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10-05-2007, 12:23 AM
* Sigh

I will be 25 Years of age on the 20th of October. I feel so bummed!
I have told everyone NOT to celebrate my birthday. I feel so old. I mean damn..Where did all those years go. Its like I have just gotten a good handle on my transition and thinngs are going super smooth! I feel like time is hella runnin out and I wont have enough time to totally enjoy life :(

I was just thinking about turning 21 again.

Seriously, I feel old.

And what the hell has it gotten me. A lousy job with goverment and two boob jobs for which I still think arent big enough.


10-05-2007, 12:32 AM
I say this with affection: Shut up.

I'm about to be 35 and feel like I have my whole life ahead of me. 25 is a baby. I've seen people waste more time fretting over their age instead of just rolling with it and doing their thing. The trouble is our youth-obsessed culture. Folks feel as if high school is their prime, when in fact 15-25 is the time when most of us don't know shit about shit.

But it's adorable to see 20-somethings complain about getting "old." Slightly annoying, too, but adorable.

10-05-2007, 12:43 AM
THC...Stopp your whinning...You started dying the moment you were conceived! Instead of wasting time worring about how old you're gonna be, how about maximizing the moment you're in!

PS, I'm more that twice your age, and I DON'T GIVE A SHIT! :shrug :smh

10-05-2007, 12:53 AM
25 was much tougher for me than 30. I always thought I should be "grown" at 25 but in a lot of ways I was still acting 18. Just disappointed in myself I guess?

By the time I hit 30 I was so damned busy age was the least of my worries.

10-05-2007, 12:56 AM
Not for nothin', but the cricket's name was "Jiminy"... Jiminy Cricket. There was no "Jimmity".

But perhaps only we in the over 30 crowd concern ourselves with the proper identification of iconic cartoon characters... :wink:

10-05-2007, 01:01 AM
I never trusted Jiminy Cricket.

10-05-2007, 01:22 AM
25??? still a kid in my book, heh..

10-05-2007, 01:31 AM
25??? And you feel old???

you're still in the prime of life!

just wait another quarter of a century 'til you hit 50! then you might feel old ! wish the hell I could be 25!

10-05-2007, 01:32 AM
Thank you everyone...I know where you nice peeps are coming from. I guess I just dont feel like a kid.

I have taken on so much responsibility in my life. Guess I just never really had time to stop and play.

I mean with taking control of my life and transitioning and working for uncle sam and what not helping protect the country. Just gets kinda heavy on the shoulders at time.

And all I see is the same shit down the road and just the idea of getting older doesnt sit well with me.

Thank you. for all your responses by the way. I love you all.

I know....I can pretty much get a decent answer or statement here at the Hungangels forum.

I hope this forum stays open forever! :)

10-05-2007, 01:58 AM
* Sigh

I will be 25 Years of age on the 20th of October. I feel so bummed!
I have told everyone NOT to celebrate my birthday. I feel so old. I mean damn..Where did all those years go. Its like I have just gotten a good handle on my transition and thinngs are going super smooth! I feel like time is hella runnin out and I wont have enough time to totally enjoy life :(

I was just thinking about turning 21 again.

Seriously, I feel old.

And what the hell has it gotten me. A lousy job with goverment and two boob jobs for which I still think arent big enough.



10-05-2007, 02:39 AM
I pretty much feel the same.Iīm 28 and still a student.I canīt believe how fast time is running.I canīt change what happened.It could be worse.

10-05-2007, 02:54 AM
I say this with affection: Shut up.


25 was much tougher for me than 30. I always thought I should be "grown" at 25 but in a lot of ways I was still acting 18.


Gosh, 25 and one foot in the grave already. :-) Don't worry sweetie - it's all downhill from here. Not!

At 25 I was living on a sailboat in the Carribbean with a lesbian GF, doing all the boys in Key West, and enjoying some of the best times of my life!

But I have to agree with JT - even though I'm $# years old, I still feel 18, and I've got a 23yr old TS GF - so I must be doing something right! :-)

THC - I hate to be the one to break this to you - but unless you get hit by a bus you are going to have many years to enjoy your life.

PS - Not meaning to hijack your thread - Jessica and I are celebrating our 2nd aniversary Oct 20th too! We will have a party at the SRO bar in San Deigo - everyone is invited for free pizza! (Buy your own drinks...) :-)

So you come down here to San Diego that weekend girl and let's have a party to remember!

TS Jamie :-)

10-05-2007, 03:10 AM
I will be 25 Years of age on the 20th of October. I feel so bummed!



10-05-2007, 05:57 AM
What if I told you 25 to 45 is great?

You should be making decent money for the next 3 decades or so,in your case you don't have to sweat kids,health normally isn't a concern in that age group,and you'll look good if you take even half-assed care of yourself.

You can put away a shitload of money for a rainy day,have plenty left over to whatever in the Hell you want and no one to tell you what do. Honey that's called having the world by the tits.

10-05-2007, 06:51 PM
Actually, I too felt old when I turned 25. It was depressing more so than when I turned 30, or when I turned 40, or ...(you get the picture). But now I view myself at that age as still a kid. You have many, many good years ahead of you. I still have many ahead of me, however I'm starting to pay attention to those commercials about the life alert bracelets.

10-05-2007, 07:01 PM
THC - turning 25 is rough...or at least, that's what I thought at the time, too. You feel like you should be an adult and if you don't have the relationship/career/situation you think an adult should have, then it bums you out. I clearly remember how frustrated I was when I turned 25 - it sucked.

But I'm 39 now, and I suppose with age comes insight, if not wisdom, so just remember, this too shall pass.

Hope you have a happy birthday.