View Full Version : The Unit: Season 3

09-26-2007, 04:22 AM
Hands down, no question, no debate possible, the best show currently on television. Season premier: 10 stars out of 10. I have not yet seen a bad episode of this show.

That was fuckin awesome! David Mamet is a genius, and it looks like a great season is starting.


09-26-2007, 08:17 AM
Hands down, no question, no debate possible, the best show currently on television. Season premier: 10 stars out of 10. I have not yet seen a bad episode of this show.

That was fuckin awesome! David Mamet is a genius, and it looks like a great season is starting.


My understanding is that Mamet actually has very little to do with the show and most of the work is done by the creator and producer of the Shield. I haven't been able to really get into it though. I've watched a couple of episodes and tend to find the scenes with the wives on the base dull. Compared to the work being done on the shield it just not on the same level.

09-26-2007, 04:28 PM
David Mamet writes, produces, directs, films, and through cgi effects, performs every role in every episode of The Unit himself. He even handles the catering, but since he's the only guy on the set, this generally just involves him eating a sandwich.

Seriously though, it appears we have different opinions on this matter. I can't get through an episode of The Shield, but to each their own.

09-26-2007, 04:43 PM
The Unit rules!

09-26-2007, 04:43 PM
David Mamet writes, produces, directs, films, and through cgi effects, performs every role in every episode of The Unit himself. He even handles the catering, but since he's the only guy on the set, this generally just involves him eating a sandwich.

Seriously though, it appears we have different opinions on this matter. I can't get through an episode of The Shield, but to each their own.

What don't you like about the Shield? What do you like about the Unit? Curious to see where you're coming from on this. Admittedly, as I said, I haven't seen a huge amount of the Unit but out of what I've seen there was only one episode I really like (perhaps because it was tonally similiar to the Shield), it was the one there the team is being tested on their ability to withstand torture as prisoners. So they're in a mock prisoner camp and their superiors are trying to break them using nastier and less acceptable methods.

09-26-2007, 05:07 PM
David Mamet writes, produces, directs, films, and through cgi effects, performs every role in every episode of The Unit himself. He even handles the catering, but since he's the only guy on the set, this generally just involves him eating a sandwich.

Seriously though, it appears we have different opinions on this matter. I can't get through an episode of The Shield, but to each their own.

Just for the record, I agree that it's just a difference of opinions. I wasn't saying that the Unit sucked or was bad, just that I personally couldn't get into it.

09-26-2007, 07:10 PM
I'd say that the writing, characters (and actors), stories, settings, the whole basic premise of every single episode has been top notch. The over all story arch is awesome as well. I actually don't mind the domestic scenes either, because that adds several layers to the whole deal.

Why don't I like The Shield? I don't enjoy police dramas (and I know it's more then that), and I didn't click with any characters in the episodes I've seen. I also don't feel like working through all the past episodes to catch up at this point.

But back to The Unit. I've posted the last couple years on this forum about this series, and my opinions on things haven't changed. I thought this show was going to suck when I first heard about, but I honestly love this show now. It's my favorite and I never miss an episode. Check out the DVD sets, it's definately worth it, and it keeps getting better.

People like different things for different reasons, I suppose.

09-26-2007, 07:20 PM
I'd say that the writing, characters (and actors), stories, settings, the whole basic premise of every single episode has been top notch. The over all story arch is awesome as well. I actually don't mind the domestic scenes either, because that adds several layers to the whole deal.

Why don't I like The Shield? I don't enjoy police dramas (and I know it's more then that), and I didn't click with any characters in the episodes I've seen. I also don't feel like working through all the past episodes to catch up at this point.

But back to The Unit. I've posted the last couple years on this forum about this series, and my opinions on things haven't changed. I thought this show was going to suck when I first heard about, but I honestly love this show now. It's my favorite and I never miss an episode. Check out the DVD sets, it's definately worth it, and it keeps getting better.

People like different things for different reasons, I suppose.

I think that possibly our difference of opinion may come from when we started watching the show. I've watched the Shield since the first episode while you've watched Unit in the same way and so have a built up affection/interest for the characters that someone just popping wouldn't have. case in point, the finale of the 5th season of the shield is in my opinion the greatest episode of any television series ever but without seeing all the episodes that came before it the average viewer probably would not feel the same way.

10-10-2007, 04:23 AM
That was not a great episode. I didn't like the part were Betty Blue asks about what VX nerve gas is. He would know that. Didn't like the cliche tech geek character (although the part where he's running the Cat5 spool across the room was kinda funny, and accurate).

The whole conclusion was an easy call: stall the plane. Actually, I would have (if I had piloting skills) either used my planes landing gear to contact/disrupt the other planes propeller, or run my propeller into the targets rudder, then landed my obviously damaged plane as a glider. Not being a pilot, I don't know if that would work or not, but it seems to make sense.

