View Full Version : Use Of 'N-Word' May End Porn Star's Career

Dino Velvet
10-17-2007, 10:03 AM
http://www.theonion.com/content/video/use_of_n_word_may_end_porn_stars?utm_source=yahoow idget_rss_1

10-17-2007, 10:47 AM
You know everything in The Onion is a joke, right?

10-17-2007, 11:31 AM
http://www.theonion.com/content/video/use_of_n_word_may_end_porn_stars?utm_source=yahoow idget_rss_1
The Onion is a Joke paper, that Rag started in Milwaukee

10-17-2007, 11:59 AM
The use of the Jesse Jackson clip is priceless!

Dino Velvet
10-17-2007, 12:02 PM
You know everything in The Onion is a joke, right?


10-17-2007, 02:17 PM
"Adam Chazen - masturbator" :lol:

Night Rider
10-17-2007, 03:26 PM
i thought that was ligit for a while :oops: :roll:

10-17-2007, 08:19 PM
well Nas is naming his new album Nigga so its becoming more mainstream...shit every rapper uses it!

Night Rider
10-17-2007, 09:00 PM
well Nas is naming his new album Nigga so its becoming more mainstream...shit every rapper uses it!

i agree, why is it tolerated more if an african american says it :roll: its bullshit

10-17-2007, 09:04 PM
By asking that question you show you don't get it.

10-17-2007, 09:09 PM
That was an awesome clip.

Night Rider
10-17-2007, 09:12 PM
By asking that question you show you don't get it.

i GET everything and im not in the slightest bit racist..it was a rhetorical question but since ur such a smartass why dont u go ahead and answer it

10-17-2007, 10:34 PM
First off.....why the name calling?

Second if you are not a part of the group you are speaking of you can only have a certain amount of authority when speaking. In this milieu its kind of like the guy who wants to be an expert on transsexuals though he is not one. You can't say you know exactly what they are thinking, feeling etc. You haven't been through the prejudice they have so why say you understand what they are feeling. And its lame to then say well I have been through my own things.....so what.

The word is heinous whomever is using it but when a person outside of said race is using it it can become inflammatory. Kramer was not trying to use it as a word of familiarity he was using it as a weapon.

Lastly it needs to be outlawed in the hiphop and rap community. Look at who is ultimately making the money and you can see it's making the rich richer.

Your position, (notice I did not generalize and say you) comes off as upset that you can't get to say the N word.

You won't hear anymore from me on this subject as I have said my peace and don't argue on the internet.

Night Rider
10-17-2007, 10:53 PM
First off.....why the name calling?

Second if you are not a part of the group you are speaking of you can only have a certain amount of authority when speaking. In this milieu its kind of like the guy who wants to be an expert on transsexuals though he is not one. You can't say you know exactly what they are thinking, feeling etc. You haven't been through the prejudice they have so why say you understand what they are feeling. And its lame to then say well I have been through my own things.....so what.

The word is heinous whomever is using it but when a person outside of said race is using it it can become inflammatory. Kramer was not trying to use it as a word of familiarity he was using it as a weapon.

Lastly it needs to be outlawed in the hiphop and rap community. Look at who is ultimately making the money and you can see it's making the rich richer.

Your position, (notice I did not generalize and say you) comes off as upset that you can't get to say the N word.

You won't hear anymore from me on this subject as I have said my peace and don't argue on the internet.

Well first of all id like to apologise for labelling u an asshole but u do seem to be one..secondly i think its time african american people (and any other race) left the slavery prejudice in the past..what makes u more authorized to speak of it than me..were u alive hundreds of years ago?? as ive already stated i havent a racist bone in my body so how can u come out with that bullshit about im upset i cant say the N word??? i agree with you when u say the word is heinous and shouldnt be used by anyone, so thats all i have to say

10-18-2007, 01:50 AM
This one is awesome as well --> http://www.theonion.com/content/video/gays_too_precious_to_risk_in

10-18-2007, 04:43 AM
It should be used by anyone that wishes to use it. Just like any other word. Thats called free speech.

Todays society is out of control with censorship! Live and let live already!

10-18-2007, 05:04 AM
decorum and civility, depend on the individual, and rightfully so.

10-18-2007, 08:00 AM
There are no laws against using profanity or racial slurs, so it has nothing to do with censorship. It has to do with decorum and civility.

