View Full Version : LOVE overated?

09-28-2007, 04:51 AM
i think so.
i have decided to stay single and shut myself right off from it.
sure you get good feelings at first,but in my experience something always seems to go wrong.even if your not even in love, it still hurts when you break up,for me it does anyway(not that there has been that many lol)the final thing that brought me to this conclusion is my soon to be ex wife blowing £2,000 of my sons money.after that anything else is just not worth the effort.
maybe i should of been into the 1 night stands instead,but they are just not my scene,
and before anyone says it"s my fault ,partly yes it is,hence why i ain't going to be fooled again.
and the funny thing is i do have feelings for someone,but they are so out of my league so it"s not a problem ,and they are a good friend anyway,and i would hate to spoil that.
end of rant

09-28-2007, 05:35 AM
Love is material. Just ignore the concept, would be my advice. It's not real.


09-28-2007, 05:40 AM
Nah.. love is real.

hope the best for your kids after the divorce.

09-28-2007, 05:42 AM
Love can be defined in so many ways. its great in all of those ways

09-28-2007, 06:16 AM
There are over 20,000 members on this forum. One single real love story would be interesting. Personally, I haven't seen that yet, not even close.

You want to know if pursuing "love" is worth it? The odds of finding that here are not on your side.

Try your local grocery store.


09-28-2007, 06:18 AM
Love is just LUST, spelled wrong. :shrug

Felicia Katt
09-28-2007, 06:28 AM
I hope things improve for you soon.


Hara_Juku Tgirl
09-28-2007, 07:34 AM
i think so.
i have decided to stay single and shut myself right off from it.
sure you get good feelings at first,but in my experience something always seems to go wrong.even if your not even in love, it still hurts when you break up,for me it does anyway(not that there has been that many lol)the final thing that brought me to this conclusion is my soon to be ex wife blowing £2,000 of my sons money.after that anything else is just not worth the effort.
maybe i should of been into the 1 night stands instead,but they are just not my scene,
and before anyone says it"s my fault ,partly yes it is,hence why i ain't going to be fooled again.
and the funny thing is i do have feelings for someone,but they are so out of my league so it"s not a problem ,and they are a good friend anyway,and i would hate to spoil that.
end of rant

Alot of people say that the dynamics of a relationship changes after getting married. I think its true to a certain extent in most cases. The women will try to change/control their husbands while the husbands will try to keep their wives from changing their looks/dress sizes etc. In the end, everyone is so consumed taking control of the whole relationship that there isnt any more balance and compromises so people break up or fall out of love for their own selfish reasons without even knowing it.



09-28-2007, 10:18 AM
Love is severely underrated by those who have not experienced it truly.

09-28-2007, 11:50 AM
Love is severely underrated by those who have not experienced it truly.


09-28-2007, 03:30 PM
Love is severely underrated by those who have not experienced it truly.

very true...love is universal and life wouldnt be worth living without it....as john lennon said...all you need is love!

09-28-2007, 08:02 PM
thanks for the kind comments :).
i think it was probably easier to make a relationship work back in the day,but must people now it seems want to sleep around,not knocking that,just the dishonesty what gets me.i agree love can be wonderful,but i just dont think it"s worth the risk,wheather i change my mind in years to come i dont know,but they would have to be a very special person

09-28-2007, 08:43 PM
Based on my own experience, I tend to relate to this little piece I read a few years ago:

Love is like lying naked on the frozen tundra. At night, the ice weasels come.

09-29-2007, 01:56 AM
thanks for the kind comments :).
i think it was probably easier to make a relationship work back in the day,but must people now it seems want to sleep around,not knocking that,just the dishonesty what gets me.i agree love can be wonderful,but i just dont think it"s worth the risk,wheather i change my mind in years to come i dont know,but they would have to be a very special person

i think ur just being paranoid mate that u will get heart broken...u shouldnt even worry about wheather a girl is going to cheat on u or if the relationship is going ok....u should just be urself and if things dont work out then look again...u shouldnt live life wondering what might happen because then u are always going to be in the wrong state of mind...if u just be urself there will be someone out there u wil accept u for who u are and love will follow....i sound gay but and my screenname is cockcraver (which doesnt help) but im far from it lol