Still, I'm sticking with this show. This just was just not the best episode. You take the good with the bad.

10-10-2007, 04:45 PM
I agree, it was a so-so episode...

10-17-2007, 04:25 AM
Good, solid episode. The mine field half was well done, and I even liked the Jonus and his daughter half. Totally makes up for the kinda lame episode last week, in my opinion.

Preview for next week: Tiffy goes to work in a strip club for some reason. Mac apparently visits that strip club.

Prediction: Many shady strip club guys are going to get seriously messed up.


10-17-2007, 04:55 AM
hondaroot, you and I don't often agree but, you are dead on with this one. Unquestionably the best entertainment on the tube!! :rock2

10-24-2007, 04:24 AM
That was fucking great. Another solid episode. I would have liked to see what would have happened if the bouncer at the bar had tried giving some grief to Mack at the end.

In an unrelated note, after taking a shower this morning, my left ear suddenly returned to normal. I'm lucky, I guess.

10-24-2007, 04:49 AM
I am a big fan of David Mamet's work, and enjoy The Unit, and The Shield
as well.

11-07-2007, 05:24 AM
God Dammit, I knew it, I knew he was gonna get killed off because he saw Col. Ryan with Tiffy last episode at the motel. That sucked, but it was a great episode just the same. A covert ops medic who was armed with a SAW.

RIP Hammerhead.

Awesome story, as always. I hope the screen writers strike doesn't screw things up with this show.

11-07-2007, 06:10 AM
the unit is ok but i like Cane better

El Nino
11-07-2007, 07:42 AM
War is evil and bad. Should not be glorified. This is cultural brainwashing

Christopher Plowe
11-07-2007, 08:51 AM
The Unit is a good show, I enjoy watching it... although sometimes its a bit hard looking past a lot of the inaccuracies in the show. But I know that its a combination of the fact that Hollyweird hardly ever gets things right (i.e. military/law enforcement weapons, tactics, TTPS, and SOPs), and also that Mr. Haney has been out of the game for awhile now and is a bit outta touch with things (and his having been black listed ensures that nobody inside or recently separated will keep him up to speed on current events with the unit).

War is evil and bad. Should not be glorified. This is cultural brainwashing
:roll: :screwy :roll:

"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."
John Stuart Mill

El Nino
11-07-2007, 09:02 AM
Imperialism, exploitation and stealing foreign resources, genocide, murder in the name of one's "GOD", nation-building, global policing and war profiteering is all that we are seeing nowadays in our wars. See: Halliburton stock, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Honeywell, Grumman etc. etc. etc... War is big business, not a means to an end or a pursuit to a moral highground.

"The first casualty of war is TRUTH." It is ALWAYS based on a set of lies

El Nino
11-07-2007, 09:04 AM
Christopher wrote: "War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things."

Um, ask yourself this again someday when a cruise missile hits your house and mangles your entire family. You are just swallowed in the "safety of being out of range." Think

Christopher Plowe
11-07-2007, 10:45 AM
Um, ask yourself this again someday when a cruise missile hits your house and mangles your entire family. You are just swallowed in the "safety of being out of range." Think

I don’t need to ask myself anything

Having just spent nearly ten years of my life in the military, with multiple deployments into harms way… I know more about the cost of war than you’ll ever be able to fathom.

Imperialism, exploitation and stealing foreign resources, genocide, murder in the name of one's "GOD", nation-building, global policing and war profiteering is all that we are seeing nowadays in our wars. See: Halliburton stock, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Honeywell, Grumman etc. etc. etc... War is big business, not a means to an end or a pursuit to a moral highground.

"The first casualty of war is TRUTH." It is ALWAYS based on a set of lies

Wow, that’s a lot of BS drivel :roll:

I always find it funny how people that fancy themselves as intellectuals seem to spout off at the mouth on topics that they are so clearly unqualified to discuss. Seeing as you're lacking the proper education and information on this topic I see no reason to be sucked into a pointless discussion/debate with you (not trying to be rude, just my accurate observation based on your comments).

I will leave you alone to believe whatever nonsense you wish (live & let live, right), so don't waste your time trying to run off at the mouth on things you know nothing about.

Okay :?:

11-14-2007, 05:22 AM
Another excellent episode.

Jonas getting out of his bad situation was a bit contrived, but it was still good.

11-28-2007, 05:27 AM
Damn. That was awesome, but was it the season ender?

No preview for next week, but how the hell can a season only last 10 episodes? Stupid Screen Writers strike (actually, I side with the writers, though, but it sucks). Anyhow, great stuff. The show never disappoints me.

I strongly recommend everyone to check it out. Great television.