, 10:56 PM
I think of this alot and it is a scary thing. The way its going for me, being single for 3 yrs and not ever having a BF. My future looks bleak...

And, you're still in Milwaukee because...........???
I have a job here

10-25-2007, 11:12 PM
When I saw the title of the thread, I thought you meant "really" alone -- as in completely by yourself. Just finished reading "Into the Wild" by Krakauer. Highly recommended!

10-25-2007, 11:32 PM
I couldnīt be with someone just to be with someone.But a lot of people do it this way.Obviously they canīt be alone.As Handsome wrote,you can be surrounded by people and feel alone.

10-26-2007, 12:47 AM
This is such a touchy subject, and with so many variables.

The last true relationship (Dare I say 'lover'?) I had was ten years ago. When she broke from me she triggered a massive, near-suicidal breakdown that took me more than two years to recover from (And there is some question as to whether I ever truly 'recovered').

Since then I have been very agoraphobic and hermitic and have panic attacks in groups of large people (Theatres, shopping malls, etc.). At least two gurls here on HA have seen me out in public and may be able to attest to how stressed I appear in the outside world. If not for my cats and occasional dinner forays with "The Wife" I would surely be dead now.

Being alone really sucks, and not in any positive way.

10-26-2007, 01:01 AM
I have always had good male friends, keep good male friends they fulfill your need for companionship. Go out to stripclubs, make fun of married couples, go out to hooters, the pool hall, marijuana sessions. Never get into a serious relationship with a women, they will destroy you. I meet a girl, fuck her, and then never pick up her calls again....thats the way everyone has to do it. As Huxley said everyone should belong to everyone else. LOL......Fuck Chivalry and fuck Romance, thats for sissies......if you have it and you are satisfied with it more power to you, I just think that Romance goes against our most very primal human nature....which is to propagate as much as possible without any strings...keep that in mind.

Just have fun with your friends...keep it simple.
you will never be alone...LOL...and always smoke cannabis...its Gods gift to humanity for saneness.

10-26-2007, 01:10 AM
My last relationship was - counts on fingers - ten years ago, and it only lasted for three months, so I didn't have time to get accustomed to being with the lass. And before that I've only had two other relationships in my life (which also lasted much less than half a year each), so I guess that now that I'm a few years shy of the big 4-0, well, that's my time for loving done and dusted.
Anyway, I don't mind much; I'm not good-looking, I'm not a romantic type and anyway, I'll no doubt end up killing myself in a motorcycling accident so what the fuck? I'm better off on my own.


10-26-2007, 01:12 AM
Gawd, I so love the rare forays to Hooters with the guys from workies.

10-26-2007, 01:14 AM
Never get into a serious relationship with a women, they will destroy you. Are you speaking from own experiences?

10-26-2007, 01:18 AM
My last relationship was - counts on fingers - ten years ago, and it only lasted for three months, so I didn't have time to get accustomed to being with the lass. And before that I've only had two other relationships in my life (which also lasted much less than half a year each), so I guess that now that I'm a few years shy of the big 4-0, well, that's my time for loving done and dusted.
Anyway, I don't mind much; I'm not good-looking, I'm not a romantic type and anyway, I'll no doubt end up killing myself in a motorcycling accident so what the fuck? I'm better off on my own.


True That...light a fat one and drink some beers

10-26-2007, 01:46 AM
yes. I do FACE life alone with no regrets.

10-26-2007, 03:12 AM
If you think of life in terms of "whether you can go it alone" you're looking towards others to serve a function. To cushion the blow of loneliness. I think a certain degree of loneliness is good for the soul.

That's why I never understood match.com and other personals. There's an implication that life is incomplete and someone out there will fill that void. It seems better to view that "special person" as complimenting one's life, not completing it.

We all live alone even if we're with someone.

10-26-2007, 03:22 AM
I think of this alot and it is a scary thing. The way its going for me, being single for 3 yrs and not ever having a BF. My future looks bleak...

I can honestly say I'm rather supris3ed at that, your definatly in the top ten percent of good looking women. What kind of guys have you dated or attract?

I am honsetly curious as if there's no hope for you then there's definatly none for me! :shock:

Night Rider
10-26-2007, 03:42 AM
My last relationship was - counts on fingers - ten years ago, and it only lasted for three months, so I didn't have time to get accustomed to being with the lass. And before that I've only had two other relationships in my life (which also lasted much less than half a year each), so I guess that now that I'm a few years shy of the big 4-0, well, that's my time for loving done and dusted.
Anyway, I don't mind much; I'm not good-looking, I'm not a romantic type and anyway, I'll no doubt end up killing myself in a motorcycling accident so what the fuck? I'm better off on my own.


