View Full Version : Snoop Dogg to rake leaves, paint benches and pick up trash!!

Night Rider
10-12-2007, 12:55 PM
LOL i wish i lived in LA to check that shit out! Incase u havent heard snoop was caught carrying an illegal fire arm and has to do community service..

10-12-2007, 01:41 PM
LOL i wish i lived in LA to check that shit out! Incase u havent heard snoop was caught carrying an illegal fire arm and has to do community service..

He'll propably dry the leaves out and smoke them.

Night Rider
10-12-2007, 02:57 PM
he'll have a couple pre rolled for the journey :smoking

Willie Escalade
10-14-2007, 12:06 AM
LOL i wish i lived in LA to check that shit out! Incase u havent heard snoop was caught carrying an illegal fire arm and has to do community service..
I do and you can best believe my eye will be out for him.

One thing for sure he won't be cleaning anything up on the Long Beach Freeway. :roll:

Dino Velvet
10-14-2007, 12:36 AM
Is there some amendment in the US Constitution that prohibits Snoop Dogg from doing any actual jail time?

Community Service? They sure showed him! I'm sure Snoop Dogg learned his lesson now and will never break the law again as long as he lives.

Felicia Katt
10-14-2007, 02:15 AM
sorry guys, but he will be doing it at an undisclosed park here in the OC


and the "illegal fire arm" was actually one of those telescoping batons, which is technically a weapon, but not much of one, and but for post 9-11 paranoia would have been overlooked by most security personal as pretty innocuous. But then, I had a crescent wrench confiscated once too. I guess they stopped me from disassembling the plane in midflight LOL



10-14-2007, 02:29 AM
Is there some amendment in the US Constitution that prohibits Snoop Dogg from doing any actual jail time?

Community Service? They sure showed him! I'm sure Snoop Dogg learned his lesson now and will never break the law again as long as he lives.

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I too read that is was some sort of baton, and Snoop claimed it was gonna be used for one of his video's.

That being the case, it should have just been confiscated and he shouldn't be serving any punishment at all.

Solitary Brother
10-14-2007, 02:59 AM
Snoop Dog is your typical rapper/crimminal type who gets over on the legal system.
The fact that someone of his character is STILL a celebrity sickens me.
How many assaults,weapon charges,narcotic charges OH and the occasional murder charges must he receive before he is FINALLY thrown under the jail?
Snoop in my opinion is poop!

10-14-2007, 03:22 AM
They have no problem locking up stars in LA or sentencing them to demeaning labor.

Night Rider
10-14-2007, 04:03 AM
but for post 9-11 paranoia would have been overlooked by most security personal as pretty innocuous. But then, I had a crescent wrench confiscated once too. I guess they stopped me from disassembling the plane in midflight LOL

I had a pair of tweezers confiscated...if u can hold up a plane with tweezers u deserve the plane as a trophy