09-29-2007, 02:18 AM
thanks for the kind comments :).
i think it was probably easier to make a relationship work back in the day,but must people now it seems want to sleep around,not knocking that,just the dishonesty what gets me.i agree love can be wonderful,but i just dont think it"s worth the risk,wheather i change my mind in years to come i dont know,but they would have to be a very special person

i think ur just being paranoid mate that u will get heart broken...u shouldnt even worry about wheather a girl is going to cheat on u or if the relationship is going ok....u should just be urself and if things dont work out then look again...u shouldnt live life wondering what might happen because then u are always going to be in the wrong state of mind...if u just be urself there will be someone out there u wil accept u for who u are and love will follow....i sound gay but and my screenname is cockcraver (which doesnt help) but im far from it lol

lol,i thought you was going to ask me out for a minute(just kidding)
i do trust someone when i"m in a relationship,and i"m always myself(maybe thats the problem?lol).
just i have got to a stage in my life where i cant be arsed trying again.
but thanks for the advice

09-29-2007, 09:56 AM
[quote=Danny partridge]Love is severely underrated by those who have not experienced it truly.

its really true , love is so hard to explain and its hard to understand.. but yet you know 100% when your in love

09-29-2007, 11:30 AM
"Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." :wink:

09-29-2007, 01:59 PM
i dissagree...deep down indside us all there is unlimited love....its just our physical bodies restrict it because of the problems and trauma we endure living. true love is better than herion, meth, coke, whatever! its just finding it and developing it thats the hard part but we all have the ability...

09-29-2007, 03:26 PM
There are over 20,000 members on this forum. One single real love story would be interesting. Personally, I haven't seen that yet, not even close.

Honda, you have to disregard those 20K posters...If someone of them meet love as it is they don`t find it nesasary to get back in here and spread a word about it...they cherish it for themself...

Love is here, among us but nobody seems to believe in it...it`s like neverending story (the book)...slowly fades away, `cause nobody cares anymore...

09-29-2007, 03:29 PM
Love is severely underrated by those who have not experienced it truly.

very true...love is universal and life wouldnt be worth living without it....as john lennon said...all you need is love!

Yeah [bold] ....an a bit of money....

09-29-2007, 03:52 PM
i think ur just being paranoid mate that u will get heart broken...u shouldnt even worry about wheather a girl is going to cheat on u or if the relationship is going ok....u should just be urself and if things dont work out then look again...u shouldnt live life wondering what might happen because then u are always going to be in the wrong state of mind...if u just be urself there will be someone out there u wil accept u for who u are and love will follow....

Like he says above. And if you were done wrong, don't worry anymore. Once the word gets around, (tell the story to a woman who talks a lot), women will be lining up. Probably your girlfriends friends were checking you out already. If they don't want you, then they will think about setting you up when one of their nice friends. It touches many women's hearts to hear about a man who was done wrong.

Love is real. But love was not meant to last forever in one form. It has to grow and change. It's giving for the sake of giving, just because you are able. Most people who divorce remarry eventually.

09-30-2007, 11:04 PM
I pretty much gave up on it years ago.

I been back stabbed too many times and having to deal with the bad boy rebel hoodlems that girls only seem interested in, I tossed in the towel with the love thing.

Pretty much instead of Miss. Right, I'll pretty much be happy with Miss. Right now.

13 years of bullshit is enough.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
09-30-2007, 11:20 PM



09-30-2007, 11:51 PM
roses wither; but that doesn't mean they don't exist. the question the gardener must ask is, "are they worth the effort?"

eek, i'm turning into chauncy, the gardener!!! ignore everything i just said!

Felicia Katt
10-01-2007, 12:57 AM
Love is severely underrated by those who have not experienced it truly.

and equally overrated by those who are in it. :)


10-01-2007, 05:37 AM
Like he says above. And if you were done wrong, don't worry anymore. Once the word gets around, (tell the story to a woman who talks a lot), women will be lining up. Probably your girlfriends friends were checking you out already. If they don't want you, then they will think about setting you up when one of their nice friends. It touches many women's hearts to hear about a man who was done wrong.