Never say never caff racer...40's the new 30 anyway! If u have that mindset then u wont find someone. Just be postive and confident, and im sure there will be someone out there for u....im not just saying this bullshit for the fun of it :wink:

10-26-2007, 03:44 AM
I can say I truly enjoy my own company, and am very comfortable
in my own skin. I have a wide variety of interests, and a fairly decent
amount of friends and family that have love for me and I for them.

I'd much rather be alone than be with someone who would give me grief,
aggravation, and heartache.

On the sex tip, as you get older, and as a post op since I don't have that
pesky testosterone driving me into the arms of strangers or casual
encounters, I do okay.

However when I'm with someone that I care about, well then it's
furniture breaking time, and calling in late or sick to work, cause we
couldn't make it out of bed. :oops:

But other than that, truly being alone conjures up images of 23 hour
lockdown in solitary confinement, which I don't think I could deal with.

10-26-2007, 05:14 AM
I think of this alot and it is a scary thing. The way its going for me, being single for 3 yrs and not ever having a BF. My future looks bleak...

And, you're still in Milwaukee because...........???
I have a job here

And that's it!!!!!!! Kira, there are jobs everywhere. What is so special about this particular job. It sounds as if you don't really have a job, rather the job really has you!

10-26-2007, 05:29 AM
I think of this alot and it is a scary thing. The way its going for me, being single for 3 yrs and not ever having a BF. My future looks bleak...

And, you're still in Milwaukee because...........???
I have a job here

And that's it!!!!!!! Kira, there are jobs everywhere. What is so special about this particular job. It sounds as if you don't really have a job, rather the job really has you!
You got it bub

10-26-2007, 05:36 AM
I think of this alot and it is a scary thing. The way its going for me, being single for 3 yrs and not ever having a BF. My future looks bleak...

And, you're still in Milwaukee because...........???
I have a job here

And that's it!!!!!!! Kira, there are jobs everywhere. What is so special about this particular job. It sounds as if you don't really have a job, rather the job really has you!
You got it bub

Ya know....alot of peeps from Milwaukee have come to Denver on vacation and never went home.

tall, dark & Handsome
10-26-2007, 05:47 AM
Denver is a fun place.
I love going to the Rio for the three Margarita limit, A chicken, and a steak Borrito.**** THE BEST***

Felicia Katt
10-26-2007, 07:12 AM
you've all heard the old expression, you are born alone, you die alone

I heard a funny variation at a drag benefit in LA recently.

I want to die like I was born. Screaming, Naked and covered with someone else's blood LOL


ps here is a pic taken after the event

10-27-2007, 02:34 AM
Hmmmm alone. I guess it would be hard but if I have good friends and things to do, I guess I can do it. But knowing me I would really look for someone thats compatible with me.

tall, dark & Handsome
10-27-2007, 09:25 AM
I Could I spend the rest of my life alone...Mmmmmmmm..Yea

I am mean honestly the first year or so is the best part of a relationship. After that one of two things happens in my experience.

1) You picked the calm girl. this is so good for you. Your going to bed on time saturday means going to the gym or for a jog and then having a bite to eat in and maybe a movie, and you are getting bored as HELL after a year or two. Or it least was.


2) You see this girl from the across the room you lock eyes, and your Dick gets hard. There is serious Chemistry you understand each other, know how to turn them on like your just pressing a button; But thats the thing you can push each others buttons and soon enough you both have said somethings which you may or may not have meant. At the end there have been so many show downs that you relize that two strong personalities often clash badly.

I am not saying the girl doesn't exist that can keep me intriged long term,
I think there may be a sexy TS who has been calling me that I might be able to relate with, we locked Eyes and it it was off to the races.

We will see.

10-27-2007, 03:05 PM
If you think of life in terms of "whether you can go it alone" you're looking towards others to serve a function. To cushion the blow of loneliness. I think a certain degree of loneliness is good for the soul.

That's why I never understood match.com and other personals. There's an implication that life is incomplete and someone out there will fill that void. It seems better to view that "special person" as complimenting one's life, not completing it.

We all live alone even if we're with someone.

I dont understand those personals either....they market a relationship like its essential for your happiness and health....hellz no it aint.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
10-27-2007, 03:50 PM
I've contemplated this question many times over the years and the answer still eludes me. How do you feel on this topic? Would you settle for someone that's not really your type in order to be with someone? Or could you remain single the rest of your life? Don't mind me, I usually get into deep discussions when I'm craving smarties. Damn corner stores all out and it's STRESSING ME BIG TIME! ARGHHH!

Nope. I was never that "needey" but Ive done that before (just so friends and family could see I have someone). And that didn't quite work out well for me! LOL ;)
