View Full Version : FireFox (not tgirl topic)

04-25-2005, 10:32 PM
Having been a dedicated netscape navigator user since 1995 I tried firefox as a browser about a year ago but out of laziness never switched over. After the dreadful new version of NN I tried out the latest firefox. WOW!

This is easily the best and most user friendly browser with no shitty useless features the others have. The search page feature is great as it works on partial words until you type the complete word and doesn't open a window over the content.

You can add your own search engines into the the search engine (so add imdb, amazon, etc).

Just a great browser and if anyone ever has problems on our sites, this is what we suggest they try using - and it normally solves the issue.

I may be late on the bandwagon but check it out...


04-25-2005, 10:46 PM
seanchai is not exaggerating; as a firefox user myself I can tell you that it's the best browser out there.

04-25-2005, 10:58 PM
Firefox is based on Mozilla, just like Netscape is, but it's a far better implementation. In terms of security and stability, it mops the floor with IE (though on the Mac Safari is also outstanding). Already FF has stolen almost 20% of the market share from IE (leaving IE still waaaay out in front with about an 80% market share). Still, FF is only a v. 1.0 browser and there are yet some bugs and fixes due.

While it is mostly standards compliant, it fails in some CSS instances, and won't properly display many sites designed for IE (that's largely a problem with IE as the developers targeted improper implementation in IE, but still a negative for FF since it drives some potential users away). The biggest problem I've encountered with FF is losing focus on a prior tabbed link (for instance, a page of thumbnail images; in IE, tab from one thumbnail to another, hit enter, view the large photo, then hit backspace to return to that link so you can tab to the next one; in FF, you return to the first link on the page, and that sucks).

04-25-2005, 11:06 PM
I'm not real up to speed with anything beyond the basics, internet-wise (for instance, I got halfway through Ecstatic/ernies post and my brain began to misfire :)), but I do like Firefox.

I previously used Internet Explorer, then got sick of being hijacked all the time to some new page on start-up just because I had visited "Butt Banged Party Girls", or something (which, I assure everyone, was purely accidental 8) )

Switched to Netscape, had less problems but still a few, then heard about Firefox.

I haven't had a problem since.

04-25-2005, 11:08 PM
I just ditched Safari for Firefox this weekend. No looking back.

04-25-2005, 11:14 PM
If you're running Windoze XP SP2, you can upgrade IE to include some excellent security fixes that make IE nearly as safe as FF--still lagging, and still with the worst memory handling of any program (stack overflows, poor temporary Internet file handling), but a big improvement over what came before.

M$ is feeling the heat from FF and is pushing development of IE 7.0, which is due for beta release this summer and full release this fall. It will incorporate (steal?) a great many of FF's advantages, making it a much better browser (and shoring up M$'s market share once again), but it will only work with Windoze XP SP2 and Longhorn (which still isn't in active beta release).

04-25-2005, 11:40 PM
I have been using Firefox for 6 months now. I like it. IIRC, it has more security problems than IE, but IE has far more critical security problems than Firefox. I am not planning to go back to IE any time soon. Because of Firefox, Microsoft put 100 of their best engineers to gain back market share in the Internet browser, I believe. IMHO, Microsoft has not been innovative in a while. Right now, they are competing against Google (this week's Fortune article).

04-26-2005, 01:28 AM
been using FF for a long time now...faster and more flexible than IE...adheres to standards, while IE ignores them...and you have to love the extension system, even if it is buggy...

My favs:
ForcastFox-weather on the stausbar
Adblock-kill annoying ads and flash distractions
Bookmarks Synchronizer - get a webdav/ftp account and sync between home/work/laptop etc.

It ain't perfect, but hell, it ain't IE. It will never surpass IE in usage since IE is 'tied to the OS' and installed by default (outside the EU that is.) The developers I know aren't looking forward to another browser war, that's for sure.

04-26-2005, 10:12 AM
Does this mean my Mosaic is outdated? :cry:

04-26-2005, 06:44 PM
I like FireFox,no ad-ware,no spy,no pop-up :lol: :P :idea:

04-27-2005, 01:16 AM
Favorite feature: tabbed browsing

2nd: The built in google bar in the upper right corner, customizable with lots of different search engines. That saves me so much time.

04-27-2005, 01:47 AM
Does this mean my Mosaic is outdated? :cry:
:lol: :lol: Mosaic rocks!! 8) I remember Mosaic, though I didn't get into web design until ca. '96.

04-27-2005, 02:43 AM
Color me another enthusiastic FF user. Tabbed browsing, especially on thumbnail sites, is especially useful.

And I've never had any problems with this site.

The only thing I don't like about it, that I like about IE, is that in IE, I can choose to stop loading a particular image, without stopping the loading of all the images on that page. But that's just a quibble.

Firefox rules.