Pffft, rarely see girls do that here, or if they do....I've been wronged many times, I'm still waiting. They'll often set you up with a 'nice' one alright......if 'nice' means the scary chick that no body is interested in......a cutie I liked, tried to get, and got the typical 'friends speech' tried to set me up with a chick who could pass for Rosie 'O Donnell's sister. I don't trust girls trying to set me up anymore, cause you never end up getting what you'd want.

I sound like a 46 year old dude, and I'm only 28......amazing how 'love' can age a person mentally, eh Hara? :?

10-01-2007, 08:03 AM
I've been in love twice. There were a few other times I was headed that direction, but it got derailed.

I've never had the kind of love that lasts forever, and that's what I'm really seeking.

Sometimes I think it would be easier with a TG than a GG. All of my previous attempts at love have been with GGs. I do sometimes fantasize about being married to a TG, and the fact that she was Trans is our little secret that no one else knows about.

10-01-2007, 08:55 AM
i think so.
i have decided to stay single and shut myself right off from it.
sure you get good feelings at first,but in my experience something always seems to go wrong.even if your not even in love, it still hurts when you break up,for me it does anyway(not that there has been that many lol)the final thing that brought me to this conclusion is my soon to be ex wife blowing £2,000 of my sons money.after that anything else is just not worth the effort.
maybe i should of been into the 1 night stands instead,but they are just not my scene,
and before anyone says it"s my fault ,partly yes it is,hence why i ain't going to be fooled again.
and the funny thing is i do have feelings for someone,but they are so out of my league so it"s not a problem ,and they are a good friend anyway,and i would hate to spoil that.
end of rant

Ya ya ya, thats what they all say. Right up until the time you find the next "Girl of your dreams". It may be part your falut, after all every realtionship that ends is the fault of both parties with the exception of abusive relationships.
But hey, look at the bright side. Now you can find the T-girl of your dreams. I gaurantee that one will be better than the last one. After all isn't that what every guy here want's. I know there are a lot of guys here that claim to be a straight GG only kind if guy. But they are just fooling themslevs. You me and them would not be here if deep down we did not want to be with a T-girl!!!.

Think about it.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
10-01-2007, 10:47 AM
I sound like a 46 year old dude, and I'm only 28......amazing how 'love' can age a person mentally, eh Hara? :?

I dont know about you but I'm currently NOT "in-love" so I cannot relate to that "aging" mentally statement Trogdor. LOL

Rightnow, I'm enjoying my freedom and liberation far away from any alcoholic or druggies promising me "It's for the long haul. :lol: Right! Uhaul your stuffs out of my apt! Lmao..



10-01-2007, 11:34 AM
If you want to get the best in this life, you have to take some risks. No risk, no return. And yes, this means putting your heart out there and getting it stomped on. Mine has so many track marks on it you'd think it was the infield at Belmont. But I'm still Charlie Brown, and it doesn't matter how many Lucy's I run across (and I seem to meet plenty), as hard as it is to be Charlie, I can look at myself in the mirror.

Yeah, it sucks when they piss on you. Yeah, you deserve better. But if you're not willing to put it all out there, you're never going to get the highest highs; you're just going to get meaningless calories and generally bad sex.

I will say that in general it's tougher with TS's than GG's because my experience is that TS's are much more caught up in looks and cock size (and money only if it's a trick), and the guys who have those tend to treat them like they deserve for chasing after guys based only on looks and cock size (ironic here: a different definition of "tranny chasers": tranny's who chase all the wrong guys and then complain when they treat them like everyone knows they are going to get treated by these guys).

10-01-2007, 11:43 AM
But it also goes both ways: if you want to get treated right, you have to treat her right as well. You can't treat someone else like a piece of meat and then be surprised when they don't love you back. But again, my experience with so many TG's is that they are so unaccustomed to a guy treating them right that they either can't handle it, or can't even figure out what it is when it happens. They are so used to everything being tricking that they can't deal with anything else (NB: this doesn't ONLY apply to TG's, and it's why I made a comment in another thread that sex work changes you:

from 8mm:"When you dance with the Devil, the Devil doesn't change. The Devil changes you".