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View Full Version : SexxxyJade visiting London UK.......

10-19-2007, 10:05 PM
Hi guys,
By the request of many hot guys I will finally be traveling abroad to the UK. Central London to be exact. My trip dates are for Oct. 22-29.
Hopefully I will have a great time and I can visit even more European cities as well.
Check out my link for more info.

Also feel free to email me for more info. wink

10-20-2007, 01:30 AM
Hey Jade!
Can't believe your bringing your sexy black ass over to England!
Is it your first time?
Make sure you taste some English beer and proper Cadburys chocolate while your over here - much better than the American stuff!
Our KFC is also way better too - they fry the chicken much harder!
Well have a fantastic time when you get here I'm sure I speak for every red-blooded Englishman when I say we'd all like to like to get down on our knees and worship your GORGEOUS big black dick.
Hopefully I'll get to have a ncie long suck on it while your here.
Let me know if you need a free tourist guide to show you round the sights, and the real London.


10-20-2007, 01:42 AM
Our KFC is also way better too - they fry the chicken much harder!

wow, thats a lil racist

10-20-2007, 06:12 AM
Our KFC is also way better too - they fry the chicken much harder!

wow, thats a lil racist

Well, at least he didn't say "our watermelon is much juicier" or "our malt liquor has more alcohol." :lol: I'm a black man so I can say these things.