Oh but there are. Some towns/cities have ordnances against using profanity in the presence of minors. And I am sure some states have some old statues still on the books on the subject. I would imagine being charged, let alone convicted of this would be quite rare.

10-18-2007, 11:12 AM
I see no benefit from using slurs of any sort.

Personally outside of porn marketing, I don't like guys referring to trans women as "trannies, or shemales, etc" It's just not necessary. And I mostly only hear it from ghetto types, same with racial slurs, it's mainly a sign of low brow people who are unable to express themselves any other way.

Can't we all get along?

TS Jamie :-)

10-18-2007, 12:08 PM
well Nas is naming his new album Nigga so its becoming more mainstream...shit every rapper uses it!

Nas, is catching a lot of heat about that. I'm kinda disappointed in brothaman, for that right there! He is one of the few popular rappers, who does address crucial issues in his music. Therefore, I hold him to a higher expectation than 50 Cent or Snoop Dogg. However, famous black comedian and civil rights activist Dick Gregory, did name his autobiography "Ni@@er", which was released in the 70's. Yet, I think he was tryin to make a point about how white America still views him, in spite of his fame and success. Nas, is just trying to garner shock publicity, to move units if you ask me. Since his name starts with the letter "N", I think "The N Word" might be more clever title considering. It would have a dual meaning, without giving whites license to think they can use it or make excuses for Don Imus and Michael Richards, when they do. I don't use it and hate when blacks come into HA or any other online forum and throw it around like they're talking to their dudes on the block, when there are some non-blacks on this site, who have exhibited racial insensitivity or just plan bigotry in their postings.

Nas, your're better than this brotha!

10-18-2007, 12:26 PM
I see no benefit from using slurs of any sort.

Personally outside of porn marketing, I don't like guys referring to trans women as "trannies, or shemales, etc" It's just not necessary. And I mostly only hear it from ghetto types, same with racial slurs, it's mainly a sign of low brow people who are unable to express themselves any other way.

Can't we all get along?

TS Jamie :-)

Are you friggin serious? Mostly "ghetto types" use the term "shemale" or "trannies". Damn near every DVD and escort advertisement, even those produced and created by transsexuals in the biz, use these two monikers. Furthermore, I feel when whites say "ghetto" it's just code language for "poor, ignorant black person". Hey, Maybe I'm wrong though. Anyway, these two terms are so widely used on this site, related sites and among transsexuals themselves, that to scapegoat "ghetto" and "lowbrow" types is socially irresponsible. To me your post is just as reckless, as the situation your criticizing.

He who cast the rock, throw the first stone! Translation, get your own use of labels together, before you criticize the next person.

Night Rider
10-18-2007, 12:52 PM
I see no benefit from using slurs of any sort.

Personally outside of porn marketing, I don't like guys referring to trans women as "trannies, or shemales, etc" It's just not necessary.

I think it's quite offensive to to call a ts SHEMALE but tranny isnt that bad.. Calling them shemale is like saying they're half man half woman when we all know that they're ts women that USED to be trapped in a mans body...

10-18-2007, 02:34 PM
I don't like guys referring to trans women as "trannies, or shemales, etc" It's just not necessary. And I mostly only hear it from ghetto types, same with racial slurs, it's mainly a sign of low brow people who are unable to express themselves any other way.

Are you friggin serious? Mostly "ghetto types" use the term "shemale" or "trannies". Damn near every DVD and escort advertisement, even those produced and created by transsexuals in the biz, use these two monikers. Furthermore, I feel when whites say "ghetto" it's just code language for "poor, ignorant black person".

ghetto is such a 1960's/70's term. I sometimes laugh when I hear someone using it. "Well that colored fellow, he lives yonder in the ghetto."

A poor little baby child is born
In the ghetto
And his mama cries
cause if theres one thing that she dont need
Its another hungry mouth to feed
In the ghetto


You´re not wrong but ghetto is such a 16th century term. The Catholic church demanded separations of the Jews from the Christian population from the 13th century. The term getto is a product of this strategy and was first used in Venice in the early 16th century.

Night Rider
10-18-2007, 02:50 PM
A poor little baby child is born
In the ghetto
And his mama cries
cause if theres one thing that she dont need
Its another hungry mouth to feed
In the ghetto

is that an elvis tune??? it rings a bell :idea: